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elspacio@ ~ $
##============================================================= -*-Perl-*-
# Template::Document
#   Module defining a class of objects which encapsulate compiled
#   templates, storing additional block definitions and metadata
#   as well as the compiled Perl sub-routine representing the main
#   template content.
#   Andy Wardley   <abw@wardley.org>
#   Copyright (C) 1996-2007 Andy Wardley.  All Rights Reserved.
#   This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
#   modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

package Template::Document;

use strict;
use warnings;
use base 'Template::Base';
use Template::Constants;

our $VERSION = '3.100';
our $DEBUG   = 0 unless defined $DEBUG;
our $ERROR   = '';

    # UNICODE is supported in versions of Perl from 5.008 onwards
    if ($UNICODE = $] > 5.007 ? 1 : 0) {
        if ($] > 5.008) {
            # utf8::is_utf8() available from Perl 5.8.1 onwards
            *is_utf8 = \&utf8::is_utf8;
        elsif ($] == 5.008) {
            # use Encode::is_utf8() for Perl 5.8.0
            require Encode;
            *is_utf8 = \&Encode::is_utf8;

#                     -----  PUBLIC METHODS -----

# new(\%document)
# Creates a new self-contained Template::Document object which
# encapsulates a compiled Perl sub-routine, $block, any additional
# BLOCKs defined within the document ($defblocks, also Perl sub-routines)
# and additional $metadata about the document.

sub new {
    my ($class, $doc) = @_;
    my ($block, $defblocks, $variables, $metadata) = @$doc{ qw( BLOCK DEFBLOCKS VARIABLES METADATA ) };
    $defblocks ||= { };
    $metadata  ||= { };

    # evaluate Perl code in $block to create sub-routine reference if necessary
    unless (ref $block) {
        local $SIG{__WARN__} = \&catch_warnings;
        $COMPERR = '';

        # DON'T LOOK NOW! - blindly untainting can make you go blind!
            no warnings 'syntax';
            $block = each %{ { $block => undef } } if ${^TAINT};    #untaint

        $block = eval $block;
        return $class->error($@)
            unless defined $block;

    # same for any additional BLOCK definitions
    @$defblocks{ keys %$defblocks } =
        # MORE BLIND UNTAINTING - turn away if you're squeamish
        map {
                ? $_
                : ( /(.*)/s && eval($1) or return $class->error($@) )
        } values %$defblocks;

    bless {
        _BLOCK     => $block,
        _DEFBLOCKS => $defblocks,
        _VARIABLES => $variables,
        _HOT       => 0,
    }, $class;

# block()
# Returns a reference to the internal sub-routine reference, _BLOCK,
# that constitutes the main document template.

sub block {
    return $_[0]->{ _BLOCK };

# blocks()
# Returns a reference to a hash array containing any BLOCK definitions
# from the template.  The hash keys are the BLOCK name and the values
# are references to Template::Document objects.  Returns 0 (# an empty hash)
# if no blocks are defined.

sub blocks {
    return $_[0]->{ _DEFBLOCKS };

# variables()
# Returns a reference to a hash of variables used in the template.
# This requires the TRACE_VARS option to be enabled.

sub variables {
    return $_[0]->{ _VARIABLES };

# process($context)
# Process the document in a particular context.  Checks for recursion,
# registers the document with the context via visit(), processes itself,
# and then unwinds with a large gin and tonic.

sub process {
    my ($self, $context) = @_;
    my $defblocks = $self->{ _DEFBLOCKS };
    my $output;

    # check we're not already visiting this template
    return $context->throw(
        "recursion into '$self->{ name }'"
    ) if $self->{ _HOT } && ! $context->{ RECURSION };   ## RETURN ##

    $context->visit($self, $defblocks);

    $self->{ _HOT } = 1;
    eval {
        my $block = $self->{ _BLOCK };
        $output = &$block($context);
    $self->{ _HOT } = 0;


    die $context->catch($@)
        if $@;

    return $output;

# meta()
# Return the META items, i.e. anything that isn't prefixed with a _, e.g.
# _BLOCKS, or the name or modtime items.

sub meta {
    my $self = shift;
    return {
        map { $_ => $self->{ $_ } }
        grep { ! /^(_|modtime$|name$)/ }
        keys %$self

# Provides pseudo-methods for read-only access to various internal
# members.

    my $self   = shift;
    my $method = $AUTOLOAD;

    $method =~ s/.*:://;
    return if $method eq 'DESTROY';
#    my ($pkg, $file, $line) = caller();
#    print STDERR "called $self->AUTOLOAD($method) from $file line $line\n";
    return $self->{ $method };

