[ Avaa Bypassed ]



elspacio@ ~ $
# AppConfig::Sys.pm
# Perl5 module providing platform-specific information and operations as 
# required by other AppConfig::* modules.
# Written by Andy Wardley <abw@wardley.org>
# Copyright (C) 1997-2003 Andy Wardley.  All Rights Reserved.
# Copyright (C) 1997,1998 Canon Research Centre Europe Ltd.
# $Id: Sys.pm,v 1.61 2004/02/04 10:11:23 abw Exp $

package AppConfig::Sys;
use 5.006;
use strict;
use warnings;
use POSIX qw( getpwnam getpwuid );

our $VERSION = '1.71';

    # define the methods that may be available
    if($^O =~ m/win32/i) {
        $METHOD{ getpwuid } = sub { 
            return wantarray() 
                ? ( (undef) x 7, getlogin() )
                : getlogin(); 
        $METHOD{ getpwnam } = sub { 
            die("Can't getpwnam on win32"); 
        $METHOD{ getpwuid } = sub { 
            getpwuid( defined $_[0] ? shift : $< ); 
        $METHOD{ getpwnam } = sub { 
            getpwnam( defined $_[0] ? shift : '' );

    # try out each METHOD to see if it's supported on this platform;
    # it's important we do this before defining AUTOLOAD which would
    # otherwise catch the unresolved call
    foreach my $method  (keys %METHOD) {
        eval { &{ $METHOD{ $method } }() };
    	$CAN{ $method } = ! $@;

# new($os)
# Module constructor.  An optional operating system string may be passed
# to explicitly define the platform type.
# Returns a reference to a newly created AppConfig::Sys object.

sub new {
    my $class = shift;

    my $self = {
        METHOD => \%METHOD,
        CAN    => \%CAN,

    bless $self, $class;

    return $self;

# Autoload function called whenever an unresolved object method is 
# called.  If the method name relates to a METHODS entry, then it is 
# called iff the corresponding CAN_$method is set true.  If the 
# method name relates to a CAN_$method value then that is returned.

    my $self = shift;
    my $method;

    # splat the leading package name
    ($method = $AUTOLOAD) =~ s/.*:://;

    # ignore destructor
    $method eq 'DESTROY' && return;

    # can_method()
    if ($method =~ s/^can_//i && exists $self->{ CAN }->{ $method }) {
        return $self->{ CAN }->{ $method };
    # method() 
    elsif (exists $self->{ METHOD }->{ $method }) {
        if ($self->{ CAN }->{ $method }) {
            return &{ $self->{ METHOD }->{ $method } }(@_);
        else {
            return undef;
    # variable
    elsif (exists $self->{ uc $method }) {
        return $self->{ uc $method };
    else {
        warn("AppConfig::Sys->", $method, "(): no such method or variable\n");

    return undef;

# _configure($os)
# Uses the first parameter, $os, the package variable $AppConfig::Sys::OS,
# the value of $^O, or as a last resort, the value of
# $Config::Config('osname') to determine the current operating
# system/platform.  Sets internal variables accordingly.

sub _configure {
    my $self = shift;

    # operating system may be defined as a parameter or in $OS
    my $os = shift || $OS;

    # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
    # The following was lifted (and adapated slightly) from Lincoln Stein's 
    # CGI.pm module, version 2.36...
    # Some systems support the $^O variable.  If not
    # available then require() the Config library
    unless ($os) {
	unless ($os = $^O) {
	    require Config;
	    $os = $Config::Config{'osname'};
    if ($os =~ /win32/i) {
        $os = 'WINDOWS';
    } elsif ($os =~ /vms/i) {
        $os = 'VMS';
    } elsif ($os =~ /mac/i) {
        $os = 'MACINTOSH';
    } elsif ($os =~ /os2/i) {
        $os = 'OS2';
    } else {
        $os = 'UNIX';

    # The path separator is a slash, backslash or semicolon, depending
    # on the platform.
    my $ps = {
        UNIX      => '/',
        OS2       => '\\',
        WINDOWS   => '\\',
        MACINTOSH => ':',
        VMS       => '\\'
    }->{ $os };
    # Thanks Lincoln!
    # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

    $self->{ OS      } = $os;
    $self->{ PATHSEP } = $ps;

# _dump()
# Dump internals for debugging.

sub _dump {
    my $self = shift;

    print "=" x 71, "\n";
    print "Status of AppConfig::Sys (Version $VERSION) object: $self\n";
    print "    Operating System : ", $self->{ OS      }, "\n";
    print "      Path Separator : ", $self->{ PATHSEP }, "\n";
    print "   Available methods :\n";
    foreach my $can (keys %{ $self->{ CAN } }) {
        printf "%20s : ", $can;
        print  $self->{ CAN }->{ $can } ? "yes" : "no", "\n";
    print "=" x 71, "\n";




=head1 NAME

AppConfig::Sys - Perl5 module defining platform-specific information and methods for other AppConfig::* modules.


    use AppConfig::Sys;
    my $sys = AppConfig::Sys->new();

    @fields = $sys->getpwuid($userid);
    @fields = $sys->getpwnam($username);


AppConfig::Sys is a Perl5 module provides platform-specific information and
operations as required by other AppConfig::* modules.

AppConfig::Sys is distributed as part of the AppConfig bundle.


=head2 USING THE AppConfig::Sys MODULE

To import and use the AppConfig::Sys module the following line should
appear in your Perl script:

     use AppConfig::Sys;

AppConfig::Sys is implemented using object-oriented methods.  A new
AppConfig::Sys object is created and initialised using the
AppConfig::Sys->new() method.  This returns a reference to a new
AppConfig::Sys object.  

    my $sys = AppConfig::Sys->new();

This will attempt to detect your operating system and create a reference to
a new AppConfig::Sys object that is applicable to your platform.  You may 
explicitly specify an operating system name to override this automatic 

    $unix_sys = AppConfig::Sys->new("Unix");

Alternatively, the package variable $AppConfig::Sys::OS can be set to an
operating system name.  The valid operating system names are: Win32, VMS,
Mac, OS2 and Unix.  They are not case-specific.

=head2 AppConfig::Sys METHODS

AppConfig::Sys defines the following methods:

=over 4

=item getpwnam()

Calls the system function getpwnam() if available and returns the result.
Returns undef if not available.  The can_getpwnam() method can be called to
determine if this function is available.

=item getpwuid()

Calls the system function getpwuid() if available and returns the result.
Returns undef if not available.  The can_getpwuid() method can be called to
determine if this function is available.


=head1 AUTHOR

Andy Wardley, E<lt>abw@wardley.orgE<gt>


Copyright (C) 1997-2007 Andy Wardley.  All Rights Reserved.

Copyright (C) 1997,1998 Canon Research Centre Europe Ltd.

This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under 
the term of the Perl Artistic License.

=head1 SEE ALSO

AppConfig, AppConfig::File



Name Type Size Permission Actions
Args.pm File 7.49 KB 0444
CGI.pm File 6.76 KB 0444
File.pm File 23.51 KB 0444
Getopt.pm File 8.05 KB 0444
State.pm File 46.26 KB 0444
Sys.pm File 7.79 KB 0444