[ Avaa Bypassed ]



elspacio@ ~ $
#============================================================= -*-Perl-*-
# Template::Filters
#   Defines filter plugins as used by the FILTER directive.
#   Andy Wardley <abw@wardley.org>, with a number of filters contributed
#   by Leslie Michael Orchard <deus_x@nijacode.com>
#   Copyright (C) 1996-2022 Andy Wardley.  All Rights Reserved.
#   This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
#   modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

package Template::Filters;

use strict;
use warnings;
use locale;
use base 'Template::Base';
use Template::Constants;
use Scalar::Util 'blessed';

our $VERSION         = '3.100';
our $AVAILABLE       = { };
our $TRUNCATE_ADDON  = '...';

# standard filters, defined in one of the following forms:
#   name =>   \&static_filter
#   name => [ \&subref, $is_dynamic ]
# If the $is_dynamic flag is set then the sub-routine reference
# is called to create a new filter each time it is requested;  if
# not set, then it is a single, static sub-routine which is returned
# for every filter request for that name.

our $FILTERS = {
    # static filters
    'html'            => \&html_filter,
    'html_para'       => \&html_paragraph,
    'html_break'      => \&html_para_break,
    'html_para_break' => \&html_para_break,
    'html_line_break' => \&html_line_break,
    'xml'             => \&xml_filter,
    'uri'             => \&uri_filter,
    'url'             => \&url_filter,
    'upper'           => sub { uc $_[0] },
    'lower'           => sub { lc $_[0] },
    'ucfirst'         => sub { ucfirst $_[0] },
    'lcfirst'         => sub { lcfirst $_[0] },
    'stderr'          => sub { print STDERR @_; return '' },
    'trim'            => sub { for ($_[0]) { s/^\s+//; s/\s+$// }; $_[0] },
    'null'            => sub { return '' },
    'collapse'        => sub { for ($_[0]) { s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; s/\s+/ /g };
                               $_[0] },

    # dynamic filters
    'html_entity' => [ \&html_entity_filter_factory, 1 ],
    'indent'      => [ \&indent_filter_factory,      1 ],
    'format'      => [ \&format_filter_factory,      1 ],
    'truncate'    => [ \&truncate_filter_factory,    1 ],
    'repeat'      => [ \&repeat_filter_factory,      1 ],
    'replace'     => [ \&replace_filter_factory,     1 ],
    'remove'      => [ \&remove_filter_factory,      1 ],
    'eval'        => [ \&eval_filter_factory,        1 ],
    'evaltt'      => [ \&eval_filter_factory,        1 ],  # alias
    'perl'        => [ \&perl_filter_factory,        1 ],
    'evalperl'    => [ \&perl_filter_factory,        1 ],  # alias
    'redirect'    => [ \&redirect_filter_factory,    1 ],
    'file'        => [ \&redirect_filter_factory,    1 ],  # alias
    'stdout'      => [ \&stdout_filter_factory,      1 ],

# name of module implementing plugin filters
our $PLUGIN_FILTER = 'Template::Plugin::Filter';

#                         -- PUBLIC METHODS --

# fetch($name, \@args, $context)
# Attempts to instantiate or return a reference to a filter sub-routine
# named by the first parameter, $name, with additional constructor
# arguments passed by reference to a list as the second parameter,
# $args.  A reference to the calling Template::Context object is
# passed as the third parameter.
# Returns a reference to a filter sub-routine or a pair of values
# (undef, STATUS_DECLINED) or ($error, STATUS_ERROR) to decline to
# deliver the filter or to indicate an error.

sub fetch {
    my ($self, $name, $args, $context) = @_;
    my ($factory, $is_dynamic, $filter, $error);

    $self->debug("fetch($name, ",
                 defined $args ? ('[ ', join(', ', @$args), ' ]') : '<no args>', ', ',
                 defined $context ? $context : '<no context>',
                 ')') if $self->{ DEBUG };

