[ Avaa Bypassed ]



elspacio@ ~ $
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# String constants for the RHN Register TUI/GUI.
# Copyright (c) 2000--2016 Red Hat, Inc.
# Author:
#       James Slagle <jslagle@redhat.com>

from up2date_client.pmPlugin import PM_PLUGIN_NAME, PM_NAME

import gettext
t = gettext.translation('rhn-client-tools', fallback=True)
# Python 3 translations don't have a ugettext method
if not hasattr(t, 'ugettext'):
    t.ugettext = t.gettext
_ = t.ugettext

COPYRIGHT_TEXT        = _(u"Copyright © 2006--2014 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.")

# Satellite URL Window
SATELLITE_URL_WINDOW  = _("Enter your CloudLinux Network URL.")
SATELLITE_URL_TEXT    = _("Please enter the location of your CloudLinux Network "
                          "server and of its SSL "
                          "certificate. The SSL certificate is only required "
                          "if you will be connecting over https (recommended).")
SATELLITE_URL_PROMPT2 = _("SSL certificate:")
SATELLITE_REQUIRED    = _("You must enter a valid Satellite URL.")
SSL_REQUIRED          = _("If you are using https you must enter the location "
                          "of a valid SSL certificate.")

# Connect Window
CONNECT_WINDOW        = _("Attempting to contact the Spacewalk server.")
CONNECT_WINDOW_TEXT   = _("We are attempting to contact the CloudLinux Network "
                          "Network server at %s.")
CONNECT_WINDOW_TEXT2  = _("A proxy was specified at %s.")

# Start Window
START_REGISTER_WINDOW = _("System Registration")
START_REGISTER_TEXT   = _("This assistant will guide you through "
                          "connecting your system to "
                          "CloudLinux Network to receive software "
                          "updates, including "
                          "security updates, to keep your system supported "
                          "and compliant.  "
                          "You will need the following at this time:\n\n"
                          " * A network connection\n"
                          " * Your CloudLinux Login & password\n"
                          " * The location of a CloudLinux Network "
                          "or Proxy\n\n")

# Why Register Window
WHY_REGISTER          = _("Why Should I Connect to CLN? ...")
WHY_REGISTER_WINDOW   = _("Why Register")
WHY_REGISTER_TEXT     = _("Connecting your system to CloudLinux Network allows you to take full "
                          "advantage of the benefits of a paid subscription, including:")
WHY_REGISTER_SEC      = _("Security & Updates:")
WHY_REGISTER_DLD      = _("Downloads & Upgrades:")
WHY_REGISTER_SUPP     = _("Support:")
WHY_REGISTER_COMP     = _("Compliance:")
WHY_REGISTER_SEC_TXT  = _("Receive the latest software updates, including security updates, keeping this "
                          "CloudLinux system updated and secure.")
WHY_REGISTER_DLD_TXT  = _("Download installation images for CloudLinux releases, "
                          "including new releases.")
WHY_REGISTER_SUPP_TXT = _("Access to the technical support experts at CloudLinux for help "
                          "with any issues you might encounter with this system.")
WHY_REGISTER_COMP_TXT = _("Stay in compliance with your subscription agreement "
                          "and manage subscriptions "
                          "for systems connected to your account.")
WHY_REGISTER_TIP      = _("Tip: CloudLinux values your privacy: "
BACK_REGISTER         = _("Take me back to the registration")

# Confirm Quit Window
CONFIRM_QUIT           = _("Software Update Not Set Up")
CONFIRM_QUIT_SURE       = _("Are you sure you don't want to connect your system to CloudLinux Network? "
                           "You'll miss out on the benefits of a CloudLinux subscription:\n")
CONFIRM_QUIT_WILLNOT       = _("You will not be able to take advantage of these subscription privileges without connecting "
                           "your system to CloudLinux Network.\n")
CONTINUE_REGISTERING   = _("Take me back to the setup process.")
REGISTER_LATER2        = _("I'll register later.")

# Info Window
REGISTER_WINDOW   = _("CloudLinux Account")
LOGIN_PROMPT      = _("Please enter your login information for the %s "
                    "CloudLinux Network:\n\n")
HOSTED_LOGIN      = _("CloudLinux Login:")
LOGIN             = _("Login:")
PASSWORD          = _("Password:")
LOGIN_TIP         = _("Tip: Forgot your login or password?  Contact your "
                      "Satellite's Organization Administrator.")
USER_REQUIRED     = _("Please enter a desired login.")
PASSWORD_REQUIRED = _("Please enter and verify a password.")

