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#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding:utf-8
# Author:  mozman
# Purpose: svg util functions and classes
# Created: 08.09.2010
# Copyright (C) 2010, Manfred Moitzi
# License: MIT License

.. autofunction:: rgb

.. autofunction:: iterflatlist

.. autofunction:: strlist

.. autofunction:: get_unit

.. autofunction:: split_coordinate

.. autofunction:: split_angle

.. autofunction:: rect_top_left_corner

.. autofunction:: pretty_xml

import base64
from pathlib import Path
from svgwrite.data import pattern

def is_string(value):
    return isinstance(value, str)

def rgb(r=0, g=0, b=0, mode='RGB'):
    Convert **r**, **g**, **b** values to a `string`.

    :param r: red part
    :param g: green part
    :param b: blue part
    :param string mode: ``'RGB | %'``

    :rtype: string

    ========= =============================================================
    mode      Description
    ========= =============================================================
    ``'RGB'`` returns a rgb-string format: ``'rgb(r, g, b)'``
    ``'%'``   returns percent-values as rgb-string format: ``'rgb(r%, g%, b%)'``
    ========= =============================================================


    def percent(value):
        value = float(value)
        if value < 0:
            value = 0
        if value > 100:
            value = 100
        return value

    if mode.upper() == 'RGB':
        return "rgb(%d,%d,%d)" % (int(r) & 255, int(g) & 255, int(b) & 255)
    elif mode == "%":
        # see http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/types.html#DataTypeColor
        # percentage is an 'number' value
        return "rgb(%d%%,%d%%,%d%%)" % (percent(r), percent(g), percent(b))
        raise ValueError("Invalid mode '%s'" % mode)

def iterflatlist(values):
    Flatten nested *values*, returns an `iterator`.

    for element in values:
        if hasattr(element, "__iter__") and not is_string(element):
            for item in iterflatlist(element):
                yield item
            yield element

def strlist(values, seperator=","):
    Concatenate **values** with **sepertator**, `None` values will be excluded.

    :param values: `iterable` object
    :returns: `string`

    if is_string(values):
        return values
        return seperator.join([str(value) for value in iterflatlist(values) if value is not None])

def get_unit(coordinate):
    Get the `unit` identifier of **coordinate**, if **coordinate** has a valid
    `unit` identifier appended, else returns `None`.

    if isinstance(coordinate, (int, float)):
        return None
    result = pattern.coordinate.match(coordinate)
    if result:
        return result.group(3)
        raise ValueError("Invalid format: '%s'" % coordinate)

def split_coordinate(coordinate):
    Split coordinate into `<number>` and 'unit` identifier.

    :returns: <2-tuple> (number, unit-identifier) or (number, None) if no unit-identifier
      is present or coordinate is an int or float.

    if isinstance(coordinate, (int, float)):
        return (float(coordinate), None)
    result = pattern.coordinate.match(coordinate)
    if result:
        return (float(result.group(1)), result.group(3))
        raise ValueError("Invalid format: '%s'" % coordinate)

def split_angle(angle):
    Split angle into `<number>` and `<angle>` identifier.

    :returns: <2-tuple> (number, angle-identifier) or (number, None) if no angle-identifier
      is present or angle is an int or float.


    if isinstance(angle, (int, float)):
        return (float(angle), None)
    result = pattern.angle.match(angle)
    if result:
        return (float(result.group(1)), result.group(3))
        raise ValueError("Invalid format: '%s'" % angle)

def rect_top_left_corner(insert, size, pos='top-left'):
    Calculate top-left corner of a rectangle.

    **insert** and **size** must have the same units.

    :param 2-tuple insert: insert point
    :param 2-tuple size: (width, height)
    :param string pos: insert position ``'vert-horiz'``
    :return: ``'top-left'`` corner of the rect
    :rtype: 2-tuple

    ========== ==============================
    pos        valid values
    ========== ==============================
    **vert**   ``'top | middle | bottom'``
    **horiz**  ``'left'|'center'|'right'``
    ========== ==============================
    vert, horiz = pos.lower().split('-')
    x, xunit = split_coordinate(insert[0])
    y, yunit = split_coordinate(insert[1])
    width, wunit = split_coordinate(size[0])
    height, hunit = split_coordinate(size[1])

    if xunit != wunit:
        raise ValueError("x-coordinate and width has to have the same unit")
    if yunit != hunit:
        raise ValueError("y-coordinate and height has to have the same unit")

    if horiz == 'center':
        x = x - width / 2.
    elif horiz == 'right':
        x = x - width
    elif horiz != 'left':
        raise ValueError("Invalid horizontal position: '%s'" % horiz)

    if vert == 'middle':
        y = y - height / 2.
    elif vert == 'bottom':
        y = y - height
    elif vert != 'top':
        raise ValueError("Invalid vertical position: '%s'" % vert)

    if xunit:
        x = "%s%s" % (x, xunit)
    if yunit:
        y = "%s%s" % (y, yunit)
    return x, y

class AutoID(object):
    _nextid = 1

    def __init__(self, value=None):

    def _set_value(cls, value=None):
        if value is not None:
            cls._nextid = value

    def next_id(cls, value=None):
        retval = "id%d" % cls._nextid
        cls._nextid += 1
        return retval

def pretty_xml(xml_string, indent=2):
    Create human readable XML string.

    :param xml_string: input xml string without line breaks and indentation
    :indent int: how much to indent, by default 2 spaces
    :return: xml_string with linebreaks and indentation

    import xml.dom.minidom as minidom

    # check for empty string, len check avoids unnecessary string manipulation with large XML strings
    if len(xml_string) < 20 and xml_string.strip() == "":
        return ""
    xml_tree = minidom.parseString(xml_string)
    lines = xml_tree.toprettyxml(indent=' ' * indent).split('\n')
    # remove 1. line = xml declaration
    return '\n'.join(lines[1:])

    'ttf': "application/x-font-ttf",
    'otf': "application/x-font-opentype",
    'woff': "application/font-woff",
    'woff2': "application/font-woff2",
    'eot': "application/vnd.ms-fontobject",
    'sfnt': "application/font-sfnt",

def font_mimetype(name):
    return FONT_MIMETYPES[Path(name.lower()).suffix[1:]]

def base64_data(data, mimetype):
    data = base64.b64encode(data).decode()
    return "data:{mimetype};charset=utf-8;base64,{data}".format(mimetype=mimetype, data=data)

def find_first_url(text):
    import re
    result = re.findall(r"url\((.*?)\)", text)
    if result:
        return result[0]
        return None


Name Type Size Permission Actions
__pycache__ Folder 0755
data Folder 0755
extensions Folder 0755
__init__.py File 2.45 KB 0644
animate.py File 6.51 KB 0644
base.py File 8.42 KB 0644
container.py File 10.49 KB 0644
drawing.py File 5.17 KB 0644
elementfactory.py File 2.24 KB 0644
etree.py File 1.33 KB 0644
filters.py File 7.81 KB 0644
gradients.py File 4.59 KB 0644
image.py File 2.43 KB 0644
masking.py File 1.81 KB 0644
mixins.py File 10.5 KB 0644
params.py File 1.86 KB 0644
path.py File 2.78 KB 0644
pattern.py File 1.93 KB 0644
shapes.py File 5.19 KB 0644
solidcolor.py File 1.69 KB 0644
text.py File 7.95 KB 0644
utils.py File 7.25 KB 0644
validator2.py File 6.06 KB 0644
version.py File 1.09 KB 0644