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elspacio@ ~ $
# mako/pygen.py
# Copyright 2006-2022 the Mako authors and contributors <see AUTHORS file>
# This module is part of Mako and is released under
# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php

"""utilities for generating and formatting literal Python code."""

import re

from mako import exceptions

class PythonPrinter:
    def __init__(self, stream):
        # indentation counter
        self.indent = 0

        # a stack storing information about why we incremented
        # the indentation counter, to help us determine if we
        # should decrement it
        self.indent_detail = []

        # the string of whitespace multiplied by the indent
        # counter to produce a line
        self.indentstring = "    "

        # the stream we are writing to
        self.stream = stream

        # current line number
        self.lineno = 1

        # a list of lines that represents a buffered "block" of code,
        # which can be later printed relative to an indent level
        self.line_buffer = []

        self.in_indent_lines = False


        # mapping of generated python lines to template
        # source lines
        self.source_map = {}

        self._re_space_comment = re.compile(r"^\s*#")
        self._re_space = re.compile(r"^\s*$")
        self._re_indent = re.compile(r":[ \t]*(?:#.*)?$")
        self._re_compound = re.compile(r"^\s*(if|try|elif|while|for|with)")
        self._re_indent_keyword = re.compile(
        self._re_unindentor = re.compile(r"^\s*(else|elif|except|finally).*\:")

    def _update_lineno(self, num):
        self.lineno += num

    def start_source(self, lineno):
        if self.lineno not in self.source_map:
            self.source_map[self.lineno] = lineno

    def write_blanks(self, num):
        self.stream.write("\n" * num)

    def write_indented_block(self, block, starting_lineno=None):
        """print a line or lines of python which already contain indentation.

        The indentation of the total block of lines will be adjusted to that of
        the current indent level."""
        self.in_indent_lines = False
        for i, l in enumerate(re.split(r"\r?\n", block)):
            if starting_lineno is not None:
                self.start_source(starting_lineno + i)

    def writelines(self, *lines):
        """print a series of lines of python."""
        for line in lines:

    def writeline(self, line):
        """print a line of python, indenting it according to the current
        indent level.

        this also adjusts the indentation counter according to the
        content of the line.


        if not self.in_indent_lines:
            self.in_indent_lines = True

        if (
            line is None
            or self._re_space_comment.match(line)
            or self._re_space.match(line)
            hastext = False
            hastext = True

        is_comment = line and len(line) and line[0] == "#"

        # see if this line should decrease the indentation level
        if (
            not is_comment
            and (not hastext or self._is_unindentor(line))
            and self.indent > 0
            self.indent -= 1
            # if the indent_detail stack is empty, the user
            # probably put extra closures - the resulting
            # module wont compile.
            if len(self.indent_detail) == 0:
                # TODO: no coverage here
                raise exceptions.MakoException("Too many whitespace closures")

        if line is None:

        # write the line
        self.stream.write(self._indent_line(line) + "\n")

        # see if this line should increase the indentation level.
        # note that a line can both decrase (before printing) and
        # then increase (after printing) the indentation level.

        if self._re_indent.search(line):
            # increment indentation count, and also
            # keep track of what the keyword was that indented us,
            # if it is a python compound statement keyword
            # where we might have to look for an "unindent" keyword
            match = self._re_compound.match(line)
            if match:
                # its a "compound" keyword, so we will check for "unindentors"
                indentor = match.group(1)
                self.indent += 1
                indentor = None
                # its not a "compound" keyword.  but lets also
                # test for valid Python keywords that might be indenting us,
                # else assume its a non-indenting line
                m2 = self._re_indent_keyword.match(line)
                if m2:
                    self.indent += 1

    def close(self):
        """close this printer, flushing any remaining lines."""

    def _is_unindentor(self, line):
        """return true if the given line is an 'unindentor',
        relative to the last 'indent' event received.


