[ Avaa Bypassed ]



elspacio@ ~ $
import sys
from collections.abc import Sequence, Iterator, Callable, Iterable
from typing import (
    Literal as L,

if sys.version_info >= (3, 10):
    from typing import TypeGuard
    from typing_extensions import TypeGuard

from numpy import (
    vectorize as vectorize,

from numpy._typing import (

from numpy.core.function_base import (
    add_newdoc as add_newdoc,

from numpy.core.multiarray import (
    add_docstring as add_docstring,
    bincount as bincount,

from numpy.core.umath import _add_newdoc_ufunc

_T = TypeVar("_T")
_T_co = TypeVar("_T_co", covariant=True)
_SCT = TypeVar("_SCT", bound=generic)
_ArrayType = TypeVar("_ArrayType", bound=NDArray[Any])

_2Tuple = tuple[_T, _T]

class _TrimZerosSequence(Protocol[_T_co]):
    def __len__(self) -> int: ...
    def __getitem__(self, key: slice, /) -> _T_co: ...
    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Any]: ...

class _SupportsWriteFlush(Protocol):
    def write(self, s: str, /) -> object: ...
    def flush(self) -> object: ...

__all__: list[str]

# NOTE: This is in reality a re-export of `np.core.umath._add_newdoc_ufunc`
def add_newdoc_ufunc(ufunc: ufunc, new_docstring: str, /) -> None: ...

def rot90(
    m: _ArrayLike[_SCT],
    k: int = ...,
    axes: tuple[int, int] = ...,
) -> NDArray[_SCT]: ...
def rot90(
    m: ArrayLike,
    k: int = ...,
    axes: tuple[int, int] = ...,
) -> NDArray[Any]: ...

def flip(m: _SCT, axis: None = ...) -> _SCT: ...
def flip(m: _ScalarLike_co, axis: None = ...) -> Any: ...
def flip(m: _ArrayLike[_SCT], axis: None | _ShapeLike = ...) -> NDArray[_SCT]: ...
def flip(m: ArrayLike, axis: None | _ShapeLike = ...) -> NDArray[Any]: ...

def iterable(y: object) -> TypeGuard[Iterable[Any]]: ...

def average(
    a: _ArrayLikeFloat_co,
    axis: None = ...,
    weights: None | _ArrayLikeFloat_co= ...,
    returned: L[False] = ...,
    keepdims: L[False] = ...,
) -> floating[Any]: ...
def average(
    a: _ArrayLikeComplex_co,
    axis: None = ...,
    weights: None | _ArrayLikeComplex_co = ...,
    returned: L[False] = ...,
    keepdims: L[False] = ...,
) -> complexfloating[Any, Any]: ...
def average(
    a: _ArrayLikeObject_co,
    axis: None = ...,
    weights: None | Any = ...,
    returned: L[False] = ...,
    keepdims: L[False] = ...,
) -> Any: ...
def average(
    a: _ArrayLikeFloat_co,
    axis: None = ...,
    weights: None | _ArrayLikeFloat_co= ...,
    returned: L[True] = ...,
    keepdims: L[False] = ...,
) -> _2Tuple[floating[Any]]: ...
def average(
    a: _ArrayLikeComplex_co,
    axis: None = ...,
    weights: None | _ArrayLikeComplex_co = ...,
    returned: L[True] = ...,
    keepdims: L[False] = ...,
) -> _2Tuple[complexfloating[Any, Any]]: ...
def average(
    a: _ArrayLikeObject_co,
    axis: None = ...,
    weights: None | Any = ...,
    returned: L[True] = ...,
    keepdims: L[False] = ...,
) -> _2Tuple[Any]: ...
def average(
    a: _ArrayLikeComplex_co | _ArrayLikeObject_co,
    axis: None | _ShapeLike = ...,
    weights: None | Any = ...,
    returned: L[False] = ...,
    keepdims: bool = ...,
) -> Any: ...
def average(
    a: _ArrayLikeComplex_co | _ArrayLikeObject_co,
    axis: None | _ShapeLike = ...,
    weights: None | Any = ...,
    returned: L[True] = ...,
    keepdims: bool = ...,
) -> _2Tuple[Any]: ...

def asarray_chkfinite(
    a: _ArrayLike[_SCT],
    dtype: None = ...,
    order: _OrderKACF = ...,
) -> NDArray[_SCT]: ...
def asarray_chkfinite(
    a: object,
    dtype: None = ...,
    order: _OrderKACF = ...,
) -> NDArray[Any]: ...
def asarray_chkfinite(
    a: Any,
    dtype: _DTypeLike[_SCT],
    order: _OrderKACF = ...,
) -> NDArray[_SCT]: ...
def asarray_chkfinite(
    a: Any,
    dtype: DTypeLike,
    order: _OrderKACF = ...,
) -> NDArray[Any]: ...

