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class GUIBase

	public static function message($title="", $msg="", $type = "normal")
		return "<div class=panel_{$type} align=left><span class='gui_{$type}'>" . (strlen($title) ? "$title<hr size=1 noshade>" : "") . "$msg</span></div>";

	public static function header($title = NULL)
		//charset need to use utf-8 for international chars support. replaced iso-8859-1
		$tk = CLIENT::singleton()->getToken();
		return "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN' 'http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd'>
		<title>{$title} - LiteSpeed WebAdmin Console</title>
		<meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=utf-8'>
		<meta HTTP-EQUIV='Cache-control' CONTENT='no-cache'>
		<meta HTTP-EQUIV='Pragma' CONTENT='no-cache'>
		<meta HTTP-EQUIV='Expires' CONTENT='-1'>
        <meta name=\"robots\" content=\"noindex\">
		<link rel='Shortcut Icon' type='image/x-icon' href='/static/images/icons/favicon.ico' />
		<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='/static/styles/style.css'>
		<script type='text/javascript'
		<body >
		<form name='mgrform' method='post' action='/service/serviceMgr.php'>
		<input type='hidden' name='act'><input type='hidden' name='actId'><input type='hidden' name='vl'><input type='hidden' name='tk' value='{$tk}'>
		<div id=\"main-wrapper\">";

	public static function gen_top_menu($dropdown_ul, $ver_link='') {

		global $_SESSION;

		$product = PRODUCT::GetInstance();

		$state = DUtil::getGoodVal(DUtil::grab_input("get","state"));
		if($state == 'restarted') {

        $buf = '<div><a href="/index.php"><img src="/static/images/logo/product_logo.svg" width="300px"/></a><span style="float:right;margin-top:45px">'
				. $product->product . ' ' . ucwords(strtolower($product->edition)) . ' ';

		if ($ver_link != '')
			$buf .= "<a href=\"$ver_link\" title=\"Go to version management\">{$product->version}</a>";
			$buf .= $product->version;

		$buf .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="/login.php?logoff=1">Log Off</a></span></div>';

		$buf .= '<div id="nav" class="xui_menu">' . $dropdown_ul;

		$buf .= '</div>
<div id="content-wrapper">
<!-- START CONTENT -->';

		if(CLIENT::singleton()->hasChanged()) {
			$buf .= GUIBase::message("",'Configuration has been modified. To apply changes, please perform a <a href="javascript:go(\'restart\', \'\');">Graceful Restart</a>.');

		return $buf;


	public static function gen_footer($year, $extra) {
		$buf = '
<!-- END CONTENT -->
<div id="copyright" align="center">Copyright &copy; ' . $year
	. ' <a href="https://www.litespeedtech.com">LiteSpeed Technologies, Inc.</a> All Rights Reserved.</div>'
	. "<!-- $extra -->\n"
	. '</body></html>';

		return $buf;

	public static function gen_left_menu($tabs)
        $disp = ConfCenter::singleton()->GetDispInfo();
		$area = $disp->_type;

		$buf = '<!-- START TABS -->
<div class="xtab" style="margin-left:-8px;"><ul>';

		foreach ( $tabs as $tabName => $tabKey ) {
			$on = '';
			if ( strpos($tabKey, $area) !== false) {
				$on = 'class="on"';

			$buf .= "<li $on><a href=\"/config/confMgr.php?m={$tabKey}\">{$tabName}</a></li>\n";

		$buf .= '</ul></div>
	<!-- END TABS -->';

		return $buf;



Name Type Size Permission Actions
ws Folder 0755
CValidation.php File 26.65 KB 0644
ConfData.php File 860 B 0644
ConfigFile.php File 13.87 KB 0644
ConfigFileEx.php File 4.68 KB 0644
CustStatusCode.php File 2.19 KB 0644
DATTR_HELP.php File 773 B 0644
DATTR_HELP_ITEM.php File 2.53 KB 0644
DAttrBase.php File 12.42 KB 0644
DFileSect.php File 582 B 0644
DPage.php File 3.75 KB 0644
DTbl.php File 17.52 KB 0644
DUtil.php File 4.22 KB 0644
DispInfo.php File 4.36 KB 0644
GUIBase.php File 3.25 KB 0644
PathTool.php File 3.02 KB 0644
XmlTreeBuilder.php File 3.27 KB 0644
blowfish.php File 25.68 KB 0644
jCryption.php File 15.92 KB 0644