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/** ******************************************
 * LiteSpeed Web Server Cache Manager
 * @author    Michael Alegre
 * @copyright 2019-2024 LiteSpeed Technologies, Inc.
 * ******************************************* */

namespace Lsc\Wp\Panel;

use DirectoryIterator;
use Lsc\Wp\Logger;
use Lsc\Wp\LSCMException;
use Lsc\Wp\WPInstall;

class DirectAdmin extends ControlPanel

    protected function __construct()
        /** @noinspection PhpUnhandledExceptionInspection */

     * @since 1.13.2
    protected function init2()
        $this->panelName           = 'DirectAdmin';
        $this->defaultSvrCacheRoot = '/home/lscache/';

        /** @noinspection PhpUnhandledExceptionInspection */

    protected function initConfPaths()
        $this->apacheConf   = '/etc/httpd/conf/extra/httpd-includes.conf';
        $this->apacheVHConf = '/usr/local/directadmin/data/templates/custom/'
            . 'cust_httpd.CUSTOM.2.pre';

     * @return string
    protected function serverCacheRootSearch()
        if ( !file_exists($this->apacheConf) ) {
            return '';

        return $this->getCacheRootSetting($this->apacheConf);

     * @return string
    protected function vhCacheRootSearch()
        $apacheUserdataDir = dirname($this->apacheVHConf);

        if ( !file_exists($apacheUserdataDir) ) {
            return '';

        return $this->daVhCacheRootSearch($apacheUserdataDir);

     * Searches the given directories '.pre' and '.post' files for CacheRoot
     * setting.
     * @param string $confDir  Directory to be searched.
     * @return string
    public function daVhCacheRootSearch( $confDir )
        if ( !is_dir($confDir) ) {
            return '';

        $files = new DirectoryIterator($confDir);

        foreach ( $files as $file ) {
            $filename = $file->getFilename();

            $isPreOrPostFile = (
                strlen($filename) > 4
                    substr_compare($filename, '.pre', -4) === 0
                    substr_compare($filename, '.post', -5) === 0

            if ( $isPreOrPostFile ) {
                $cacheRoot = $this->getCacheRootSetting($file->getPathname());

                if ( $cacheRoot != '' ) {
                    return $cacheRoot;

        return '';

     * @param array  $file_contents
     * @param string $vhCacheRoot
     * @return array
    protected function addVHCacheRootSection(
        array $file_contents,
              $vhCacheRoot = 'lscache' )
            "<IfModule LiteSpeed>\nCacheRoot $vhCacheRoot\n</IfModule>\n\n"

        return $file_contents;

     * @param string $vhConf
     * @param string $vhCacheRoot
     * @throws LSCMException  Thrown when mkdir() call fails to create virtual
     *     host conf directory.
     * @throws LSCMException  Thrown when file_put_contents() call fails to
     *     create virtual host conf file.
     * @throws LSCMException  Thrown indirectly by $this->log() call.
     * @throws LSCMException  Thrown indirectly by $this->log() call.
    public function createVHConfAndSetCacheRoot(
        $vhCacheRoot = 'lscache' )
        $vhConfDir = dirname($vhConf);

        if ( !file_exists($vhConfDir) ) {

            if ( !mkdir($vhConfDir, 0755) ) {
                throw new LSCMException(
                    "Failed to create directory $vhConfDir."

            $this->log("Created directory $vhConfDir", Logger::L_DEBUG);

        $bytesWrittenToFile = file_put_contents(
            "<IfModule Litespeed>\nCacheRoot $vhCacheRoot\n</IfModule>"

        if ( false === $bytesWrittenToFile ) {
            throw new LSCMException("Failed to create file $vhConf.");

        $this->log("Created file $vhConf.", Logger::L_DEBUG);

    public function applyVHConfChanges()
        exec('/usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/build rewrite_confs');

     * @since 1.13.7
     * @return array[]
     * @throws LSCMException  Thrown indirectly by Logger::debug() call.
    private function getHttpdConfDocrootMapInfo()
            'grep -hros "DocumentRoot.*\|ServerAlias.*\|ServerName.*" '
                . '/usr/local/directadmin/data/users/*/httpd.conf',

