[ Avaa Bypassed ]



elspacio@ ~ $
 * @version    2.4
 * @package    Engintron for cPanel/WHM
 * @author     Fotis Evangelou (https://kodeka.io)
 * @url        https://engintron.com
 * @copyright  Copyright (c) 2014 - 2024 Kodeka OÜ. All rights reserved.
 * @license    GNU/GPL license: https://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html

require_once '/usr/local/cpanel/php/WHM.php';

// Utility functions
function checkacl()
    $user = $_ENV['REMOTE_USER'];
    if ($user == "root") {
        return 1;
    if (file_exists('/var/cpanel/resellers') && is_readable('/var/cpanel/resellers')) {
        $reseller = file_get_contents('/var/cpanel/resellers');
        if (trim($reseller) != '') {
            foreach (preg_split('/\r\n|\r|\n/', $reseller) as $line) {
                if (preg_match("/^$user:/", $line)) {
                    $line = preg_replace("/^$user:/", "", $line);
                    foreach (explode(',', $line) as $perm) {
                        if ($perm == "all") {
                            return 1;
    return 0;

// A few constants to make updating easier
define('CPANEL_RELEASE', trim(shell_exec('/usr/local/cpanel/cpanel -V')));
define('NGINX_VERSION', trim(str_replace('nginx version: nginx/', '', shell_exec('nginx -v 2>&1'))));
define('OS_RELEASE', trim(shell_exec('rpm -q --qf "%{VERSION}" $(rpm -q --whatprovides redhat-release)')));
define('PLG_BUILD', 'Build 20240603');
define('PLG_NAME_SHORT', 'Engintron');
define('PLG_NAME', 'Engintron for cPanel/WHM');
define('PLG_VERSION', '2.4');

if (file_exists("/opt/engintron/state.conf")) {
    define('ENGINTRON_STATE', trim(file_get_contents("/opt/engintron/state.conf")));
} else {
    define('ENGINTRON_STATE', 'missing');

// Permissions check
$grantAccess = false;
if (CPANEL_VERSION > 64) {
    if (checkacl()) {
        $grantAccess = true;
} else {
    $checkPrivileges = trim(shell_exec("if whmapi1 myprivs | grep -q 'all: 1'; then echo 'all'; fi;"));
    $user = getenv('REMOTE_USER'); /* legacy check */
    if ($checkPrivileges=='all') {
        $grantAccess = true;
    if ($user=="root") {
        $grantAccess = true;
    if (strpos($user, 'cp')!==false) {
        $grantAccess = true;
if ($grantAccess === false) {
    echo "You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page...";

// Get params
$allowed_files = array(

$allowed_services = array(

$op = $_GET['op'];
$f = $_GET['f'];
$s = (isset($_GET['s']) && in_array($_GET['s'], $allowed_services)) ? $_GET['s'] : '';
$ps = (isset($_POST['s']) && in_array($_POST['s'], $allowed_services)) ? $_POST['s'] : '';
$state = $_GET['state'];

// Operations
switch ($op) {
    case "view":
        if (isset($f) && in_array($f, $allowed_files)) {
            $ret = file_get_contents($f);

    case "edit":
        if (isset($_POST['data'])) {
            $data = $_POST['data'];
            if (isset($f) && in_array($f, $allowed_files)) {
                file_put_contents($f, str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $data)); // Convert new lines to LF
                $message = '<b>'.$f.'</b> has been updated';
                if (isset($_POST['c'])) {
                    $message .= '<br /><br />';
                    if ($ps) {
                        switch ($ps) {
                            case "nginx":
                                $message .= nl2br(shell_exec("service nginx reload; echo 'Done.';"));
                            case "apache":
                                $message .= strip_tags(nl2br(shell_exec("/scripts/restartsrv_httpd")));
                            case "mysql":
                                $message .= nl2br(shell_exec("rm -rvf /var/lib/mysql/ib_logfile*; touch /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock; touch /var/lib/mysql/mysql.pid; chown -R mysql:mysql /var/lib/mysql; /scripts/restartsrv_mysql"));
                            case "cron":
                                $message .= nl2br(shell_exec("service crond restart"));
        } else {
            $message = '';

