[ Avaa Bypassed ]



elspacio@ ~ $
# Same as libcriu for C.

import socket
import errno
import fcntl
import os
import struct

import pycriu.rpc_pb2 as rpc

class _criu_comm:
    Base class for communication classes.
    COMM_SK = 0
    COMM_FD = 1
    COMM_BIN = 2
    comm_type = None
    comm = None
    sk = None

    def connect(self, daemon):
        Connect to criu and return socket object.
        daemon -- is for whether or not criu should daemonize if executing criu from binary(comm_bin).

    def disconnect(self):
        Disconnect from criu.

class _criu_comm_sk(_criu_comm):
    Communication class for unix socket.

    def __init__(self, sk_path):
        self.comm_type = self.COMM_SK
        self.comm = sk_path

    def connect(self, daemon):
        self.sk = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_SEQPACKET)

        return self.sk

    def disconnect(self):

class _criu_comm_fd(_criu_comm):
    Communication class for file descriptor.

    def __init__(self, fd):
        self.comm_type = self.COMM_FD
        self.comm = fd

    def connect(self, daemon):
        self.sk = socket.fromfd(self.comm, socket.AF_UNIX,

        return self.sk

    def disconnect(self):

class _criu_comm_bin(_criu_comm):
    Communication class for binary.

    def __init__(self, bin_path):
        self.comm_type = self.COMM_BIN
        self.comm = bin_path
        self.swrk = None
        self.daemon = None

    def connect(self, daemon):
        # Kind of the same thing we do in libcriu
        css = socket.socketpair(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_SEQPACKET)
        flags = fcntl.fcntl(css[1], fcntl.F_GETFD)
        fcntl.fcntl(css[1], fcntl.F_SETFD, flags | fcntl.FD_CLOEXEC)
        flags = fcntl.fcntl(css[0], fcntl.F_GETFD)
        fcntl.fcntl(css[0], fcntl.F_SETFD, flags & ~fcntl.FD_CLOEXEC)

        self.daemon = daemon

        p = os.fork()

        if p == 0:

            def exec_criu():

                css[0].send(struct.pack('i', os.getpid()))
                         [self.comm, 'swrk',
                          "%d" % css[0].fileno()])

            if daemon:
                # Python has no daemon(3) alternative,
                # so we need to mimic it ourself.
                p = os.fork()

                if p == 0:

            if daemon:
                os.waitpid(p, 0)

        self.swrk = struct.unpack('i', css[1].recv(4))[0]
        self.sk = css[1]

        return self.sk

    def disconnect(self):
        if not self.daemon:
            os.waitpid(self.swrk, 0)

class CRIUException(Exception):
    Exception class for handling and storing criu errors.
    typ = None
    _str = None

    def __str__(self):
        return self._str

class CRIUExceptionInternal(CRIUException):
    Exception class for handling and storing internal errors.

    def __init__(self, typ, s):
        self.typ = typ
        self._str = "%s failed with internal error: %s" % (
            rpc.criu_req_type.Name(self.typ), s)

class CRIUExceptionExternal(CRIUException):
    Exception class for handling and storing criu RPC errors.

    def __init__(self, req_typ, resp_typ, errno):
        self.typ = req_typ
        self.resp_typ = resp_typ
        self.errno = errno
        self._str = self._gen_error_str()

    def _gen_error_str(self):
        s = "%s failed: " % (rpc.criu_req_type.Name(self.typ), )

        if self.typ != self.resp_typ:
            s += "Unexpected response type %d: " % (self.resp_typ, )

        s += "Error(%d): " % (self.errno, )

        if self.errno == errno.EBADRQC:
            s += "Bad options"

        if self.typ == rpc.DUMP:
            if self.errno == errno.ESRCH:
                s += "No process with such pid"

        if self.typ == rpc.RESTORE:
            if self.errno == errno.EEXIST:
                s += "Process with requested pid already exists"

        s += "Unknown"

        return s

class criu:
    Call criu through RPC.
    opts = None  #CRIU options in pb format

