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/** *********************************************
 * LiteSpeed Web Server Cache Manager
 * @author Michael Alegre
 * @copyright (c) 2018-2023 LiteSpeed Technologies, Inc.
 * *******************************************

namespace Lsc\Wp;

use Lsc\Wp\Context\Context;
use LsUserPanel\Lsc\UserLSCMException;

class PluginVersion

     * @var string
    const DEFAULT_PLUGIN_PATH = '/wp-content/plugins/litespeed-cache';

     * @deprecated 1.9
     * @var string
    const DOWNLOAD_DIR = '/usr/src/litespeed-wp-plugin';

     * @var string
    const LSCWP_DEFAULTS_INI_FILE_NAME = 'const.default.ini';

     * @var string
    const PLUGIN_NAME = 'litespeed-cache';

     * @var string
    const TRANSLATION_CHECK_FLAG_BASE = '.ls_translation_check';

     * @var string
    const VER_MD5 = 'lscwp_md5';

     * @deprecated 4.1.3  Will be removed in favor of $this->shortVersions.
     * @var string[]
    protected $knownVersions = array();

     * @since 4.1.3
     * @var string[]
    protected $shortVersions = array();

     * @var string[]
    protected $allowedVersions = array();

     * @var string
    protected $currVersion = '';

     * @var string
    protected $versionFile;

     * @var string
    protected $activeFile;

     * @var null|PluginVersion
    protected static $instance;

     * @throws LSCMException  Thrown indirectly by $this->init() call.
    protected function __construct()

     * @throws LSCMException  Thrown indirectly by Context::isPrivileged() call.
     * @throws LSCMException  Thrown indirectly by $this->refreshVersionList()
     *     call.
    protected function init()

        if ( Context::isPrivileged() ) {

     * @return PluginVersion
     * @throws LSCMException  Thrown indirectly by Context::getOption() call.
    public static function getInstance()
        if ( self::$instance == null ) {
            $className = Context::getOption()->getLscwpVerClass();

            self::$instance = new $className();

        return self::$instance;

     * @deprecated 4.1.3  Use "$formatted = true" equivalent function
     *     $this->getShortVersions() instead. Un-formatted version of this list
     *     will no longer be available once this function is removed.
     * @param bool $formatted
     * @return string[]
     * @throws LSCMException  Thrown indirectly by $this->setKnownVersions()
     *     call.
    public function getKnownVersions( $formatted = false )
        if ( empty($this->knownVersions) ) {

        if ( $formatted ) {
            $knownVers = $this->knownVersions;

            $prevVer = '';

            foreach ( $knownVers as &$ver ) {

                if ( $prevVer !== '' ) {
                    $ver1 = explode('.', $prevVer);
                    $ver2 = explode('.', $ver);

                    if ( $ver1[0] !== $ver2[0] || $ver1[1] !== $ver2[1] ) {
                        $ver = "$ver2[0].$ver2[1].x";

                $prevVer = $ver;

            return $knownVers;

        return $this->knownVersions;

     * @return string[]
     * @throws LSCMException  Thrown indirectly by $this->setAllowedVersions()
     *     call.
    public function getAllowedVersions()
        if ( empty($this->allowedVersions) ) {

        return $this->allowedVersions;

     * @since 4.1.3
     * @return string[]
     * @throws LSCMException  Thrown indirectly by $this->setShortVersions()
     *     call.
    public function getShortVersions()
        if ( empty($this->shortVersions) ) {

        return $this->shortVersions;

     * @return string
     * @throws LSCMException  Thrown indirectly by $this->getAllowedVersions()
     *     call.
    public function getLatestVersion()
        $allowedVers = $this->getAllowedVersions();

        return (isset($allowedVers[0])) ? $allowedVers[0] : '';

     * @return string
     * @throws LSCMException  Thrown indirectly by self::getInstance() call.
     * @throws LSCMException  Thrown indirectly by
     *     $instance->setCurrentVersion() call.
    public static function getCurrentVersion()
        $instance = self::getInstance();

        if ( $instance->currVersion == '' ) {

        return $instance->currVersion;

     * @since 1.9
    protected function createDownloadDir()
        mkdir(Context::LOCAL_PLUGIN_DIR, 0755);

    protected function setVersionFiles()
        $this->versionFile = Context::LOCAL_PLUGIN_DIR . '/lscwp_versions_v2';
        $this->activeFile = Context::LOCAL_PLUGIN_DIR . '/lscwp_active_version';

