[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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#============================================================= -*-Perl-*-
# Template::VMethods
#   Module defining virtual methods for the Template Toolkit
#   Andy Wardley   <abw@wardley.org>
#   Copyright (C) 1996-2022 Andy Wardley.  All Rights Reserved.
#   This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
#   modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

package Template::VMethods;

use strict;
use warnings;
use Scalar::Util qw( blessed looks_like_number );
use Template::Filters;

our $VERSION = '3.100';
our $DEBUG   = 0 unless defined $DEBUG;

    inc     => \&root_inc,
    dec     => \&root_dec,

    item        => \&text_item,
    list        => \&text_list,
    hash        => \&text_hash,
    length      => \&text_length,
    size        => \&text_size,
    empty       => \&text_empty,
    defined     => \&text_defined,
    upper       => \&text_upper,
    lower       => \&text_lower,
    ucfirst     => \&text_ucfirst,
    lcfirst     => \&text_lcfirst,
    match       => \&text_match,
    search      => \&text_search,
    repeat      => \&text_repeat,
    replace     => \&text_replace,
    remove      => \&text_remove,
    split       => \&text_split,
    chunk       => \&text_chunk,
    substr      => \&text_substr,
    trim        => \&text_trim,
    collapse    => \&text_collapse,
    squote      => \&text_squote,
    dquote      => \&text_dquote,
    html        => \&Template::Filters::html_filter,
    xml         => \&Template::Filters::xml_filter,

    item    => \&hash_item,
    hash    => \&hash_hash,
    size    => \&hash_size,
    empty   => \&hash_empty,
    each    => \&hash_each,
    keys    => \&hash_keys,
    values  => \&hash_values,
    items   => \&hash_items,
    pairs   => \&hash_pairs,
    list    => \&hash_list,
    exists  => \&hash_exists,
    defined => \&hash_defined,
    delete  => \&hash_delete,
    import  => \&hash_import,
    sort    => \&hash_sort,
    nsort   => \&hash_nsort,

    item    => \&list_item,
    list    => \&list_list,
    hash    => \&list_hash,
    push    => \&list_push,
    pop     => \&list_pop,
    unshift => \&list_unshift,
    shift   => \&list_shift,
    max     => \&list_max,
    size    => \&list_size,
    empty   => \&list_empty,
    defined => \&list_defined,
    first   => \&list_first,
    last    => \&list_last,
    reverse => \&list_reverse,
    grep    => \&list_grep,
    join    => \&list_join,
    sort    => \&list_sort,
    nsort   => \&list_nsort,
    unique  => \&list_unique,
    import  => \&list_import,
    merge   => \&list_merge,
    slice   => \&list_slice,
    splice  => \&list_splice,

# Template::Stash needs the above, so defer loading this module
# until they are defined.
require Template::Stash;
our $PRIVATE = $Template::Stash::PRIVATE;

# root virtual methods

sub root_inc {
    no warnings;
    my $item = shift;

sub root_dec {
    no warnings;
    my $item = shift;

# text virtual methods

sub text_item {

sub text_list {
    [ $_[0] ];

sub text_hash {
    { value => $_[0] };

sub text_length {
    length $_[0];

sub text_size {
    return 1;

sub text_empty {
    return 0 == text_length($_[0]) ? 1 : 0;

sub text_defined {
    return 1;

sub text_upper {
    return uc $_[0];

sub text_lower {
    return lc $_[0];

sub text_ucfirst {
    return ucfirst $_[0];

sub text_lcfirst {
    return lcfirst $_[0];

sub text_trim {
    for ($_[0]) {
    return $_[0];

sub text_collapse {
    for ($_[0]) {
        s/\s+/ /g
    return $_[0];

sub text_match {
    my ($str, $search, $global) = @_;
    return $str unless defined $str and defined $search;
    my @matches = $global ? ($str =~ /$search/g)
        : ($str =~ /$search/);
    return @matches ? \@matches : '';

sub text_search {
    my ($str, $pattern) = @_;
    return $str unless defined $str and defined $pattern;
    return $str =~ /$pattern/;

