[ Avaa Bypassed ]



elspacio@ ~ $
from calendar import timegm
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, date, tzinfo as TZInfo
from typing import Optional, Callable, Type, Tuple, Dict, Any, cast, overload

class Queue(list):

    delta: float
    delta_delta: float
    delta_type: str

    def __init__(self, delta: Optional[float], delta_delta: float, delta_type: str):
        if delta is None:
            self.delta = 0
            self.delta_delta = delta_delta
            self.delta = delta
            self.delta_delta = 0
        self.delta_type = delta_type

    def advance_next(self, delta: timedelta) -> None:
        self[-1] += delta

    def next(self) -> 'MockedCurrent':
        instance = self.pop(0)
        if not self:
            self.delta += self.delta_delta
            n = instance + timedelta(**{self.delta_type: self.delta})
        return instance

class MockedCurrent:

    _mock_queue: Queue
    _mock_base_class: Type
    _mock_class: Type
    _mock_tzinfo: Optional[TZInfo]
    _mock_date_type: Type[date]
    _correct_mock_type: Callable = None

    def __init_subclass__(
            concrete: bool = False,
            queue: Queue = None,
            strict: bool = None,
            tzinfo: TZInfo = None,
            date_type: Type[date] = None
        if concrete:
            cls._mock_queue = queue
            cls._mock_base_class = cls.__bases__[0].__bases__[1]
            cls._mock_class = cls if strict else cls._mock_base_class
            cls._mock_tzinfo = tzinfo
            cls._mock_date_type = date_type

    def add(cls, *args, **kw):
        if 'tzinfo' in kw or len(args) > 7:
            raise TypeError('Cannot add using tzinfo on %s' % cls.__name__)
        if args and isinstance(args[0], cls._mock_base_class):
            instance = args[0]
            instance_tzinfo = getattr(instance, 'tzinfo', None)
            if instance_tzinfo:
                if instance_tzinfo != cls._mock_tzinfo:
                    raise ValueError(
                        'Cannot add %s with tzinfo of %s as configured to use %s' % (
                            instance.__class__.__name__, instance_tzinfo, cls._mock_tzinfo
                instance = instance.replace(tzinfo=None)
            if cls._correct_mock_type:
                instance = cls._correct_mock_type(instance)
            instance = cls(*args, **kw)

    def set(cls, *args, **kw) -> None:
        cls.add(*args, **kw)

    def tick(cls, *args, **kw) -> None:
        if kw:
            delta = timedelta(**kw)
            delta, = args

    def __add__(self, other) -> 'MockedCurrent':
        instance = super().__add__(other)
        if self._correct_mock_type:
            instance = self._correct_mock_type(instance)
        return instance

    def __new__(cls, *args, **kw):
        if cls is cls._mock_class:
            return super().__new__(cls, *args, **kw)
            return cls._mock_class(*args, **kw)

def mock_factory(
        type_name: str,
        mock_class: Type[MockedCurrent],
        default: Tuple[int, ...],
        args: tuple,
        kw: Dict[str, Any],
        delta: Optional[float],
        delta_type: str,
        delta_delta: float = 1,
        date_type: Type[date] = None,
        tzinfo: TZInfo = None,
        strict: bool = False
    cls = cast(Type[MockedCurrent], type(
        queue=Queue(delta, delta_delta, delta_type),

    if args != (None,):
        if not (args or kw):
            args = default
        cls.add(*args, **kw)

    return cls

class MockDateTime(MockedCurrent, datetime):

    def add(
            year: int,
            month: int,
            day: int,
            hour: int = ...,
            minute: int = ...,
            second: int = ...,
            microsecond: int = ...,
            tzinfo: TZInfo = ...,
    ) -> None:

    def add(
            instance: datetime,
    ) -> None:

    def add(cls, *args, **kw):
        This will add the :class:`datetime.datetime` created from the
        supplied parameters to the queue of datetimes to be returned by
        :meth:`~MockDateTime.now` or :meth:`~MockDateTime.utcnow`. An instance
        of :class:`~datetime.datetime` may also be passed as a single
        positional argument.
        return super().add(*args, **kw)