    # allow $name to be specified as a reference to
    # a plugin filter object;  any other ref is
    # assumed to be a coderef and hence already a filter;
    # non-refs are assumed to be regular name lookups

    if (ref $name) {
        if (blessed($name) && $name->isa($PLUGIN_FILTER)) {
            $factory = $name->factory()
                || return $self->error($name->error());
        else {
            return $name;
    else {
        return (undef, Template::Constants::STATUS_DECLINED)
            unless ($factory = $self->{ FILTERS }->{ $name }
                    || $FILTERS->{ $name });

    # factory can be an [ $code, $dynamic ] or just $code
    if (ref $factory eq 'ARRAY') {
        ($factory, $is_dynamic) = @$factory;
    else {
        $is_dynamic = 0;

    if (ref $factory eq 'CODE') {
        if ($is_dynamic) {
            # if the dynamic flag is set then the sub-routine is a
            # factory which should be called to create the actual
            # filter...
            eval {
                ($filter, $error) = &$factory($context, $args ? @$args : ());
            $error ||= $@;
            $error = "invalid FILTER for '$name' (not a CODE ref)"
                unless $error || ref($filter) eq 'CODE';
        else {
            # ...otherwise, it's a static filter sub-routine
            $filter = $factory;
    else {
        $error = "invalid FILTER entry for '$name' (not a CODE ref)";

    if ($error) {
        return $self->{ TOLERANT }
               ? (undef,  Template::Constants::STATUS_DECLINED)
               : ($error, Template::Constants::STATUS_ERROR) ;
    else {
        return $filter;

# store($name, \&filter)
# Stores a new filter in the internal FILTERS hash.  The first parameter
# is the filter name, the second a reference to a subroutine or
# array, as per the standard $FILTERS entries.

sub store {
    my ($self, $name, $filter) = @_;

    $self->debug("store($name, $filter)") if $self->{ DEBUG };

    $self->{ FILTERS }->{ $name } = $filter;
    return 1;

#                        -- PRIVATE METHODS --

# _init(\%config)
# Private initialisation method.

sub _init {
    my ($self, $params) = @_;

    $self->{ FILTERS  } = $params->{ FILTERS } || { };
    $self->{ TOLERANT } = $params->{ TOLERANT }  || 0;
    $self->{ DEBUG    } = ( $params->{ DEBUG } || 0 )
                          & Template::Constants::DEBUG_FILTERS;

    return $self;

#                         -- STATIC FILTER SUBS --

# uri_filter() and url_filter() below can match using either RFC3986 or
# RFC2732.  See https://github.com/abw/Template2/issues/13

our $UNSAFE_SPEC = {
    RFC2732 => q{A-Za-z0-9\-_.~!*'()},
    RFC3986 => q{A-Za-z0-9\-_.~},

sub use_rfc2732 {
    $URI_REGEX = $URL_REGEX = undef;

sub use_rfc3986 {
    $URI_REGEX = $URL_REGEX = undef;

sub uri_escapes {
    return {
        map { ( chr($_), sprintf("%%%02X", $_) ) } (0..255),

# uri_filter()                                           [% FILTER uri %]
# URI escape a string.  This code is borrowed from Gisle Aas' URI::Escape
# module, copyright 1995-2004.  See RFC2396, RFC2732 and RFC3986 for
# details.

sub uri_filter {
    my $text = shift;

    $URI_REGEX   ||= qr/([^$UNSAFE_CHARS])/;
    $URI_ESCAPES ||= uri_escapes();

    if ($] >= 5.008 && utf8::is_utf8($text)) {

    $text =~ s/$URI_REGEX/$URI_ESCAPES->{$1}/eg;

# url_filter()                                           [% FILTER uri %]
# NOTE: the difference: url vs uri.
# This implements the old-style, non-strict behaviour of the uri filter
# which allows any valid URL characters to pass through so that
# http://example.com/blah.html does not get the ':' and '/' characters
# munged.

sub url_filter {
    my $text = shift;

    $URL_REGEX   ||= qr/([^;\/?:@&=+\$,$UNSAFE_CHARS])/;
    $URI_ESCAPES ||= uri_escapes();

    if ($] >= 5.008 && utf8::is_utf8($text)) {

    $text =~ s/$URL_REGEX/$URI_ESCAPES->{$1}/eg;