# TODO: Use PEP 612 `ParamSpec` once mypy supports `Concatenate`
# xref python/mypy#8645
def piecewise(
    x: _ArrayLike[_SCT],
    condlist: ArrayLike,
    funclist: Sequence[Any | Callable[..., Any]],
    *args: Any,
    **kw: Any,
) -> NDArray[_SCT]: ...
def piecewise(
    x: ArrayLike,
    condlist: ArrayLike,
    funclist: Sequence[Any | Callable[..., Any]],
    *args: Any,
    **kw: Any,
) -> NDArray[Any]: ...

def select(
    condlist: Sequence[ArrayLike],
    choicelist: Sequence[ArrayLike],
    default: ArrayLike = ...,
) -> NDArray[Any]: ...

def copy(
    a: _ArrayType,
    order: _OrderKACF,
    subok: L[True],
) -> _ArrayType: ...
def copy(
    a: _ArrayType,
    order: _OrderKACF = ...,
    subok: L[True],
) -> _ArrayType: ...
def copy(
    a: _ArrayLike[_SCT],
    order: _OrderKACF = ...,
    subok: L[False] = ...,
) -> NDArray[_SCT]: ...
def copy(
    a: ArrayLike,
    order: _OrderKACF = ...,
    subok: L[False] = ...,
) -> NDArray[Any]: ...

def gradient(
    f: ArrayLike,
    *varargs: ArrayLike,
    axis: None | _ShapeLike = ...,
    edge_order: L[1, 2] = ...,
) -> Any: ...

def diff(
    a: _T,
    n: L[0],
    axis: SupportsIndex = ...,
    prepend: ArrayLike = ...,
    append: ArrayLike = ...,
) -> _T: ...
def diff(
    a: ArrayLike,
    n: int = ...,
    axis: SupportsIndex = ...,
    prepend: ArrayLike = ...,
    append: ArrayLike = ...,
) -> NDArray[Any]: ...

def interp(
    x: _ArrayLikeFloat_co,
    xp: _ArrayLikeFloat_co,
    fp: _ArrayLikeFloat_co,
    left: None | _FloatLike_co = ...,
    right: None | _FloatLike_co = ...,
    period: None | _FloatLike_co = ...,
) -> NDArray[float64]: ...
def interp(
    x: _ArrayLikeFloat_co,
    xp: _ArrayLikeFloat_co,
    fp: _ArrayLikeComplex_co,
    left: None | _ComplexLike_co = ...,
    right: None | _ComplexLike_co = ...,
    period: None | _FloatLike_co = ...,
) -> NDArray[complex128]: ...

def angle(z: _ComplexLike_co, deg: bool = ...) -> floating[Any]: ...
def angle(z: object_, deg: bool = ...) -> Any: ...
def angle(z: _ArrayLikeComplex_co, deg: bool = ...) -> NDArray[floating[Any]]: ...
def angle(z: _ArrayLikeObject_co, deg: bool = ...) -> NDArray[object_]: ...

def unwrap(
    p: _ArrayLikeFloat_co,
    discont: None | float = ...,
    axis: int = ...,
    period: float = ...,
) -> NDArray[floating[Any]]: ...
def unwrap(
    p: _ArrayLikeObject_co,
    discont: None | float = ...,
    axis: int = ...,
    period: float = ...,
) -> NDArray[object_]: ...

def sort_complex(a: ArrayLike) -> NDArray[complexfloating[Any, Any]]: ...

def trim_zeros(
    filt: _TrimZerosSequence[_T],
    trim: L["f", "b", "fb", "bf"] = ...,
) -> _T: ...

def extract(condition: ArrayLike, arr: _ArrayLike[_SCT]) -> NDArray[_SCT]: ...
def extract(condition: ArrayLike, arr: ArrayLike) -> NDArray[Any]: ...

def place(arr: NDArray[Any], mask: ArrayLike, vals: Any) -> None: ...

def disp(
    mesg: object,
    device: None | _SupportsWriteFlush = ...,
    linefeed: bool = ...,
) -> None: ...