    case "nginx_status":
        $ret = "<b>Nginx Status:</b><br /><br />";
        $ret .= shell_exec("service nginx status 2>&1")."<br />";
        $ret .= shell_exec("curl http://localhost/nginx_status");

    case "nginx_reload":
        $ret = "<b>Reloading Nginx...</b><br />";
        $ret .= shell_exec("service nginx reload; echo 'Done.';");

    case "nginx_restart":
        $ret = "<b>Restarting Nginx...</b><br />";
        $ret .= shell_exec("service nginx restart; echo 'Done.';");

    case "nginx_forcerestart":
        $ret = "<b>Force restarting Nginx...</b><br />";
        $ret .= shell_exec("killall -9 nginx; killall -9 nginx; killall -9 nginx; service nginx restart; echo 'Done.';");

    case "nginx_config":
        $ret = "<b>Checking Nginx configuration...</b><br />";
        if (version_compare(OS_RELEASE, '7', '>=')) {
            $ret .= shell_exec("nginx -t 2>&1");
        } else {
            $ret .= shell_exec("service nginx configtest 2>&1");

    case "nginx_errorlog":
        if (empty($_POST['access_entries'])) {
            $entries = 100;
        } else {
            $entries = (int) $_POST['access_entries'];
        $ret = "<b>Showing last {$entries} entries from /var/log/nginx/error.log</b><br /><br />";
        $ret .= strip_tags(shell_exec("tail -{$entries} /var/log/nginx/error.log"));

    case "nginx_accesslog":
        if (empty($_POST['error_entries'])) {
            $entries = 100;
        } else {
            $entries = (int) $_POST['error_entries'];
        $ret = "<b>Showing last {$entries} entries from /var/log/nginx/access.log</b><br /><br />";
        $ret .= strip_tags(shell_exec("tail -{$entries} /var/log/nginx/access.log"));

    case "nginx_modules":
        $ret = "<b>Show precompiled Nginx modules...</b><br /><br />";
        $ret .= shell_exec("nginx -V 2>&1");

    case "nginx_purgelogs":
        $ret = strip_tags(shell_exec("bash /opt/engintron/engintron.sh purgelogs"));

    case "nginx_purgecache":
        $ret = strip_tags(shell_exec("bash /opt/engintron/engintron.sh purgecache"));

    case "httpd_status":
        $ret = "<b>Apache Status:</b><br />";
        if (version_compare(OS_RELEASE, '7', '>=')) {
            $ret .= shell_exec("systemctl status httpd");
        } else {
            $ret .= shell_exec("service httpd status");

    case "httpd_restart":
        $ret = "<b>Restarting Apache...</b><br />";
        $ret .= strip_tags(shell_exec("/scripts/restartsrv_httpd"));

    case "httpd_reload":
        $ret = "<b>Reloading Apache...</b><br />";
        $ret .= shell_exec("service httpd reload");
        $ret .= "Reloading Apache: [  OK  ]";

    case "httpd_config":
        $ret = "<b>Check configuration for errors...</b><br />";
        if (version_compare(OS_RELEASE, '7', '>=')) {
            $ret .= shell_exec("apachectl -t 2>&1");
        } else {
            $ret .= shell_exec("service httpd -t 2>&1");

    case "httpd_modules_compiled":
        $ret = "<b>Show compiled modules...</b><br />";
        if (version_compare(OS_RELEASE, '7', '>=')) {
            $ret .= shell_exec("apachectl -l");
        } else {
            $ret .= shell_exec("service httpd -l");

