[ Avaa Bypassed ]



elspacio@ ~ $


class Service

	private $cmd = null;
	public $cmdStatus = null;
	public $act = null;
	public $actId = null;
	public $FNAME = null;
	public $FSTATUS = null;
	public $FPID = null;
	public $serverLog = null;
	public $serverLastModTime = 100;
	public $listeners = [];
	public $adminL = [];
	public $vhosts = [];
	public $awstats = [];
	public $serv = [];
	public $license = [];
	public $debugOn = null;
	public $messages = [];

	public function __construct()
		$this->FNAME = '/tmp/lshttpd/.admin';
		$this->FSTATUS = '/tmp/lshttpd/.status';
		$this->FPID = '/tmp/lshttpd/lshttpd.pid';

	public function init()
		$this->serverLastModTime = filemtime($this->FSTATUS);

	public function refreshConf($data)
		$listeners = $data['listener'];
		foreach ($listeners as $lname => $addr) {
			if (!isset($this->listeners[$lname])) {
				$this->listeners[$lname] = [];
				$this->listeners[$lname]['addr'] = $addr;
				$this->listeners[$lname]['status'] = 'Error';

		$vhnames = $data['vhost'];
		// first char 0|1 (active|inactive), 2nd char A:in conf only, M: in both, S: in status only
		foreach ($vhnames as $vhname) {
			if (!isset($this->vhosts[$vhname])) {
				$this->vhosts[$vhname] = '0A';
			} else {
				$this->vhosts[$vhname] = substr($this->vhosts[$vhname], 0, 1) . 'M';

		$this->serv['name'] = $data['serv'];

		if (array_key_exists('awstats', $data)) {
			$this->awstats = $data['awstats'];
		} else {
			$this->awstats = null;

		$fd = fopen($this->FPID, 'r');
		if ($fd) {
			$this->serv['pid'] = trim(fgets($fd));
		$this->serverLog = $data['servLog'];

	public function process($act, $actId)
		$this->act = $act;
		$this->actId = $actId;

		if ($act == 'RESET_ALL_PHP_PROCESSES') {
			return true;

		if ($this->isPending()) {
			return false;


		if (( $act == 'upgrade' ) ||
				( $act == 'switchTo' ) ||
				( $act == 'validatelicense' ) ||
				( $act == 'remove' )) {
		} elseif ($actId) {
		} elseif ($act == 'restart') {
		} elseif ($act == 'toggledbg') {
			$this->cmd = ['toggledbg'];
		return true;

	private function resetphp()
		$touchfile = $_SERVER['LS_SERVER_ROOT'] . "admin/tmp/.lsphp_restart.txt"; //fixed location
		if (touch($touchfile)) {
			$this->messages[] = ['success', 'Successfully notified LiteSpeed server to restart all detached PHP processes.'];
		} else {
			$this->messages[] = ['error', 'Failed to notify LiteSpeed server to restart all detached PHP processes.'];

	public function waitForChange()
		for ($count = 0; $count < 5; ++$count) {
			if ($this->checkLastMod()) {
				return true;
		return false;

	private function readStatus()
		$this->listeners = [];
		$this->adminL = [];
		$this->vhosts = [];
		$this->license = [];
		$fd = fopen($this->FSTATUS, 'r');
		if (!$fd) {
			return false;

		while (!feof($fd)) {
			$buffer = fgets($fd, 512);
			if (strncmp($buffer, 'LISTENER0', 9) == 0) {
				$this->readListener($this->listeners, $buffer, $fd);
			} elseif (strncmp($buffer, 'LISTENER1', 9) == 0) {
				$this->readListener($this->adminL, $buffer, $fd);
			} elseif (strncmp($buffer, 'VHOST', 5) == 0) {
				$this->readVh($buffer, $fd);
			} elseif (strncmp($buffer, 'DEBUG_LOG: ', 11) == 0) {
				$this->debugOn = (substr($buffer, 11, 1) === '1') ? true : false;
			} elseif (strncmp($buffer, 'LICENSE', 7) == 0 || strncmp($buffer, 'FEATURES', 8) == 0) {
				$this->readLicenseInfo($buffer, $d);
			} elseif (strncmp($buffer, 'EOF', 3) == 0) {
		return true;

