[ Avaa Bypassed ]



elspacio@ ~ $
# $Id$
# This is free software, you may use it and distribute it under the same terms as
# Perl itself.
# Copyright 2001-2003 AxKit.com Ltd., 2002-2006 Christian Glahn, 2006-2009 Petr Pajas

package XML::LibXML::NodeList;

use strict;
use warnings;

use XML::LibXML::Boolean;
use XML::LibXML::Literal;
use XML::LibXML::Number;

use vars qw($VERSION);

use overload
        '""' => \&to_literal,
        'bool' => \&to_boolean,
        'cmp' => sub {
            my($aa, $bb, $order) = @_;
            return ($order ? ("$bb" cmp "$aa") : ("$aa" cmp "$bb"));

sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    bless [@_], $class;

sub new_from_ref {
    my ($class,$array_ref,$reuse) = @_;
    return bless $reuse ? $array_ref : [@$array_ref], $class;

sub pop {
    my $self = CORE::shift;
    CORE::pop @$self;

sub push {
    my $self = CORE::shift;
    CORE::push @$self, @_;

sub append {
    my $self = CORE::shift;
    my ($nodelist) = @_;
    CORE::push @$self, $nodelist->get_nodelist;

sub shift {
    my $self = CORE::shift;
    CORE::shift @$self;

sub unshift {
    my $self = CORE::shift;
    CORE::unshift @$self, @_;

sub prepend {
    my $self = CORE::shift;
    my ($nodelist) = @_;
    CORE::unshift @$self, $nodelist->get_nodelist;

sub size {
    my $self = CORE::shift;
    scalar @$self;

sub get_node {
    # uses array index starting at 1, not 0
    # this is mainly because of XPath.
    my $self = CORE::shift;
    my ($pos) = @_;
    $self->[$pos - 1];

sub item
    my ($self, $pos) = @_;
    return $self->[$pos];

sub get_nodelist {
    my $self = CORE::shift;

sub to_boolean {
    my $self = CORE::shift;
    return (@$self > 0) ? XML::LibXML::Boolean->True : XML::LibXML::Boolean->False;

# string-value of a nodelist is the string-value of the first node
sub string_value {
    my $self = CORE::shift;
    return '' unless @$self;
    return $self->[0]->string_value;

sub to_literal {
    my $self = CORE::shift;
    return XML::LibXML::Literal->new(
            join('', CORE::grep {defined $_} CORE::map { $_->string_value } @$self)

sub to_literal_delimited {
    my $self = CORE::shift;
    return XML::LibXML::Literal->new(
            join(CORE::shift, CORE::grep {defined $_} CORE::map { $_->string_value } @$self)

sub to_literal_list {
    my $self = CORE::shift;
    my @nodes = CORE::map{ XML::LibXML::Literal->new($_->string_value())->value() } @{$self};

    if (wantarray) {
        return( @nodes );
    return( \@nodes );

sub to_number {
    my $self = CORE::shift;
    return XML::LibXML::Number->new(

sub iterator {
    warn "this function is obsolete!\nIt was disabled in version 1.54\n";
    return undef;

sub map {
    my $self = CORE::shift;
    my $sub  = __is_code(CORE::shift);
    local $_;
    my @results = CORE::map { @{[ $sub->($_) ]} } @$self;
    return unless defined wantarray;
    return wantarray ? @results : (ref $self)->new(@results);

sub grep {
    my $self = CORE::shift;
    my $sub  = __is_code(CORE::shift);
    local $_;
    my @results = CORE::grep { $sub->($_) } @$self;
    return unless defined wantarray;
    return wantarray ? @results : (ref $self)->new(@results);

sub sort {
    my $self = CORE::shift;
    my $sub  = __is_code(CORE::shift);
    my @results = CORE::sort { $sub->($a,$b) } @$self;
    return wantarray ? @results : (ref $self)->new(@results);

sub foreach {
    my $self = CORE::shift;
    my $sub  = CORE::shift;

    foreach my $item (@$self)
        local $_ = $item;

    return wantarray ? @$self : $self;

sub reverse {
    my $self    = CORE::shift;
    my @results = CORE::reverse @$self;
    return wantarray ? @results : (ref $self)->new(@results);

sub reduce {
    my $self = CORE::shift;
    my $sub  = __is_code(CORE::shift);

    my @list = @$self;
    CORE::unshift @list, $_[0] if @_;

    my $a = CORE::shift(@list);
    foreach my $b (@list)
        $a = $sub->($a, $b);
    return $a;

sub __is_code {
    my ($code) = @_;

    if (ref $code eq 'CODE') {
        return $code;