    case "httpd_modules_loaded":
        $ret = "<b>Show loaded modules...</b><br />";
        if (version_compare(OS_RELEASE, '7', '>=')) {
            $ret .= shell_exec("apachectl -M");
        } else {
            $ret .= shell_exec("service httpd -M");

    case "httpd_parsed_settings":
        $ret = "<b>Show parsed settings...</b><br />";
        if (version_compare(OS_RELEASE, '7', '>=')) {
            $ret .= shell_exec("apachectl -S");
        } else {
            $ret .= shell_exec("service httpd -S");

    case "httpd_restoreipfwd":
        $ret = "<b>Restore Nginx IP forwarding in Apache...</b><br />";
        $ret .= strip_tags(shell_exec("bash /opt/engintron/engintron.sh restoreipfwd"));

    case "mysql_restart":
        $ret = "<b>Restarting database...</b><br />";
        $ret .= shell_exec("/scripts/restartsrv_mysql");

    case "mysql_status":
        $ret = "<b>Database Status:</b><br />";
        if (exec("service mysqld status; echo \$?")) {
            $ret .= shell_exec("service mysql status");
        } else {
            $ret .= shell_exec("service mysqld status");

    case "utils_mt":
        $ret = shell_exec("bash /opt/engintron/engintron.sh mt")."<br /><br />";

    case "utils_ip":
        $ret = shell_exec("bash /opt/engintron/engintron.sh ip")."<br /><br />";

    case "utils_80":
        $ret = shell_exec("bash /opt/engintron/engintron.sh 80")."<br /><br />";

    case "utils_443":
        $ret = shell_exec("bash /opt/engintron/engintron.sh 443")."<br /><br />";

    case "utils_80_443":
        $ret = shell_exec("bash /opt/engintron/engintron.sh 80-443")."<br /><br />";

    case "utils_pstree":
        $ret = "<b>$ pstree</b><br /><br />";
        $ret .= shell_exec("pstree");

    case "utils_top":
        $ret = "<b>$ top -b -n 1</b><br /><br />";
        $ret .= shell_exec("top -b -n 1");

    case "utils_top_php":
        $ret = "<b>$ top -b -n 1 | grep php | sort -k8,8</b><br /><br />";
        $ret .= shell_exec("top -b -n 1 | grep php | sort -k8,8");

    case "engintron_toggle":
        if (ENGINTRON_STATE=="on") {
            $ret = strip_tags(shell_exec("bash /opt/engintron/engintron.sh disable"));
        } elseif (ENGINTRON_STATE=="off") {
            $ret = strip_tags(shell_exec("bash /opt/engintron/engintron.sh enable"));
        } else {
            $ret = "Couldn't get state of Engintron - please try again.";

    case "engintron_update":
    case "engintron_update_stable":
        $ret = strip_tags(shell_exec("bash /opt/engintron/engintron.sh install"), "<br><span>");

    case "engintron_update_mainline":
        $ret = strip_tags(shell_exec("bash /opt/engintron/engintron.sh install mainline"), "<br><span>");

    case "engintron_res":
        $ret = strip_tags(shell_exec("bash /opt/engintron/engintron.sh res 2>&1"));

    case "engintron_res_force":
        $ret = strip_tags(shell_exec("bash /opt/engintron/engintron.sh res force 2>&1"));

    case "engintron_resall":
        $ret = strip_tags(shell_exec("bash /opt/engintron/engintron.sh resall 2>&1"));