	private function readListener(&$l, $buffer, &$fd)
		$m = [];
		if (preg_match("/\[(.+)\] (.+)$/", $buffer, $m)) {
			$lname = $m[1];
			$l[$lname]['addr'] = $m[2];
			$l[$lname]['status'] = 'Running';
			$tmp = fgets($fd, 512);
			while (strncmp($tmp, 'ENDL', 4) != 0) {
				if (strncmp($tmp, 'LVMAP', 5) == 0) {
					$tm = [];
					if (preg_match("/\[(.+)\] (.+)$/", $tmp, $tm)) {
						$l[$lname]['map'][$tm[1]][] = $tm[2];
				$tmp = fgets($fd, 512);

	private function readVh($buffer, &$fd)
		$m = [];
		if (preg_match("/\[(.+)\] ([01])/", $buffer, $m)) {
			$vname = $m[1];
			if ($vname != '_AdminVHost') {
				$this->vhosts[$m[1]] = $m[2] . 'S';

	private function readLicenseInfo($buffer, &$fd)
		$m = [];
		if (preg_match("/^LICENSE_EXPIRES: (\d+), UPDATE_EXPIRES: (\d+), SERIAL: (.+), TYPE: (.+)$/", $buffer, $m)) {
			$this->license['expires'] = $m[1];
			$this->license['updateExpires'] = $m[2];
			$this->license['serial'] = $m[3];
			$proc = trim($m[4]);
			if ($this->license['expires'] == 0) {
				$this->license['expires_date'] = 'Never';
			} else {
				$this->license['expires_date'] = date('M d, Y', $this->license['expires']);
			$this->license['updateExpires_date'] = date('M d, Y', $this->license['updateExpires']);
			// translate proc to type
			$this->license['proc'] = $proc;
			$this->license['type'] = $this->translateLicProc($proc);
		} else if (preg_match("/FEATURES: (\d+)$/", $buffer, $m)) {
			$feature = $m[1];
			$this->license['feature'] = $feature;
			if (($feature & 1) == 0 && $this->license['proc'] == 1) {
				// no cache, old 1-CPU license
				$this->license['type'] = '1-CPU License (1-Worker)';

	private function translateLicProc($proc)
		if (strncmp($proc, '9:', 2) == 0) {
			return 'Web Host Elite (X-Worker = ' . substr($proc, 2) . ')';
		switch ($proc) {
			// old type, to be retired
			case 'V':
				return 'VPS License (1-Worker with 2GB Memory Limit)';
			case 'U':
			case 'VU':
			case 'U1':
				return 'UltraVPS License (1-Worker with 8GB Memory Limit)';
			case '8':
				return '8-CPU License (8-Worker)';

			// current ones
			case 'F':
				return 'Free Starter (1-Domain & 1-Worker with 2GB Memory Limit)';
			case 'S':  // SiteOwner
				return 'Site Owner Plus (5-Domain & 1-Worker)';
			case 'SM': // SiteOwner with memeory limit
				return 'Site Owner (5-Domain 1-Worker with 8GB Memory Limit)';
			case 'D': // domain limit
				return 'Domain Limited (limited-Domain 1-Worker)';
			case 'DM': // domain and memory limit
				return 'Domain Limited (limited-Domain 1-Worker with 8GB Memory Limit)';
			case '1M': // 1cpu with memory limit
				return 'Web Host Lite (1-Worker with 8GB Memory Limit)';
			case '1':
				return 'Web Host Essential (1-Worker)';
			case '2':
				return 'Web Host Professional (2-Worker)';
			case '3':
				return 'Dedicated (3-Worker)';
			case '4':
				return 'Web Host Enterprise (4-Worker)';
			case 'X':
			case '9': // failsafe, should not happen
				return 'Web Host Elite (X-Worker)';
			default :
				return '1-Worker'; // do not error out to be safe