         * [0]=servername, [1]=serveraliases, [2]=docroot, [3]=servername, etc.
         * Not unique & not sorted.
         * Example:
         * ServerName www.daruby1.com
         * ServerAlias www.daruby1.com daruby1.com
         * DocumentRoot /home/daruby1/domains/daruby1.com/public_html
         * ServerName www.daruby1.com
         * ServerAlias www.daruby1.com daruby1.com
         * DocumentRoot /home/daruby1/domains/daruby1.com/private_html
         * ServerName www.dauser1.com
         * ServerAlias www.dauser1.com dauser1.com
         * DocumentRoot /home/dauser1/domains/dauser1.com/public_html
         * ServerName www.dauser1.com
         * ServerAlias www.dauser1.com dauser1.com
         * DocumentRoot /home/dauser1/domains/dauser1.com/private_html
         * @noinspection SpellCheckingInspection

        $docRoots      = array();
        $curServerName = $curServerAliases = '';

        foreach ( $lines as $line ) {

            if ( $curServerName == '' ) {

                if ( strpos($line, 'ServerName') === 0 ) {
                     * 10 is strlen('ServerName')
                    $curServerName = trim(substr($line, 10));
            elseif ( strpos($line, 'ServerAlias') === 0 ) {
                 * 11 is strlen('ServerAlias')
                $curServerAliases = trim(substr($line, 11));
            elseif ( strpos($line, 'DocumentRoot') === 0 ) {
                 * 12 is strlen('DocumentRoot')
                $curDocRoot = trim(substr($line, 12), " \n\r\t\v\x00\"");

                 * Avoid possible duplicate detections due to
                 * public_html/private_html symlinks.
                if ( !isset($docRoots[$curDocRoot])
                        && is_dir($curDocRoot)
                        && !is_link($curDocRoot) ) {

                    $docRoots[$curDocRoot]   = explode(' ', $curServerAliases);
                    $docRoots[$curDocRoot][] = $curServerName;

                 * Looking for the next data set
                $curServerName = $curServerAliases = '';
            else {
                Logger::debug("Unused line when preparing docroot map: $line.");

        return $docRoots;

     * @since 1.13.7
     * @return array[]
     * @throws LSCMException Thrown indirectly by Logger::debug() call.
    private function getOpenlitespeedConfDocrootMapInfo()
            'grep -hros "docRoot.*\|vhDomain.*\|vhAliases.*" '
                . '/usr/local/directadmin/data/users/*/openlitespeed.conf',

         * [0]=docroot, [1]=servername, [2]=serveraliases, [3]=docroot, etc.
         * Not unique & not sorted.
         * Example:
         * docRoot                   /home/test/domains/test.com/public_html
         * vhDomain                  test.com
         * vhAliases                 www.test.com
         * docRoot                   /home/test/domains/test.com/public_html
         * vhDomain                  testalias.com
         * vhAliases                 www.testalias.com
         * docRoot                   /home/test/domains/test.com/private_html
         * vhDomain                  test.com
         * vhAliases                 www.test.com
         * docRoot                   /home/test/domains/test.com/private_html
         * vhDomain                  testalias.com
         * vhAliases                 www.testalias.com
         * docRoot                   /home/test_2/domains/test2.com/public_html
         * vhDomain                  test2.com
         * vhAliases                 www.test2.com
         * docRoot                   /home/test_2/domains/test2.com/private_html
         * vhDomain                  test2.com
         * vhAliases                 www.test2.com
         * @noinspection SpellCheckingInspection

        $docRoots      = array();
        $curServerName = $curDocRoot = '';

        foreach ( $lines as $line ) {

            if ( $curDocRoot == '' ) {

                if ( strpos($line, 'docRoot') === 0 ) {
                     * 7 is strlen('docRoot')
                    $curDocRoot = trim(substr($line, 7));
            elseif ( strpos($line, 'vhDomain') === 0 ) {
                 * 8 is strlen('vhDomain')
                $curServerName = trim(substr($line, 8));
            elseif ( strpos($line, 'vhAliases') === 0 ) {
                 * 9 is strlen('vhAliases')
                $curServerAlias = trim(substr($line, 9));

                 * Avoid possible duplicate detections due to
                 * public_html/private_html symlinks.
                if ( is_dir($curDocRoot) && !is_link($curDocRoot) ) {

                    if ( !isset($docRoots[$curDocRoot]) ) {
                        $docRoots[$curDocRoot] =
                            array( $curServerName, $curServerAlias );
                    else {

                        if ( !in_array($curServerName, $docRoots[$curDocRoot]) ) {
                            $docRoots[$curDocRoot][] = $curServerName;

                        if ( !in_array($curServerAlias, $docRoots[$curDocRoot]) ) {
                            $docRoots[$curDocRoot][] = $curServerAlias;

                 * Looking for the next data set
                $curDocRoot = $curServerName = '';

            else {
                Logger::debug("Unused line when preparing docroot map: $line.");

        return $docRoots;