    def set(
            year: int,
            month: int,
            day: int,
            hour: int = ...,
            minute: int = ...,
            second: int = ...,
            microsecond: int = ...,
            tzinfo: TZInfo = ...,
    ) -> None:

    def set(
            instance: datetime,
    ) -> None:

    def set(cls, *args, **kw):
        This will set the :class:`datetime.datetime` created from the
        supplied parameters as the next datetime to be returned by
        :meth:`~MockDateTime.now` or :meth:`~MockDateTime.utcnow`, clearing out
        any datetimes in the queue.  An instance
        of :class:`~datetime.datetime` may also be passed as a single
        positional argument.
        return super().set(*args, **kw)

    def tick(
            days: float = ...,
            seconds: float = ...,
            microseconds: float = ...,
            milliseconds: float = ...,
            minutes: float = ...,
            hours: float = ...,
            weeks: float = ...,
    ) -> None:

    def tick(
            delta: timedelta,  # can become positional-only when Python 3.8 minimum
    ) -> None:

    def tick(cls, *args, **kw) -> None:
        This method should be called either with a :class:`~datetime.timedelta`
        as a positional argument, or with keyword parameters that will be used
        to construct a :class:`~datetime.timedelta`.

        The  :class:`~datetime.timedelta` will be used to advance the next datetime
        to be returned by :meth:`~MockDateTime.now` or :meth:`~MockDateTime.utcnow`.
        return super().tick(*args, **kw)

    def _correct_mock_type(cls, instance):
        return cls._mock_class(

    def now(cls, tz: TZInfo = None) -> datetime:
        :param tz: An optional timezone to apply to the returned time.
                If supplied, it must be an instance of a
                :class:`~datetime.tzinfo` subclass.

        This will return the next supplied or calculated datetime from the
        internal queue, rather than the actual current datetime.

        If `tz` is supplied, see :ref:`timezones`.
        instance = cast(datetime, cls._mock_queue.next())
        if tz is not None:
            if cls._mock_tzinfo:
                instance = instance - cls._mock_tzinfo.utcoffset(instance)
            instance = tz.fromutc(instance.replace(tzinfo=tz))
        return cls._correct_mock_type(instance)

    def utcnow(cls) -> datetime:
        This will return the next supplied or calculated datetime from the
        internal queue, rather than the actual current UTC datetime.

        If you care about timezones, see :ref:`timezones`.
        instance = cast(datetime, cls._mock_queue.next())
        if cls._mock_tzinfo is not None:
            instance = instance - cls._mock_tzinfo.utcoffset(instance)
        return instance

    def date(self) -> date:
        This will return the date component of the current mock instance,
        but using the date type supplied when the mock class was created.
        return self._mock_date_type(

def mock_datetime(
        tzinfo: TZInfo = None,
        delta: float = None,
        delta_type: str = 'seconds',
        date_type: Type[date] = date,
        strict: bool = False
) -> Type[MockDateTime]:

def mock_datetime(
        year: int,
        month: int,
        day: int,
        hour: int = ...,
        minute: int = ...,
        second: int = ...,
        microsecond: int = ...,
        tzinfo: TZInfo = None,
        delta: float = None,
        delta_type: str = 'seconds',
        date_type: Type[date] = date,
        strict: bool = False
) -> Type[MockDateTime]:

def mock_datetime(
        default: datetime,
        tzinfo: TZInfo = None,
        delta: float = None,
        delta_type: str = 'seconds',
        date_type: Type[date] = date,
        strict: bool = False
) -> Type[MockDateTime]:

def mock_datetime(
        default: None,  # explicit None positional
        tzinfo: TZInfo = None,
        delta: float = None,
        delta_type: str = 'seconds',
        date_type: Type[date] = date,
        strict: bool = False
) -> Type[MockDateTime]:

def mock_datetime(
        tzinfo: TZInfo = None,
        delta: float = None,
        delta_type: str = 'seconds',
        date_type: Type[date] = date,
        strict: bool = False,
) -> Type[MockDateTime]:
    .. currentmodule:: testfixtures.datetime

    A function that returns a mock object that can be used in place of
    the :class:`datetime.datetime` class but where the return value of
    :meth:`~MockDateTime.now` can be controlled.

