[ Avaa Bypassed ]



elspacio@ ~ $
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dddd	gZddd
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PKG_DIRECTORYtPY_COMPILEDt	PY_SOURCEt	PY_FROZENi(tBytecodetRequiretfind_moduletget_module_constanttextract_constantcBsYeZdZdd	d	d�Zd�Zd�Zd	dd�Zd	d�Zd	d�Z	RS(
s7A prerequisite to building or installing a distributiontcCsn|dkr!|dk	r!t}n|dk	rQ||�}|dkrQd}qQn|jjt��|`dS(Nt__version__(tNoneRt__dict__tupdatetlocalstself(Rtnametrequested_versiontmodulethomepaget	attributetformat((s6/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/setuptools/depends.pyt__init__s	cCs*|jdk	r#d|j|jfS|jS(s0Return full package/distribution name, w/versions%s-%sN(RRR(R((s6/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/setuptools/depends.pyt	full_name scCs=|jdkp<|jdkp<t|�dko<||jkS(s%Is 'version' sufficiently up-to-date?tunknownN(RRRtstrR(Rtversion((s6/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/setuptools/depends.pyt
rYdSXnt|j|j||�}|dk	r�||k	r�|jdk	r�|j|�S|S(s�Get version number of installed module, 'None', or 'default'

        Search 'paths' for module.  If not found, return 'None'.  If found,
        return the extracted version attribute, or 'default' if no version
        attribute was specified, or the value cannot be determined without
        importing the module.  The version is formatted according to the
        requirement's version format (if any), unless it is 'None' or the
        supplied 'default'.
        N(RRRRtclosetImportErrorRR(Rtpathstdefaulttftptitv((s6/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/setuptools/depends.pytget_version+s

cCs|j|�dk	S(s/Return true if dependency is present on 'paths'N(R%R(RR((s6/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/setuptools/depends.pyt
is_presentFscCs,|j|�}|dkrtS|j|�S(s>Return true if dependency is present and up-to-date on 'paths'N(R%RtFalseR(RRR((s6/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/setuptools/depends.pyt
is_currentJsN(
__module__t__doc__RRRRR%R&R((((s6/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/setuptools/depends.pyRs
Cs�|jd�}x�|r�|jd�}tj||�\}}\}}}}	|tkrv|pgdg}|g}q|rtd||f��qqW|	S(s7Just like 'imp.find_module()', but with package supportt.iRsCan't find %r in %s(tsplittpoptimpRRR(
RRtpartstpartR!tpathtsuffixtmodetkindtinfo((s6/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/setuptools/depends.pyRRs	(c
r9dSXz�|tkrh|jd�tj|�}	n�|tkr�tj	|�}	no|t
kr�t|j�|d�}	nH|tj
kr�tj||||||f�nttj
||d�SWd|r|j�nXt|	||�S(s�Find 'module' by searching 'paths', and extract 'symbol'

    Return 'None' if 'module' does not exist on 'paths', or it does not define
    'symbol'.  If the module defines 'symbol' as a constant, return the
    constant.  Otherwise, return 'default'.itexecN(RRRRtreadtmarshaltloadRR/tget_frozen_objectRtcompiletsystmodulestload_moduletgetattrRR	(
RtsymbolR RR!R2R3R4R5tcode((s6/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/setuptools/depends.pyRes$%
"cCs�||jkrdSt|j�j|�}d}d}d}|}xpt|�D]b}|j}	|j}
|	|kr�|j|
|kr�|	|ks�|	|kr�|S|}qPWdS(sExtract the constant value of 'symbol' from 'code'

    If the name 'symbol' is bound to a constant value by the Python code
    object 'code', return that value.  If 'symbol' is bound to an expression,
    return 'default'.  Otherwise, return 'None'.

    Return value is based on the first assignment to 'symbol'.  'symbol' must
    be a global, or at least a non-"fast" local in the code block.  That is,
    only 'STORE_NAME' and 'STORE_GLOBAL' opcodes are checked, and 'symbol'
    must be present in 'code.co_names'.
    iZiaidN(tco_namesRtlisttindexRtopcodetargt	co_consts(RBRAR tname_idxt
LOAD_CONSTtconstt	byte_codetopRG((s6/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/setuptools/depends.pyR	�s		$cCsXtjjd�r&tjdkr&dSd}x%|D]}t�|=tj|�q3WdS(s�
    Patch the globals to remove the objects not available on some platforms.

    XXX it'd be better to test assertions about bytecode instead.
    tjavatcliNR	R(R	R(R=tplatformt
startswithtglobalst__all__tremove(tincompatibleR((s6/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/setuptools/depends.pyt_update_globals�s"

py33compatRRURRRRR	RX(((s6/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/setuptools/depends.pyt<module>s"C"$	


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