# html_filter()                                         [% FILTER html %]
# Convert any '<', '>' or '&' characters to the HTML equivalents, '&lt;',
# '&gt;' and '&amp;', respectively.

sub html_filter {
    my $text = shift;
    for ($text) {
    return $text;

# xml_filter()                                           [% FILTER xml %]
# Same as the html filter, but adds the conversion of ' to &apos; which
# is native to XML.

sub xml_filter {
    my $text = shift;
    for ($text) {
    return $text;

# html_paragraph()                                 [% FILTER html_para %]
# Wrap each paragraph of text (delimited by two or more newlines) in the
# <p>...</p> HTML tags.

sub html_paragraph  {
    my $text = shift;
    return "<p>\n"
           . join("\n</p>\n\n<p>\n", split(/(?:\r?\n){2,}/, $text))
           . "</p>\n";

# html_para_break()                          [% FILTER html_para_break %]
# Join each paragraph of text (delimited by two or more newlines) with
# <br><br> HTML tags.

sub html_para_break  {
    my $text = shift;
    $text =~ s|(\r?\n){2,}|$1<br />$1<br />$1|g;
    return $text;

# html_line_break()                          [% FILTER html_line_break %]
# replaces any newlines with <br> HTML tags.

sub html_line_break  {
    my $text = shift;
    $text =~ s|(\r?\n)|<br />$1|g;
    return $text;

#                    -- DYNAMIC FILTER FACTORIES --

# html_entity_filter_factory(\%options)                 [% FILTER html %]
# Dynamic version of the static html filter which attempts to locate the
# Apache::Util or HTML::Entities modules to perform full entity encoding
# of the text passed.  Returns an exception if one or other of the
# modules can't be located.

sub use_html_entities {
    require HTML::Entities;
    return ($AVAILABLE->{ HTML_ENTITY } = \&HTML::Entities::encode_entities);

sub use_apache_util {
    require Apache::Util;
    Apache::Util::escape_html('');      # TODO: explain this
    return ($AVAILABLE->{ HTML_ENTITY } = \&Apache::Util::escape_html);

sub html_entity_filter_factory {
    my $context = shift;
    my $haz;

    # if Apache::Util is installed then we use escape_html
    $haz = $AVAILABLE->{ HTML_ENTITY }
       ||  eval { use_apache_util()   }
       ||  eval { use_html_entities() }
       ||  -1;      # we use -1 for "not available" because it's a true value

    return ref $haz eq 'CODE'
        ? $haz
        : (undef, Template::Exception->new(
            html_entity => 'cannot locate Apache::Util or HTML::Entities' )

# indent_filter_factory($pad)                    [% FILTER indent(pad) %]
# Create a filter to indent text by a fixed pad string or when $pad is
# numerical, a number of space.

sub indent_filter_factory {
    my ($context, $pad) = @_;
    $pad = 4 unless defined $pad;
    $pad = ' ' x $pad if $pad =~ /^\d+$/;

    return sub {
        my $text = shift;
        $text = '' unless defined $text;
        $text =~ s/^/$pad/mg;
        return $text;

# format_filter_factory()                     [% FILTER format(format) %]
# Create a filter to format text according to a printf()-like format
# string.

sub format_filter_factory {
    my ($context, $format) = @_;
    $format = '%s' unless defined $format;

    return sub {
        my $text = shift;
        $text = '' unless defined $text;
        return join("\n", map{ sprintf($format, $_) } split(/\n/, $text));

# repeat_filter_factory($n)                        [% FILTER repeat(n) %]
# Create a filter to repeat text n times.

sub repeat_filter_factory {
    my ($context, $iter) = @_;
    $iter = 1 unless defined $iter and length $iter;

    return sub {
        my $text = shift;
        $text = '' unless defined $text;
        return join('\n', $text) x $iter;

# replace_filter_factory($s, $r)    [% FILTER replace(search, replace) %]
# Create a filter to replace 'search' text with 'replace'

sub replace_filter_factory {
    my ($context, $search, $replace) = @_;
    $search = '' unless defined $search;
    $replace = '' unless defined $replace;

    return sub {
        my $text = shift;
        $text = '' unless defined $text;
        $text =~ s/$search/$replace/g;
        return $text;