     * Temporary function for handling the active version file and versions
     * file move in the short term.
     * @deprecated 1.9
     * @since 1.9
     * @throws LSCMException  Thrown indirectly by Context::getLSCMDataDir()
     *     call.
    protected function checkOldVersionFiles()
        $dataDir = Context::getLSCMDataDir();
        $oldActiveFile = "$dataDir/lscwp_active_version";

        if ( file_exists($oldActiveFile) ) {

            if ( !file_exists(Context::LOCAL_PLUGIN_DIR) ) {

            rename($oldActiveFile, $this->activeFile);

     * @throws LSCMException  Thrown indirectly by $this->checkOldVersionFiles()
     *     call.
     * @throws LSCMException  Thrown indirectly by Logger::debug() call.
     * @throws LSCMException  Thrown indirectly by Logger::debug() call.
     * @throws LSCMException  Thrown indirectly by Logger::debug() call.
    public function setCurrentVersion()

        if ( ($activeVersion = $this->getActiveVersion()) == '' ) {
            Logger::debug('Active LSCWP version not found.');
        elseif ( ! $this->hasDownloadedVersion($activeVersion) ) {
            $activeVersion = '';
            Logger::debug('Valid LSCWP download not found.');

        if ( $activeVersion == '' ) {

            try {
                $activeVersion = self::getLatestVersion();
            catch ( LSCMException $e ) {

        $this->currVersion = $activeVersion;

     * @since 1.11
     * @return string
    private function getActiveVersion()
        if ( file_exists($this->activeFile)
                && ($content = file_get_contents($this->activeFile)) ) {

            return trim($content);

        return '';

     * @deprecated 4.1.3  This function will be removed in favor of
     *     pre-formatted $this->setShortVersions().
     * @throws LSCMException  Thrown when LSCWP version list cannot be found.
     * @throws LSCMException  Thrown when read LSCWP version list command fails.
     * @throws LSCMException  Thrown when match against LSCWP version list
     *     content fails.
    protected function setKnownVersions()
        if ( !file_exists($this->versionFile) ) {
            throw new LSCMException(
                'Cannot find LSCWP version list.',

        if ( ($content = file_get_contents($this->versionFile)) === false ) {
            throw new LSCMException(
                'Failed to read LSCWP version list content.',

        if ( preg_match('/old\s{(.*)}/sU', trim($content), $m) != 1 ) {
            throw new LSCMException(
                'Failed to get known versions from LSCWP version list content.',

        $this->knownVersions = explode("\n", trim($m[1]));

     * @throws LSCMException  Thrown when LSCWP version list cannot be found.
     * @throws LSCMException  Thrown when read LSCWP version list command fails.
     * @throws LSCMException  Thrown when LSCWP version list content is empty.
    protected function setAllowedVersions()
        if ( !file_exists($this->versionFile) ) {
            throw new LSCMException(
                'Cannot find LSCWP version list.',

        if ( ($content = file_get_contents($this->versionFile)) === false ) {
            throw new LSCMException(
                'Failed to read LSCWP version list content.',

        $matchFound = preg_match(

        if ( !$matchFound || ($list = trim($m[1])) == '' ) {
            throw new LSCMException(
                'LSCWP version list is empty.',

        $this->allowedVersions = explode("\n", $list);

     * @since 4.1.3
     * @throws LSCMException  Thrown when LSCWP version list cannot be found.
     * @throws LSCMException  Thrown when read LSCWP version list command fails.
     * @throws LSCMException  Thrown when LSCWP version list content is empty.
    protected function setShortVersions()
        if ( !file_exists($this->versionFile) ) {
            throw new LSCMException(
                'Cannot find LSCWP version list.',

        if ( ($content = file_get_contents($this->versionFile)) === false ) {
            throw new LSCMException(
                'Failed to read LSCWP version list content.',

        $matchFound = preg_match(

        if ( !$matchFound || ($list = trim($m[1])) == '' ) {
            throw new LSCMException(
                'LSCWP version list is empty.',

        $this->shortVersions = explode("\n", $list);


     * @param string $version  Valid LSCWP version.
     * @param bool   $init     True when trying to set initial active version.
     * @throws LSCMException  Thrown indirectly by $this->getAllowedVersions()
     *     call.
     * @throws LSCMException  Thrown indirectly by Logger::error() call.
     * @throws LSCMException  Thrown indirectly by $this->downloadVersion()
     *     call.
     * @throws LSCMException  Thrown indirectly by Logger::notice() call.
    public function setActiveVersion( $version, $init = false )
        $allowedVers = $this->getAllowedVersions();

        if ( in_array($version, $allowedVers) ) {
            $activeVer = $version;
        else {

            try {
                $currVer = ($init) ? '' : $this->getCurrentVersion();
            catch ( LSCMException $e ) {
                $currVer = '';

            if ( $currVer != '' ) {
                $activeVer = $currVer;
            else {
                $activeVer = $allowedVers[0];