#                      ----- CLASS METHODS -----

# as_perl($content)
# This method expects a reference to a hash passed as the first argument
# containing 3 items:
#     METADATA   # a hash of template metadata
#     BLOCK      # string containing Perl sub definition for main block
#     DEFBLOCKS  # hash containing further subs for addional BLOCK defs
# It returns a string containing Perl code which, when evaluated and
# executed, will instantiate a new Template::Document object with the
# above data.  On error, it returns undef with an appropriate error
# message set in $ERROR.

sub as_perl {
    my ($class, $content) = @_;
    my ($block, $defblocks, $metadata) = @$content{ qw( BLOCK DEFBLOCKS METADATA ) };

    $block =~ s/\s+$//;

    $defblocks = join('', map {
        my $code = $defblocks->{ $_ };
        $code =~ s/\s*$//;
        "        '$_' => $code,\n";
    } keys %$defblocks);
    $defblocks =~ s/\s+$//;

    $metadata = join(
        map {
            my $x = $metadata->{ $_ };
            $x =~ s/(['\\])/\\$1/g;
            "        '$_' => '$x',\n";
        keys %$metadata
    $metadata =~ s/\s+$//;

    return <<EOF
# Compiled template generated by the Template Toolkit version $Template::VERSION

    METADATA => {
    BLOCK => $block,
    DEFBLOCKS => {

# write_perl_file($filename, \%content)
# This method calls as_perl() to generate the Perl code to represent a
# compiled template with the content passed as the second argument.
# It then writes this to the file denoted by the first argument.
# Returns 1 on success.  On error, sets the $ERROR package variable
# to contain an error message and returns undef.

sub write_perl_file {
    my ($class, $file, $content) = @_;
    my ($fh, $tmpfile);

    return $class->error("invalid filename: $file")
        unless defined $file && length $file;

    eval {
        require File::Temp;
        require File::Basename;
        ($fh, $tmpfile) = File::Temp::tempfile(
            DIR => File::Basename::dirname($file)
        my $perlcode = $class->as_perl($content) || die $!;

        if ($UNICODE && is_utf8($perlcode)) {
            $perlcode = "use utf8;\n\n$perlcode";
            binmode $fh, ":utf8";
        print $fh $perlcode;
    return $class->error($@) if $@;
    return rename($tmpfile, $file)
        || $class->error($!);

# catch_warnings($msg)
# Installed as

sub catch_warnings {
    $COMPERR .= join('', @_);



=head1 NAME

Template::Document - Compiled template document object


    use Template::Document;

    $doc = Template::Document->new({
        BLOCK => sub { # some perl code; return $some_text },
        DEFBLOCKS => {
            header => sub { # more perl code; return $some_text },
            footer => sub { # blah blah blah; return $some_text },
        METADATA => {
            author  => 'Andy Wardley',
            version => 3.14,
    }) || die $Template::Document::ERROR;

    print $doc->process($context);


This module defines an object class whose instances represent compiled
template documents.  The L<Template::Parser> module creates a
C<Template::Document> instance to encapsulate a template as it is compiled
into Perl code.

The constructor method, L<new()>, expects a reference to a hash array
containing the C<BLOCK>, C<DEFBLOCKS> and C<METADATA> items.

The C<BLOCK> item should contain a reference to a Perl subroutine or a textual
representation of Perl code, as generated by the L<Template::Parser> module.
This is then evaluated into a subroutine reference using C<eval()>.

The C<DEFBLOCKS> item should reference a hash array containing further named
C<BLOCK>s which may be defined in the template. The keys represent C<BLOCK>
names and the values should be subroutine references or text strings of Perl
code as per the main C<BLOCK> item.

The C<METADATA> item should reference a hash array of metadata items relevant
to the document.

The L<process()> method can then be called on the instantiated
C<Template::Document> object, passing a reference to a L<Template::Context>
object as the first parameter. This will install any locally defined blocks
(C<DEFBLOCKS>) in the C<BLOCKS> cache in the context (via a call to
L<visit()|Template::Context#visit()>) so that they may be subsequently
resolved by the context. The main C<BLOCK> subroutine is then executed,
passing the context reference on as a parameter. The text returned from the
template subroutine is then returned by the L<process()> method, after calling
the context L<leave()|Template::Context#leave()> method to permit cleanup and
de-registration of named C<BLOCKS> previously installed.

