local _M = { version = 0.03 } local ffi = require "ffi" local base = require "resty.core.base" local C = ffi.C local ffi_str = ffi.string local tonumber = tonumber local assert = assert local errno = ffi.errno local type = type local new_tab = base.new_tab local error = error local string_format = string.format local load_shared_lib do local string_gmatch = string.gmatch local string_match = string.match local io_open = io.open local io_close = io.close local cpath = package.cpath function load_shared_lib(so_name) local tried_paths = new_tab(32, 0) local i = 1 for k, _ in string_gmatch(cpath, "[^;]+") do local fpath = string_match(k, "(.*/)") fpath = fpath .. so_name -- Don't get me wrong, the only way to know if a file exist is -- trying to open it. local f = io_open(fpath) if f ~= nil then io_close(f) return ffi.load(fpath) end tried_paths[i] = fpath i = i + 1 end return nil, tried_paths end -- function end -- do local resty_signal, tried_paths = load_shared_lib("librestysignal.so") if not resty_signal then error("could not load librestysignal.so from the following paths:\n" .. table.concat(tried_paths, "\n"), 2) end ffi.cdef[[ int resty_signal_signum(int num); ]] if not pcall(function () return C.kill end) then ffi.cdef("int kill(int32_t pid, int sig);") end if not pcall(function () return C.strerror end) then ffi.cdef("char *strerror(int errnum);") end -- Below is just the ID numbers for each POSIX signal. We map these signal IDs -- to system-specific signal numbers on the C land (via librestysignal.so). local signals = { NONE = 0, HUP = 1, INT = 2, QUIT = 3, ILL = 4, TRAP = 5, ABRT = 6, BUS = 7, FPE = 8, KILL = 9, USR1 = 10, SEGV = 11, USR2 = 12, PIPE = 13, ALRM = 14, TERM = 15, CHLD = 17, CONT = 18, STOP = 19, TSTP = 20, TTIN = 21, TTOU = 22, URG = 23, XCPU = 24, XFSZ = 25, VTALRM = 26, PROF = 27, WINCH = 28, IO = 29, PWR = 30, EMT = 31, SYS = 32, INFO = 33 } local function signum(name) local sig_num if type(name) == "number" then sig_num = name else local id = signals[name] if not id then return nil, "unknown signal name" end sig_num = tonumber(resty_signal.resty_signal_signum(id)) if sig_num < 0 then error( string_format("missing C def for signal %s = %d", name, id), 2 ) end end return sig_num end function _M.kill(pid, sig) assert(sig) local sig_num, err = signum(sig) if err then return nil, err end local rc = tonumber(C.kill(assert(pid), sig_num)) if rc == 0 then return true end local err = ffi_str(C.strerror(errno())) return nil, err end _M.signum = signum return _M
Name | Type | Size | Permission | Actions |
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lrucache.lua | File | 6.95 KB | 0644 |
md5.lua | File | 1.19 KB | 0644 |
random.lua | File | 616 B | 0644 |
sha.lua | File | 236 B | 0644 |
sha1.lua | File | 1.16 KB | 0644 |
sha224.lua | File | 1.02 KB | 0644 |
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sha384.lua | File | 1.02 KB | 0644 |
sha512.lua | File | 1.33 KB | 0644 |
shell.lua | File | 4.88 KB | 0644 |
signal.lua | File | 3.04 KB | 0644 |
string.lua | File | 887 B | 0644 |
template.lua | File | 22.69 KB | 0644 |