# OS Release Window
SELECT_OSRELEASE             = _("Operating System Release Version")
OS_VERSION                   = _("Operating System version:")
MINOR_RELEASE                = _(" Minor Release: ")
LIMITED_UPDATES              = _("Limited Updates Only")
ALL_UPDATES                  = _("All available updates")
CONFIRM_OS_RELEASE_SELECTION = _("Confirm operating system release selection")
CONFIRM_OS_ALL               = _("Your system will be subscribed to the base"
                                 " software channel to receive all available"
                                 " updates.")

# Hardware Window
HARDWARE_WINDOW = _("Create Profile - Hardware")
HARDWARE_WINDOW_DESC1 = _("A Profile Name is a descriptive name that"
                          " you choose to identify this System Profile"
                          " on the CloudLinux Network web pages. Optionally,"
                          " include a computer serial or identification number.")
HARDWARE_WINDOW_DESC2 = _("Additional hardware information including PCI"
                          " devices, disk sizes and mount points will be"
                          " included in the profile.")
HARDWARE_WINDOW_CHECKBOX = _("Include the following information about hardware"
                             " and network:")

# Packages Window
PACKAGES_WINDOW         = _("Create Profile - Packages")
PACKAGES_WINDOW_DESC1   = _("RPM information is important to determine what"
                          " updated software packages are relevant to this"
                          " system.")
PACKAGES_WINDOW_DESC2   = _("Include RPM packages installed on this system"
                          " in my System Profile")
PACKAGES_WINDOW_UNCHECK = _("You may deselect individual packages by"
                            " unchecking them below.")
PACKAGES_WINDOW_PKGLIST = _("Building Package List")

# Product Window
EMAIL                  = _("*Email Address:")

SYSTEM_ALREADY_SETUP = _("System Already Registered")
SYSTEM_ALREADY_REGISTERED = _("It appears this system has already been set up for software updates:")
SYSTEM_ALREADY_REGISTERED_CONT = _("Are you sure you would like to continue?")

RHSM_SYSTEM_ALREADY_REGISTERED = _("This system has already been registered using CloudLinux Subscription Management.\n\n"
                                "Your system is being registered again using CloudLinux Network"
                                " or CloudLinux Network Proxy technology. CloudLinux recommends that customers only register once.\n\n"
                                "To learn more about RHN Classic/CloudLinux Network registration and technologies please consult this"
                                " Knowledge Base Article: https://access.redhat.com/kb/docs/DOC-45563")

# Send Window
SEND_WINDOW      = _("Send Profile Information to CloudLinux Network")
SEND_WINDOW_DESC = _("We are finished collecting information for the System Profile.\n\n"
                     "Press \"Next\" to send this System Profile to CloudLinux Network.  "
                     "Click \"Cancel\" and no information will be sent.  "
                     "You can run the registration program later by "
                     "typing `rhn_register` at the command line.")

# Sending Window
SENDING_WINDOW = _("Sending Profile to CloudLinux Network")

# Finish Window
FINISH_WINDOW           = _("Updates Configured")
FINISH_WINDOW_TEXT_TUI  = _("You may now run '%s update' from this system's "
                            "command line to get the latest "
                            "software updates from CloudLinux Network. You will need to run this "
                            "periodically to "
                            "get the latest updates. Alternatively, you may configure this "
                            "system for automatic software updates (also known as 'auto errata update') "
                            "via the CloudLinux Network web interface.  (Instructions for this are in chapter 6 "
                            "of the CLN Reference Guide, available from the 'Help' button in the main Red "
                            "Hat Network Satellite web interface.)") % PM_NAME