	public function checkLastMod()
		$mt = filemtime($this->FSTATUS);
		if ($this->serverLastModTime != $mt) {
			$this->serverLastModTime = $mt;
			return true;
		return false;

	public function restartServer()
		$this->cmd = ['restart'];


	public function vermgr()
		if ($this->act == 'switchTo') {
			$this->cmd = array("mgrver:$this->actId");
		} elseif ($this->act == 'remove') {
			$this->cmd = array("mgrver:-d $this->actId");
		} elseif ($this->act == 'upgrade') {
			$product = PRODUCT::GetInstance();
			$edition = 'std';
			if ($product->edition == 'ENTERPRISE') {
				$edition = 'ent';
			$this->cmd = array("{$this->act}:{$this->actId}-$edition");
		} elseif ($this->act == 'validatelicense') {
			$this->cmd = ['ValidateLicense'];
		} else {
			return; //illegal action

	public function vhostControl()
		$this->cmd = array("$this->act:vhost:$this->actId");

	public function install($app)
		$this->cmd = array('install:' . $app);

	public static function getCommandSocket($cmd)
		if (strncmp($_SERVER['LSWS_ADMIN_SOCK'], 'uds://', 6) == 0) {
			$sock = socket_create(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
			$chrootOffset = 0;
			if (isset($_SERVER['LS_CHROOT'])) {
				$chrootOffset = strlen($_SERVER['LS_CHROOT']);
			$addr = substr($_SERVER['LSWS_ADMIN_SOCK'], 5 + $chrootOffset);
			if (socket_connect($sock, $addr) == false) {
				error_log("failed to connect to server addr ($addr)! socket_connect() failed: " . socket_strerror(socket_last_error()) . "\n");
				return false;
		} else {
			$sock = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP);
			$addr = explode(':', $_SERVER['LSWS_ADMIN_SOCK']);
			if (socket_connect($sock, $addr[0], intval($addr[1])) == false) {
				error_log('failed to connect to server (' . $_SERVER['LSWS_ADMIN_SOCK'] . ')! socket_connect() failed: ' . socket_strerror(socket_last_error()) . "\n");
				return false;
		$clientid = CLIENT::singleton()->getIdData();

		$uid = PMA_blowfish_decrypt($clientid['id'], $clientid['sec0']);
		$password = PMA_blowfish_decrypt($clientid['pass'], $clientid['sec1']);
		$outBuf = "auth:" . $uid . ':' . $password . "\n";
		$outBuf .= $cmd . "\n" . 'end of actions';
		socket_write($sock, $outBuf);
		socket_shutdown($sock, 1);
		return $sock;

	private function issueCmd()

		$commandline = '';
		foreach ($this->cmd as $line) {
			$commandline .= $line . "\n";
		$sock = Service::getCommandSocket($commandline);
		if ($sock != false) {
			$res = socket_recv($sock, $buffer, 1024, 0);
			return (( $res > 0 ) && (strncasecmp($buffer, 'OK', 2) == 0 ));
		return false;

	public static function retrieveCommandData($cmd)
		$sock = Service::getCommandSocket($cmd);
		$buffer = '';
		if ($sock != false) {
			$read = [$sock];
			$write = null;
			$except = null;
			$num_changed_sockets = socket_select($read, $write, $except, 3); //wait for max 3 seconds
			if ($num_changed_sockets === false) {
				error_log("socket_select failed: " . socket_strerror(socket_last_error()));
			} elseif ($num_changed_sockets > 0) {
				while (socket_recv($sock, $data, 8192, 0)) {
					$buffer .= $data;
		return $buffer;

	public function isPending()
		if (file_exists($this->FNAME)) {
			$this->cmdStatus = 'IS_PENDING';
			return true;
		return false;

	public function getLogData()
		$data = [];
		$data['filename'] = $this->getServerLog();
		$level = DUtil::getGoodVal(DUtil::grab_input('request', 'sel_level'));
		if ($level == null) {
			$level = 'I';
		if (!in_array($level, ['E', 'W', 'N', 'I', 'D'])) {
			return null;