def cov(
    m: _ArrayLikeFloat_co,
    y: None | _ArrayLikeFloat_co = ...,
    rowvar: bool = ...,
    bias: bool = ...,
    ddof: None | SupportsIndex | SupportsInt = ...,
    fweights: None | ArrayLike = ...,
    aweights: None | ArrayLike = ...,
    dtype: None = ...,
) -> NDArray[floating[Any]]: ...
def cov(
    m: _ArrayLikeComplex_co,
    y: None | _ArrayLikeComplex_co = ...,
    rowvar: bool = ...,
    bias: bool = ...,
    ddof: None | SupportsIndex | SupportsInt = ...,
    fweights: None | ArrayLike = ...,
    aweights: None | ArrayLike = ...,
    dtype: None = ...,
) -> NDArray[complexfloating[Any, Any]]: ...
def cov(
    m: _ArrayLikeComplex_co,
    y: None | _ArrayLikeComplex_co = ...,
    rowvar: bool = ...,
    bias: bool = ...,
    ddof: None | SupportsIndex | SupportsInt = ...,
    fweights: None | ArrayLike = ...,
    aweights: None | ArrayLike = ...,
    dtype: _DTypeLike[_SCT],
) -> NDArray[_SCT]: ...
def cov(
    m: _ArrayLikeComplex_co,
    y: None | _ArrayLikeComplex_co = ...,
    rowvar: bool = ...,
    bias: bool = ...,
    ddof: None | SupportsIndex | SupportsInt = ...,
    fweights: None | ArrayLike = ...,
    aweights: None | ArrayLike = ...,
    dtype: DTypeLike,
) -> NDArray[Any]: ...

# NOTE `bias` and `ddof` have been deprecated
def corrcoef(
    m: _ArrayLikeFloat_co,
    y: None | _ArrayLikeFloat_co = ...,
    rowvar: bool = ...,
    dtype: None = ...,
) -> NDArray[floating[Any]]: ...
def corrcoef(
    m: _ArrayLikeComplex_co,
    y: None | _ArrayLikeComplex_co = ...,
    rowvar: bool = ...,
    dtype: None = ...,
) -> NDArray[complexfloating[Any, Any]]: ...
def corrcoef(
    m: _ArrayLikeComplex_co,
    y: None | _ArrayLikeComplex_co = ...,
    rowvar: bool = ...,
    dtype: _DTypeLike[_SCT],
) -> NDArray[_SCT]: ...
def corrcoef(
    m: _ArrayLikeComplex_co,
    y: None | _ArrayLikeComplex_co = ...,
    rowvar: bool = ...,
    dtype: DTypeLike,
) -> NDArray[Any]: ...

def blackman(M: _FloatLike_co) -> NDArray[floating[Any]]: ...

def bartlett(M: _FloatLike_co) -> NDArray[floating[Any]]: ...

def hanning(M: _FloatLike_co) -> NDArray[floating[Any]]: ...

def hamming(M: _FloatLike_co) -> NDArray[floating[Any]]: ...

def i0(x: _ArrayLikeFloat_co) -> NDArray[floating[Any]]: ...

def kaiser(
    M: _FloatLike_co,
    beta: _FloatLike_co,
) -> NDArray[floating[Any]]: ...

def sinc(x: _FloatLike_co) -> floating[Any]: ...
def sinc(x: _ComplexLike_co) -> complexfloating[Any, Any]: ...
def sinc(x: _ArrayLikeFloat_co) -> NDArray[floating[Any]]: ...
def sinc(x: _ArrayLikeComplex_co) -> NDArray[complexfloating[Any, Any]]: ...