                "Version $version not in allowed list, reset active "
                    . "version to $activeVer."

        if ( $activeVer != $this->getActiveVersion() ) {

            if ( !$this->hasDownloadedVersion($activeVer) ) {

            $this->currVersion = $activeVer;
            file_put_contents($this->activeFile, $activeVer);
            Logger::notice("Current active LSCWP version is now $activeVer.");

     * @param bool $isforced
     * @throws LSCMException  Thrown indirectly by Logger::info() call.
    protected function refreshVersionList( $isforced = false )

        if ( $isforced || !file_exists($this->versionFile)
                || (time() - filemtime($this->versionFile)) > 86400 ) {

            if ( !file_exists(Context::LOCAL_PLUGIN_DIR) ) {

            $url = 'https://www.litespeedtech.com/packages/lswpcache'
                . '/version_list_v2';

            $content = Util::get_url_contents($url);

            if ( empty($content) || substr($content, 0, 7) != 'allowed' ) {
                 * Try again using cli curl directly to bypass potential
                 * reCAPTCHA issues.
                $content = Util::getUrlContentsUsingExecCurl($url);

                if ( empty($content) || substr($content, 0, 7) != 'allowed' ) {

            file_put_contents($this->versionFile, $content);
            Logger::info('LSCache for WordPress version list updated');

     * Filter out any versionList versions that do not meet specific criteria.
     * @deprecated 4.1.3  No longer used.
     * @param string $ver  Version string.
     * @return bool
    protected function filterVerList( $ver )
        return Util::betterVersionCompare($ver, '1.2.2', '>');

     * Checks the current installation for existing LSCWP plugin files and
     * copies them to the installation's plugins directory if not found.
     * This function should only be run as the user.
     * @param string $pluginDir  The WordPress plugin directory.
     * @param string $version    The version of LSCWP to be used when copying
     *     over plugin files.
     * @return bool  True when new LSCWP plugin files are used.
     * @throws LSCMException  Thrown when LSCWP source package is not available
     *     for the provided version.
     * @throws LSCMException  Thrown when LSCWP plugin files could not be copied
     *     to plugin directory.
     * @throws LSCMException  Thrown indirectly by self::getInstance() call.
     * @throws LSCMException  Thrown indirectly by
     *     $instance->getCurrentVersion() call.
     * @throws LSCMException  Thrown indirectly by Logger::debug() call.
    public static function prepareUserInstall( $pluginDir, $version = '' )
        $lscwp_plugin = "$pluginDir/litespeed-cache/litespeed-cache.php";

        if ( file_exists($lscwp_plugin) ) {
             * Existing installation detected.
            return false;

        $instance = self::getInstance();

        if ( $version == '' ) {
            $version = $instance->getCurrentVersion();

        if ( !$instance->hasDownloadedVersion($version) ) {
            throw new LSCMException(
                "Source Package not available for version $version.",

            '/bin/cp --preserve=mode -rf '
                . Context::LOCAL_PLUGIN_DIR . "/$version/" . self::PLUGIN_NAME
                . " $pluginDir"

        if ( !file_exists($lscwp_plugin) ) {
            throw new LSCMException(
                "Failed to copy plugin files to $pluginDir.",

        $customIni = Context::LOCAL_PLUGIN_DIR . '/'
            . self::LSCWP_DEFAULTS_INI_FILE_NAME;

        if ( file_exists($customIni) ) {
                    . self::LSCWP_DEFAULTS_INI_FILE_NAME

            'Copied LSCache for WordPress plugin files into plugins directory '
                . $pluginDir

        return true;

     * @param string $version
     * @return bool
    protected function hasDownloadedVersion( $version )
        $dir = Context::LOCAL_PLUGIN_DIR . "/$version";
        $md5file = "$dir/" . self::VER_MD5;
        $plugin = "$dir/" . self::PLUGIN_NAME;

        if ( !file_exists($md5file) || !is_dir($plugin) ) {
            return false;

        return ( file_get_contents($md5file) == Util::DirectoryMd5($plugin) );

