3 ��X~K � @ s d Z ddlmZ ddlZddlZddlmZ ddlmZm Z ddl mZmZm Z mZmZmZ ddlmZmZmZmZmZmZ ddlmZ dd lmZmZ dd lmZmZm Z m!Z!m"Z" ddl#m$Z$ ddl%m&Z&m'Z' dd l(m)Z)m*Z* dZ+dd� Z,dd� Z-dd� Z.dd� Z/dd� Z0ej1fdd�Z2dS )z� pygments.cmdline ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Command line interface. :copyright: Copyright 2006-2017 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details. � )�print_functionN)�dedent)�__version__� highlight)� ClassNotFound�OptionError�docstring_headline�guess_decode�guess_decode_from_terminal�terminal_encoding)�get_all_lexers�get_lexer_by_name�guess_lexer�load_lexer_from_file�get_lexer_for_filename�find_lexer_class_for_filename)� TextLexer)�LatexEmbeddedLexer�LatexFormatter)�get_all_formatters�get_formatter_by_name�load_formatter_from_file�get_formatter_for_filename�find_formatter_class)�TerminalFormatter)�get_all_filters�find_filter_class)�get_all_styles�get_style_by_namea� Usage: %s [-l <lexer> | -g] [-F <filter>[:<options>]] [-f <formatter>] [-O <options>] [-P <option=value>] [-s] [-v] [-x] [-o <outfile>] [<infile>] %s -S <style> -f <formatter> [-a <arg>] [-O <options>] [-P <option=value>] %s -L [<which> ...] %s -N <filename> %s -H <type> <name> %s -h | -V Highlight the input file and write the result to <outfile>. If no input file is given, use stdin, if -o is not given, use stdout. If -s is passed, lexing will be done in "streaming" mode, reading and highlighting one line at a time. This will only work properly with lexers that have no constructs spanning multiple lines! <lexer> is a lexer name (query all lexer names with -L). If -l is not given, the lexer is guessed from the extension of the input file name (this obviously doesn't work if the input is stdin). If -g is passed, attempt to guess the lexer from the file contents, or pass through as plain text if this fails (this can work for stdin). Likewise, <formatter> is a formatter name, and will be guessed from the extension of the output file name. If no output file is given, the terminal formatter will be used by default. The additional option -x allows custom lexers and formatters to be loaded from a .py file relative to the current working directory. For example, ``-l ./customlexer.py -x``. By default, this option expects a file with a class named CustomLexer or CustomFormatter; you can also specify your own class name with a colon (``-l ./lexer.py:MyLexer``). Users should be very careful not to use this option with untrusted files, because it will import and run them. With the -O option, you can give the lexer and formatter a comma- separated list of options, e.g. ``-O bg=light,python=cool``. The -P option adds lexer and formatter options like the -O option, but you can only give one option per -P. That way, the option value may contain commas and equals signs, which it can't with -O, e.g. ``-P "heading=Pygments, the Python highlighter". With the -F option, you can add filters to the token stream, you can give options in the same way as for -O after a colon (note: there must not be spaces around the colon). The -O, -P and -F options can be given multiple times. With the -S option, print out style definitions for style <style> for formatter <formatter>. The argument given by -a is formatter dependent. The -L option lists lexers, formatters, styles or filters -- set `which` to the thing you want to list (e.g. "styles"), or omit it to list everything. The -N option guesses and prints out a lexer name based solely on the given filename. It does not take input or highlight anything. If no specific lexer can be determined "text" is returned. The -H option prints detailed help for the object <name> of type <type>, where <type> is one of "lexer", "formatter" or "filter". The -s option processes lines one at a time until EOF, rather than waiting to process the entire file. This only works for stdin, and is intended for streaming input such as you get from 'tail -f'. Example usage: "tail -f sql.log | pygmentize -s -l sql" The -v option prints a detailed traceback on unhandled exceptions, which is useful for debugging and bug reports. The -h option prints this help. The -V option prints the package version. c C s� i }| s|S x�| D ]x}|j � s q|jd�}x^|D ]V}|j � }y$|jdd�\}}|j � }|j � }W n tk r| d||<