    case "utils_info":
        if (ENGINTRON_STATE=="on") {
            $ret = "<b class=\"green ngStatus\">*** Engintron is ENABLED ***</b><i class=\"ngSep\">########################################</i>";
        } elseif (ENGINTRON_STATE=="off") {
            $ret = "<b class=\"ngStatus\">*** Engintron is DISABLED ***</b><i class=\"ngSep\">########################################</i>";
        } else {
            $ret = "*** Couldn't get state of Engintron - please try again. ***<i class=\"ngSep\">########################################</i>";
        $ret .= "<b class=\"green\">*** System Info ***</b><br /><br />";
        $ret .= "<b>Uptime:</b> ";
        $ret .= trim(shell_exec("uptime"))."<br /><br />";
        $ret .= "<b>OS:</b> ";
        $ret .= trim(shell_exec("cat /etc/redhat-release"))."<br /><br />";
        $ret .= "<b>Kernel:</b> ";
        $ret .= trim(shell_exec("uname -a"))."<br /><br />";
        $ret .= "<b>Processors:</b> ";
        $ret .= trim(shell_exec("grep processor /proc/cpuinfo | wc -l"))." CPU(s)<br /><br />";
        $ret .= "<b>RAM:</b> ";
        $ret .= round(trim(shell_exec("grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo | awk '{print $2}'")/(1024*1024)), 2)." GB<br /><br />";
        $ret .= "<b>Memory Usage:</b><br />";
        $ret .= shell_exec("free -mh")."<br />";
        $ret .= "<b>Disk Usage:</b><br />";
        $ret .= trim(shell_exec("df -hT"))."<br /><br />";
        $ret .= "<b>Nginx Cache/Temp Disk Usage:</b><br />";
        $ret .= trim(shell_exec("du -sh /var/cache/nginx/engintron_*"))."<br /><br />";
        $ret .= "<b>System Time:</b> ";
        $ret .= trim(shell_exec("date"))."<br /><br />";
        $ret .= "<b>System Users Connected:</b><br />";
        $ret .= trim(shell_exec("w"))."<br /><br />";

// UI string changes based on app state
if (ENGINTRON_STATE!="missing") {
    if ($state=="on") {
        $ng_state_toggler = "off";
        $ng_lang_state_toggler = "Disable";
    } elseif ($state=="off") {
        $ng_state_toggler = "on";
        $ng_lang_state_toggler = "Enable";
    } else {
        if (ENGINTRON_STATE=="on") {
            $ng_state_toggler = "off";
            $ng_lang_state_toggler = "Disable";
        } else {
            $ng_state_toggler = "on";
            $ng_lang_state_toggler = "Enable";

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    <!-- Engintron [finish] -->

$body_class = 'op_'.$op;

$output_find = array(
    '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />',
    '<body class="">'

$output_replace = array(
    '<meta charset="utf-8" />',
    '<body class="'.$body_class.'">'

// Output WHM Header
//echo str_replace($output_find, $output_replace, WHM::getHeaderString('Engintron for cPanel/WHM', 1, 1));
WHM::header('Engintron for cPanel/WHM', 1, 1);
$output = ob_get_contents();
echo str_replace($output_find, $output_replace, $output);


