[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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#!/usr/bin/env python
# Author:  mozman --<mozman@gmx.at>
# Purpose: typechecker
# Created: 15.10.2010
# Copyright (C) 2010, Manfred Moitzi
# License: MIT License

import re

from svgwrite.data import pattern
from svgwrite.data.colors import colornames
from svgwrite.data.svgparser import is_valid_transferlist, is_valid_pathdata, is_valid_animation_timing
from svgwrite.utils import is_string

def iterflatlist(values):
    """ Flatten nested *values*, returns an *iterator*. """
    for element in values:
        if hasattr(element, "__iter__") and not is_string(element):
            for item in iterflatlist(element):
                yield item
            yield element

INVALID_NAME_CHARS = frozenset([' ', '\t', '\r', '\n', ',', '(', ')'])
WHITESPACE = frozenset([' ', '\t', '\r', '\n'])
SHAPE_PATTERN = re.compile(r"^rect\((.*),(.*),(.*),(.*)\)$")
FUNCIRI_PATTERN = re.compile(r"^url\((.*)\)$")
ICCCOLOR_PATTERN = re.compile(r"^icc-color\((.*)\)$")
COLOR_HEXDIGIT_PATTERN = re.compile(r"^#[a-fA-F0-9]{3}([a-fA-F0-9]{3})?$")
COLOR_RGB_INTEGER_PATTERN = re.compile(r"^rgb\( *\d+ *, *\d+ *, *\d+ *\)$")
COLOR_RGB_PERCENTAGE_PATTERN = re.compile(r"^rgb\( *\d+(\.\d*)?% *, *\d+(\.\d*)?% *, *\d+(\.\d*)?% *\)$")
NMTOKEN_PATTERN = re.compile(r"^[a-zA-Z_:][\w\-\.:]*$")

class Full11TypeChecker(object):
    def get_version(self):
        return '1.1', 'full'

    def is_angle(self, value):
        #angle ::= number (~"deg" | ~"grad" | ~"rad")?
        if self.is_number(value):
            return True
        elif is_string(value):
            return pattern.angle.match(value.strip()) is not None
        return False

    def is_anything(self, value):
        #anything ::= Char*
        return bool(str(value).strip())
    is_string = is_anything
    is_content_type = is_anything

    def is_color(self, value):
        #color    ::= "#" hexdigit hexdigit hexdigit (hexdigit hexdigit hexdigit)?
        #             | "rgb(" wsp* integer comma integer comma integer wsp* ")"
        #             | "rgb(" wsp* number "%" comma number "%" comma number "%" wsp* ")"
        #             | color-keyword
        #hexdigit ::= [0-9A-Fa-f]
        #comma    ::= wsp* "," wsp*
        value = str(value).strip()
        if value.startswith('#'):
            if COLOR_HEXDIGIT_PATTERN.match(value):
                return True
                return False
        elif value.startswith('rgb('):
            if COLOR_RGB_INTEGER_PATTERN.match(value):
                return True
            elif COLOR_RGB_PERCENTAGE_PATTERN.match(value):
                return True
            return False
        return self.is_color_keyword(value)

    def is_color_keyword(self, value):
        return value.strip() in colornames

    def is_frequency(self, value):
        # frequency ::= number (~"Hz" | ~"kHz")
        if self.is_number(value):
            return True
        elif is_string(value):
            return pattern.frequency.match(value.strip()) is not None
        return False

    def is_FuncIRI(self, value):
        # FuncIRI ::= "url(" <IRI> ")"
        res = FUNCIRI_PATTERN.match(str(value).strip())
        if res:
            return self.is_IRI(res.group(1))
        return False

    def is_icccolor(self, value):
        # icccolor ::= "icc-color(" name (comma-wsp number)+ ")"
        res = ICCCOLOR_PATTERN.match(str(value).strip())
        if res:
            return self.is_list_of_T(res.group(1), 'name')
        return False

    def is_integer(self, value):
        if isinstance(value, float):
            return False
            number = int(value)
            return True
            return False

    def is_IRI(self, value):
        # Internationalized Resource Identifiers
        # a more generalized complement to Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs)
        # nearly everything can be a valid <IRI>
        # only a none-empty string ist a valid input
        if is_string(value):
            return bool(value.strip())
            return False

    def is_length(self, value):
        # length ::= number ("em" | "ex" | "px" | "in" | "cm" | "mm" | "pt" | "pc" | "%")?
        if value is None:
            return False
        if isinstance(value, (int, float)):
            return self.is_number(value)
        elif is_string(value):
            result = pattern.length.match(value.strip())
            if result:
                number, tmp, unit = result.groups()
                return self.is_number(number) # for tiny check!
        return False

    is_coordinate = is_length

    def is_list_of_T(self, value, t='string'):
        def split(value):
            #TODO: improve split function!!!!
            if isinstance(value, (int, float)):
                return (value, )
            if is_string(value):
                return iterflatlist(v.split(',') for v in value.split(' '))
            return value
        #list-of-Ts ::= T
        #               | T comma-wsp list-of-Ts
        #comma-wsp  ::= (wsp+ ","? wsp*) | ("," wsp*)
        #wsp        ::= (#x20 | #x9 | #xD | #xA)
        checker = self.get_func_by_name(t)
        for v in split(value):
            if not checker(v):
                return False
        return True