sub text_repeat {
    my ($str, $count) = @_;
    $str = '' unless defined $str;
    return '' unless $count;
    $count ||= 1;
    return $str x $count;

sub text_replace {
    my ($text, $pattern, $replace, $global) = @_;
    $text    = '' unless defined $text;
    $pattern = '' unless defined $pattern;
    $replace = '' unless defined $replace;
    $global  = 1  unless defined $global;

    if ($replace =~ /\$\d+/) {
        # replacement string may contain backrefs
        my $expand = sub {
            my ($chunk, $start, $end) = @_;
            $chunk =~ s{ \\(\\|\$) | \$ (\d+) }{
                $1 ? $1
                    : ($2 > $#$start || $2 == 0 || !defined $start->[$2]) ? ''
                    : substr($text, $start->[$2], $end->[$2] - $start->[$2]);
        if ($global) {
            $text =~ s{$pattern}{ &$expand($replace, [@-], [@+]) }eg;
        else {
            $text =~ s{$pattern}{ &$expand($replace, [@-], [@+]) }e;
    else {
        if ($global) {
            $text =~ s/$pattern/$replace/g;
        else {
            $text =~ s/$pattern/$replace/;
    return $text;

sub text_remove {
    my ($str, $search) = @_;
    return $str unless defined $str and defined $search;
    $str =~ s/$search//g;
    return $str;

sub text_split {
    my ($str, $split, $limit) = @_;
    $str = '' unless defined $str;

    # For versions of Perl prior to 5.18 we have to be very careful about
    # spelling out each possible combination of arguments because split()
    # is very sensitive to them, for example C<split(' ', ...)> behaves
    # differently to C<$space=' '; split($space, ...)>.  Test 33 of
    # vmethods/text.t depends on this behaviour.

    if ($] < 5.018) {
        if (defined $limit) {
            return [
                defined $split
                    ? split($split, $str, $limit)
                    : split(' ', $str, $limit)
        else {
            return [
                defined $split
                    ? split($split, $str)
                    : split(' ', $str)

    # split's behavior changed in Perl 5.18.0 making this:
    # C<$space=' '; split($space, ...)>
    # behave the same as this:
    # C<split(' ', ...)>
    # qr// behaves the same, so use that for user-defined split.

    my $split_re;
    if (defined $split) {
        eval {
            $split_re = qr/$split/;
    $split_re = ' ' unless defined $split_re;
    $limit ||= 0;
    return [split($split_re, $str, $limit)];

sub text_chunk {
    my ($string, $size) = @_;
    my @list;
    $size ||= 1;
    if ($size < 0) {
        # sexeger!  It's faster to reverse the string, search
        # it from the front and then reverse the output than to
        # search it from the end, believe it nor not!
        $string = reverse $string;
        $size = -$size;
        unshift(@list, scalar reverse $1)
            while ($string =~ /((.{$size})|(.+))/g);
    else {
        push(@list, $1) while ($string =~ /((.{$size})|(.+))/g);
    return \@list;

sub text_substr {
    my ($text, $offset, $length, $replacement) = @_;
    $offset ||= 0;

    if(defined $length) {
        if (defined $replacement) {
            substr( $text, $offset, $length, $replacement );
            return $text;
        else {
            return substr( $text, $offset, $length );
    else {
        return substr( $text, $offset );

sub text_squote {
    my $text = shift;
    for ($text) {
    return $text;

sub text_dquote {
    my $text = shift;
    for ($text) {
    return $text;

