3 rޖYX+ � @ s� d dl mZ d dlmZ d dlmZmZ G dd� de�Zdefdd�Z efd d �Z ddefdd �Zefdd�Zdddddefdd�Z dS )� )�string_types)�Locale)�format_decimal� LC_NUMERICc @ s e Zd Zdd� ZdS )�UnknownUnitErrorc C s t j| d||f � d S )Nz%s is not a known unit in %s)� ValueError�__init__)�self�unit�locale� r �/usr/lib/python3.6/units.pyr s zUnknownUnitError.__init__N)�__name__� __module__�__qualname__r r r r r r s r Zlongc C s: t j|�}t| |d�}|s&t| |d��|jj|i �j|�S )a� Get the display name for a measurement unit in the given locale. >>> get_unit_name("radian", locale="en") 'radians' Unknown units will raise exceptions: >>> get_unit_name("battery", locale="fi") Traceback (most recent call last): ... UnknownUnitError: battery/long is not a known unit/length in fi :param measurement_unit: the code of a measurement unit. Known units can be found in the CLDR Unit Validity XML file: http://unicode.org/repos/cldr/tags/latest/common/validity/unit.xml :param length: "short", "long" or "narrow" :param locale: the `Locale` object or locale identifier :return: The unit display name, or None. )r )r r )r �parse�_find_unit_patternr Zunit_display_names�get)�measurement_unit�lengthr r r r r � get_unit_name s r c C sH t j|�}|jd }| |kr | S x"t|td�D ]}|j| �r.|S q.W dS )a� Expand an unit into a qualified form. Known units can be found in the CLDR Unit Validity XML file: http://unicode.org/repos/cldr/tags/latest/common/validity/unit.xml >>> _find_unit_pattern("radian", locale="en") 'angle-radian' Unknown values will return None. >>> _find_unit_pattern("horse", locale="en") :param unit_id: the code of a measurement unit. :return: A key to the `unit_patterns` mapping, or None. � unit_patterns)�keyN)r r �_data�sorted�len�endswith)Zunit_idr r Zunit_patternr r r r * s r Nc C s� t j|�}t||d�}|s&t||d��|jd | j|i �}t| t�rP| }d}nt| ||�}|j | �}||kr||| j |�S d|t|||d�p�|f S )a� Format a value of a given unit. Values are formatted according to the locale's usual pluralization rules and number formats. >>> format_unit(12, 'length-meter', locale='ro_RO') u'12 metri' >>> format_unit(15.5, 'length-mile', locale='fi_FI') u'15,5 mailia' >>> format_unit(1200, 'pressure-inch-hg', locale='nb') u'1\xa0200 tommer kvikks\xf8lv' Number formats may be overridden with the ``format`` parameter. >>> from babel._compat import decimal >>> format_unit(decimal.Decimal("-42.774"), 'temperature-celsius', 'short', format='#.0', locale='fr') u'-42,8 \xb0C' The locale's usual pluralization rules are respected. >>> format_unit(1, 'length-meter', locale='ro_RO') u'1 metru' >>> format_unit(0, 'length-picometer', locale='cy') u'0 picometr' >>> format_unit(2, 'length-picometer', locale='cy') u'2 bicometr' >>> format_unit(3, 'length-picometer', locale='cy') u'3 phicometr' >>> format_unit(15, 'length-horse', locale='fi') Traceback (most recent call last): ... UnknownUnitError: length-horse is not a known unit in fi .. versionadded:: 2.2.0 :param value: the value to format. If this is a string, no number formatting will be attempted. :param measurement_unit: the code of a measurement unit. Known units can be found in the CLDR Unit Validity XML file: http://unicode.org/repos/cldr/tags/latest/common/validity/unit.xml :param length: "short", "long" or "narrow" :param format: An optional format, as accepted by `format_decimal`. :param locale: the `Locale` object or locale identifier )r )r r r Zonez%s %s)r r )r r r r r r � isinstancer r �plural_form�formatr ) �valuer r r r Zq_unitr Zformatted_valuer r r r �format_unitD s - r! c C sb t j|�}t| |d�} t||d�}| o(|s.dS | jdd�d }|jdd�d }td||f |d�S )a� Find a predefined compound unit pattern. Used internally by format_compound_unit. >>> _find_compound_unit("kilometer", "hour", locale="en") 'speed-kilometer-per-hour' >>> _find_compound_unit("mile", "gallon", locale="en") 'consumption-mile-per-gallon' If no predefined compound pattern can be found, `None` is returned. >>> _find_compound_unit("gallon", "mile", locale="en") >>> _find_compound_unit("horse", "purple", locale="en") :param numerator_unit: The numerator unit's identifier :param denominator_unit: The denominator unit's identifier :param locale: the `Locale` object or locale identifier :return: A key to the `unit_patterns` mapping, or None. :rtype: str|None )r N�-� z %s-per-%s���r$ )r r r �split)�numerator_unit�denominator_unitr Zbare_numerator_unitZbare_denominator_unitr r r �_find_compound_unit� s r( r# c C s t j|�}|r>|r>|dkr>t|||d�}|r>t| ||||d�S t| t�rN| }n&|rft| ||||d�}nt| ||d�}t|t�r�|} np|r�|dkr�t||d�}|jd j |i �j |i �j d�} | r�| j |�S d}t|||||d�j� } nt|||d�} |jd j di �j |d �} | j || �S ) a� Format a compound number value, i.e. "kilometers per hour" or similar. Both unit specifiers are optional to allow for formatting of arbitrary values still according to the locale's general "per" formatting specifier. >>> format_compound_unit(7, denominator_value=11, length="short", locale="pt") '7/11' >>> format_compound_unit(150, "kilometer", denominator_unit="hour", locale="sv") '150 kilometer per timme' >>> format_compound_unit(150, "kilowatt", denominator_unit="year", locale="fi") '150 kilowattia vuodessa' >>> format_compound_unit(32.5, "ton", 15, denominator_unit="hour", locale="en") '32.5 tons per 15 hours' >>> format_compound_unit(160, denominator_unit="square-meter", locale="fr") '160 par m\xe8tre carr\xe9' >>> format_compound_unit(4, "meter", "ratakisko", length="short", locale="fi") '4 m/ratakisko' >>> format_compound_unit(35, "minute", denominator_unit="fathom", locale="sv") '35 minuter per famn' >>> from babel.numbers import format_currency >>> format_compound_unit(format_currency(35, "JPY", locale="de"), denominator_unit="liter", locale="de") '35\xa0\xa5 pro Liter' See http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/tr35-general.html#perUnitPatterns :param numerator_value: The numerator value. This may be a string, in which case it is considered preformatted and the unit is ignored. :param numerator_unit: The numerator unit. See `format_unit`. :param denominator_value: The denominator value. This may be a string, in which case it is considered preformatted and the unit is ignored. :param denominator_unit: The denominator unit. See `format_unit`. :param length: The formatting length. "short", "long" or "narrow" :param format: An optional format, as accepted by `format_decimal`. :param locale: the `Locale` object or locale identifier :return: A formatted compound value. r# )r )r r r )r r r Zper� Zcompound_unit_patternsz{0}/{1})r r r( r! r r r r r r r �strip)Znumerator_valuer&