		$data['level'] = $level;

		$fd = fopen($data['filename'], 'r');
		if (!$fd) {
			return null;

		fseek($fd, 0, SEEK_END);
		$endpos = ftell($fd);
		$data['logSize'] = number_format($endpos / 1024, 2);

		$searchSize = (int) DUtil::getGoodVal(DUtil::grab_input('request', 'searchSize'));
		if ($searchSize <= 0) {
			$searchSize = 20;
		} elseif ($searchSize > 512) {
			$searchSize = 512;

		$data['searchSize'] = $searchSize;

		$searchFrom = (int) DUtil::getGoodVal(DUtil::grab_input('request', 'searchFrom'));

		if (isset($_REQUEST['end'])) {
			$searchFrom = $endpos;
		} else {
			if (isset($_REQUEST['prev'])) {
				$searchFrom -= $searchSize;
			} elseif (isset($_REQUEST['next'])) {
				$searchFrom += $searchSize;
			} elseif (isset($_REQUEST['begin'])) {
				$searchFrom = 0;

			if ($searchFrom < 0) {
				$searchFrom = 0;

			$data['searchFrom'] = $searchFrom;
			$searchFrom *= 1024;

		$searchSize *= 1024;

		if ($searchFrom >= $endpos) {
			$searchFrom = $endpos - $searchSize;
			if ($searchFrom < 0) {
				$searchFrom = 0;
			$data['searchFrom'] = number_format($searchFrom / 1024, 2, '.', '');
		if ($searchFrom + $searchSize < $endpos) {
			$endpos = $searchFrom + $searchSize;

		$data['fromPos'] = (int) $searchFrom;
		$data['endPos'] = (int) $endpos;
		return $data;

	public function showErrLog(&$buf, $len = 20480)
		$buf = [];
		$data = [];
		$data['filename'] = $this->getServerLog();
		$data['level'] = 'W';

		$fd = fopen($data['filename'], 'r');
		if (!$fd) {
			$buf[] = 'Failed read server log file from ' . $data['filename'];
			return 0;

		fseek($fd, 0, SEEK_END);
		$data['endPos'] = ftell($fd);
		if ($data['endPos'] > $len) {
			$data['fromPos'] = $data['endPos'] - $len;
		} else {
			$data['fromPos'] = 0;
		$res = $this->getLog($data);

		if ($res[0] == 0) {
			return 0;

		if ($res[0] > 10) {
			$r = explode("\n", $res[2]);
			$i = count($r) - 11;
			for ($j = 0; $j < 10; ++$j) {
				$buf[] = $r[$i + $j];
			$res[0] = 'last 10';
		} else {
			$buf[] = $res[2];

		return $res[0];

	public function getLog($data)
		$newlineTag = '[ERR[WAR[NOT[INF[DEB';
		$levels = array('E' => 1, 'W' => 2, 'N' => 3, 'I' => 4, 'D' => 5);
		$level = $levels[substr($data['level'], 0, 1)];

		$fd = fopen($data['filename'], 'r');
		if (!$fd) {
			echo '<tr><td class="message_error" colspan=3>Failed to read server log from file ' . $data['filename'] . '</td></tr>';
		$endpos = $data['endPos'];
		fseek($fd, (int)$data['fromPos']);
		$start = 0;
		$result = '';
		$totalLine = 0;
		$line = 0;
		$cutline = 0;
		$buffer = fgets($fd);
		while (!preg_match("/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} /", $buffer)) {
			$buffer = fgets($fd);
			if ($buffer === false) {
			$curpos = ftell($fd);
			if ($curpos >= $endpos) {