# hash virtual methods

sub hash_item {
    my ($hash, $item) = @_;
    $item = '' unless defined $item;
    return if $PRIVATE && $item =~ /$PRIVATE/;
    $hash->{ $item };

sub hash_hash {

sub hash_size {
    scalar keys %{$_[0]};

sub hash_empty {
    return 0 == hash_size($_[0]) ? 1 : 0;

sub hash_each {
    # this will be changed in TT3 to do what hash_pairs() does
    [ %{ $_[0] } ];

sub hash_keys {
    [ keys   %{ $_[0] } ];

sub hash_values {
    [ values %{ $_[0] } ];

sub hash_items {
    [ %{ $_[0] } ];

sub hash_pairs {
    [ map {
        { key => $_ , value => $_[0]->{ $_ } }
      sort keys %{ $_[0] }

sub hash_list {
    my ($hash, $what) = @_;
    $what ||= '';
    return ($what eq 'keys')   ? [   keys %$hash ]
        :  ($what eq 'values') ? [ values %$hash ]
        :  ($what eq 'each')   ? [        %$hash ]
            # for now we do what pairs does but this will be changed
            # in TT3 to return [ $hash ] by default
            map { { key => $_ , value => $hash->{ $_ } } }
            sort keys %$hash

sub hash_exists {
    exists $_[0]->{ $_[1] };

sub hash_defined {
    # return the item requested, or 1 if no argument
    # to indicate that the hash itself is defined
    my $hash = shift;
    return @_ ? defined $hash->{ $_[0] } : 1;

sub hash_delete {
    my $hash = shift;
    delete $hash->{ $_ } for @_;

sub hash_import {
    my ($hash, $imp) = @_;
    $imp = {} unless ref $imp eq 'HASH';
    @$hash{ keys %$imp } = values %$imp;
    return '';

sub hash_sort {
    my ($hash) = @_;
    [ sort { lc $hash->{$a} cmp lc $hash->{$b} } (keys %$hash) ];

sub hash_nsort {
    my ($hash) = @_;
    [ sort { $hash->{$a} <=> $hash->{$b} } (keys %$hash) ];

# list virtual methods

sub list_item {
    $_[0]->[ $_[1] || 0 ];

sub list_list {

sub list_hash {
    my $list = shift;
    if (@_) {
        my $n = shift || 0;
        return { map { ($n++, $_) } @$list };
    no warnings;
    return { @$list };

sub list_push {
    my $list = shift;
    push(@$list, @_);
    return '';

sub list_pop {
    my $list = shift;

sub list_unshift {
    my $list = shift;
    unshift(@$list, @_);
    return '';

sub list_shift {
    my $list = shift;

sub list_max {
    no warnings;
    my $list = shift;

sub list_size {
    no warnings;
    my $list = shift;
    $#$list + 1;

sub list_empty {
    return 0 == list_size($_[0]) ? 1 : 0;

sub list_defined {
    # return the item requested, or 1 if no argument to
    # indicate that the hash itself is defined
    my $list = shift;
    return 1 unless @_;                     # list.defined is always true
    return unless looks_like_number $_[0];  # list.defined('bah') is always false
    return defined $list->[$_[0]];          # list.defined(n)

sub list_first {
    my $list = shift;
    return $list->[0] unless @_;
    return [ @$list[0..$_[0]-1] ];

sub list_last {
    my $list = shift;
    return $list->[-1] unless @_;
    return [ @$list[-$_[0]..-1] ];

sub list_reverse {
    my $list = shift;
    [ reverse @$list ];

sub list_grep {
    my ($list, $pattern) = @_;
    $pattern ||= '';
    return [ grep /$pattern/, @$list ];

sub list_join {
    my ($list, $joint) = @_;
    join(defined $joint ? $joint : ' ',
         map { defined $_ ? $_ : '' } @$list);

sub _list_sort_make_key {
    my ($item, $fields) = @_;
    my @keys;

    if (ref($item) eq 'HASH') {
        @keys = map { $item->{ $_ } } @$fields;
    elsif (blessed $item) {
        @keys = map { $item->can($_) ? $item->$_() : $item } @$fields;
    else {
        @keys = $item;

