[ Avaa Bypassed ]



elspacio@ ~ $
package IO::InnerFile;

use strict;
use warnings;
use Symbol;

our $VERSION = '2.113';

sub new {
   my ($class, $fh, $start, $lg) = @_;
   $start = 0 if (!$start or ($start < 0));
   $lg    = 0 if (!$lg    or ($lg    < 0));

   ### Create the underlying "object":
   my $a = {
      FH 	=> 	$fh,
      CRPOS 	=> 	0,
      START	=>	$start,
      LG	=>	$lg,

   ### Create a new filehandle tied to this object:
   $fh = gensym;
   tie(*$fh, $class, $a);
   return bless($fh, $class);

   my ($class, $data) = @_;
   return bless($data, $class);

   my ($self) = @_;
   $self->close() if (ref($self) eq 'SCALAR');

sub set_length { tied(${$_[0]})->{LG} = $_[1]; }
sub get_length { tied(${$_[0]})->{LG}; }
sub add_length { tied(${$_[0]})->{LG} += $_[1]; }

sub set_start  { tied(${$_[0]})->{START} = $_[1]; }
sub get_start  { tied(${$_[0]})->{START}; }
sub set_end    { tied(${$_[0]})->{LG} =  $_[1] - tied(${$_[0]})->{START}; }
sub get_end    { tied(${$_[0]})->{LG} + tied(${$_[0]})->{START}; }

sub write    { shift->WRITE(@_) }
sub print    { shift->PRINT(@_) }
sub printf   { shift->PRINTF(@_) }
sub flush    { "0 but true"; }
sub fileno   { }
sub binmode  { 1; }
sub getc     { return GETC(tied(${$_[0]}) ); }
sub read     { return READ(     tied(${$_[0]}), @_[1,2,3] ); }
sub readline { return READLINE( tied(${$_[0]}) ); }

sub getline  { return READLINE( tied(${$_[0]}) ); }
sub close    { return CLOSE(tied(${$_[0]}) ); }

sub seek {
   my ($self, $ofs, $whence) = @_;
   $self = tied( $$self );

   $self->{CRPOS} = $ofs if ($whence == 0);
   $self->{CRPOS}+= $ofs if ($whence == 1);
   $self->{CRPOS} = $self->{LG} + $ofs if ($whence == 2);

   $self->{CRPOS} = 0 if ($self->{CRPOS} < 0);
   $self->{CRPOS} = $self->{LG} if ($self->{CRPOS} > $self->{LG});
   return 1;

sub tell {
    return tied(${$_[0]})->{CRPOS};

sub WRITE  {
    die "inner files can only open for reading\n";

sub PRINT  {
    die "inner files can only open for reading\n";

sub PRINTF {
    die "inner files can only open for reading\n";

sub GETC   {
    my ($self) = @_;
    return 0 if ($self->{CRPOS} >= $self->{LG});

    my $data;

    ### Save and seek...
    my $old_pos = $self->{FH}->tell;
    $self->{FH}->seek($self->{CRPOS}+$self->{START}, 0);

    ### ...read...
    my $lg = $self->{FH}->read($data, 1);
    $self->{CRPOS} += $lg;

    ### ...and restore:
    $self->{FH}->seek($old_pos, 0);

    $self->{LG} = $self->{CRPOS} unless ($lg);
    return ($lg ? $data : undef);

sub READ   {
    my ($self, $undefined, $lg, $ofs) = @_;
    $undefined = undef;

    return 0 if ($self->{CRPOS} >= $self->{LG});
    $lg = $self->{LG} - $self->{CRPOS} if ($self->{CRPOS} + $lg > $self->{LG});
    return 0 unless ($lg);

    ### Save and seek...
    my $old_pos = $self->{FH}->tell;
    $self->{FH}->seek($self->{CRPOS}+$self->{START}, 0);

    ### ...read...
    $lg = $self->{FH}->read($_[1], $lg, $_[3] );
    $self->{CRPOS} += $lg;

    ### ...and restore:
    $self->{FH}->seek($old_pos, 0);

    $self->{LG} = $self->{CRPOS} unless ($lg);
    return $lg;

    my ($self) = @_;
    return $self->_readline_helper() unless wantarray;
    my @arr;
    while(defined(my $line = $self->_readline_helper())) {
	    push(@arr, $line);
    return @arr;

sub _readline_helper {
    my ($self) = @_;
    return undef if ($self->{CRPOS} >= $self->{LG});