    If a single positional argument of ``None`` is passed, then the
    queue of datetimes to be returned will be empty and you will need to
    call :meth:`~MockDateTime.set` or :meth:`~MockDateTime.add` before calling
    :meth:`~MockDateTime.now` or :meth:`~MockDateTime.utcnow`.

    If an instance of :class:`~datetime.datetime` is passed as a single
    positional argument, that will be used as the first date returned by

    :param year:
      An optional year used to create the first datetime returned by :meth:`~MockDateTime.now`.

    :param month:
      An optional month used to create the first datetime returned by :meth:`~MockDateTime.now`.

    :param day:
      An optional day used to create the first datetime returned by :meth:`~MockDateTime.now`.

    :param hour:
      An optional hour used to create the first datetime returned by :meth:`~MockDateTime.now`.

    :param minute:
      An optional minute used to create the first datetime returned by :meth:`~MockDateTime.now`.

    :param second:
      An optional second used to create the first datetime returned by :meth:`~MockDateTime.now`.

    :param microsecond:
      An optional microsecond used to create the first datetime returned by

    :param tzinfo:
      An optional :class:`datetime.tzinfo`, see :ref:`timezones`.

    :param delta:
      The size of the delta to use between values returned from mocked class methods.
      If not specified, it will increase by 1 with each call to :meth:`~MockDateTime.now`.

    :param delta_type:
      The type of the delta to use between values returned from mocked class methods.
      This can be any keyword parameter accepted by the :class:`~datetime.timedelta` constructor.

    :param date_type:
      The type to use for the return value of the mocked class methods.
      This can help with gotchas that occur when type checking is performed on values returned
      by the :meth:`~testfixtures.datetime.MockDateTime.date` method.

    :param strict:
      If ``True``, calling the mock class and any of its methods will result in an instance of
      the mock being returned. If ``False``, the default, an instance of
      :class:`~datetime.datetime` will be returned instead.

    The mock returned will behave exactly as the :class:`datetime.datetime` class
    as well as being a subclass of :class:`~testfixtures.datetime.MockDateTime`.
    if len(args) > 7:
        tzinfo = args[7]
        args = args[:7]
        tzinfo = tzinfo or (getattr(args[0], 'tzinfo', None) if args else None)
    return cast(Type[MockDateTime], mock_factory(
        (2001, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0),

class MockDate(MockedCurrent, date):

    def _correct_mock_type(cls, instance):
        return cls._mock_class(

    def add(
            year: int,
            month: int,
            day: int,
    ) -> None:

    def add(
            instance: date,
    ) -> None:

    def add(cls, *args, **kw):
        This will add the :class:`datetime.date` created from the
        supplied parameters to the queue of dates to be returned by
        :meth:`~MockDate.today`.  An instance
        of :class:`~datetime.date` may also be passed as a single
        positional argument.
        return super().add(*args, **kw)

    def set(
            year: int,
            month: int,
            day: int,
    ) -> None:

    def set(
            instance: date,
    ) -> None:

    def set(cls, *args, **kw) -> None:
        This will set the :class:`datetime.date` created from the
        supplied parameters as the next date to be returned by
        :meth:`~MockDate.today`, regardless of any dates in the
        queue.   An instance
        of :class:`~datetime.date` may also be passed as a single
        positional argument.
        return super().set(*args, **kw)

    def tick(
            days: float = ...,
            weeks: float = ...,
    ) -> None:

    def tick(
            delta: timedelta,  # can become positional-only when Python 3.8 minimum
    ) -> None:

    def tick(cls, *args, **kw) -> None:
        This method should be called either with a :class:`~datetime.timedelta`
        as a positional argument, or with keyword parameters that will be used
        to construct a :class:`~datetime.timedelta`.