    def is_four_numbers(self, value):
        def split(value):
            if is_string(value):
                values = iterflatlist( (v.strip().split(' ') for v in value.split(',')) )
                return (v for v in values if v)
                return iterflatlist(value)

        values = list(split(value))
        if len(values) != 4:
            return False
        checker = self.get_func_by_name('number')
        for v in values:
            if not checker(v):
                return False
        return True

    def is_semicolon_list(self, value):
        #a semicolon-separated list of values
        #               | value comma-wsp list-of-values
        #comma-wsp  ::= (wsp+ ";" wsp*) | ("," wsp*)
        #wsp        ::= (#x20 | #x9 | #xD | #xA)
        return self.is_list_of_T(value.replace(';', ' '), 'string')

    def is_name(self, value):
        # name  ::= [^,()#x20#x9#xD#xA] /* any char except ",", "(", ")" or wsp */
        chars = frozenset(str(value).strip())
        if not chars or INVALID_NAME_CHARS.intersection(chars):
            return False
            return True

    def is_number(self, value):
            number = float(value)
            return True
            return False

    def is_number_optional_number(self, value):
        #number-optional-number ::= number
        #                           | number comma-wsp number
        if is_string(value):
            values = re.split('[ ,]+', value.strip())
            if 0 < len(values) < 3: # 1 or 2 numbers
                for v in values:
                    if not self.is_number(v):
                        return False
                return True
            try: # is it a 2-tuple
                n1, n2 = value
                if self.is_number(n1) and \
                    return True
            except TypeError: # just one value
                return self.is_number(value)
            except ValueError: # more than 2 values
        return False

    def is_paint(self, value):
        #paint ::=	"none" |
        #           "currentColor" |
        #           <color> [<icccolor>] |
        #           <funciri> [ "none" | "currentColor" | <color> [<icccolor>] |
        #           "inherit"
        def split_values(value):
                funcIRI, value = value.split(")", 1)
                values = [funcIRI+")"]
                return values
            except ValueError:
                return value.split()

        values = split_values(str(value).strip())
        for value in [v.strip() for v in values]:
            if value in ('none', 'currentColor', 'inherit'):
            elif self.is_color(value):
            elif self.is_icccolor(value):
            elif self.is_FuncIRI(value):
            return False
        return True

    def is_percentage(self, value):
        #percentage ::= number "%"
        if self.is_number(value):
            return True
        elif is_string(value):
            return pattern.percentage.match(value.strip()) is not None
        return False

    def is_time(self, value):
        #time ::= <number> (~"ms" | ~"s")?
        if self.is_number(value):
            return True
        elif is_string(value):
            return pattern.time.match(value.strip()) is not None
        return False

    def is_transform_list(self, value):
        if is_string(value):
            return is_valid_transferlist(value)
            return False

    def is_path_data(self, value):
        if is_string(value):
            return is_valid_pathdata(value)
            return False

    def is_XML_Name(self, value):
        # http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/REC-xml-20060816/#NT-Name
        # Nmtoken
        return bool(NMTOKEN_PATTERN.match(str(value).strip()))

    def is_shape(self, value):
        # shape ::= (<top> <right> <bottom> <left>)
        # where <top>, <bottom> <right>, and <left> specify offsets from the
        # respective sides of the box.
        # <top>, <right>, <bottom>, and <left> are <length> values
        # i.e. 'rect(5px, 10px, 10px, 5px)'
        res = SHAPE_PATTERN.match(value.strip())
        if res:
            for arg in res.groups():
                if arg.strip() == 'auto':
                if not self.is_length(arg):
                    return False
            return False
        return True

    def is_timing_value_list(self, value):
        if is_string(value):
            return is_valid_animation_timing(value)
            return False

    def is_list_of_text_decoration_style(self, value):
        return self.is_list_of_T(value, t='text_decoration_style')

    def is_text_decoration_style(self, value):
        return value in ('overline', 'underline', 'line-through', 'blink')

    def get_func_by_name(self, funcname):
        return getattr(self,
                       'is_'+funcname.replace('-', '_'),

    def check(self, typename, value):
        if typename.startswith('list-of-'):
            t = typename[8:]
            return self.is_list_of_T(value, t)
        return self.get_func_by_name(typename)(value)

FOCUS_CONST = frozenset(['nav-next', 'nav-prev', 'nav-up', 'nav-down', 'nav-left',
                         'nav-right', 'nav-up-left', 'nav-up-right', 'nav-down-left',

class Tiny12TypeChecker(Full11TypeChecker):
    def get_version(self):
        return '1.2', 'tiny'

    def is_boolean(self, value):
        if isinstance(value, bool):
            return True
        if is_string(value):
            return value.strip().lower() in ('true', 'false')
        return False

    def is_number(self, value):
            number = float(value)
            if -32767.9999 <= number <= 32767.9999:
                return True
                return False
            return False

    def is_focus(self, value):
        return str(value).strip() in FOCUS_CONST


Name Type Size Permission Actions
__pycache__ Folder 0755
__init__.py File 0 B 0644
colors.py File 2.78 KB 0644
full11.py File 74.62 KB 0644
pattern.py File 1.04 KB 0644
svgparser.py File 4.92 KB 0644
tiny12.py File 57.49 KB 0644
typechecker.py File 11.66 KB 0644
types.py File 2.74 KB 0644