		do {
			$buffer = chop($buffer);
			// check if new line
			$c28 = substr($buffer, 28, 3);
			if ($c28 && strstr($newlineTag, $c28)) {
				// is new line
				$totalLine ++;
				if ($start) {
					// finish prior line
					$result .= '</td></tr>' . "\n";
					$start = 0;
				$b28 = substr($c28, 0, 1);
				if ($levels[$b28] <= $level) {
					// start a new line
					$start = 1;
					$line ++;
					$style = 'log_' . $b28;
					$result .= '<tr><td class="col_time ' . $style . '0">' . substr($buffer, 0, 26);
					$result .= '</td><td class="col_level ' . $style . '1">';
					$i = strpos($buffer, ']', 27);
					$result .= ( substr($buffer, 28, $i - 28) );
					$result .= '</td><td class="col_mesg ' . $style . '2">';
					$result .= htmlspecialchars(substr($buffer, $i + 2));
			} elseif ($start) {
				// multi-line output
				$result .= '<br>' . htmlspecialchars($buffer);

			$curpos = ftell($fd);
			if ($curpos >= $endpos) {
		} while ($buffer = fgets($fd));

		if ($start) {
			$result .= '</td></tr>' . "\n";
		$res = [];
		$res[] = $line;
		$res[] = $totalLine;
		$res[] = $result;

		return $res;

	public function getServerLog()
		if ($this->serverLog == null) {

			$confpath = $_SERVER['LS_SERVER_ROOT'] . "conf/httpd_config.xml"; //fixed location
			$logpath = ConfigFileEx::grepTagValue($confpath, 'logging.log.fileName');
			$this->serverLog = str_replace('//', '/', str_replace('$SERVER_ROOT', $_SERVER['LS_SERVER_ROOT'], $logpath));
		return $this->serverLog;

	public function download($version)
		//validate param
		if (!preg_match("/^\d+\.\d+(\.\d+)?(RC\d+)?$/", $version)) {
			return false;

		$product = PRODUCT::GetInstance();
		// e.g.: 'lsws-4.0.10-ent-i386-linux.tar.gz'
		$edition = 'std';
		if ($product->edition == 'ENTERPRISE') {
			$edition = 'ent';
		$platform = $_SERVER['LS_PLATFORM'];
		if (strpos($platform, 'freebsd') !== false) {
			$pfrelease = explode('.', php_uname('r'));
			if ($pfrelease[0] >= 6) {
				$platform .= '6';
		$main_ver = $version[0] . '.0';
		$file = strtolower($product->type) . '-' . $version . '-' . $edition . '-' . $platform . '.tar.gz';
		$downloadurl = 'http://download.litespeedtech.com/packages/' . $main_ver . '/' . $file;
		$savedfile = $_SERVER['LS_SERVER_ROOT'] . 'autoupdate/' . $file;
		//echo "download url: $downloadurl\n";
		$buffer = file_get_contents($downloadurl);
		if ($buffer == false) {
			return false;
		$saved = fopen($savedfile, 'wb');
		if ($saved == false) {
			return false;
		$i = fwrite($saved, $buffer);
		if (!fclose($saved) || $i == false) {
			return false;
		return true;

	public function loadParam(&$holder, $line)
		$t = preg_split('/[\s,:]/', $line, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
		$c = count($t) / 2;

		for ($i = 0; $i < $c; ++$i) {
			if (is_array($holder) && array_key_exists($t[2 * $i], $holder)) {
				$holder[$t[2 * $i]] += $t[2 * $i + 1];
			} else {
				$holder[$t[2 * $i]] = $t[2 * $i + 1];

	public static function GetLoadAvg()
		$avgload = \sys_getloadavg();
		if ($avgload === false) {
			return 'N/A';
		return implode(', ', array_map(function($load) {
					return round($load, 3);
				}, $avgload));



Name Type Size Permission Actions
CLIENT.php File 9.1 KB 0644
ConfCenter.php File 32.13 KB 0644
ConfValidation.php File 994 B 0644
DATTR_HELP_inc.php File 242.34 KB 0644
DAttr.php File 2.17 KB 0644
DPageDef.php File 13.63 KB 0644
DTblDef.php File 116.86 KB 0644
GUI.php File 2.35 KB 0644
PRODUCT.php File 2.27 KB 0644
ReqProbe.php File 5.21 KB 0644
STATS.php File 8.55 KB 0644
Service.php File 16.76 KB 0644