        The  :class:`~datetime.timedelta` will be used to advance the next date
        to be returned by :meth:`~MockDate.today`.
        return super().tick(*args, **kw)

    def today(cls) -> date:
        This will return the next supplied or calculated date from the
        internal queue, rather than the actual current date.

        return cast(date, cls._mock_queue.next())

def mock_date(
        delta: float = None,
        delta_type: str = None,
        date_type: Type[date] = date,
        strict: bool = False
) -> Type[MockDate]:

def mock_date(
        year: int,
        month: int,
        day: int,
        delta: float = None,
        delta_type: str = 'days',
        strict: bool = False,
) -> Type[MockDate]:

def mock_date(
        default: date,
        delta: float = None,
        delta_type: str = 'days',
        strict: bool = False,
) -> Type[MockDate]:

def mock_date(
        default: None,  # explicit None positional
        delta: float = None,
        delta_type: str = 'days',
        strict: bool = False,
) -> Type[MockDate]:

def mock_date(
        delta: float = None,
        delta_type: str = 'days',
        strict: bool = False,
) -> Type[MockDate]:
    .. currentmodule:: testfixtures.datetime

    A function that returns a mock object that can be used in place of
    the :class:`datetime.date` class but where the return value of
    :meth:`~datetime.date.today` can be controlled.

    If a single positional argument of ``None`` is passed, then the
    queue of dates to be returned will be empty and you will need to
    call :meth:`~MockDate.set` or :meth:`~MockDate.add` before calling

    If an instance of :class:`~datetime.date` is passed as a single
    positional argument, that will be used as the first date returned by

    :param year:
      An optional year used to create the first date returned by :meth:`~datetime.date.today`.

    :param month:
      An optional month used to create the first date returned by :meth:`~datetime.date.today`.

    :param day:
      An optional day used to create the first date returned by :meth:`~datetime.date.today`.

    :param delta:
      The size of the delta to use between values returned from :meth:`~datetime.date.today`.
      If not specified, it will increase by 1 with each call to :meth:`~datetime.date.today`.

    :param delta_type:
      The type of the delta to use between values returned from :meth:`~datetime.date.today`.
      This can be any keyword parameter accepted by the :class:`~datetime.timedelta` constructor.

    :param strict:
      If ``True``, calling the mock class and any of its methods will result in an instance of
      the mock being returned. If ``False``, the default, an instance of :class:`~datetime.date`
      will be returned instead.

    The mock returned will behave exactly as the :class:`datetime.date` class
    as well as being a subclass of :class:`~testfixtures.datetime.MockDate`.
    return cast(Type[MockDate], mock_factory(
        'MockDate', MockDate, (2001, 1, 1), args, kw,

ms = 10**6

class MockTime(MockedCurrent, datetime):

    def add(
            year: int,
            month: int,
            day: int,
            hour: int = ...,
            minute: int = ...,
            second: int = ...,
            microsecond: int = ...,
    ) -> None:

    def add(
            instance: datetime,
    ) -> None:

    def add(cls, *args, **kw):
        This will add the time specified by the supplied parameters to the
        queue of times to be returned by calls to the mock. The
        parameters are the same as the :class:`datetime.datetime`
        constructor. An instance of :class:`~datetime.datetime` may also
        be passed as a single positional argument.
        return super().add(*args, **kw)

    def set(
            year: int,
            month: int,
            day: int,
            hour: int = ...,
            minute: int = ...,
            second: int = ...,
            microsecond: int = ...,
    ) -> None:

    def set(
            instance: datetime,
    ) -> None:

    def set(cls, *args, **kw):
        This will set the time specified by the supplied parameters as
        the next time to be returned by a call to the mock, regardless of
        any times in the queue.  The parameters are the same as the
        :class:`datetime.datetime` constructor.  An instance of
        :class:`~datetime.datetime` may also be passed as a single
        positional argument.
        return super().set(*args, **kw)

    def tick(
            days: float = ...,
            seconds: float = ...,
            microseconds: float = ...,
            milliseconds: float = ...,
            minutes: float = ...,
            hours: float = ...,
            weeks: float = ...,
    ) -> None:

    def tick(
            delta: timedelta,  # can become positional-only when Python 3.8 minimum
    ) -> None:

    def tick(cls, *args, **kw):
        This method should be called either with a :class:`~datetime.timedelta`
        as a positional argument, or with keyword parameters that will be used
        to construct a :class:`~datetime.timedelta`.

