[ Avaa Bypassed ]



elspacio@ ~ $
from functools import wraps
from pyrsistent._pmap import PMap, pmap
from pyrsistent._pset import PSet, pset
from pyrsistent._pvector import PVector, pvector

def freeze(o, strict=True):
    Recursively convert simple Python containers into pyrsistent versions
    of those containers.

    - list is converted to pvector, recursively
    - dict is converted to pmap, recursively on values (but not keys)
    - set is converted to pset, but not recursively
    - tuple is converted to tuple, recursively.

    If strict == True (default):

    - freeze is called on elements of pvectors
    - freeze is called on values of pmaps

    Sets and dict keys are not recursively frozen because they do not contain
    mutable data by convention. The main exception to this rule is that
    dict keys and set elements are often instances of mutable objects that
    support hash-by-id, which this function can't convert anyway.

    >>> freeze(set([1, 2]))
    pset([1, 2])
    >>> freeze([1, {'a': 3}])
    pvector([1, pmap({'a': 3})])
    >>> freeze((1, []))
    (1, pvector([]))
    typ = type(o)
    if typ is dict or (strict and isinstance(o, PMap)):
        return pmap({k: freeze(v, strict) for k, v in o.items()})
    if typ is list or (strict and isinstance(o, PVector)):
        curried_freeze = lambda x: freeze(x, strict)
        return pvector(map(curried_freeze, o))
    if typ is tuple:
        curried_freeze = lambda x: freeze(x, strict)
        return tuple(map(curried_freeze, o))
    if typ is set:
        # impossible to have anything that needs freezing inside a set or pset
        return pset(o)
    return o

def thaw(o, strict=True):
    Recursively convert pyrsistent containers into simple Python containers.

    - pvector is converted to list, recursively
    - pmap is converted to dict, recursively on values (but not keys)
    - pset is converted to set, but not recursively
    - tuple is converted to tuple, recursively.

    If strict == True (the default):

    - thaw is called on elements of lists
    - thaw is called on values in dicts

    >>> from pyrsistent import s, m, v
    >>> thaw(s(1, 2))
    {1, 2}
    >>> thaw(v(1, m(a=3)))
    [1, {'a': 3}]
    >>> thaw((1, v()))
    (1, [])
    typ = type(o)
    if isinstance(o, PVector) or (strict and typ is list):
        curried_thaw = lambda x: thaw(x, strict)
        return list(map(curried_thaw, o))
    if isinstance(o, PMap) or (strict and typ is dict):
        return {k: thaw(v, strict) for k, v in o.items()}
    if typ is tuple:
        curried_thaw = lambda x: thaw(x, strict)
        return tuple(map(curried_thaw, o))
    if isinstance(o, PSet):
        # impossible to thaw inside psets or sets
        return set(o)
    return o

def mutant(fn):
    Convenience decorator to isolate mutation to within the decorated function (with respect
    to the input arguments).

    All arguments to the decorated function will be frozen so that they are guaranteed not to change.
    The return value is also frozen.
    def inner_f(*args, **kwargs):
        return freeze(fn(*[freeze(e) for e in args], **dict(freeze(item) for item in kwargs.items())))

    return inner_f


Name Type Size Permission Actions
__pycache__ Folder 0755
__init__.py File 1.44 KB 0644
__init__.pyi File 7.02 KB 0644
_checked_types.py File 17.94 KB 0644
_field_common.py File 11.68 KB 0644
_helpers.py File 3.16 KB 0644
_immutable.py File 3.21 KB 0644
_pbag.py File 6.57 KB 0644
_pclass.py File 9.47 KB 0644
_pdeque.py File 11.92 KB 0644
_plist.py File 8.1 KB 0644
_pmap.py File 18.34 KB 0644
_precord.py File 6.87 KB 0644
_pset.py File 5.56 KB 0644
_pvector.py File 22.16 KB 0644
_toolz.py File 3.34 KB 0644
_transformations.py File 3.71 KB 0644
py.typed File 0 B 0644
typing.py File 1.73 KB 0644
typing.pyi File 10.17 KB 0644