An C<AUTOLOAD> method provides access to the C<METADATA> items for the
document. The L<Template::Service> module installs a reference to the main
C<Template::Document> object in the stash as the C<template> variable. This allows
metadata items to be accessed from within templates, including C<PRE_PROCESS>


    <title>[% template.title %]

C<Template::Document> objects are usually created by the L<Template::Parser>
but can be manually instantiated or sub-classed to provide custom
template components.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 new(\%config)

Constructor method which accept a reference to a hash array containing the
structure as shown in this example:

    $doc = Template::Document->new({
        BLOCK => sub { # some perl code; return $some_text },
        DEFBLOCKS => {
            header => sub { # more perl code; return $some_text },
            footer => sub { # blah blah blah; return $some_text },
        METADATA => {
            author  => 'Andy Wardley',
            version => 3.14,
    }) || die $Template::Document::ERROR;

C<BLOCK> and C<DEFBLOCKS> items may be expressed as references to Perl subroutines
or as text strings containing Perl subroutine definitions, as is generated
by the L<Template::Parser> module.  These are evaluated into subroutine references
using C<eval()>.

Returns a new C<Template::Document> object or C<undef> on error. The
L<error()|Template::Base#error()> class method can be called, or the C<$ERROR>
package variable inspected to retrieve the relevant error message.

=head2 process($context)

Main processing routine for the compiled template document. A reference to a
L<Template::Context> object should be passed as the first parameter. The
method installs any locally defined blocks via a call to the context
L<visit()|Template::Context#visit()> method, processes its own template,
(passing the context reference as a parameter) and then calls
L<leave()|Template::Context#leave()> in the context to allow cleanup.

    print $doc->process($context);

Returns a text string representing the generated output for the template.
Errors are thrown via C<die()>.

=head2 block()

Returns a reference to the main C<BLOCK> subroutine.

=head2 blocks()

Returns a reference to the hash array of named C<DEFBLOCKS> subroutines.

=head2 variables()

Returns a reference to a hash of variables used in the template.
This requires the L<TRACE_VARS|Template::Manual::Config#TRACE_VARS>
option to be enabled.

=head2 meta()

Return a reference to a hash of any META items defined in the template.


An autoload method returns C<METADATA> items.

    print $doc->author();


These methods are used internally.

=head2 as_perl($content)

This method generate a Perl representation of the template.

    my $perl = Template::Document->as_perl({
        BLOCK     => $main_block,
        DEFBLOCKS => {
            foo   => $foo_block,
            bar   => $bar_block,
        METADATA  => {
            name  => 'my_template',

=head2 write_perl_file(\%config)

This method is used to write compiled Perl templates to disk.  If the
C<COMPILE_EXT> option (to indicate a file extension for saving compiled
templates) then the L<Template::Parser> module calls this subroutine before
calling the L<new()> constructor.  At this stage, the parser has a
representation of the template as text strings containing Perl code.  We can
write that to a file, enclosed in a small wrapper which will allow us to
subsequently C<require()> the file and have Perl parse and compile it into a
C<Template::Document>.  Thus we have persistence of compiled templates.


=head2 catch_warnings()

This is a simple handler used to catch any errors that arise when the
compiled Perl template is first evaluated (that is, evaluated by Perl to
create a template subroutine at compile, rather than the template being
processed at runtime).

=head2 is_utf8()

This is mapped to C<utf8::is_utf8> for versions of Perl that have it (> 5.008)
or to C<Encode::is_utf8> for Perl 5.008.  Earlier versions of Perl are not

=head1 AUTHOR

Andy Wardley E<lt>abw@wardley.orgE<gt> L<http://wardley.org/>


Copyright (C) 1996-2013 Andy Wardley.  All Rights Reserved.

This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<Template>, L<Template::Parser>


# Local Variables:
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Name Type Size Permission Actions
Manual Folder 0755
Namespace Folder 0755
Plugin Folder 0755
Stash Folder 0755
Tools Folder 0755
Tutorial Folder 0755
Base.pm File 7.35 KB 0444
Config.pm File 13.38 KB 0444
Constants.pm File 9.39 KB 0444
Context.pm File 51.18 KB 0444
Directive.pm File 28.8 KB 0444
Document.pm File 15.98 KB 0444
Exception.pm File 6.22 KB 0444
FAQ.pod File 8.62 KB 0444
Filters.pm File 24.42 KB 0444
Grammar.pm File 96.52 KB 0444
Iterator.pm File 13.15 KB 0444
Manual.pod File 2.37 KB 0444
Modules.pod File 5.37 KB 0444
Parser.pm File 39.68 KB 0444
Plugin.pm File 8.74 KB 0444
Plugins.pm File 13.76 KB 0444
Provider.pm File 45.43 KB 0444
Service.pm File 17.29 KB 0444
Stash.pm File 28.15 KB 0444
Test.pm File 21.64 KB 0444
Toolkit.pm File 5.59 KB 0444
Tools.pod File 1.49 KB 0444
Tutorial.pod File 1.02 KB 0444
VMethods.pm File 15.3 KB 0444
View.pm File 23.45 KB 0444