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# AppConfig::CGI.pm
# Perl5 module to provide a CGI interface to AppConfig.  Internal variables
# may be set through the CGI "arguments" appended to a URL.
# Written by Andy Wardley <abw@wardley.org>
# Copyright (C) 1997-2003 Andy Wardley.  All Rights Reserved.
# Copyright (C) 1997,1998 Canon Research Centre Europe Ltd.

package AppConfig::CGI;
use 5.006;
use strict;
use warnings;
use AppConfig::State;
our $VERSION = '1.71';

# new($state, $query)
# Module constructor.  The first, mandatory parameter should be a 
# reference to an AppConfig::State object to which all actions should 
# be applied.  The second parameter may be a string containing a CGI
# QUERY_STRING which is then passed to parse() to process.  If no second
# parameter is specifiied then the parse() process is skipped.
# Returns a reference to a newly created AppConfig::CGI object.

sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    my $state = shift;
    my $self  = {
        STATE    => $state,                # AppConfig::State ref
        DEBUG    => $state->_debug(),      # store local copy of debug
        PEDANTIC => $state->_pedantic,     # and pedantic flags
    bless $self, $class;

    # call parse(@_) to parse any arg list passed 
        if @_;

    return $self;

# parse($query)
# Method used to parse a CGI QUERY_STRING and set internal variable 
# values accordingly.  If a query is not passed as the first parameter,
# then _get_cgi_query() is called to try to determine the query by 
# examing the environment as per CGI protocol.
# Returns 0 if one or more errors or warnings were raised or 1 if the
# string parsed successfully.

sub parse {
    my $self     = shift;
    my $query    = shift;
    my $warnings = 0;
    my ($variable, $value, $nargs);

    # take a local copy of the state to avoid much hash dereferencing
    my ($state, $debug, $pedantic) = @$self{ qw( STATE DEBUG PEDANTIC ) };

    # get the cgi query if not defined
    $query = $ENV{ QUERY_STRING }
        unless defined $query;

    # no query to process
    return 1 unless defined $query;

    # we want to install a custom error handler into the AppConfig::State 
    # which appends filename and line info to error messages and then 
    # calls the previous handler;  we start by taking a copy of the 
    # current handler..
    my $errhandler = $state->_ehandler();

    # install a closure as a new error handler
        sub {
            # modify the error message 
            my $format  = shift;
            $format =~ s/</&lt;/g;
            $format =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
            $format  = "<p>\n<b>[ AppConfig::CGI error: </b>$format<b> ] </b>\n<p>\n";
            # send error to stdout for delivery to web client
            printf($format, @_);

    PARAM: foreach (split('&', $query)) {

        # extract parameter and value from query token
        ($variable, $value) = map { _unescape($_) } split('=');

        # check an argument was provided if one was expected
        if ($nargs = $state->_argcount($variable)) {
            unless (defined $value) {
                $state->_error("$variable expects an argument");
                last PARAM if $pedantic;
        # default an undefined value to 1 if ARGCOUNT_NONE
        else {
            $value = 1 unless defined $value;

        # set the variable, noting any error
        unless ($state->set($variable, $value)) {
            last PARAM if $pedantic;

    # restore original error handler

    # return $warnings => 0, $success => 1
    return $warnings ? 0 : 1;

# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# The following sub-routine was lifted from Lincoln Stein's CGI.pm
# module, version 2.36.  Name has been prefixed by a '_'.

# unescape URL-encoded data
sub _unescape {
    my($todecode) = @_;
    $todecode =~ tr/+/ /;       # pluses become spaces
    $todecode =~ s/%([0-9a-fA-F]{2})/pack("c",hex($1))/ge;
    return $todecode;

# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



=head1 NAME

AppConfig::CGI - Perl5 module for processing CGI script parameters.


    use AppConfig::CGI;

    my $state = AppConfig::State->new(\%cfg);
    my $cgi   = AppConfig::CGI->new($state);

    $cgi->parse();               # looks for CGI query in environment


AppConfig::CGI is a Perl5 module which implements a CGI interface to 
AppConfig.  It examines the QUERY_STRING environment variable, or a string
passed explicitly by parameter, which represents the additional parameters
passed to a CGI query.  This is then used to update variable values in an
AppConfig::State object accordingly.

AppConfig::CGI is distributed as part of the AppConfig bundle.


=head2 USING THE AppConfig::CGI MODULE

To import and use the AppConfig::CGI module the following line should appear
in your Perl script:

    use AppConfig::CGI;

AppConfig::CGI is used automatically if you use the AppConfig module
and create an AppConfig::CGI object through the cgi() method.
AppConfig::CGI is implemented using object-oriented methods.  A new
AppConfig::CGI object is created and initialised using the new()
method.  This returns a reference to a new AppConfig::CGI object.  A
reference to an AppConfig::State object should be passed in as the
first parameter: 

    my $state = AppConfig::State->new(); 
    my $cgi   = AppConfig::CGI->new($state);

This will create and return a reference to a new AppConfig::CGI object. 


The C<parse()> method is used to parse a CGI query which can be specified 
explicitly, or is automatically extracted from the "QUERY_STRING" CGI 
environment variable.  This currently limits the module to only supporting 
the GET method.

See AppConfig for information about using the AppConfig::CGI
module via the cgi() method.

=head1 AUTHOR

Andy Wardley, C<E<lt>abw@wardley.org<gt>>


Copyright (C) 1997-2007 Andy Wardley.  All Rights Reserved.

Copyright (C) 1997,1998 Canon Research Centre Europe Ltd.

This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it 
under the same terms as Perl itself.

=head1 SEE ALSO

AppConfig, AppConfig::State



Name Type Size Permission Actions
Args.pm File 7.49 KB 0444
CGI.pm File 6.76 KB 0444
File.pm File 23.51 KB 0444
Getopt.pm File 8.05 KB 0444
State.pm File 46.26 KB 0444
Sys.pm File 7.79 KB 0444