    _comm = None  #Communication method

    def __init__(self):
        self.opts = rpc.criu_opts()
        self.sk = None

    def use_sk(self, sk_name):
        Access criu using unix socket which that belongs to criu service daemon.
        self._comm = _criu_comm_sk(sk_name)

    def use_fd(self, fd):
        Access criu using provided fd.
        self._comm = _criu_comm_fd(fd)

    def use_binary(self, bin_name):
        Access criu by execing it using provided path to criu binary.
        self._comm = _criu_comm_bin(bin_name)

    def _send_req_and_recv_resp(self, req):
        As simple as send request and receive response.
        # In case of self-dump we need to spawn criu swrk detached
        # from our current process, as criu has a hard time separating
        # process resources from its own if criu is located in a same
        # process tree it is trying to dump.
        daemon = False
        if req.type == rpc.DUMP and not req.opts.HasField('pid'):
            daemon = True

            if not self.sk:
                s = self._comm.connect(daemon)
                s = self.sk

            if req.keep_open:
                self.sk = s


            buf = s.recv(len(s.recv(1, socket.MSG_TRUNC | socket.MSG_PEEK)))

            if not req.keep_open:

            resp = rpc.criu_resp()
        except Exception as e:
            raise CRIUExceptionInternal(req.type, str(e))

        return resp

    def check(self):
        Checks whether the kernel support is up-to-date.
        req = rpc.criu_req()
        req.type = rpc.CHECK

        resp = self._send_req_and_recv_resp(req)

        if not resp.success:
            raise CRIUExceptionExternal(req.type, resp.type, resp.cr_errno)

    def dump(self):
        Checkpoint a process/tree identified by opts.pid.
        req = rpc.criu_req()
        req.type = rpc.DUMP

        resp = self._send_req_and_recv_resp(req)

        if not resp.success:
            raise CRIUExceptionExternal(req.type, resp.type, resp.cr_errno)

        return resp.dump

    def pre_dump(self):
        Checkpoint a process/tree identified by opts.pid.
        req = rpc.criu_req()
        req.type = rpc.PRE_DUMP

        resp = self._send_req_and_recv_resp(req)

        if not resp.success:
            raise CRIUExceptionExternal(req.type, resp.type, resp.cr_errno)

        return resp.dump

    def restore(self):
        Restore a process/tree.
        req = rpc.criu_req()
        req.type = rpc.RESTORE

        resp = self._send_req_and_recv_resp(req)

        if not resp.success:
            raise CRIUExceptionExternal(req.type, resp.type, resp.cr_errno)

        return resp.restore

    def page_server_chld(self):
        req = rpc.criu_req()
        req.type = rpc.PAGE_SERVER_CHLD
        req.keep_open = True

        resp = self._send_req_and_recv_resp(req)

        if not resp.success:
            raise CRIUExceptionExternal(req.type, resp.type, resp.cr_errno)

        return resp.ps

    def wait_pid(self, pid):
        req = rpc.criu_req()
        req.type = rpc.WAIT_PID
        req.pid = pid

        resp = self._send_req_and_recv_resp(req)

        if not resp.success:
            raise CRIUExceptionExternal(req.type, resp.type, resp.cr_errno)

        return resp.status


Name Type Size Permission Actions
images Folder 0755
__init__.py File 70 B 0644
__init__.pyc File 265 B 0644
__init__.pyo File 265 B 0644
cli.py File 10.74 KB 0644
cli.pyc File 12.42 KB 0644
cli.pyo File 12.42 KB 0644
criu.py File 8.26 KB 0644
criu.pyc File 11.06 KB 0644
criu.pyo File 11.06 KB 0644
rpc_pb2.py File 56.36 KB 0644
rpc_pb2.pyc File 27.15 KB 0644
rpc_pb2.pyo File 27.15 KB 0644