[ Avaa Bypassed ]



elspacio@ ~ $
��^c@s9dZddlTddlZdZddd��YZdS(sListViewer class.

This class implements an input/output view on the color model.  It lists every
unique color (e.g. unique r/g/b value) found in the color database.  Each
color is shown by small swatch and primary color name.  Some colors have
aliases -- more than one name for the same r/g/b value.  These aliases are
displayed in the small listbox at the bottom of the screen.

Clicking on a color name or swatch selects that color and updates all other
windows.  When a color is selected in a different viewer, the color list is
scrolled to the selected color and it is highlighted.  If the selected color
is an r/g/b value without a name, no scrolling occurs.

You can turn off Update On Click if all you want to see is the alias for a
given name, without selecting the color.
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Name Type Size Permission Actions
X Folder 0755
ChipViewer.py File 4.88 KB 0644
ChipViewer.pyc File 5.37 KB 0644
ChipViewer.pyo File 5.37 KB 0644
ColorDB.py File 8.73 KB 0644
ColorDB.pyc File 9.46 KB 0644
ColorDB.pyo File 9.46 KB 0644
DetailsViewer.py File 9.88 KB 0644
DetailsViewer.pyc File 10.32 KB 0644
DetailsViewer.pyo File 10.32 KB 0644
ListViewer.py File 6.49 KB 0644
ListViewer.pyc File 7.03 KB 0644
ListViewer.pyo File 7.03 KB 0644
Main.py File 6.25 KB 0644
Main.pyc File 6.14 KB 0644
Main.pyo File 6.14 KB 0644
PyncheWidget.py File 10.25 KB 0644
PyncheWidget.pyc File 10.84 KB 0644
PyncheWidget.pyo File 10.84 KB 0644
README File 15.41 KB 0644
StripViewer.py File 15.1 KB 0644
StripViewer.pyc File 13.54 KB 0644
StripViewer.pyo File 13.4 KB 0644
Switchboard.py File 4.7 KB 0644
Switchboard.pyc File 5.92 KB 0644
Switchboard.pyo File 5.92 KB 0644
TextViewer.py File 6.71 KB 0644
TextViewer.pyc File 7.19 KB 0644
TextViewer.pyo File 7.19 KB 0644
TypeinViewer.py File 5.96 KB 0644
TypeinViewer.pyc File 6.26 KB 0644
TypeinViewer.pyo File 6.26 KB 0644
__init__.py File 47 B 0644
__init__.pyc File 140 B 0644
__init__.pyo File 140 B 0644
html40colors.txt File 245 B 0644
namedcolors.txt File 5.58 KB 0644
pyColorChooser.py File 3.68 KB 0644
pyColorChooser.pyc File 4.32 KB 0644
pyColorChooser.pyo File 4.32 KB 0644
pynche File 182 B 0755
webcolors.txt File 3.02 KB 0644
websafe.txt File 1.71 KB 0644