[ Avaa Bypassed ]



elspacio@ ~ $
This module implements WSGI related helpers adapted from ``werkzeug.wsgi``

:copyright: (c) 2010 by the Werkzeug Team, see AUTHORS for more details.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.
from __future__ import absolute_import

from raven.utils.compat import iteritems, urllib_quote

# `get_headers` comes from `werkzeug.datastructures.EnvironHeaders`
def get_headers(environ):
    Returns only proper HTTP headers.
    for key, value in iteritems(environ):
        key = str(key)
        if key.startswith('HTTP_') and key not in \
            yield key[5:].replace('_', '-').title(), value
        elif key in ('CONTENT_TYPE', 'CONTENT_LENGTH'):
            yield key.replace('_', '-').title(), value

def get_environ(environ):
    Returns our whitelisted environment variables.
    for key in ('REMOTE_ADDR', 'SERVER_NAME', 'SERVER_PORT'):
        if key in environ:
            yield key, environ[key]

# `get_host` comes from `werkzeug.wsgi`
def get_host(environ):
    """Return the real host for the given WSGI environment.  This takes care
    of the `X-Forwarded-Host` header.

    :param environ: the WSGI environment to get the host of.
    scheme = environ.get('wsgi.url_scheme')
    if 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST' in environ:
        result = environ['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST']
    elif 'HTTP_HOST' in environ:
        result = environ['HTTP_HOST']
        result = environ['SERVER_NAME']
        if (scheme, str(environ['SERVER_PORT'])) not \
           in (('https', '443'), ('http', '80')):
            result += ':' + environ['SERVER_PORT']
    if result.endswith(':80') and scheme == 'http':
        result = result[:-3]
    elif result.endswith(':443') and scheme == 'https':
        result = result[:-4]
    return result

# `get_current_url` comes from `werkzeug.wsgi`
def get_current_url(environ, root_only=False, strip_querystring=False,
    """A handy helper function that recreates the full URL for the current
    request or parts of it.  Here an example:

    >>> from werkzeug import create_environ
    >>> env = create_environ("/?param=foo", "http://localhost/script")
    >>> get_current_url(env)
    >>> get_current_url(env, root_only=True)
    >>> get_current_url(env, host_only=True)
    >>> get_current_url(env, strip_querystring=True)

    :param environ: the WSGI environment to get the current URL from.
    :param root_only: set `True` if you only want the root URL.
    :param strip_querystring: set to `True` if you don't want the querystring.
    :param host_only: set to `True` if the host URL should be returned.
    tmp = [environ['wsgi.url_scheme'], '://', get_host(environ)]
    cat = tmp.append
    if host_only:
        return ''.join(tmp) + '/'
    cat(urllib_quote(environ.get('SCRIPT_NAME', '').rstrip('/')))
    if root_only:
        cat(urllib_quote('/' + environ.get('PATH_INFO', '').lstrip('/')))
        if not strip_querystring:
            qs = environ.get('QUERY_STRING')
            if qs:
                cat('?' + qs)
    return ''.join(tmp)

def get_client_ip(environ):
    Naively yank the first IP address in an X-Forwarded-For header
    and assume this is correct.

    Note: Don't use this in security sensitive situations since this
    value may be forged from a client.
        return environ['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'].split(',')[0].strip()
    except (KeyError, IndexError):
        return environ.get('REMOTE_ADDR')


Name Type Size Permission Actions
__pycache__ Folder 0755
serializer Folder 0755
__init__.py File 3.14 KB 0644
basic.py File 2.39 KB 0644
compat.py File 5.54 KB 0644
conf.py File 2.29 KB 0644
encoding.py File 3.23 KB 0644
http.py File 1.95 KB 0644
imports.py File 404 B 0644
json.py File 2.91 KB 0644
ssl_match_hostname.py File 3.51 KB 0644
stacks.py File 9.8 KB 0644
testutils.py File 697 B 0644
transaction.py File 1.06 KB 0644
urlparse.py File 476 B 0644
wsgi.py File 3.64 KB 0644