[ Avaa Bypassed ]



elspacio@ ~ $

/** ******************************************
 * LiteSpeed Web Server Cache Manager
 * @author LiteSpeed Technologies, Inc. (https://www.litespeedtech.com)
 * @copyright (c) 2018-2023
 * ******************************************* */

namespace Lsc\Wp\Panel;

use Lsc\Wp\Logger;
use Lsc\Wp\LSCMException;
use Lsc\Wp\Util;
use Lsc\Wp\WPInstall;

class Plesk extends ControlPanel

     * @throws LSCMException Thrown indirectly by parent::__construct() call.
    public function __construct()

     * @since 1.13.2
     * @throws LSCMException  Thrown indirectly by parent::init2() call.
    protected function init2()
        $this->panelName = 'Plesk';
        $this->defaultSvrCacheRoot = '/var/www/vhosts/lscache/';

     * More reliable than php_uname('s')
     * @return string
     * @throws LSCMException  Thrown when supported Plesk OS detection command
     *     fails.
     * @throws LSCMException  Thrown when supported OS is not detected.
    public function getPleskOS()
        $supportedOsList = array(

        $cmds = array();

        if ( file_exists('/etc/debian_version') ) {
            return 'debian';

        if ( is_readable('/etc/os-release') ) {
            $cmds[] = 'grep ^ID= /etc/os-release | cut -d "=" -f2 | xargs';

        if ( is_readable('/etc/lsb-release') ) {
            $cmds[] =
                'grep ^DISTRIB_ID= /etc/lsb-release | cut -d "=" -f2 | xargs';

        if ( is_readable('/etc/redhat-release') ) {
            $cmds[] = 'cat /etc/redhat-release | awk \'{print $1}\'';

        foreach ( $cmds as $cmd ) {

            if ( !($output = shell_exec($cmd)) ) {
                throw new LSCMException(
                    'Supported Plesk OS detection command failed.',

            $OS = trim($output);

            foreach ( $supportedOsList as $supportedOs ) {

                if ( stripos($OS, $supportedOs) !== false ) {
                    return $supportedOs;

        throw new LSCMException(
            'Plesk detected with unsupported OS. '
                . '(Not CentOS/Virtuozzo/Cloudlinux/RedHat/Ubuntu/Debian/'
                . 'AlmaLinux/Rocky)',

     * @since 1.13.3
     * @return string
    protected function getVhDir()
        $vhDir = '/var/www/vhosts';

        $psaConfFile = '/etc/psa/psa.conf';

        if ( file_exists($psaConfFile) ) {
            $ret = preg_match(

            if ( $ret == 1 ) {
                $vhDir = $m[1];

        return $vhDir;

     * @throws LSCMException  Thrown indirectly by $this->getPleskOS() call.
    protected function initConfPaths()
        $OS = $this->getPleskOS();

        switch ( $OS ) {

            case 'centos':
            case 'virtuozzo':
            case 'cloudlinux':
            case 'redhat':
            case 'rhel':
            case 'almalinux':
            case 'rocky':
                $this->apacheConf = '/etc/httpd/conf.d/lscache.conf';

            case 'ubuntu':
                $this->apacheConf = '/etc/apache2/conf-enabled/lscache.conf';

            case 'debian':

                if ( is_dir('/etc/apache2/conf-enabled') ) {
                    $this->apacheConf =
                else {
                     * Old location.
                    $this->apacheConf = '/etc/apache2/conf.d/lscache.conf';


            //no default case

        $this->apacheVHConf = '/usr/local/psa/admin/conf/templates'
            . '/custom/domain/domainVirtualHost.php';

     * @return string
    protected function serverCacheRootSearch()
        $apacheConfDir = dirname($this->apacheConf);

        if ( file_exists($apacheConfDir) ) {
            return $this->cacheRootSearch($apacheConfDir);

        return '';

     * @return string
    protected function vhCacheRootSearch()
        if ( file_exists($this->apacheVHConf) ) {
            return $this->getCacheRootSetting($this->apacheVHConf);

        return '';

     * @param array  $file_contents
     * @param string $vhCacheRoot
     * @return array
    protected function addVHCacheRootSection(
        array $file_contents,
              $vhCacheRoot = 'lscache' )
        return preg_replace(
            "<IfModule Litespeed>\nCacheRoot $vhCacheRoot\n</IfModule>\n"
                . '</VirtualHost>',

     * @param string $vhConf
     * @param string $vhCacheRoot
     * @throws LSCMException  Thrown indirectly by $this->log() call.
     * @throws LSCMException  Thrown indirectly by $this->log() call.
     * @throws LSCMException  Thrown indirectly by $this->log() call.
    public function createVHConfAndSetCacheRoot(
        $vhCacheRoot = 'lscache' )
        $vhConfTmpl = '/usr/local/psa/admin/conf/templates/default/domain/'
            . 'domainVirtualHost.php';
        $vhConfDir = dirname($vhConf);

        if ( !file_exists($vhConfDir) ) {
            mkdir($vhConfDir, 0755, true);

            $this->log("Created directory $vhConfDir", Logger::L_DEBUG);

        copy($vhConfTmpl, $vhConf);
        Util::matchPermissions($vhConfTmpl, $vhConf);

