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elspacio@ ~ $
# -*-mode: python; fill-column: 75; tab-width: 8; coding: iso-latin-1-unix -*-
# $Id$
# Tix Demonstration Program
# This sample program is structured in such a way so that it can be
# executed from the Tix demo program "tixwidgets.py": it must have a
# procedure called "RunSample". It should also have the "if" statment
# at the end of this file so that it can be run as a standalone
# program.

# This file demonstrates the use of the tixPanedWindow widget. This program
# is a dummy news reader: the user can adjust the sizes of the list
# of artical names and the size of the text widget that shows the body
# of the article.

import Tix

TCL_ALL_EVENTS          = 0

def RunSample (root):
    panedwin = DemoPanedwin(root)

class DemoPanedwin:
    def __init__(self, w):
        self.root = w
        self.exit = -1

        z = w.winfo_toplevel()
        z.wm_protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", lambda self=self: self.quitcmd())

        group = Tix.LabelEntry(w, label='Newsgroup:', options='entry.width 25')
        pane = Tix.PanedWindow(w, orientation='vertical')

        p1 = pane.add('list', min=70, size=100)
        p2 = pane.add('text', min=70)
        list = Tix.ScrolledListBox(p1)
        list.listbox['width'] = 80
        list.listbox['height'] = 5
        text = Tix.ScrolledText(p2)
        text.text['width'] = 80
        text.text['height'] = 20

        list.listbox.insert(Tix.END, "  12324 Re: Tkinter is good for your health")
        list.listbox.insert(Tix.END, "+ 12325 Re: Tkinter is good for your health")
        list.listbox.insert(Tix.END, "+ 12326 Re: Tix is even better for your health (Was: Tkinter is good...)")
        list.listbox.insert(Tix.END, "  12327 Re: Tix is even better for your health (Was: Tkinter is good...)")
        list.listbox.insert(Tix.END, "+ 12328 Re: Tix is even better for your health (Was: Tkinter is good...)")
        list.listbox.insert(Tix.END, "  12329 Re: Tix is even better for your health (Was: Tkinter is good...)")
        list.listbox.insert(Tix.END, "+ 12330 Re: Tix is even better for your health (Was: Tkinter is good...)")

        text.text['bg'] = list.listbox['bg']
        text.text['wrap'] = 'none'
        text.text.insert(Tix.END, """
    Mon, 19 Jun 1995 11:39:52        comp.lang.python              Thread   34 of  220
    Lines 353       A new way to put text and bitmaps together iNo responses
    ioi@blue.seas.upenn.edu                Ioi K. Lam at University of Pennsylvania


    I have implemented a new image type called "compound". It allows you
    to glue together a bunch of bitmaps, images and text strings together
    to form a bigger image. Then you can use this image with widgets that
    support the -image option. For example, you can display a text string string
    together with a bitmap, at the same time, inside a TK button widget.
        text.text['state'] = 'disabled'

        list.pack(expand=1, fill=Tix.BOTH, padx=4, pady=6)
        text.pack(expand=1, fill=Tix.BOTH, padx=4, pady=6)

        group.pack(side=Tix.TOP, padx=3, pady=3, fill=Tix.BOTH)
        pane.pack(side=Tix.TOP, padx=3, pady=3, fill=Tix.BOTH, expand=1)

        box = Tix.ButtonBox(w, orientation=Tix.HORIZONTAL)
        box.add('ok', text='Ok', underline=0, width=6,
        box.add('cancel', text='Cancel', underline=0, width=6,
        box.pack(side=Tix.BOTTOM, fill=Tix.X)

    def quitcmd (self):
        self.exit = 0

    def mainloop(self):
        while self.exit < 0:

    def destroy (self):

if __name__ == '__main__':
    root = Tix.Tk()


Name Type Size Permission Actions
Balloon.py File 2.21 KB 0644
Balloon.pyc File 2.59 KB 0644
Balloon.pyo File 2.59 KB 0644
BtnBox.py File 1.53 KB 0644
BtnBox.pyc File 1.31 KB 0644
BtnBox.pyo File 1.31 KB 0644
CmpImg.py File 7.05 KB 0644
CmpImg.pyc File 6.4 KB 0644
CmpImg.pyo File 6.4 KB 0644
ComboBox.py File 3.33 KB 0644
ComboBox.pyc File 2.74 KB 0644
ComboBox.pyo File 2.74 KB 0644
Control.py File 4.03 KB 0644
Control.pyc File 3.94 KB 0644
Control.pyo File 3.94 KB 0644
DirList.py File 4.46 KB 0644
DirList.pyc File 4.4 KB 0644
DirList.pyo File 4.4 KB 0644
DirTree.py File 3.97 KB 0644
DirTree.pyc File 3.98 KB 0644
DirTree.pyo File 3.98 KB 0644
NoteBook.py File 3.87 KB 0644
NoteBook.pyc File 2.84 KB 0644
NoteBook.pyo File 2.84 KB 0644
OptMenu.py File 2.39 KB 0644
OptMenu.pyc File 2.1 KB 0644
OptMenu.pyo File 2.1 KB 0644
PanedWin.py File 3.74 KB 0644
PanedWin.pyc File 4.13 KB 0644
PanedWin.pyo File 4.13 KB 0644
PopMenu.py File 2.05 KB 0644
PopMenu.pyc File 1.83 KB 0644
PopMenu.pyo File 1.83 KB 0644
SHList1.py File 3.87 KB 0644
SHList1.pyc File 3.59 KB 0644
SHList1.pyo File 3.59 KB 0644
SHList2.py File 5.5 KB 0644
SHList2.pyc File 4.46 KB 0644
SHList2.pyo File 4.46 KB 0644
Tree.py File 2.8 KB 0644
Tree.pyc File 2.3 KB 0644
Tree.pyo File 2.3 KB 0644