[ Avaa Bypassed ]



elspacio@ ~ $

use \Lsc\Wp\View\Model\MassDashNotifyProgressViewModel as ViewModel;

$icon = $this->viewModel->getTplData(ViewModel::FLD_ICON);
$installsCount = $this->viewModel->getTplData(ViewModel::FLD_INSTALLS_COUNT);

$d = array(
    'title' => 'Mass Notifying All Discovered WordPress Installations...',
    'icon' => $icon
$this->loadTplBlock('Title.tpl', $d);


<div id="progress-box" class="msg-box">
  Attempting to notify <span id="currIndex">0</span> out of
  <span id="totalCount"><?php echo $installsCount; ?></span> ...

  Currently attempting to notify all discovered WordPress installations.
  Installations detected with "Error" status or containing a
  '.dash_notifier_bypass' file will be bypassed.

  Please be patient.


$msgs = array(
    "<span id=\"bypassedCount\"><b>0</b></span> WordPress installation(s) bypassed.",
    "Dash Notifier notified <span id=\"succCount\"><b>0</b></span> WordPress installation(s).",
    "Dash Notifier failed to notify <span id=\"failCount\" class=\"red\"><b>0</b></span> WordPress "
    . "installation(s)."

$d = array(
    'msgs' => $msgs,
    'class' => 'msg-info',
$this->loadTplBlock('DivMsgBox.tpl', $d);

$d = array(
    'back' => 'OK',
    'backDo' => 'dash_notifier',
    'visibility' => 'hidden'
$this->loadTplBlock('ButtonPanelBackNext.tpl', $d);


<button class="accordion accordion-error" type="button" style="display: none">
  Error Messages <span id ="errMsgCnt" class="badge errMsg-badge">0</span>
<div class="panel panel-error">


$d = array(
    'id' => 'errMsgs',
    'class' => 'scrollable',
$this->loadTplBlock('DivMsgBox.tpl', $d);



<button class="accordion accordion-success" type="button" style="display: none">
  Success Messages <span id="succMsgCnt" class="badge succMsg-badge">0</span>
<div class="panel panel-success">


$d = array(
    'id' => 'succMsgs',
    'class' => 'scrollable',
    'title' => 'Success Messages:',
$this->loadTplBlock('DivMsgBox.tpl', $d);



<script type="text/javascript">lswsInitDropdownBoxes();</script>
<script type="text/javascript">dashMassNotifyUpdate();</script>


Name Type Size Permission Actions
Ajax Folder 0775
Blocks Folder 0775
CacheRootNotSet.tpl File 411 B 0664
DashNotifier.tpl File 23.25 KB 0664
DataFileMsg.tpl File 628 B 0664
Manage.tpl File 12.59 KB 0664
MassDashDisableProgress.tpl File 2.14 KB 0664
MassDashNotifyProgress.tpl File 2.13 KB 0664
MassEnableDisable.tpl File 2.87 KB 0664
MassEnableDisableProgress.tpl File 2.67 KB 0664
MissingTpl.tpl File 177 B 0664
RefreshStatusProgress.tpl File 1.12 KB 0664
ScanProgress.tpl File 1.81 KB 0664
ScanProgressStep1.tpl File 1.63 KB 0664
ScanProgressStep2.tpl File 1.67 KB 0664
UnflagAllProgress.tpl File 1.42 KB 0664
VersionChange.tpl File 1.36 KB 0664
VersionManage.tpl File 6.38 KB 0664