# Review Window
REVIEW_WINDOW           = _("Review Subscription")
REVIEW_WINDOW_PROMPT    = _("Please review the subscription details below:")
SUB_NUM                 = _("The installation number %s was activated during "
                            "this system's initial connection to CloudLinux Network.")
SUB_NUM_RESULT          = _("Subscriptions have been activated for the following "
                            "CloudLinux products/services:")
CHANNELS_TITLE          = _("Software Channel Subscriptions:")
OK_CHANNELS             = _("This system will receive updates from the "
                            "following software channels:")
CHANNELS_SAT_WARNING    = _("Warning: Only installed product listed above will receive "
                            "updates and support. If you would like "
                            "to receive updates for additional products, please "
                            "login to your satellite web interface "
                            "and subscribe this system to the appropriate "
                            "software channels. See Kbase article "
                            "for more details. "
PM_PLUGIN_WARNING       = _("Warning: %s is not present, could not enable it.\n"
                            "Automatic updates will not work.") % (PM_PLUGIN_NAME)
PM_PLUGIN_CONF_CHANGED  = _("Note: %s has been enabled.") % (PM_PLUGIN_NAME)
PM_PLUGIN_CONF_ERROR    = _("Warning: An error occurred during enabling %s.\n"
                            "%s is not enabled.\n"
                            "Automatic updates will not work.") % (PM_PLUGIN_NAME, PM_PLUGIN_NAME)
FAILED_CHANNELS         = _("You were unable to be subscribed to the following "
                            "software channels because there were insufficient "
                            "subscriptions available in your account:")
NO_BASE_CHANNEL            = _(
"This system was unable to subscribe to any software channels. Your system "
"will not receive any software updates to keep it secure and supported. "
"Contact your Satellite administrator about this problem. Once you make the "
"appropriate active subscriptions available in your account, you may browse "
"to this system's profile in the CLN web interface and subscribe this system "
"to software channels via the software > software channels tab.")
SLOTS_TITLE             = _("Service Level:")
OK_SLOTS                = _("Depending on what CloudLinux Network modules are associated with a system, you'll "
                            "enjoy different benefits. The following are the "
                            "CloudLinux Network modules associated with this system:")
SLOTS                   =  SLOTS_TITLE + "\n" + OK_SLOTS + "\n%s"
FAILED_SLOTS            = _("This system was unable to be associated with the "
                            "following CLN module(s) because there were "
                            "insufficient subscriptions available in your account:")
MANAGEMENT              = _("Management module: automatic updates, systems "
                            "grouping, systems permissions, system package profiling, "
                            "bare-metal provisioning, existing state provisioning, "
                            "rollbacks, configuration management")

VIRT = _("Virtualization module: software updates for a limited number of "
        "virtual guests on this system.")

VIRT_FAILED = _("<b>Warning:</b> Any guest systems you create on this system "
        "and register to RHN will consume CloudLinux "
        "subscriptions beyond this host system's subscription. You will need "
        "to: (1) make a virtualization system entitlement available and "
        "(2) apply that system entitlement to this "
        "system in CLN's web interface if you do not want virtual guests of "
        "this system to consume additional subscriptions.")

NO_SYS_ENTITLEMENT         = _("This system was unable to be associated with "
"any CLN service level modules. This system will not receive any software "
"updates to keep it secure and supported. Contace your Satellite administrator "
"about this problem. Once you make the "
"appropriate active subscriptions available in your account, you may browse "
"to this system's profile in the CLN web interface, delete the profile, and "
"re-connect this system to CloudLinux Network.")
ACTIVATION_KEY          = _("Universal default activation key detected\n"
                            "A universal default activation key was detected in your account. "
                            "This means that a set of properties (software channel subscriptions, "
                            "package installations, system group memberships, etc.) "
                            "for your system's connection to CloudLinux Network or CloudLinux Network Proxy"
                            "have been determined by the activation key rather than your "
                            "installation number.  "
                            "You may also refer to the RHN Reference Guide, section 6.4.6 for more details "
                            "about activation keys (http://access.redhat.com/knowledge/docs/Red_Hat_Network/)\n"
                            "Universal Default activation key: %s")

# Error Messages.
FATAL_ERROR                = _("Fatal Error")
WARNING                    = _("Warning")
HOSTED_CONNECTION_ERROR    = _("We can't contact the CloudLinux Network.\n\n"
                               "Double check the location provided - is '%s' correct?\n"
                               "If not, you can correct it and try again.\n\n"
                               "Make sure that the network connection on this system is operational.\n\n"
                               "This system will not be able to successfully receive software updates "
                               "from CloudLinux without connecting to a CloudLinux Network server")