# remove_filter_factory($text)                  [% FILTER remove(text) %]
# Create a filter to remove 'search' string from the input text.

sub remove_filter_factory {
    my ($context, $search) = @_;

    return sub {
        my $text = shift;
        $text = '' unless defined $text;
        $text =~ s/$search//g;
        return $text;

# truncate_filter_factory($n)                    [% FILTER truncate(n) %]
# Create a filter to truncate text after n characters.

sub truncate_filter_factory {
    my ($context, $len, $char) = @_;
    $len  = $TRUNCATE_LENGTH unless defined $len;
    $char = $TRUNCATE_ADDON  unless defined $char;

    # Length of char is the minimum length
    my $lchar = length $char;
    if ($len < $lchar) {
        $char  = substr($char, 0, $len);
        $lchar = $len;

    return sub {
        my $text = shift;
        return $text if length $text <= $len;
        return substr($text, 0, $len - $lchar) . $char;


# eval_filter_factory                                   [% FILTER eval %]
# Create a filter to evaluate template text.

sub eval_filter_factory {
    my $context = shift;

    return sub {
        my $text = shift;

# perl_filter_factory                                   [% FILTER perl %]
# Create a filter to process Perl text iff the context EVAL_PERL flag
# is set.

sub perl_filter_factory {
    my $context = shift;
    my $stash = $context->stash;

    return (undef, Template::Exception->new('perl', 'EVAL_PERL is not set'))
        unless $context->eval_perl();

    return sub {
        my $text = shift;
        local($Template::Perl::context) = $context;
        local($Template::Perl::stash)   = $stash;
        my $out = eval <<EOF;
package Template::Perl;
\$stash = \$context->stash();
        $context->throw($@) if $@;
        return $out;

# redirect_filter_factory($context, $file)    [% FILTER redirect(file) %]
# Create a filter to redirect the block text to a file.

sub redirect_filter_factory {
    my ($context, $file, $options) = @_;
    my $outpath = $context->config->{ OUTPUT_PATH };

    return (undef, Template::Exception->new('redirect',
                                            'OUTPUT_PATH is not set'))
        unless $outpath;

    $context->throw('redirect', "relative filenames are not supported: $file")
        if $file =~ m{(^|/)\.\./};

    $options = { binmode => $options } unless ref $options;

    sub {
        my $text = shift;
        my $outpath = $context->config->{ OUTPUT_PATH }
            || return '';
        $outpath .= "/$file";
        my $error = Template::_output($outpath, \$text, $options);
        die Template::Exception->new('redirect', $error)
            if $error;
        return '';

# stdout_filter_factory($context, $binmode)    [% FILTER stdout(binmode) %]
# Create a filter to print a block to stdout, with an optional binmode.

sub stdout_filter_factory {
    my ($context, $options) = @_;

    $options = { binmode => $options } unless ref $options;

    sub {
        my $text = shift;
        binmode(STDOUT) if $options->{ binmode };
        print STDOUT $text;
        return '';



=head1 NAME

Template::Filters - Post-processing filters for template blocks


    use Template::Filters;

    $filters = Template::Filters->new(\%config);

    ($filter, $error) = $filters->fetch($name, \@args, $context);

    if ($filter) {
        print &$filter("some text");
    else {
        print "Could not fetch $name filter: $error\n";


The C<Template::Filters> module implements a provider for creating subroutines
that implement the standard filters. Additional custom filters may be provided
via the L<FILTERS> configuration option.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 new(\%params)

Constructor method which instantiates and returns a reference to a
C<Template::Filters> object.  A reference to a hash array of configuration
items may be passed as a parameter.  These are described below.

    my $filters = Template::Filters->new({
        FILTERS => { ... },

    my $template = Template->new({
        LOAD_FILTERS => [ $filters ],

A default C<Template::Filters> module is created by the L<Template> module
if the L<LOAD_FILTERS> option isn't specified.  All configuration parameters
are forwarded to the constructor.