# NOTE: Deprecated
# def msort(a: ArrayLike) -> NDArray[Any]: ...

def median(
    a: _ArrayLikeFloat_co,
    axis: None = ...,
    out: None = ...,
    overwrite_input: bool = ...,
    keepdims: L[False] = ...,
) -> floating[Any]: ...
def median(
    a: _ArrayLikeComplex_co,
    axis: None = ...,
    out: None = ...,
    overwrite_input: bool = ...,
    keepdims: L[False] = ...,
) -> complexfloating[Any, Any]: ...
def median(
    a: _ArrayLikeTD64_co,
    axis: None = ...,
    out: None = ...,
    overwrite_input: bool = ...,
    keepdims: L[False] = ...,
) -> timedelta64: ...
def median(
    a: _ArrayLikeObject_co,
    axis: None = ...,
    out: None = ...,
    overwrite_input: bool = ...,
    keepdims: L[False] = ...,
) -> Any: ...
def median(
    a: _ArrayLikeFloat_co | _ArrayLikeComplex_co | _ArrayLikeTD64_co | _ArrayLikeObject_co,
    axis: None | _ShapeLike = ...,
    out: None = ...,
    overwrite_input: bool = ...,
    keepdims: bool = ...,
) -> Any: ...
def median(
    a: _ArrayLikeFloat_co | _ArrayLikeComplex_co | _ArrayLikeTD64_co | _ArrayLikeObject_co,
    axis: None | _ShapeLike = ...,
    out: _ArrayType = ...,
    overwrite_input: bool = ...,
    keepdims: bool = ...,
) -> _ArrayType: ...

_MethodKind = L[

def percentile(
    a: _ArrayLikeFloat_co,
    q: _FloatLike_co,
    axis: None = ...,
    out: None = ...,
    overwrite_input: bool = ...,
    method: _MethodKind = ...,
    keepdims: L[False] = ...,
) -> floating[Any]: ...
def percentile(
    a: _ArrayLikeComplex_co,
    q: _FloatLike_co,
    axis: None = ...,
    out: None = ...,
    overwrite_input: bool = ...,
    method: _MethodKind = ...,
    keepdims: L[False] = ...,
) -> complexfloating[Any, Any]: ...
def percentile(
    a: _ArrayLikeTD64_co,
    q: _FloatLike_co,
    axis: None = ...,
    out: None = ...,
    overwrite_input: bool = ...,
    method: _MethodKind = ...,
    keepdims: L[False] = ...,
) -> timedelta64: ...
def percentile(
    a: _ArrayLikeDT64_co,
    q: _FloatLike_co,
    axis: None = ...,
    out: None = ...,
    overwrite_input: bool = ...,
    method: _MethodKind = ...,
    keepdims: L[False] = ...,
) -> datetime64: ...
def percentile(
    a: _ArrayLikeObject_co,
    q: _FloatLike_co,
    axis: None = ...,
    out: None = ...,
    overwrite_input: bool = ...,
    method: _MethodKind = ...,
    keepdims: L[False] = ...,
) -> Any: ...
def percentile(
    a: _ArrayLikeFloat_co,
    q: _ArrayLikeFloat_co,
    axis: None = ...,
    out: None = ...,
    overwrite_input: bool = ...,
    method: _MethodKind = ...,
    keepdims: L[False] = ...,
) -> NDArray[floating[Any]]: ...
def percentile(
    a: _ArrayLikeComplex_co,
    q: _ArrayLikeFloat_co,
    axis: None = ...,
    out: None = ...,
    overwrite_input: bool = ...,
    method: _MethodKind = ...,
    keepdims: L[False] = ...,
) -> NDArray[complexfloating[Any, Any]]: ...
def percentile(
    a: _ArrayLikeTD64_co,
    q: _ArrayLikeFloat_co,
    axis: None = ...,
    out: None = ...,
    overwrite_input: bool = ...,
    method: _MethodKind = ...,
    keepdims: L[False] = ...,
) -> NDArray[timedelta64]: ...
def percentile(
    a: _ArrayLikeDT64_co,
    q: _ArrayLikeFloat_co,
    axis: None = ...,
    out: None = ...,
    overwrite_input: bool = ...,
    method: _MethodKind = ...,
    keepdims: L[False] = ...,
) -> NDArray[datetime64]: ...
def percentile(
    a: _ArrayLikeObject_co,
    q: _ArrayLikeFloat_co,
    axis: None = ...,
    out: None = ...,
    overwrite_input: bool = ...,
    method: _MethodKind = ...,
    keepdims: L[False] = ...,
) -> NDArray[object_]: ...
def percentile(
    a: _ArrayLikeComplex_co | _ArrayLikeTD64_co | _ArrayLikeTD64_co | _ArrayLikeObject_co,
    q: _ArrayLikeFloat_co,
    axis: None | _ShapeLike = ...,
    out: None = ...,
    overwrite_input: bool = ...,
    method: _MethodKind = ...,
    keepdims: bool = ...,
) -> Any: ...
def percentile(
    a: _ArrayLikeComplex_co | _ArrayLikeTD64_co | _ArrayLikeTD64_co | _ArrayLikeObject_co,
    q: _ArrayLikeFloat_co,
    axis: None | _ShapeLike = ...,
    out: _ArrayType = ...,
    overwrite_input: bool = ...,
    method: _MethodKind = ...,
    keepdims: bool = ...,
) -> _ArrayType: ...