            "Copied Virtual Host conf template file $vhConfTmpl to $vhConf",

                "<IfModule Litespeed>\nCacheRoot $vhCacheRoot\n</IfModule>"
                    . "\n</VirtualHost>",

            "Virtual Host cache root set to $vhCacheRoot",

    public function applyVHConfChanges()
        exec('/usr/local/psa/admin/bin/httpdmng --reconfigure-all');

     * Gets a list of found docroots and associated server names.
     * Note: This function is repeated in Plesk plugin files to avoid extra
     * serialize ops etc. This copy is for cli only.
    protected function prepareDocrootMap()
            'grep -hro --exclude="stat_ttl.conf" --exclude="*.bak" '
                . '--exclude="last_httpd.conf" '
                . '"DocumentRoot.*\|ServerName.*\|ServerAlias.*" '
                . "{$this->getVhDir()}/system/*/conf/*",

         * [0]=servername, [1]=serveralias, [2]=serveralias, [3]=docroot, etc.
         * Not unique & not sorted.
         * Example:
         * ServerName "pltest1.com:443"
         * ServerAlias "www.pltest1.com"
         * ServerAlias "ipv4.pltest1.com"
         * DocumentRoot "/var/www/vhosts/pltest1.com/httpdocs"
         * ServerName "pltest1.com:80"
         * ServerAlias "www.pltest1.com"
         * ServerAlias "ipv4.pltest1.com"
         * DocumentRoot "/var/www/vhosts/pltest1.com/httpdocs"
         * ServerName "pltest2.com:443"
         * ServerAlias "www.pltest2.com"
         * ServerAlias "ipv4.pltest2.com"
         * DocumentRoot "/var/www/vhosts/pltest2.com/httpdocs"
         * ServerName "pltest2.com:80"
         * ServerAlias "www.pltest2.com"
         * ServerAlias "ipv4.pltest2.com"
         * DocumentRoot "/var/www/vhosts/pltest2.com/httpdocs"
         * @noinspection SpellCheckingInspection

        $x = 0;
        $names = $tmpDocrootMap = array();

        $lineCount = count($lines);

        while ( $x <  $lineCount ) {
            $matchFound =
                preg_match('/ServerName\s+"([^"]+)"/', $lines[$x], $m1);

            if ( !$matchFound ) {
                 * Invalid start of group, skip.

            $UrlInfo = parse_url(
                (preg_match('#^https?://#', $m1[1])) ? $m1[1] : "http://$m1[1]"

            $names[] = $UrlInfo['host'];

            $pattern = '/ServerAlias\s+"([^"]+)"/';

            while ( isset($lines[$x])
                    && preg_match($pattern, $lines[$x], $m2) ) {

                $names[] = $m2[1];

            $pattern = '/DocumentRoot\s+"([^"]+)"/';

            if ( isset($lines[$x])
                    && preg_match($pattern, $lines[$x], $m3) == 1
                    && is_dir($m3[1]) ) {

                $docroot = $m3[1];

                if ( !isset($tmpDocrootMap[$docroot]) ) {
                    $tmpDocrootMap[$docroot] = $names;
                else {
                    $tmpDocrootMap[$docroot] =
                        array_merge($tmpDocrootMap[$docroot], $names);


            $names = array();

        $index = 0;
        $roots = $serverNames = array();

        foreach ( $tmpDocrootMap as $docroot => $names ) {
            $roots[$index] = $docroot;

            $names = array_unique($names);

            foreach ( $names as $n ) {
                $serverNames[$n] = $index;


        $this->docRootMap =
            array( 'docroots' => $roots, 'names' => $serverNames );

     * Check for known Plesk PHP binaries and return the newest available
     * version among them.
     * @since 1.9.6
     * @return string
    protected function getDefaultPhpBinary()
        $binaryList = array (

        foreach ( $binaryList as $binary ) {

            if ( file_exists($binary)) {
                return $binary;

        return '';

     * @param WPInstall $wpInstall
     * @return string
    public function getPhpBinary( WPInstall $wpInstall )
        $serverName = $wpInstall->getData(WPInstall::FLD_SERVERNAME);

        if ( $serverName != null ) {
            $output = shell_exec(
                'plesk db -Ne "SELECT s.value '
                    . 'FROM ((domains d INNER JOIN hosting h ON h.dom_id=d.id) '
                    . 'INNER JOIN ServiceNodeEnvironment s '
                    . 'ON h.php_handler_id=s.name) '
                    . 'WHERE d.name=' . escapeshellarg($serverName)
                    . ' AND s.section=\'phphandlers\'" '
                    . '| sed -n \'s:.*<clipath>\(.*\)</clipath>.*:\1:p\''

            if ( $output ) {
                $binPath = trim($output);

        if ( !empty($binPath) ) {
            $phpBin = $binPath;
        elseif ( ($defaultBinary = $this->getDefaultPHPBinary()) != '' ) {
            $phpBin = $defaultBinary;
        else {
            $phpBin = 'php';

        return "$phpBin $this->phpOptions";



Name Type Size Permission Actions
CPanel.php File 23.94 KB 0664
ControlPanel.php File 30.29 KB 0664
CustomPanel.php File 2.49 KB 0664
CustomPanelBase.php File 1.09 KB 0664
DirectAdmin.php File 15.16 KB 0664
Plesk.php File 12.08 KB 0664