3 4\0X� � @ s* d Z ddlmZmZ e� Zefdd�ZdS )aT babel.lists ~~~~~~~~~~~ Locale dependent formatting of lists. The default locale for the functions in this module is determined by the following environment variables, in that order: * ``LC_ALL``, and * ``LANG`` :copyright: (c) 2015 by the Babel Team. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details. � )�Locale�default_localec C s� t j|�}| sdS t| �dkr&| d S t| �dkrB|jd j| � S |jd j| d | d �}x&| dd � D ]}|jd j||�}qjW |jd j|| d �}|S )u? Format the items in `lst` as a list. >>> format_list(['apples', 'oranges', 'pears'], 'en') u'apples, oranges, and pears' >>> format_list(['apples', 'oranges', 'pears'], 'zh') u'apples、oranges和pears' :param lst: a sequence of items to format in to a list :param locale: the locale � � r � �2�startZmiddle�end���r )r �parse�lenZ list_patterns�format)ZlstZlocale�result�elem� r �/usr/lib/python3.6/lists.py�format_list s r N)�__doc__Z babel.corer r ZDEFAULT_LOCALEr r r r r �<module> s