        The  :class:`~datetime.timedelta` will be used to advance the next time
        to be returned by a call to the mock.
        return super().tick(*args, **kw)

    def __new__(cls, *args, **kw) -> float:
        Return a :class:`float` representing the mocked current time as would normally
        be returned by :func:`time.time`.
        if args or kw:
            # Used when adding stuff to the queue
            return super().__new__(cls, *args, **kw)
            instance = cast(datetime, cls._mock_queue.next())
            time = timegm(instance.utctimetuple())
            time += (float(instance.microsecond)/ms)
            return time

def mock_time(
        delta: float = None,
        delta_type: str = 'seconds',
) -> Type[MockDateTime]:

def mock_time(
        year: int,
        month: int,
        day: int,
        hour: int = ...,
        minute: int = ...,
        second: int = ...,
        microsecond: int = ...,
        delta: float = None,
        delta_type: str = 'seconds',
) -> Type[MockDateTime]:

def mock_time(
        default: datetime,
        delta: float = None,
        delta_type: str = 'seconds',
) -> Type[MockDateTime]:

def mock_time(
        default: None,  # explicit None positional
        delta: float = None,
        delta_type: str = 'seconds',
) -> Type[MockDateTime]:

def mock_time(*args, delta: float = None, delta_type: str = 'seconds', **kw) -> Type[MockTime]:
    .. currentmodule:: testfixtures.datetime

    A function that returns a :class:`mock object <testfixtures.datetime.MockTime>` that can be
    used in place of the :func:`time.time` function but where the return value can be

    If a single positional argument of ``None`` is passed, then the
    queue of times to be returned will be empty and you will need to
    call :meth:`~MockTime.set` or :meth:`~MockTime.add` before calling
    the mock.

    If an instance of :class:`~datetime.datetime` is passed as a single
    positional argument, that will be used to create the first time returned.

    :param year: An optional year used to create the first time returned.

    :param month: An optional month used to create the first time.

    :param day: An optional day used to create the first time.

    :param hour: An optional hour used to create the first time.

    :param minute: An optional minute used to create the first time.

    :param second: An optional second used to create the first time.

    :param microsecond: An optional microsecond used to create the first time.

    :param delta:
      The size of the delta to use between values returned.
      If not specified, it will increase by 1 with each call to the mock.

    :param delta_type:
      The type of the delta to use between values returned.
      This can be any keyword parameter accepted by the :class:`~datetime.timedelta` constructor.

    The :meth:`~testfixtures.datetime.MockTime.add`, :meth:`~testfixtures.datetime.MockTime.set`
    and :meth:`~testfixtures.datetime.MockTime.tick` methods on the mock can be used to
    control the return values.
    if 'tzinfo' in kw or len(args) > 7 or (args and getattr(args[0], 'tzinfo', None)):
        raise TypeError("You don't want to use tzinfo with test_time")
    return cast(Type[MockTime], mock_factory(
        'MockTime', MockTime, (2001, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), args, kw,


Name Type Size Permission Actions
__pycache__ Folder 0755
tests Folder 0755
__init__.py File 1.19 KB 0644
comparison.py File 39.14 KB 0644
compat.py File 224 B 0644
components.py File 1.31 KB 0644
datetime.py File 24.42 KB 0644
django.py File 2.88 KB 0644
logcapture.py File 10.75 KB 0644
mock.py File 1.21 KB 0644
outputcapture.py File 4.69 KB 0644
popen.py File 9.89 KB 0644
replace.py File 12.15 KB 0644
resolve.py File 2.05 KB 0644
rmtree.py File 2.52 KB 0644
shouldraise.py File 3.58 KB 0644
shouldwarn.py File 2.21 KB 0644
sybil.py File 2.28 KB 0644
tempdirectory.py File 12.89 KB 0644
twisted.py File 4.8 KB 0644
utils.py File 2.74 KB 0644
version.txt File 6 B 0644