        # no indentation detail has been pushed on; return False
        if len(self.indent_detail) == 0:
            return False

        indentor = self.indent_detail[-1]

        # the last indent keyword we grabbed is not a
        # compound statement keyword; return False
        if indentor is None:
            return False

        # if the current line doesnt have one of the "unindentor" keywords,
        # return False
        match = self._re_unindentor.match(line)
        # if True, whitespace matches up, we have a compound indentor,
        # and this line has an unindentor, this
        # is probably good enough
        return bool(match)

        # should we decide that its not good enough, heres
        # more stuff to check.
        # keyword = match.group(1)

        # match the original indent keyword
        # for crit in [
        #   (r'if|elif', r'else|elif'),
        #   (r'try', r'except|finally|else'),
        #   (r'while|for', r'else'),
        # ]:
        #   if re.match(crit[0], indentor) and re.match(crit[1], keyword):
        #        return True

        # return False

    def _indent_line(self, line, stripspace=""):
        """indent the given line according to the current indent level.

        stripspace is a string of space that will be truncated from the
        start of the line before indenting."""
        if stripspace == "":
            # Fast path optimization.
            return self.indentstring * self.indent + line

        return re.sub(
            r"^%s" % stripspace, self.indentstring * self.indent, line

    def _reset_multi_line_flags(self):
        """reset the flags which would indicate we are in a backslashed
        or triple-quoted section."""

        self.backslashed, self.triplequoted = False, False

    def _in_multi_line(self, line):
        """return true if the given line is part of a multi-line block,
        via backslash or triple-quote."""

        # we are only looking for explicitly joined lines here, not
        # implicit ones (i.e. brackets, braces etc.).  this is just to
        # guard against the possibility of modifying the space inside of
        # a literal multiline string with unfortunately placed
        # whitespace

        current_state = self.backslashed or self.triplequoted

        self.backslashed = bool(re.search(r"\\$", line))
        triples = len(re.findall(r"\"\"\"|\'\'\'", line))
        if triples == 1 or triples % 2 != 0:
            self.triplequoted = not self.triplequoted

        return current_state

    def _flush_adjusted_lines(self):
        stripspace = None

        for entry in self.line_buffer:
            if self._in_multi_line(entry):
                self.stream.write(entry + "\n")
                entry = entry.expandtabs()
                if stripspace is None and re.search(r"^[ \t]*[^# \t]", entry):
                    stripspace = re.match(r"^([ \t]*)", entry).group(1)
                self.stream.write(self._indent_line(entry, stripspace) + "\n")

        self.line_buffer = []

def adjust_whitespace(text):
    """remove the left-whitespace margin of a block of Python code."""

    state = [False, False]
    (backslashed, triplequoted) = (0, 1)

    def in_multi_line(line):
        start_state = state[backslashed] or state[triplequoted]

        if re.search(r"\\$", line):
            state[backslashed] = True
            state[backslashed] = False

        def match(reg, t):
            m = re.match(reg, t)
            if m:
                return m, t[len(m.group(0)) :]
                return None, t

        while line:
            if state[triplequoted]:
                m, line = match(r"%s" % state[triplequoted], line)
                if m:
                    state[triplequoted] = False
                    m, line = match(r".*?(?=%s|$)" % state[triplequoted], line)
                m, line = match(r"#", line)
                if m:
                    return start_state

                m, line = match(r"\"\"\"|\'\'\'", line)
                if m:
                    state[triplequoted] = m.group(0)

                m, line = match(r".*?(?=\"\"\"|\'\'\'|#|$)", line)

        return start_state

    def _indent_line(line, stripspace=""):
        return re.sub(r"^%s" % stripspace, "", line)

    lines = []
    stripspace = None

    for line in re.split(r"\r?\n", text):
        if in_multi_line(line):
            line = line.expandtabs()
            if stripspace is None and re.search(r"^[ \t]*[^# \t]", line):
                stripspace = re.match(r"^([ \t]*)", line).group(1)
            lines.append(_indent_line(line, stripspace))
    return "\n".join(lines)


Name Type Size Permission Actions
__pycache__ Folder 0755
ext Folder 0755
testing Folder 0755
__init__.py File 242 B 0644
_ast_util.py File 19.77 KB 0644
ast.py File 6.49 KB 0644
cache.py File 7.5 KB 0644
cmd.py File 2.75 KB 0644
codegen.py File 46.2 KB 0644
compat.py File 1.87 KB 0644
exceptions.py File 12.24 KB 0644
filters.py File 4.55 KB 0644
lexer.py File 15.61 KB 0644
lookup.py File 12.14 KB 0644
parsetree.py File 18.56 KB 0644
pygen.py File 10.17 KB 0644
pyparser.py File 6.87 KB 0644
runtime.py File 27.15 KB 0644
template.py File 23.3 KB 0644
util.py File 10.39 KB 0644