     * Gets a list of found docroots and associated server names.
     * Only needed for scan operation.
     * @throws LSCMException  Thrown indirectly by
     *     $this->getHttpdConfDocrootMapInfo() call.
     * @throws LSCMException  Thrown indirectly by
     *     $this->getOpenlitespeedConfDocrootMapInfo() call.
    protected function prepareDocrootMap()
        $docRootMapInfo                  = $this->getHttpdConfDocrootMapInfo();
        $openlitespeedConfDocrootMapInfo =

        foreach ( $openlitespeedConfDocrootMapInfo as $oDocRoot => $oDomains ) {

            if ( !isset($docRootMapInfo[$oDocRoot]) ) {
                $docRootMapInfo[$oDocRoot] = $oDomains;
            else {

                foreach ( $oDomains as $oDomain ) {

                    if ( !in_array($oDomain, $docRootMapInfo[$oDocRoot]) ) {
                        $docRootMapInfo[$oDocRoot][] = $oDomain;

        $roots       = array();
        $servernames = array();
        $index       = 0;

        foreach ( $docRootMapInfo as $docRoot => $domains ) {
            $domains       = array_unique($domains);
            $roots[$index] = $docRoot;

            foreach ( $domains as $domain ) {
                $servernames[$domain] = $index;


        $this->docRootMap =
            array( 'docroots' => $roots, 'names' => $servernames );

     * Check the user's httpd.conf file for a VirtualHost entry containing a
     * given servername/docroot combination and return the PHP handler version
     * if set.
     * @param WPInstall $wpInstall
     * @return string
     * @throws LSCMException  Thrown when a valid user data conf file could not
     *     be found.
    protected function getCustomPhpHandlerVer( WPInstall $wpInstall )
        if ( ($serverName = $wpInstall->getServerName()) == null
                || ($docroot = $wpInstall->getDocRoot()) == null ) {

            return '';

        $escServerName = str_replace('.', '\.', $serverName);
        $escDocRoot    =
            str_replace(array('.', '/'), array('\.', '\/'), $docroot);

        $user = $wpInstall->getOwnerInfo('user_name');

        $httpdConfFile = "/usr/local/directadmin/data/users/$user/httpd.conf";
        $olsConfFile   =

        if ( file_exists($httpdConfFile) ) {
            $confFile = $httpdConfFile;
            $pattern  = '/VirtualHost'
                . '(?:(?!<\/VirtualHost).)*'
                . "ServerName $escServerName"
                . '(?:(?!<\/VirtualHost).)*'
                . "DocumentRoot $escDocRoot"
                . '(?:(?!<\/VirtualHost).)*'
                . 'AddHandler.* \.php(\d\d)/sU';
        elseif ( file_exists($olsConfFile) ) {
            $confFile = $olsConfFile;
            $pattern  = '/virtualHost\s'
                . '(?:(?!}\s*\n*virtualHost).)*?'
                . '{'
                . '(?:(?!}\s*\n*virtualHost).)*?'
                . "(?:\s|\n)docRoot\s+$escDocRoot(?:\s|\n)"
                . '(?:(?!}\s*\n*virtualHost).)*?'
                . "(?:\s|\n)vhDomain\s+$escServerName(?:\s|\n)"
                . '(?:(?!}\s*\n*virtualHost).)*?'
                . '(?:\s|\n)scripthandler(?:\s|\n)*{'
                . '(?:(?!}\s*\n*virtualHost).)*?'
                . '\sphp(\d\d)(?=\s|\n)/s';
        else {
            throw new LSCMException('Could not find valid user data conf file');

         if ( preg_match($pattern, file_get_contents($confFile), $m) ) {
            return $m[1];

         return '';

     * @param WPInstall $wpInstall
     * @return string
     * @throws LSCMException  Thrown indirectly by
     *     $this->getCustomPhpHandlerVer() call.
    public function getPhpBinary( WPInstall $wpInstall )
        $phpBin = '/usr/local/bin/php';

        if ( ($ver = $this->getCustomPhpHandlerVer($wpInstall)) != '' ) {

            $customBin = "/usr/local/php$ver/bin/php";

            if ( file_exists($customBin) && is_executable($customBin) ) {
                $phpBin = $customBin;

        return "$phpBin $this->phpOptions";



Name Type Size Permission Actions
CPanel.php File 23.94 KB 0664
ControlPanel.php File 30.29 KB 0664
CustomPanel.php File 2.49 KB 0664
CustomPanelBase.php File 1.09 KB 0664
DirectAdmin.php File 15.16 KB 0664
Plesk.php File 12.08 KB 0664