# NOTE: Not an alias, but they do have identical signatures
# (that we can reuse)
quantile = percentile

# TODO: Returns a scalar for <= 1D array-likes; returns an ndarray otherwise
def trapz(
    y: _ArrayLikeComplex_co | _ArrayLikeTD64_co | _ArrayLikeObject_co,
    x: None | _ArrayLikeComplex_co | _ArrayLikeTD64_co | _ArrayLikeObject_co = ...,
    dx: float = ...,
    axis: SupportsIndex = ...,
) -> Any: ...

def meshgrid(
    *xi: ArrayLike,
    copy: bool = ...,
    sparse: bool = ...,
    indexing: L["xy", "ij"] = ...,
) -> list[NDArray[Any]]: ...

def delete(
    arr: _ArrayLike[_SCT],
    obj: slice | _ArrayLikeInt_co,
    axis: None | SupportsIndex = ...,
) -> NDArray[_SCT]: ...
def delete(
    arr: ArrayLike,
    obj: slice | _ArrayLikeInt_co,
    axis: None | SupportsIndex = ...,
) -> NDArray[Any]: ...

def insert(
    arr: _ArrayLike[_SCT],
    obj: slice | _ArrayLikeInt_co,
    values: ArrayLike,
    axis: None | SupportsIndex = ...,
) -> NDArray[_SCT]: ...
def insert(
    arr: ArrayLike,
    obj: slice | _ArrayLikeInt_co,
    values: ArrayLike,
    axis: None | SupportsIndex = ...,
) -> NDArray[Any]: ...

def append(
    arr: ArrayLike,
    values: ArrayLike,
    axis: None | SupportsIndex = ...,
) -> NDArray[Any]: ...

def digitize(
    x: _FloatLike_co,
    bins: _ArrayLikeFloat_co,
    right: bool = ...,
) -> intp: ...
def digitize(
    x: _ArrayLikeFloat_co,
    bins: _ArrayLikeFloat_co,
    right: bool = ...,
) -> NDArray[intp]: ...


Name Type Size Permission Actions
__pycache__ Folder 0755
tests Folder 0755
__init__.py File 2.7 KB 0644
__init__.pyi File 5.46 KB 0644
_datasource.py File 22.1 KB 0644
_iotools.py File 30.14 KB 0644
_version.py File 4.74 KB 0644
_version.pyi File 633 B 0644
arraypad.py File 31.06 KB 0644
arraypad.pyi File 1.69 KB 0644
arraysetops.py File 32.87 KB 0644
arraysetops.pyi File 8.14 KB 0644
arrayterator.py File 6.9 KB 0644
arrayterator.pyi File 1.5 KB 0644
format.py File 33.95 KB 0644
format.pyi File 748 B 0644
function_base.py File 184.67 KB 0644
function_base.pyi File 16.2 KB 0644
histograms.py File 36.81 KB 0644
histograms.pyi File 995 B 0644
index_tricks.py File 30.61 KB 0644
index_tricks.pyi File 4.15 KB 0644
mixins.py File 6.91 KB 0644
mixins.pyi File 3.04 KB 0644
nanfunctions.py File 64.23 KB 0644
nanfunctions.pyi File 606 B 0644
npyio.py File 95.04 KB 0644
npyio.pyi File 9.5 KB 0644
polynomial.py File 43.1 KB 0644
polynomial.pyi File 6.79 KB 0644
recfunctions.py File 58.03 KB 0644
scimath.py File 14.68 KB 0644
scimath.pyi File 2.82 KB 0644
setup.py File 405 B 0644
shape_base.py File 38.03 KB 0644
shape_base.pyi File 5.06 KB 0644
stride_tricks.py File 17.49 KB 0644
stride_tricks.pyi File 1.71 KB 0644
twodim_base.py File 32.17 KB 0644
twodim_base.pyi File 5.24 KB 0644
type_check.py File 19.49 KB 0644
type_check.pyi File 5.44 KB 0644
ufunclike.py File 6.18 KB 0644
ufunclike.pyi File 1.26 KB 0644
user_array.py File 7.54 KB 0644
utils.py File 36.92 KB 0644
utils.pyi File 2.3 KB 0644