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#!/usr/bin/env python
# Author:  mozman --<mozman@gmx.at>
# Purpose: svg image element
# Created: 09.10.2010
# Copyright (C) 2010, Manfred Moitzi
# License: MIT License

from svgwrite.base import BaseElement
from svgwrite.mixins import Transform, _vert, _horiz, Clipping

class Image(BaseElement, Transform, Clipping):
    """ The **image** element indicates that the contents of a complete file are
    to be rendered into a given rectangle within the current user coordinate
    system. The **image** element can refer to raster image files such as PNG
    or JPEG or to files with MIME type of "image/svg+xml".

    elementname = 'image'

    def __init__(self, href, insert=None, size=None, **extra):
        :param string href: hyperlink to the image resource
        :param 2-tuple insert: insert point (**x**, **y**)
        :param 2-tuple size: (**width**, **height**)
        :param dict attribs: additional SVG attributes
        :param extra: additional SVG attributes as keyword-arguments
        super(Image, self).__init__(**extra)
        self['xlink:href'] = href
        if insert is not None:
            self['x'] = insert[0]
            self['y'] = insert[1]
        if size is not None:
            self['width'] = size[0]
            self['height'] = size[1]

    def stretch(self):
        """ Stretch viewBox in x and y direction to fill viewport, does not
        preserve aspect ratio.
        self['preserveAspectRatio'] = 'none'

    def fit(self, horiz="center", vert="middle", scale="meet"):
        """ Set the preserveAspectRatio attribute.

        :param string horiz: horizontal alignment ``'left'|'center'|'right'``
        :param string vert: vertical alignment ``'top'|'middle'|'bottom'``
        :param string scale: scale method ``'meet'|'slice'``

        ============= ===========
        Scale methods Description
        ============= ===========
        ``meet``      preserve aspect ration and zoom to limits of viewBox
        ``slice``     preserve aspect ration and viewBox touch viewport on all bounds, viewBox will extend beyond the bounds of the viewport
        ============= ===========

        if self.debug and scale not in ('meet', 'slice'):
            raise ValueError("Invalid scale parameter '%s'" % scale)
        self.attribs['preserveAspectRatio'] = "%s%s %s" % (_horiz[horiz],_vert[vert], scale)


Name Type Size Permission Actions
__pycache__ Folder 0755
data Folder 0755
extensions Folder 0755
__init__.py File 2.45 KB 0644
animate.py File 6.51 KB 0644
base.py File 8.42 KB 0644
container.py File 10.49 KB 0644
drawing.py File 5.17 KB 0644
elementfactory.py File 2.24 KB 0644
etree.py File 1.33 KB 0644
filters.py File 7.81 KB 0644
gradients.py File 4.59 KB 0644
image.py File 2.43 KB 0644
masking.py File 1.81 KB 0644
mixins.py File 10.5 KB 0644
params.py File 1.86 KB 0644
path.py File 2.78 KB 0644
pattern.py File 1.93 KB 0644
shapes.py File 5.19 KB 0644
solidcolor.py File 1.69 KB 0644
text.py File 7.95 KB 0644
utils.py File 7.25 KB 0644
validator2.py File 6.06 KB 0644
version.py File 1.09 KB 0644