    # ugly hack to generate a single string using a delimiter that is
    # unlikely (but not impossible) to be found in the wild.
    return lc join('/*^UNLIKELY^*/', map { defined $_ ? $_ : '' } @keys);

sub list_sort {
    my ($list, @fields) = @_;
    return $list unless @$list > 1;         # no need to sort 1 item lists
    return [
        @fields                          # Schwartzian Transform
        ?   map  { $_->[0] }                # for case insensitivity
            sort { $a->[1] cmp $b->[1] }
            map  { [ $_, _list_sort_make_key($_, \@fields) ] }
        :   map  { $_->[0] }
            sort { $a->[1] cmp $b->[1] }
            map  { [ $_, lc $_ ] }

sub list_nsort {
    my ($list, @fields) = @_;
    return $list unless @$list > 1;     # no need to sort 1 item lists

    my $sort = sub {
        my $cmp;

        if(@fields) {
            # compare each field individually
            for my $field (@fields) {
                my $A = _list_sort_make_key($a, [ $field ]);
                my $B = _list_sort_make_key($b, [ $field ]);
                ($cmp = $A <=> $B) and last;
        else {
            my $A = _list_sort_make_key($a);
            my $B = _list_sort_make_key($b);
            $cmp = $A <=> $B;


    return [ sort $sort @{ $list } ];

sub list_unique {
    my %u;
    [ grep { ++$u{$_} == 1 } @{$_[0]} ];

sub list_import {
    my $list = shift;
    push(@$list, grep defined, map ref eq 'ARRAY' ? @$_ : undef, @_);
    return $list;

sub list_merge {
    my $list = shift;
    return [ @$list, grep defined, map ref eq 'ARRAY' ? @$_ : undef, @_ ];

sub list_slice {
    my ($list, $from, $to) = @_;
    $from ||= 0;
    $to    = $#$list unless defined $to;
    $from += @$list if $from < 0;
    $to   += @$list if $to   < 0;
    return [ @$list[$from..$to] ];

sub list_splice {
    my ($list, $offset, $length, @replace) = @_;
    if (@replace) {
        # @replace can contain a list of multiple replace items, or
        # be a single reference to a list
        @replace = @{ $replace[0] }
        if @replace == 1 && ref $replace[0] eq 'ARRAY';
        return [ splice @$list, $offset, $length, @replace ];
    elsif (defined $length) {
        return [ splice @$list, $offset, $length ];
    elsif (defined $offset) {
        return [ splice @$list, $offset ];
    else {
        return [ splice(@$list) ];



=head1 NAME

Template::VMethods - Virtual methods for variables


The C<Template::VMethods> module implements the virtual methods
that can be applied to variables.

Please see L<Template::Manual::VMethods> for further information.

=head1 AUTHOR

Andy Wardley E<lt>abw@wardley.orgE<gt> L<http://wardley.org/>


Copyright (C) 1996-2022 Andy Wardley.  All Rights Reserved.

This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<Template::Stash>, L<Template::Manual::VMethods>


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Name Type Size Permission Actions
Manual Folder 0755
Namespace Folder 0755
Plugin Folder 0755
Stash Folder 0755
Tools Folder 0755
Tutorial Folder 0755
Base.pm File 7.35 KB 0444
Config.pm File 13.38 KB 0444
Constants.pm File 9.39 KB 0444
Context.pm File 51.18 KB 0444
Directive.pm File 28.8 KB 0444
Document.pm File 15.98 KB 0444
Exception.pm File 6.22 KB 0444
FAQ.pod File 8.62 KB 0444
Filters.pm File 24.42 KB 0444
Grammar.pm File 96.52 KB 0444
Iterator.pm File 13.15 KB 0444
Manual.pod File 2.37 KB 0444
Modules.pod File 5.37 KB 0444
Parser.pm File 39.68 KB 0444
Plugin.pm File 8.74 KB 0444
Plugins.pm File 13.76 KB 0444
Provider.pm File 45.43 KB 0444
Service.pm File 17.29 KB 0444
Stash.pm File 28.15 KB 0444
Test.pm File 21.64 KB 0444
Toolkit.pm File 5.59 KB 0444
Tools.pod File 1.49 KB 0444
Tutorial.pod File 1.02 KB 0444
VMethods.pm File 15.3 KB 0444
View.pm File 23.45 KB 0444