    <!-- Engintron [start] -->
    <div id="ngContainer">
        <div id="ngOperations">
            <h1 id="ngTitle">
                <a href="engintron.php" title="<?php echo PLG_NAME; ?>"><span>v<?php echo PLG_VERSION; ?></span></a>
            <a id="ngMenuTrigger" href="#ngMenuTarget">
                <span class="ngOn">
                    <svg role="img" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" aria-labelledby="hamburgerIconTitle" stroke="#231f20" stroke-width="1" stroke-linecap="square" stroke-linejoin="miter" fill="none" color="#231f20"><title id="hamburgerIconTitle">Menu</title><path d="M6 7L18 7M6 12L18 12M6 17L18 17"/></svg>
                <span class="ngOff">
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            <div id="ngMenuTarget">
                            <li><a href="engintron.php">System Status &amp; Info</a></li>
                            <li><a href="engintron.php?op=engintron_res">Restart Apache &amp; Nginx</a></li>
                            <li><a href="engintron.php?op=engintron_res_force">Restart Apache &amp; force restart Nginx</a></li>
                            <li><a href="engintron.php?op=engintron_resall">Restart all essential services</a></li>
                        <h3>Nginx <span>(v<?php echo NGINX_VERSION; ?>)</span></h3>
                            <li><a href="engintron.php?op=nginx_status">Status</a></li>
                            <li><a href="engintron.php?op=nginx_reload">Reload</a></li>
                            <li><a href="engintron.php?op=nginx_restart">Restart</a></li>
                            <li><a href="engintron.php?op=nginx_forcerestart">Force Restart</a></li>
                            <li><a href="engintron.php?op=edit&f=/etc/nginx/custom_rules&s=nginx">Edit your custom_rules for Nginx</a><?php if (file_exists('/etc/nginx/custom_rules.dist')): ?><span>(<a class="ngViewDefault" href="engintron.php?op=view&f=/etc/nginx/custom_rules.dist">view default</a>)</span><?php endif; ?></li>
                            <li><a href="engintron.php?op=edit&f=/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf&s=nginx">Edit default.conf</a></li>
                            <li><a href="engintron.php?op=edit&f=/etc/nginx/proxy_params_common&s=nginx">Edit proxy_params_common</a></li>
                            <li><a href="engintron.php?op=edit&f=/etc/nginx/proxy_params_dynamic&s=nginx">Edit proxy_params_dynamic</a></li>
                            <li><a href="engintron.php?op=edit&f=/etc/nginx/proxy_params_static&s=nginx">Edit proxy_params_static</a></li>
                            <li><a href="engintron.php?op=edit&f=/etc/nginx/common_http.conf&s=nginx">Edit common_http.conf</a></li>
                            <li><a href="engintron.php?op=edit&f=/etc/nginx/common_https.conf&s=nginx">Edit common_https.conf</a></li>
                            <li><a href="engintron.php?op=edit&f=/etc/nginx/nginx.conf&s=nginx">Edit nginx.conf</a></li>
                            <li><a href="engintron.php?op=nginx_config">Check configuration for errors</a></li>
                            <li><a href="engintron.php?op=nginx_modules">Show compiled modules</a></li>
                                <form action="engintron.php?op=nginx_accesslog" method="post" id="accesslog" class="displayLogs">
                                    <a href="engintron.php?op=nginx_accesslog" onClick="ngSaveFile('accesslog')">Show last</a> <input type="text" name="access_entries" size="4" value="100" autocomplete="off" /> <a href="engintron.php?op=nginx_accesslog" onClick="ngSaveFile('accesslog')">access log entries</a>
                                <form action="engintron.php?op=nginx_errorlog" method="post" id="errorlog" class="displayLogs">
                                    <a href="engintron.php?op=nginx_errorlog" onClick="ngSaveFile('errorlog')">Show last</a> <input type="text" name="error_entries" size="4" value="100" autocomplete="off" /> <a href="engintron.php?op=nginx_errorlog" onClick="ngSaveFile('errorlog')">error log entries</a>
                            <li><a href="engintron.php?op=nginx_purgelogs">Purge access &amp; error log files</a></li>
                            <li><a href="engintron.php?op=nginx_purgecache">Purge cache &amp; temp files</a></li>
                            <li><a href="engintron.php?op=httpd_status">Status</a></li>
                            <li><a href="engintron.php?op=httpd_reload">Reload</a></li>
                            <li><a href="engintron.php?op=httpd_restart">Restart</a></li>