    # Handle slurp mode (CPAN ticket #72710)
    if (! defined($/)) {
	    my $text;
	    $self->READ($text, $self->{LG} - $self->{CRPOS});
	    return $text;

    ### Save and seek...
    my $old_pos = $self->{FH}->tell;
    $self->{FH}->seek($self->{CRPOS}+$self->{START}, 0);

    ### ...read...
    my $text = $self->{FH}->getline;

    ### ...and restore:
    $self->{FH}->seek($old_pos, 0);

    #### If we detected a new EOF ...
    unless (defined $text) {
       $self->{LG} = $self->{CRPOS};
       return undef;

    my $lg=length($text);

    $lg = $self->{LG} - $self->{CRPOS} if ($self->{CRPOS} + $lg > $self->{LG});
    $self->{CRPOS} += $lg;

    return substr($text, 0,$lg);

sub CLOSE { %{$_[0]}=(); }



=head1 NAME

IO::InnerFile - define a file inside another file


    use strict;
    use warnings;
    use IO::InnerFile;

    # Read a subset of a file:
    my $fh = _some_file_handle;
    my $start = 10;
    my $length = 50;
    my $inner = IO::InnerFile->new($fh, $start, $length);
    while (my $line = <$inner>) {
        # ...


If you have a file handle that can C<seek> and C<tell>, then you
can open an L<IO::InnerFile> on a range of the underlying file.


L<IO::InnerFile> implements the following constructors.

=head2 new

    my $inner = IO::InnerFile->new($fh);
    $inner = IO::InnerFile->new($fh, 10);
    $inner = IO::InnerFile->new($fh, 10, 50);

Create a new L<IO::InnerFile> opened on the given file handle.
The file handle supplied B<MUST> be able to both C<seek> and C<tell>.

The second and third parameters are start and length. Both are defaulted
to zero (C<0>). Negative values are silently coerced to zero.

=head1 METHODS

L<IO::InnerFile> implements the following methods.

=head2 add_length


Add to the virtual length of the inner file by the number given in bytes.

=head2 add_start


Add to the virtual position of the inner file by the number given in bytes.

=head2 binmode


This is a NOOP method just to satisfy the normal L<IO::File> interface.

=head2 close

=head2 fileno


This is a NOOP method just to satisfy the normal L<IO::File> interface.

=head2 flush


This is a NOOP method just to satisfy the normal L<IO::File> interface.

=head2 get_end

    my $num_bytes = $inner->get_end();

Get the virtual end position of the inner file in bytes.

=head2 get_length

    my $num_bytes = $inner->get_length();

Get the virtual length of the inner file in bytes.

=head2 get_start

    my $num_bytes = $inner->get_start();

Get the virtual position of the inner file in bytes.

=head2 getc

=head2 getline

=head2 print LIST

=head2 printf

=head2 read

=head2 readline

=head2 seek

=head2 set_end


Set the virtual end of the inner file in bytes (this basically just alters the length).

=head2 set_length


Set the virtual length of the inner file in bytes.

=head2 set_start


Set the virtual start position of the inner file in bytes.

=head2 tell

=head2 write

=head1 AUTHOR

Eryq (F<eryq@zeegee.com>).
President, ZeeGee Software Inc (F<http://www.zeegee.com>).


Dianne Skoll (F<dfs@roaringpenguin.com>).


Copyright (c) 1997 Erik (Eryq) Dorfman, ZeeGee Software, Inc. All rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.



Name Type Size Permission Actions
AtomicFile.pm File 5.24 KB 0444
InnerFile.pm File 6.88 KB 0444
Lines.pm File 4.07 KB 0444
Scalar.pm File 14.68 KB 0444
ScalarArray.pm File 16.06 KB 0444
Stringy.pm File 1.78 KB 0444
Wrap.pm File 8.58 KB 0444
WrapTie.pm File 14.37 KB 0444