[ Avaa Bypassed ]



elspacio@ ~ $
#! /usr/bin/python2.7

# Fix Python source files to use the new equality test operator, i.e.,
#       if x = y: ...
# is changed to
#       if x == y: ...
# The script correctly tokenizes the Python program to reliably
# distinguish between assignments and equality tests.
# Command line arguments are files or directories to be processed.
# Directories are searched recursively for files whose name looks
# like a python module.
# Symbolic links are always ignored (except as explicit directory
# arguments).  Of course, the original file is kept as a back-up
# (with a "~" attached to its name).
# It complains about binaries (files containing null bytes)
# and about files that are ostensibly not Python files: if the first
# line starts with '#!' and does not contain the string 'python'.
# Changes made are reported to stdout in a diff-like format.
# Undoubtedly you can do this using find and sed or perl, but this is
# a nice example of Python code that recurses down a directory tree
# and uses regular expressions.  Also note several subtleties like
# preserving the file's mode and avoiding to even write a temp file
# when no changes are needed for a file.
# NB: by changing only the function fixline() you can turn this
# into a program for a different change to Python programs...

import sys
import re
import os
from stat import *
import string

err = sys.stderr.write
dbg = err
rep = sys.stdout.write

def main():
    bad = 0
    if not sys.argv[1:]: # No arguments
        err('usage: ' + sys.argv[0] + ' file-or-directory ...\n')
    for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
        if os.path.isdir(arg):
            if recursedown(arg): bad = 1
        elif os.path.islink(arg):
            err(arg + ': will not process symbolic links\n')
            bad = 1
            if fix(arg): bad = 1

ispythonprog = re.compile('^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\.py$')
def ispython(name):
    return ispythonprog.match(name) >= 0

def recursedown(dirname):
    dbg('recursedown(%r)\n' % (dirname,))
    bad = 0
        names = os.listdir(dirname)
    except os.error, msg:
        err('%s: cannot list directory: %r\n' % (dirname, msg))
        return 1
    subdirs = []
    for name in names:
        if name in (os.curdir, os.pardir): continue
        fullname = os.path.join(dirname, name)
        if os.path.islink(fullname): pass
        elif os.path.isdir(fullname):
        elif ispython(name):
            if fix(fullname): bad = 1
    for fullname in subdirs:
        if recursedown(fullname): bad = 1
    return bad

def fix(filename):
##      dbg('fix(%r)\n' % (dirname,))
        f = open(filename, 'r')
    except IOError, msg:
        err('%s: cannot open: %r\n' % (filename, msg))
        return 1
    head, tail = os.path.split(filename)
    tempname = os.path.join(head, '@' + tail)
    g = None
    # If we find a match, we rewind the file and start over but
    # now copy everything to a temp file.
    lineno = 0
    while 1:
        line = f.readline()
        if not line: break
        lineno = lineno + 1
        if g is None and '\0' in line:
            # Check for binary files
            err(filename + ': contains null bytes; not fixed\n')
            return 1
        if lineno == 1 and g is None and line[:2] == '#!':
            # Check for non-Python scripts
            words = string.split(line[2:])
            if words and re.search('[pP]ython', words[0]) < 0:
                msg = filename + ': ' + words[0]
                msg = msg + ' script; not fixed\n'
                return 1
        while line[-2:] == '\\\n':
            nextline = f.readline()
            if not nextline: break
            line = line + nextline
            lineno = lineno + 1
        newline = fixline(line)
        if newline != line:
            if g is None:
                    g = open(tempname, 'w')
                except IOError, msg:
                    err('%s: cannot create: %r\n' % (tempname, msg))
                    return 1
                lineno = 0
                rep(filename + ':\n')
                continue # restart from the beginning
            rep(repr(lineno) + '\n')
            rep('< ' + line)
            rep('> ' + newline)
        if g is not None:

    # End of file
    if not g: return 0 # No changes

    # Finishing touch -- move files

    # First copy the file's mode to the temp file
        statbuf = os.stat(filename)
        os.chmod(tempname, statbuf[ST_MODE] & 07777)
    except os.error, msg:
        err('%s: warning: chmod failed (%r)\n' % (tempname, msg))
    # Then make a backup of the original file as filename~
        os.rename(filename, filename + '~')
    except os.error, msg:
        err('%s: warning: backup failed (%r)\n' % (filename, msg))
    # Now move the temp file to the original file
        os.rename(tempname, filename)
    except os.error, msg:
        err('%s: rename failed (%r)\n' % (filename, msg))
        return 1
    # Return succes
    return 0

from tokenize import tokenprog

match = {'if':':', 'elif':':', 'while':':', 'return':'\n', \
         '(':')', '[':']', '{':'}', '`':'`'}

def fixline(line):
    # Quick check for easy case
    if '=' not in line: return line

    i, n = 0, len(line)
    stack = []
    while i < n:
        j = tokenprog.match(line, i)
        if j < 0:
            # A bad token; forget about the rest of this line
            print '(Syntax error:)'
            print line,
            return line
        a, b = tokenprog.regs[3] # Location of the token proper
        token = line[a:b]
        i = i+j
        if stack and token == stack[-1]:
            del stack[-1]
        elif match.has_key(token):
        elif token == '=' and stack:
            line = line[:a] + '==' + line[b:]
            i, n = a + len('=='), len(line)
        elif token == '==' and not stack:
            print '(Warning: \'==\' at top level:)'
            print line,
    return line

if __name__ == "__main__":


Name Type Size Permission Actions
README File 1009 B 0644
beer.py File 458 B 0755
beer.pyc File 703 B 0644
beer.pyo File 703 B 0644
eqfix.py File 6.16 KB 0755
eqfix.pyc File 4.53 KB 0644
eqfix.pyo File 4.53 KB 0644
fact.py File 1.11 KB 0755
fact.pyc File 1.14 KB 0644
fact.pyo File 1.14 KB 0644
find-uname.py File 1.18 KB 0755
find-uname.pyc File 1.47 KB 0644
find-uname.pyo File 1.47 KB 0644
from.py File 873 B 0755
from.pyc File 751 B 0644
from.pyo File 751 B 0644
lpwatch.py File 2.77 KB 0755
lpwatch.pyc File 2.54 KB 0644
lpwatch.pyo File 2.54 KB 0644
makedir.py File 509 B 0755
makedir.pyc File 732 B 0644
makedir.pyo File 732 B 0644
markov.py File 3.5 KB 0755
markov.pyc File 3.93 KB 0644
markov.pyo File 3.93 KB 0644
mboxconvert.py File 3.11 KB 0755
mboxconvert.pyc File 3.18 KB 0644
mboxconvert.pyo File 3.18 KB 0644
morse.py File 4.21 KB 0755
morse.pyc File 4.33 KB 0644
morse.pyo File 4.33 KB 0644
pi.py File 887 B 0755
pi.pyc File 921 B 0644
pi.pyo File 921 B 0644
pp.py File 3.72 KB 0755
pp.pyc File 2.28 KB 0644
pp.pyo File 2.28 KB 0644
primes.py File 602 B 0755
primes.pyc File 921 B 0644
primes.pyo File 921 B 0644
queens.py File 2.19 KB 0755
queens.pyc File 2.95 KB 0644
queens.pyo File 2.95 KB 0644
script.py File 961 B 0755
script.pyc File 1.21 KB 0644
script.pyo File 1.21 KB 0644
unbirthday.py File 3.07 KB 0755
unbirthday.pyc File 2.93 KB 0644
unbirthday.pyo File 2.93 KB 0644
update.py File 2.68 KB 0755
update.pyc File 2.69 KB 0644
update.pyo File 2.69 KB 0644