                            <li><a href="engintron.php?op=httpd_config">Check configuration for errors</a></li>
                            <li><a href="engintron.php?op=httpd_modules_compiled">Show compiled modules</a></li>
                            <li><a href="engintron.php?op=httpd_modules_loaded">Show loaded modules</a></li>
                            <li><a href="engintron.php?op=httpd_parsed_settings">Show parsed settings</a></li>
                            <li><a href="engintron.php?op=httpd_restoreipfwd">Restore Nginx IP forwarding in Apache</a></li>
                        <h3>Database<span>(MySQL or MariaDB)</span></h3>
                            <li><a href="engintron.php?op=mysql_status">Status</a></li>
                            <li><a href="engintron.php?op=mysql_restart">Restart</a></li>
                            <li><a href="engintron.php?op=edit&f=/etc/my.cnf&s=mysql">Edit my.cnf</a></li>
                            <li><a href="engintron.php?op=utils_mt">MySQL Tuner<span>(DB diagnostics)</span></a></li>
                        <h3>System Configuration</h3>
                            <li><a href="engintron.php?op=edit&f=/etc/crontab&s=cron">Edit /etc/crontab</a></li>
                            <li><a href="engintron.php?op=utils_top">Show all processes (top)</a></li>
                            <li><a href="engintron.php?op=utils_top_php">Show top PHP processes</a></li>
                            <li><a href="engintron.php?op=utils_pstree">Show current process tree</a></li>
                            <li><a href="engintron.php?op=utils_ip">Server IP report</a></li>
                            <li><a href="engintron.php?op=utils_80">Current connections on port 80 (per IP &amp; total)</a></li>
                            <li><a href="engintron.php?op=utils_443">Current connections on port 443 (per IP &amp; total)</a></li>
                            <li><a href="engintron.php?op=utils_80_443">Total connections on ports 80 &amp; 443</a></li>
                        <h3>Engintron<span>(v<?php echo PLG_VERSION; ?>)</span></h3>
                            <li><a href="engintron.php?op=engintron_toggle&state=<?php echo $ng_state_toggler; ?>"><?php echo $ng_lang_state_toggler; ?> Engintron</a></li>
                            <li id="ngUpdateStable" class="ngUpdate">
                                <a href="engintron.php?op=engintron_update_stable">Update (or re-install) Engintron [with Nginx "stable"]</a>
                                <span>[please wait a few minutes...]</span>
                            <li id="ngUpdateMainline" class="ngUpdate">
                                <a href="engintron.php?op=engintron_update_mainline">Update (or re-install) Engintron [with Nginx "mainline"]</a>
                                <span>[please wait a few minutes...]</span>
        <div id="ngOutput">
            <h2>&gt; Output</h2>
            <div id="ngTerminalWindow">
                <div class="button green"></div>
                <div class="button yellow"></div>
                <div class="button red"></div>
                <span>$ engintron</span>
              <div id="ngOutputWindow">
                <?php if ($ret): ?>
                <pre><?php echo $ret; ?></pre>
                <?php endif; ?>
                <?php if ($op=='edit'): ?>
                <?php if (isset($f) && in_array($f, $allowed_files)): ?>
                <form action="engintron.php?op=edit&f=<?php echo $f; ?><?php echo ($s) ? '&s='.$s : ''; ?>" method="post" id="fileEditor">
                    <div id="ngAceEditor"></div>
                    <textarea id="data" name="data"><?php echo file_get_contents($f); ?></textarea>
                    <div class="editbox">
                        <div class="check">
                            <input type="checkbox" name="c" checked /> Reload or restart related services (<?php echo ($ps) ? ucfirst($ps) : ucfirst($s); ?>)?
                            <small>(recommended if you want changes to take effect immediately)</small>
                        <div class="action">
                            <input type="submit" value="Update <?php echo $f; ?>" onClick="ngSaveFile('fileEditor')" />
                        <input type="hidden" name="s" value="<?php echo $s; ?>" />
                <?php else: ?>
                <div id="ngSeriously">
                    <img src="https://engintron.com/app/images/galifianakis_santa.gif" alt="Seriously?" />
                <?php endif; ?>
                <?php endif; ?>