BASECHANNELERROR           = _("Architecture: %s, OS Release: %s, OS "
                               "Version: %s")
SERVER_TOO_OLD             = _("This server doesn't support functionality "
                               "needed by this version of the software update"
                               " setup client. Please try again with a newer "

SSL_CERT_ERROR_MSG         = _("<b><span size=\"16000\">Incompatible Certificate File</span></b>\n\n"
                               "The certificate you provided, <b>%s</b>, is not compatible with "
                               " the CloudLinux Network server at <b>%s</b>. You may want to double-check"
                               " that you have provided a valid certificate file."
                               " Are you sure you have provided the correct certificate, and that"
                               " the certificate file has not been corrupted?\n\n"
                               "Please try again with a different certificate file.")

SSL_CERT_EXPIRED           = _("<b><span size=\"12000\">Incompatible Certificate File</span></b>\n\n"
                               " The certificate is expired. Please ensure you have the correct "
                               " certificate and your system time is correct.")

SSL_CERT_FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERRER = _("Please verify the values of sslCACert and serverURL in "
                                  "/etc/sysconfig/rhn/up2date. You can either make the "
                                  "serverURL use http instead of https, or you can "
                                  "download the SSL cert from your Satellite, place it "
                                  "in /usr/share/rhn, and ensure sslCACert points to it.")

ACT_KEY_USAGE_LIMIT_ERROR = _("Problem registering system.\n\n"
                              "A universal default activation key limits the "
                              "number of systems which can connect to "
                              "the CLN organization associated with your "
                              "login. To allow this system to connect, "
                              "please contact your CLN organization "
                              "administrator to increase the number of "
                              "systems allowed to connect or to disable "
                              "this universal default activation key. "
                              "More details can be found in CloudLinux "
                              "Knowledgebase Article #7924 at "
                              "http://kbase.redhat.com/faq/FAQ_61_7924.shtm ")

CHANNEL_PAGE_TIP       = _("\n Tip: Minor releases with a '*' are currently"
                           " supported by CloudLinux.\n\n")

CHANNEL_PAGE_WARNING = _("Warning:You will not be able to limit this"
                          " system to minor release that is older than"
                          " the recent minor release if you select this"
                          " option.\n")

CONFIRM_OS_WARNING      = _("Your system will be subscribed to %s \n"
                            "base software channel. You will not be\n"
                            "able to move this system to an earlier release\n"
                            "(you will be able to move to a newer release).\n"
                            "Are you sure you would like to continue?")

# Navigation
OK        = _("OK")
ERROR     = _("Error")
NEXT      = _("Next")
BACK      = _("Back")
CANCEL    = _("Cancel")
NO_CANCEL = _("No, Cancel")
YES_CONT  = _("Yes, Continue")
DESELECT  = _("Press <space> to deselect the option.")


Name Type Size Permission Actions
__pycache__ Folder 0755
__init__.py File 0 B 0644
capabilities.py File 7.28 KB 0644
cldetect.py File 2.97 KB 0644
clientCaps.py File 2.16 KB 0644
clpwd.py File 3.56 KB 0644
config.py File 12.5 KB 0644
debUtils.py File 2.73 KB 0644
getMethod.py File 4.2 KB 0644
haltree.py File 4.53 KB 0644
hardware.py File 31.91 KB 0644
hardware_gudev.py File 12.89 KB 0644
hardware_hal.py File 11.32 KB 0644
hardware_udev.py File 12.99 KB 0644
pkgUtils.py File 295 B 0644
pkgplatform.py File 309 B 0644
pmPlugin.py File 2.79 KB 0644
rhnChannel.py File 4.4 KB 0644
rhnHardware.py File 328 B 0644
rhnPackageInfo.py File 2.21 KB 0644
rhncli.py File 9.12 KB 0644
rhnreg.py File 32.72 KB 0644
rhnreg_constants.py File 18.13 KB 0644
rhnserver.py File 8.66 KB 0644
rpcServer.py File 10.96 KB 0644
rpmUtils.py File 5.2 KB 0644
transaction.py File 4.09 KB 0644
tui.py File 43.7 KB 0644
up2dateAuth.py File 9.29 KB 0644
up2dateErrors.py File 10.26 KB 0644
up2dateLog.py File 2.06 KB 0644
up2dateUtils.py File 5.06 KB 0644