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elspacio@ ~ $
# AppConfig::Getopt.pm
# Perl5 module to interface AppConfig::* to Johan Vromans' Getopt::Long
# module.  Getopt::Long implements the POSIX standard for command line
# options, with GNU extensions, and also traditional one-letter options.
# AppConfig::Getopt constructs the necessary Getopt:::Long configuration
# from the internal AppConfig::State and delegates the parsing of command
# line arguments to it.  Internal variable values are updated by callback
# from GetOptions().
# Written by Andy Wardley <abw@wardley.org>
# Copyright (C) 1997-2007 Andy Wardley.  All Rights Reserved.
# Copyright (C) 1997,1998 Canon Research Centre Europe Ltd.

package AppConfig::Getopt;
use 5.006;
use strict;
use warnings;
use AppConfig::State;
use Getopt::Long 2.17;
our $VERSION = '1.71';

# new($state, \@args)
# Module constructor.  The first, mandatory parameter should be a 
# reference to an AppConfig::State object to which all actions should 
# be applied.  The second parameter may be a reference to a list of 
# command line arguments.  This list reference is passed to parse() for
# processing.
# Returns a reference to a newly created AppConfig::Getopt object.

sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    my $state = shift;
    my $self = {
        STATE => $state,

    bless $self, $class;

    # call parse() to parse any arg list passed 
        if @_;

    return $self;

# parse(@$config, \@args)
# Constructs the appropriate configuration information and then delegates
# the task of processing command line options to Getopt::Long.
# Returns 1 on success or 0 if one or more warnings were raised.

sub parse {
    my $self  = shift;
    my $state = $self->{ STATE };
    my (@config, $args, $getopt);

    local $" = ', ';

    # we trap $SIG{__WARN__} errors and patch them into AppConfig::State
    local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
        my $msg = shift;

        # AppConfig::State doesn't expect CR terminated error messages
        # and it uses printf, so we protect any embedded '%' chars 
        $state->_error("%s", $msg);

    # slurp all config items into @config
    push(@config, shift) while defined $_[0] && ! ref($_[0]);   

    # add debug status if appropriate (hmm...can't decide about this)
#    push(@config, 'debug') if $state->_debug();

    # next parameter may be a reference to a list of args
    $args = shift;

    # copy any args explicitly specified into @ARGV
    @ARGV = @$args if defined $args;

    # we enclose in an eval block because constructor may die()
    eval {
        # configure Getopt::Long

        # construct options list from AppConfig::State variables
        my @opts = $self->{ STATE   }->_getopt_state();

        # DEBUG
        if ($state->_debug()) {
            print STDERR "Calling GetOptions(@opts)\n";
            print STDERR "\@ARGV = (@ARGV)\n";

        # call GetOptions() with specifications constructed from the state
        $getopt = GetOptions(@opts);
    if ($@) {
        $state->_error("%s", $@);
        return 0;

    # udpdate any args reference passed to include only that which is left 
    # in @ARGV
    @$args = @ARGV if defined $args;

    return $getopt;

# AppConfig::State

package AppConfig::State;

# _getopt_state()
# Constructs option specs in the Getopt::Long format for each variable 
# definition.
# Returns a list of specification strings.

sub _getopt_state {
    my $self = shift;
    my ($var, $spec, $args, $argcount, @specs);

    my $linkage = sub { $self->set(@_) };

    foreach $var (keys %{ $self->{ VARIABLE } }) {
        $spec  = join('|', $var, @{ $self->{ ALIASES }->{ $var } || [ ] });

        # an ARGS value is used, if specified
        unless (defined ($args = $self->{ ARGS }->{ $var })) {
            # otherwise, construct a basic one from ARGCOUNT
            ARGCOUNT: {
                last ARGCOUNT unless 
                    defined ($argcount = $self->{ ARGCOUNT }->{ $var });

                $args = "=s",  last ARGCOUNT if $argcount eq ARGCOUNT_ONE;
                $args = "=s@", last ARGCOUNT if $argcount eq ARGCOUNT_LIST;
                $args = "=s%", last ARGCOUNT if $argcount eq ARGCOUNT_HASH;
                $args = "!";
        $spec .= $args if defined $args;

        push(@specs, $spec, $linkage);

    return @specs;



=head1 NAME

AppConfig::Getopt - Perl5 module for processing command line arguments via delegation to Getopt::Long.


    use AppConfig::Getopt;

    my $state  = AppConfig::State->new(\%cfg);
    my $getopt = AppConfig::Getopt->new($state);

    $getopt->parse(\@args);            # read args


AppConfig::Getopt is a Perl5 module which delegates to Johan Vroman's
Getopt::Long module to parse command line arguments and update values 
in an AppConfig::State object accordingly.

AppConfig::Getopt is distributed as part of the AppConfig bundle.


=head2 USING THE AppConfig::Getopt MODULE

To import and use the AppConfig::Getopt module the following line should appear
in your Perl script:

    use AppConfig::Getopt;

AppConfig::Getopt is used automatically if you use the AppConfig module 
and create an AppConfig::Getopt object through the getopt() method.

AppConfig::Getopt is implemented using object-oriented methods.  A new 
AppConfig::Getopt object is created and initialised using the new() method.
This returns a reference to a new AppConfig::Getopt object.  A reference to
an AppConfig::State object should be passed in as the first parameter:

    my $state  = AppConfig::State->new();
    my $getopt = AppConfig::Getopt->new($state);

This will create and return a reference to a new AppConfig::Getopt object. 


The C<parse()> method is used to read a list of command line arguments and 
update the state accordingly.  

The first (non-list reference) parameters may contain a number of 
configuration strings to pass to Getopt::Long::Configure.  A reference 
to a list of arguments may additionally be passed or @ARGV is used by 

    $getopt->parse();                       # uses @ARGV
    $getopt->parse(qw(auto_abbrev debug));  # uses @ARGV
    $getopt->parse(qw(debug), \@myargs);

See Getopt::Long for details of the configuartion options available.

A Getopt::Long specification string is constructed for each variable 
defined in the AppConfig::State.  This consists of the name, any aliases
and the ARGS value for the variable.

These specification string are then passed to Getopt::Long, the arguments
are parsed and the values in the AppConfig::State updated.

See AppConfig for information about using the AppConfig::Getopt
module via the getopt() method.

=head1 AUTHOR

Andy Wardley, E<lt>abw@wardley.orgE<gt>


Copyright (C) 1997-2007 Andy Wardley.  All Rights Reserved.

Copyright (C) 1997,1998 Canon Research Centre Europe Ltd.

This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it 
under the same terms as Perl itself.


Many thanks are due to Johan Vromans for the Getopt::Long module.  He was 
kind enough to offer assistance and access to early releases of his code to 
enable this module to be written.

=head1 SEE ALSO

AppConfig, AppConfig::State, AppConfig::Args, Getopt::Long



Name Type Size Permission Actions
Args.pm File 7.49 KB 0444
CGI.pm File 6.76 KB 0444
File.pm File 23.51 KB 0444
Getopt.pm File 8.05 KB 0444
State.pm File 46.26 KB 0444
Sys.pm File 7.79 KB 0444