    <div id="ngAbout">
        <div id="ngAboutSections">
                <p><a rel="noopener" target="_blank" href="https://engintron.com/"><?php echo PLG_NAME; ?></a> integrates the popular <a rel="noopener" target="_blank" href="https://nginx.org/">Nginx</a><sup>&reg;</sup> web server as a "reverse caching proxy" in front of Apache in cPanel<sup>&reg;</sup>.</p>
                <p>Nginx will cache &amp; serve static assets like CSS, JavaScript, images etc. as well as dynamic HTML with a 1 second micro-cache. This process will reduce CPU &amp; RAM usage on your server, while increasing your overall serving capacity. The result is a faster performing cPanel server.</p>
                <p>Engintron is both free &amp; open source.</p>
                <p><a rel="noopener" target="_blank" href="https://github.com/engintron/engintron/issues">Report issues/bugs</a> or <a rel="noopener" target="_blank" href="https://github.com/engintron/engintron/pulls">help us improve it</a>.</p>
                <p class="ngSocialSharing">
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                    <a rel="noopener" target="_blank" href="https://applications.cpanel.com/listings/view/Engintron-Nginx-on-cPanel"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="20" height="20" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 358 240" class="cpanel"><path d="m89.69 59.1h67.8l-10.49 40.2a25.38 25.38 0 0 1 -9 13.5 24.32 24.32 0 0 1 -15.3 5.1h-31.51a30.53 30.53 0 0 0 -19 6.3 33 33 0 0 0 -11.55 17.1 31.91 31.91 0 0 0 -.45 15.3 33.1 33.1 0 0 0 5.81 12.75 30.29 30.29 0 0 0 10.8 8.85 31.74 31.74 0 0 0 14.4 3.3h19.2a10.8 10.8 0 0 1 8.85 4.35 10.4 10.4 0 0 1 2 9.75l-12 44.4h-21a84.77 84.77 0 0 1 -39.75-9.45 89.78 89.78 0 0 1 -30.21-25.05 88.4 88.4 0 0 1 -16.35-35.5 87.51 87.51 0 0 1 1.06-41l1.2-4.5a88.69 88.69 0 0 1 31.64-47.25 89.91 89.91 0 0 1 25-13.35 87 87 0 0 1 28.85-4.8z"/><path d="m123.89 240 59.11-221.4a25.38 25.38 0 0 1 9-13.5 24.28 24.28 0 0 1 15.29-5.1h62.71a84.8 84.8 0 0 1 39.75 9.45 89.21 89.21 0 0 1 46.65 60.6 83.8 83.8 0 0 1 -1.2 41l-1.2 4.5a89.88 89.88 0 0 1 -12 26.55 87.65 87.65 0 0 1 -73.2 39.15h-54.3l10.8-40.5a25.38 25.38 0 0 1 9-13.2 24.32 24.32 0 0 1 15.3-5.1h17.4a31.56 31.56 0 0 0 30.6-23.7 29.5 29.5 0 0 0 .4-14.75 33.1 33.1 0 0 0 -5.85-12.75 31.85 31.85 0 0 0 -10.8-9 30.61 30.61 0 0 0 -14.35-3.45h-33.6l-43.8 162.9a25.38 25.38 0 0 1 -9 13.2 23.88 23.88 0 0 1 -15 5.1z"/></svg></a>
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                <p id="commercialSupport"><b>Looking for commercial support?</b> <a rel="noopener" target="_blank" href="https://github.com/engintron/engintron#commercial-support--server-optimization-services">Get in touch with us</a>.</p>