    # There are better ways of doing this, but here I've tried to
    # avoid adding any additional external dependencies.
    if (UNIVERSAL::can($code, 'can')        # is blessed (sort of)
    and overload::Overloaded($code)         # is overloaded
    and overload::Method($code, '&{}')) {   # overloads '&{}'
        return $code;

    # The other possibility is that $code is a coderef, but is
    # blessed into a class that doesn't overload '&{}'. In which
    # case... well, I'm stumped!

    die "Not a subroutine reference\n";


=head1 NAME

XML::LibXML::NodeList - a list of XML document nodes


An XML::LibXML::NodeList object contains an ordered list of nodes, as
detailed by the W3C DOM documentation of Node Lists.


  my $results = $dom->findnodes('//somepath');
  foreach my $context ($results->get_nodelist) {
    my $newresults = $context->findnodes('./other/element');

=head1 API

=head2 new(@nodes)

You will almost never have to create a new NodeList object, as it is all
done for you by XPath.

=head2 get_nodelist()

Returns a list of nodes, the contents of the node list, as a perl list.

=head2 string_value()

Returns the string-value of the first node in the list.
See the XPath specification for what "string-value" means.

=head2 to_literal()

Returns the concatenation of all the string-values of all
the nodes in the list.

=head2 to_literal_delimited($separator)

Returns the concatenation of all the string-values of all
the nodes in the list, delimited by the specified separator.

=head2 to_literal_list()

Returns all the string-values of all the nodes in the list as
a perl list.

=head2 get_node($pos)

Returns the node at $pos. The node position in XPath is based at 1, not 0.

=head2 size()

Returns the number of nodes in the NodeList.

=head2 pop()

Equivalent to perl's pop function.

=head2 push(@nodes)

Equivalent to perl's push function.

=head2 append($nodelist)

Given a nodelist, appends the list of nodes in $nodelist to the end of the
current list.

=head2 shift()

Equivalent to perl's shift function.

=head2 unshift(@nodes)

Equivalent to perl's unshift function.

=head2 prepend($nodelist)

Given a nodelist, prepends the list of nodes in $nodelist to the front of
the current list.

=head2 map($coderef)

Equivalent to perl's map function.

=head2 grep($coderef)

Equivalent to perl's grep function.

=head2 sort($coderef)

Equivalent to perl's sort function.

Caveat: Perl's magic C<$a> and C<$b> variables are not available in
C<$coderef>. Instead the two terms are passed to the coderef as arguments.

=head2 reverse()

Equivalent to perl's reverse function.

=head2 foreach($coderef)

Inspired by perl's foreach loop. Executes the coderef on each item in
the list. Similar to C<map>, but instead of returning the list of values
returned by $coderef, returns the original NodeList.

=head2 reduce($coderef, $init)

Equivalent to List::Util's reduce function. C<$init> is optional and
provides an initial value for the reduction.

Caveat: Perl's magic C<$a> and C<$b> variables are not available in
C<$coderef>. Instead the two terms are passed to the coderef as arguments.



Name Type Size Permission Actions
SAX Folder 0755
Attr.pod File 4.02 KB 0444
AttributeHash.pm File 4.49 KB 0444
Boolean.pm File 1.56 KB 0444
CDATASection.pod File 1.28 KB 0444
Comment.pod File 1.36 KB 0444
Common.pm File 8.2 KB 0444
Common.pod File 3.59 KB 0444
DOM.pod File 6.23 KB 0444
Devel.pm File 4.91 KB 0444
Document.pod File 21.09 KB 0444
DocumentFragment.pod File 819 B 0444
Dtd.pod File 1.99 KB 0444
Element.pod File 13.48 KB 0444
ErrNo.pm File 27.83 KB 0444
ErrNo.pod File 591 B 0444
Error.pm File 8.45 KB 0444
Error.pod File 5.98 KB 0444
InputCallback.pod File 9.59 KB 0444
Literal.pm File 2.04 KB 0444
Namespace.pod File 3.28 KB 0444
Node.pod File 25.67 KB 0444
NodeList.pm File 7.31 KB 0444
Number.pm File 1.87 KB 0444
PI.pod File 2.22 KB 0444
Parser.pod File 27.79 KB 0444
Pattern.pod File 2.91 KB 0444
Reader.pm File 5.75 KB 0444
Reader.pod File 17.6 KB 0444
RegExp.pod File 1.54 KB 0444
RelaxNG.pod File 2.34 KB 0444
SAX.pm File 3.45 KB 0444
SAX.pod File 1.76 KB 0444
Schema.pod File 2.19 KB 0444
Text.pod File 5.47 KB 0444
XPathContext.pm File 3.15 KB 0444
XPathContext.pod File 11.49 KB 0444
XPathExpression.pod File 1.64 KB 0444