[ Avaa Bypassed ]



elspacio@ ~ $

Provides exceptions used by setuptools modules.

from distutils import errors as _distutils_errors

# Re-export errors from distutils to facilitate the migration to PEP632

ByteCompileError = _distutils_errors.DistutilsByteCompileError
CCompilerError = _distutils_errors.CCompilerError
ClassError = _distutils_errors.DistutilsClassError
CompileError = _distutils_errors.CompileError
ExecError = _distutils_errors.DistutilsExecError
FileError = _distutils_errors.DistutilsFileError
InternalError = _distutils_errors.DistutilsInternalError
LibError = _distutils_errors.LibError
LinkError = _distutils_errors.LinkError
ModuleError = _distutils_errors.DistutilsModuleError
OptionError = _distutils_errors.DistutilsOptionError
PlatformError = _distutils_errors.DistutilsPlatformError
PreprocessError = _distutils_errors.PreprocessError
SetupError = _distutils_errors.DistutilsSetupError
TemplateError = _distutils_errors.DistutilsTemplateError
UnknownFileError = _distutils_errors.UnknownFileError

# The root error class in the hierarchy
BaseError = _distutils_errors.DistutilsError

class InvalidConfigError(OptionError):
    """Error used for invalid configurations."""

class RemovedConfigError(OptionError):
    """Error used for configurations that were deprecated and removed."""

class RemovedCommandError(BaseError, RuntimeError):
    """Error used for commands that have been removed in setuptools.

    Since ``setuptools`` is built on ``distutils``, simply removing a command
    from ``setuptools`` will make the behavior fall back to ``distutils``; this
    error is raised if a command exists in ``distutils`` but has been actively
    removed in ``setuptools``.

class PackageDiscoveryError(BaseError, RuntimeError):
    """Impossible to perform automatic discovery of packages and/or modules.

    The current project layout or given discovery options can lead to problems when
    scanning the project directory.

    Setuptools might also refuse to complete auto-discovery if an error prone condition
    is detected (e.g. when a project is organised as a flat-layout but contains
    multiple directories that can be taken as top-level packages inside a single
    distribution [*]_). In these situations the users are encouraged to be explicit
    about which packages to include or to make the discovery parameters more specific.

    .. [*] Since multi-package distributions are uncommon it is very likely that the
       developers did not intend for all the directories to be packaged, and are just
       leaving auxiliary code in the repository top-level, such as maintenance-related


Name Type Size Permission Actions
__pycache__ Folder 0755
_distutils Folder 0755
_vendor Folder 0755
command Folder 0755
config Folder 0755
extern Folder 0755
__init__.py File 9 KB 0644
_core_metadata.py File 8.71 KB 0644
_entry_points.py File 2.18 KB 0644
_imp.py File 2.38 KB 0644
_importlib.py File 1.43 KB 0644
_itertools.py File 675 B 0644
_normalization.py File 4.12 KB 0644
_path.py File 1.03 KB 0644
_reqs.py File 1.09 KB 0644
archive_util.py File 7.16 KB 0644
build_meta.py File 18.23 KB 0644
cli-32.exe File 11.5 KB 0644
cli-64.exe File 14 KB 0644
cli-arm64.exe File 13.5 KB 0644
cli.exe File 11.5 KB 0644
dep_util.py File 659 B 0644
depends.py File 5.45 KB 0644
discovery.py File 20.65 KB 0644
dist.py File 36.33 KB 0644
errors.py File 2.61 KB 0644
extension.py File 5.46 KB 0644
glob.py File 4.75 KB 0644
gui-32.exe File 11.5 KB 0644
gui-64.exe File 14 KB 0644
gui-arm64.exe File 13.5 KB 0644
gui.exe File 11.5 KB 0644
installer.py File 4.87 KB 0644
launch.py File 812 B 0644
logging.py File 1.21 KB 0644
modified.py File 190 B 0644
monkey.py File 4.67 KB 0644
msvc.py File 46.31 KB 0644
namespaces.py File 3 KB 0644
package_index.py File 37.45 KB 0644
py312compat.py File 330 B 0644
sandbox.py File 14.01 KB 0644
script (dev).tmpl File 218 B 0644
script.tmpl File 138 B 0644
unicode_utils.py File 941 B 0644
version.py File 161 B 0644
warnings.py File 3.61 KB 0644
wheel.py File 8.43 KB 0644
windows_support.py File 720 B 0644