"""Sample demo showing widget states and some font styling.""" import ttk states = ['active', 'disabled', 'focus', 'pressed', 'selected', 'background', 'readonly', 'alternate', 'invalid'] for state in states[:]: states.append("!" + state) def reset_state(widget): nostate = states[len(states) // 2:] widget.state(nostate) class App(ttk.Frame): def __init__(self, title=None): ttk.Frame.__init__(self, borderwidth=6) self.master.title(title) self.style = ttk.Style() # get default font size and family btn_font = self.style.lookup("TButton", "font") fsize = str(self.tk.eval("font configure %s -size" % btn_font)) self.font_family = self.tk.eval("font configure %s -family" % btn_font) if ' ' in self.font_family: self.font_family = '{%s}' % self.font_family self.fsize_prefix = fsize[0] if fsize[0] == '-' else '' self.base_fsize = int(fsize[1 if fsize[0] == '-' else 0:]) # a list to hold all the widgets that will have their states changed self.update_widgets = [] self._setup_widgets() def _set_font(self, extra=0): self.style.configure("TButton", font="%s %s%d" % (self.font_family, self.fsize_prefix, self.base_fsize + extra)) def _new_state(self, widget, newtext): widget = self.nametowidget(widget) if not newtext: goodstates = ["disabled"] font_extra = 0 else: # set widget state according to what has been entered in the entry newstates = set(newtext.split()) # eliminate duplicates # keep only the valid states goodstates = [state for state in newstates if state in states] # define a new font size based on amount of states font_extra = 2 * len(goodstates) # set new widget state for widget in self.update_widgets: reset_state(widget) # remove any previous state from the widget widget.state(goodstates) # update Ttk Button font size self._set_font(font_extra) return 1 def _setup_widgets(self): btn = ttk.Button(self, text='Enter states and watch') entry = ttk.Entry(self, cursor='xterm', validate="key") entry['validatecommand'] = (self.register(self._new_state), '%W', '%P') entry.focus() self.update_widgets.append(btn) entry.validate() entry.pack(fill='x', padx=6) btn.pack(side='left', pady=6, padx=6, anchor='n') self.pack(fill='both', expand=1) def main(): app = App("Widget State Tester") app.mainloop() if __name__ == "__main__": main()
Name | Type | Size | Permission | Actions |
img | Folder | 0755 |
combo_themes.py | File | 1.58 KB | 0644 |
combo_themes.pyc | File | 1.88 KB | 0644 |
combo_themes.pyo | File | 1.88 KB | 0644 |
dirbrowser.py | File | 2.65 KB | 0644 |
dirbrowser.pyc | File | 3.88 KB | 0644 |
dirbrowser.pyo | File | 3.88 KB | 0644 |
listbox_scrollcmd.py | File | 1.13 KB | 0644 |
listbox_scrollcmd.pyc | File | 1.56 KB | 0644 |
listbox_scrollcmd.pyo | File | 1.56 KB | 0644 |
mac_searchentry.py | File | 3.63 KB | 0644 |
mac_searchentry.pyc | File | 3.88 KB | 0644 |
mac_searchentry.pyo | File | 3.88 KB | 0644 |
notebook_closebtn.py | File | 2.47 KB | 0644 |
notebook_closebtn.pyc | File | 2.91 KB | 0644 |
notebook_closebtn.pyo | File | 2.91 KB | 0644 |
plastik_theme.py | File | 9.36 KB | 0644 |
plastik_theme.pyc | File | 7.34 KB | 0644 |
plastik_theme.pyo | File | 7.34 KB | 0644 |
roundframe.py | File | 5.47 KB | 0644 |
roundframe.pyc | File | 6.28 KB | 0644 |
roundframe.pyo | File | 6.28 KB | 0644 |
theme_selector.py | File | 1.92 KB | 0644 |
theme_selector.pyc | File | 2.81 KB | 0644 |
theme_selector.pyo | File | 2.81 KB | 0644 |
treeview_multicolumn.py | File | 4.15 KB | 0644 |
treeview_multicolumn.pyc | File | 5.35 KB | 0644 |
treeview_multicolumn.pyo | File | 5.35 KB | 0644 |
ttkcalendar.py | File | 8.12 KB | 0644 |
ttkcalendar.pyc | File | 9.54 KB | 0644 |
ttkcalendar.pyo | File | 9.54 KB | 0644 |
widget_state.py | File | 2.66 KB | 0644 |
widget_state.pyc | File | 3.33 KB | 0644 |
widget_state.pyo | File | 3.33 KB | 0644 |