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        <p><a rel="noopener" target="_blank" href="https://engintron.com/"><?php echo PLG_NAME; ?> - v<?php echo PLG_VERSION; ?></a> (<?php echo PLG_BUILD; ?>) | Copyright &copy; 2014 - <?php echo date('Y'); ?> <a rel="noopener" target="_blank" href="https://kodeka.io/">Kodeka OÜ.</a> Released under the <a rel="noopener" target="_blank" href="https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html">GNU/GPL</a> license.</p>
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            var t = document.getElementById('data');
            var tVal = t.value;
            editor.getSession().on('change', function() {
                t.value = editor.getSession().getValue();

        // Engintron
        var ENGINTRON_VERSION = '<?php echo PLG_VERSION; ?>';
        var CENTOS_VERSION = '<?php echo OS_RELEASE; ?>';
        var OS_RELEASE = '<?php echo OS_RELEASE; ?>';

        function ngSaveFile(el) {
            return false;

        function ngUpdate(el) {
            var updContainer = document.getElementById(el);
            if (updContainer) {
                var updLink = updContainer.getElementsByTagName('a')[0];
                updLink.onclick = function() {
                    updContainer.getElementsByTagName('span')[0].setAttribute('style', 'display:inline;');
                    if (this.className != 'clicked') {
                        this.className = 'clicked';
                        return true;
                    } else {
                        return false;

        function ngUtils() {
            // Highlight menu
            var i = 0,
                menuItems = document.getElementById('ngOperations').getElementsByTagName('a');
            for (; i < menuItems.length; ++i) {
                if (window.location.href === menuItems[i].href) {
                    if (menuItems[i].parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'form') {
                        menuItems[i].parentNode.parentNode.className = 'active';
                    } else {
                        menuItems[i].parentNode.className = 'active';
            // Disable the update/re-install links when clicked
            // Hide message after 3 seconds
            var ngMsgContainer = document.getElementById('ngMessage');
            if (ngMsgContainer) {
                setTimeout(function() {
                    ngMsgContainer.className += 'hidden';
                    setTimeout(function() {
                    }, 3000);
                }, 3000);

        // Toggler
        function ngToggler(trigger, target, bodyClass) {
            const srcBodyClass = document.body.className;
            // The trigger should wrap 2 elements with .on & .off classes
            document.querySelector(trigger).onclick = function(e) {
                var ta = document.querySelector(target),
                    trOn = this.querySelector('.ngOn'),
                    trOff = this.querySelector('.ngOff');
                ta.style.display = (ta.style.display == '' || ta.style.display == 'none') ? 'block' : 'none';
                if (bodyClass) {
                    if (ta.style.display == 'block') {
                        document.body.className += ' ' + bodyClass;
                    } else {
                        document.body.className = srcBodyClass;
                if (trOn && trOff) {
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                        trOn.style.display = 'none';
                        trOff.style.display = 'block';
                    } else {
                        trOn.style.display = 'block';
                        trOff.style.display = 'none';
        ngToggler('#ngMenuTrigger', '#ngMenuTarget');

        // Social Sharing
        function classicPopup(url) {
            var left = (screen.width - 720) / 2;
            var top = (screen.height - 620) / 4;
            popupWindow = window.open(url, 'popUpWindow', 'width=720,height=620,left=' + left + ',top=' + top + ',resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,toolbar=yes,menubar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=yes');
        if (document.querySelectorAll('.ngSocialSharing').length) {
            document.querySelectorAll('.ngSocialSharing a[href^="http"].ngPopup').forEach(function(l) {
                l.onclick = function(e) {
    <script src="https://engintron.com/app/js/services.js?t=<?php echo date('Ymd'); ?>"></script>
    <script>(function(m,e,t,r,i,k,a){m[i]=m[i]||function(){(m[i].a=m[i].a||[]).push(arguments)};m[i].l=1*new Date();for(var j=0;j<document.scripts.length;j++){if(document.scripts[j].src===r){return;}}k=e.createElement(t),a=e.getElementsByTagName(t)[0],k.async=1,k.src=r,a.parentNode.insertBefore(k,a)})(window,document,"script","https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/yandex-metrica-watch/tag.js","ym");ym(87045362,"init",{clickmap:true,trackLinks:true,accurateTrackBounce:true,trackHash:true });</script><noscript><div><img src="https://mc.yandex.ru/watch/87045362" style="position:absolute;left:-9999px;" alt="" /></div></noscript>
    <!-- Engintron [finish] -->


// WHM Footer


Name Type Size Permission Actions
engintron.conf File 475 B 0644
engintron.php File 52.12 KB 0755