     * @param string $version
     * @param string $dir
     * @param bool   $saveMD5
     * @throws LSCMException  Thrown when wget command for downloaded LSCWP
     *     version fails.
     * @throws LSCMException  Thrown when unable to unzip LSCWP zip file.
     * @throws LSCMException  Thrown when unzipped LSCWP files do not contain
     *     expected test file.
     * @throws LSCMException  Thrown indirectly by Logger::info() call.
     * @throws LSCMException  Thrown indirectly by Util::unzipFile() call.
    protected function wgetPlugin( $version, $dir, $saveMD5 = false )
        Logger::info("Downloading LSCache for WordPress v$version...");

        $zipFile = self::PLUGIN_NAME . ".$version.zip";

            'wget -q --tries=1 --no-check-certificate '
                . "https://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/$zipFile -P $dir",

        if ( $return_var !== 0 ) {
            throw new LSCMException(
                "Failed to download LSCWP v$version with wget exit status "
                    . "$return_var.",

        $localZipFile = "$dir/$zipFile";

        $extractedZip = Util::unzipFile($localZipFile, $dir);

        if ( !$extractedZip ) {
            throw new LSCMException(
                "Unable to unzip $localZipFile",

        $plugin = "$dir/" . self::PLUGIN_NAME;

        if ( !file_exists("$plugin/" . self::PLUGIN_NAME . '.php') ) {
            throw new LSCMException(
                "Test file not found. Downloaded LSCWP v$version is invalid.",

        if ( $saveMD5 ) {
                "$dir/" . self::VER_MD5,

     * @param string $version
     * @throws LSCMException  Thrown when download dir could not be created.
     * @throws LSCMException  Thrown indirectly by $this->wgetPlugin() call.
    protected function downloadVersion( $version )
        $dir = Context::LOCAL_PLUGIN_DIR . "/$version";

        if ( !file_exists($dir) ) {

            if ( !mkdir($dir, 0755, true) ) {
                throw new LSCMException(
                    "Failed to create download dir $dir.",
        else {
            exec("/bin/rm -rf $dir/*");

        $this->wgetPlugin($version, $dir, true);

     * @param string $locale
     * @param string $pluginVer
     * @return bool
     * @throws LSCMException  Thrown indirectly by Logger::info() call.
     * @throws LSCMException  Thrown indirectly by Util::unzipFile() call.
    public static function retrieveTranslation( $locale, $pluginVer )
            "Downloading LSCache for WordPress $locale translation..."

        $translationDir =
            Context::LOCAL_PLUGIN_DIR . "/$pluginVer/translations";

        if ( !file_exists($translationDir) ) {
            mkdir($translationDir, 0755);

            "$translationDir/" . self::TRANSLATION_CHECK_FLAG_BASE . "_$locale"

         * downloads.wordpress.org looks to always return a '200 OK' status,
         * even when serving a 404 page. As such invalid downloads can only be
         * checked through user failure to unzip through WP func unzip_file()
         * as we do not assume that root has the ability to unzip.
            'wget -q --tries=1 --no-check-certificate '
                . 'https://downloads.wordpress.org/translation/plugin/'
                . "litespeed-cache/$pluginVer/$locale.zip "
                . "-P $translationDir",

        if ( $return_var !== 0 ) {
            return false;

         * The WordPress user can unzip for us if this call fails.
        Util::unzipFile("$translationDir/$locale.zip", $translationDir);

        return true;

     * @param string $locale
     * @param string $pluginVer
     * @throws LSCMException  Thrown indirectly by Logger::info() call.
    public static function removeTranslationZip( $locale, $pluginVer )
        Logger::info("Removing LSCache for WordPress $locale translation...");

        $zipFile = realpath(
            Context::LOCAL_PLUGIN_DIR . "/$pluginVer/translations/$locale.zip"

        $realPathStart = substr($zipFile, 0, strlen(Context::LOCAL_PLUGIN_DIR));

        if ( $realPathStart === Context::LOCAL_PLUGIN_DIR ) {



Name Type Size Permission Actions
Context Folder 0775
Panel Folder 0775
ThirdParty Folder 0775
View Folder 0775
WpWrapper Folder 0775
AjaxResponse.php File 1.9 KB 0664
CliController.php File 40.77 KB 0664
DashNotifier.php File 9.89 KB 0664
LSCMException.php File 651 B 0664
LogEntry.php File 1.72 KB 0664
Logger.php File 17.95 KB 0664
PanelController.php File 50.98 KB 0664
PluginVersion.php File 21.91 KB 0664
RedefineGlobalFuncs.php File 865 B 0664
UserCommand.php File 28.72 KB 0664
Util.php File 18.19 KB 0664
WPCaller.php File 53.47 KB 0664
WPDashMsgs.php File 4.75 KB 0664
WPInstall.php File 16.79 KB 0664
WPInstallStorage.php File 32.21 KB 0664