    $template = Template->new({
        FILTERS => { ... },

=head2 fetch($name, \@args, $context)

Called to request that a filter of a given name be provided.  The name
of the filter should be specified as the first parameter.  This should
be one of the standard filters or one specified in the L<FILTERS>
configuration hash.  The second argument should be a reference to an
array containing configuration parameters for the filter.  This may be
specified as 0, or undef where no parameters are provided.  The third
argument should be a reference to the current L<Template::Context>

The method returns a reference to a filter sub-routine on success.  It
may also return C<(undef, STATUS_DECLINE)> to decline the request, to allow
delegation onto other filter providers in the L<LOAD_FILTERS> chain of
responsibility.  On error, C<($error, STATUS_ERROR)> is returned where $error
is an error message or L<Template::Exception> object indicating the error
that occurred.

When the C<TOLERANT> option is set, errors are automatically downgraded to
a C<STATUS_DECLINE> response.

=head2 use_html_entities()

This class method can be called to configure the C<html_entity> filter to use
the L<HTML::Entities> module. An error will be raised if it is not installed
on your system.

    use Template::Filters;

=head2 use_apache_util()

This class method can be called to configure the C<html_entity> filter to use
the L<Apache::Util> module. An error will be raised if it is not installed on
your system.

    use Template::Filters;

=head2 use_rfc2732()

This class method can be called to configure the C<uri> and C<url> filters to
use the older RFC2732 standard for matching unsafe characters.

=head2 use_rfc3986()

This class method can be called to configure the C<uri> and C<url> filters to
use the newer RFC3986 standard for matching unsafe characters.


The following list summarises the configuration options that can be provided
to the C<Template::Filters> L<new()> constructor. Please see
L<Template::Manual::Config> for further information about each option.

=head2 FILTERS

The L<FILTERS|Template::Manual::Config#FILTERS> option can be used to specify
custom filters which can then be used with the
L<FILTER|Template::Manual::Directives#FILTER> directive like any other. These
are added to the standard filters which are available by default.

    $filters = Template::Filters->new({
        FILTERS => {
            'sfilt1' =>   \&static_filter,
            'dfilt1' => [ \&dyanamic_filter_factory, 1 ],


The L<TOLERANT|Template::Manual::Config#TOLERANT> flag can be set to indicate
that the C<Template::Filters> module should ignore any errors and instead

=head2 DEBUG

The L<DEBUG|Template::Manual::Config#DEBUG> option can be used to enable
debugging messages for the Template::Filters module by setting it to include
the C<DEBUG_FILTERS> value.

    use Template::Constants qw( :debug );

    my $template = Template->new({


Please see L<Template::Manual::Filters> for a list of the filters provided
with the Template Toolkit, complete with examples of use.

=head1 AUTHOR

Andy Wardley E<lt>abw@wardley.orgE<gt> L<http://wardley.org/>


Copyright (C) 1996-20202Andy Wardley.  All Rights Reserved.

This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<Template::Manual::Filters>, L<Template>, L<Template::Context>


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Name Type Size Permission Actions
Manual Folder 0755
Namespace Folder 0755
Plugin Folder 0755
Stash Folder 0755
Tools Folder 0755
Tutorial Folder 0755
Base.pm File 7.35 KB 0444
Config.pm File 13.38 KB 0444
Constants.pm File 9.39 KB 0444
Context.pm File 51.18 KB 0444
Directive.pm File 28.8 KB 0444
Document.pm File 15.98 KB 0444
Exception.pm File 6.22 KB 0444
FAQ.pod File 8.62 KB 0444
Filters.pm File 24.42 KB 0444
Grammar.pm File 96.52 KB 0444
Iterator.pm File 13.15 KB 0444
Manual.pod File 2.37 KB 0444
Modules.pod File 5.37 KB 0444
Parser.pm File 39.68 KB 0444
Plugin.pm File 8.74 KB 0444
Plugins.pm File 13.76 KB 0444
Provider.pm File 45.43 KB 0444
Service.pm File 17.29 KB 0444
Stash.pm File 28.15 KB 0444
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Toolkit.pm File 5.59 KB 0444
Tools.pod File 1.49 KB 0444
Tutorial.pod File 1.02 KB 0444
VMethods.pm File 15.3 KB 0444
View.pm File 23.45 KB 0444