[ Avaa Bypassed ]



elspacio@ ~ $
/* Generated by Cython 0.29.32 */

#ifndef __PYX_HAVE__lxml__etree
#define __PYX_HAVE__lxml__etree

#include "Python.h"
struct LxmlDocument;
struct LxmlElement;
struct LxmlElementTree;
struct LxmlElementTagMatcher;
struct LxmlElementIterator;
struct LxmlElementBase;
struct LxmlElementClassLookup;
struct LxmlFallbackElementClassLookup;

/* "lxml/etree.pyx":338
 * # type of a function that steps from node to node
 * ctypedef public xmlNode* (*_node_to_node_function)(xmlNode*)             # <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
typedef xmlNode *(*_node_to_node_function)(xmlNode *);

/* "lxml/etree.pyx":354
 * @cython.final
 * @cython.freelist(8)
 * cdef public class _Document [ type LxmlDocumentType, object LxmlDocument ]:             # <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
 *     u"""Internal base class to reference a libxml document.
struct LxmlDocument {
  struct __pyx_vtabstruct_4lxml_5etree__Document *__pyx_vtab;
  int _ns_counter;
  PyObject *_prefix_tail;
  xmlDoc *_c_doc;
  struct __pyx_obj_4lxml_5etree__BaseParser *_parser;

/* "lxml/etree.pyx":703
 * @cython.no_gc_clear
 * cdef public class _Element [ type LxmlElementType, object LxmlElement ]:             # <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
 *     u"""Element class.
struct LxmlElement {
  struct LxmlDocument *_doc;
  xmlNode *_c_node;
  PyObject *_tag;

/* "lxml/etree.pyx":1872
 * cdef public class _ElementTree [ type LxmlElementTreeType,             # <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
 *                                  object LxmlElementTree ]:
 *     cdef _Document _doc
struct LxmlElementTree {
  struct __pyx_vtabstruct_4lxml_5etree__ElementTree *__pyx_vtab;
  struct LxmlDocument *_doc;
  struct LxmlElement *_context_node;

/* "lxml/etree.pyx":2618
 * cdef public class _ElementTagMatcher [ object LxmlElementTagMatcher,             # <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
 *                                        type LxmlElementTagMatcherType ]:
 *     """
struct LxmlElementTagMatcher {
  struct __pyx_vtabstruct_4lxml_5etree__ElementTagMatcher *__pyx_vtab;
  PyObject *_pystrings;
  int _node_type;
  char *_href;
  char *_name;

/* "lxml/etree.pyx":2649
 *                 self._name = NULL
 * cdef public class _ElementIterator(_ElementTagMatcher) [             # <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
 *     object LxmlElementIterator, type LxmlElementIteratorType ]:
 *     """
struct LxmlElementIterator {
  struct LxmlElementTagMatcher __pyx_base;
  struct LxmlElement *_node;
  _node_to_node_function _next_element;

/* "src/lxml/classlookup.pxi":6
 * # Custom Element classes
 * cdef public class ElementBase(_Element) [ type LxmlElementBaseType,             # <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
 *                                           object LxmlElementBase ]:
 *     u"""ElementBase(*children, attrib=None, nsmap=None, **_extra)
struct LxmlElementBase {
  struct LxmlElement __pyx_base;

/* "src/lxml/classlookup.pxi":210
 * # Element class lookup
 * ctypedef public object (*_element_class_lookup_function)(object, _Document, xmlNode*)             # <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
 * # class to store element class lookup functions
typedef PyObject *(*_element_class_lookup_function)(PyObject *, struct LxmlDocument *, xmlNode *);

/* "src/lxml/classlookup.pxi":213
 * # class to store element class lookup functions
 * cdef public class ElementClassLookup [ type LxmlElementClassLookupType,             # <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
 *                                        object LxmlElementClassLookup ]:
 *     u"""ElementClassLookup(self)
struct LxmlElementClassLookup {
  _element_class_lookup_function _lookup_function;

/* "src/lxml/classlookup.pxi":221
 * cdef public class FallbackElementClassLookup(ElementClassLookup) \             # <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
 *          [ type LxmlFallbackElementClassLookupType,
 *            object LxmlFallbackElementClassLookup ]:
struct LxmlFallbackElementClassLookup {
  struct LxmlElementClassLookup __pyx_base;
  struct __pyx_vtabstruct_4lxml_5etree_FallbackElementClassLookup *__pyx_vtab;
  struct LxmlElementClassLookup *fallback;
  _element_class_lookup_function _fallback_function;

#ifndef __PYX_HAVE_API__lxml__etree

#ifndef __PYX_EXTERN_C
  #ifdef __cplusplus
    #define __PYX_EXTERN_C extern "C"
    #define __PYX_EXTERN_C extern

#ifndef DL_IMPORT
  #define DL_IMPORT(_T) _T

__PYX_EXTERN_C DL_IMPORT(PyTypeObject) LxmlDocumentType;
__PYX_EXTERN_C DL_IMPORT(PyTypeObject) LxmlElementType;
__PYX_EXTERN_C DL_IMPORT(PyTypeObject) LxmlElementTreeType;
__PYX_EXTERN_C DL_IMPORT(PyTypeObject) LxmlElementTagMatcherType;
__PYX_EXTERN_C DL_IMPORT(PyTypeObject) LxmlElementIteratorType;
__PYX_EXTERN_C DL_IMPORT(PyTypeObject) LxmlElementBaseType;
__PYX_EXTERN_C DL_IMPORT(PyTypeObject) LxmlElementClassLookupType;
__PYX_EXTERN_C DL_IMPORT(PyTypeObject) LxmlFallbackElementClassLookupType;

__PYX_EXTERN_C struct LxmlElement *deepcopyNodeToDocument(struct LxmlDocument *, xmlNode *);
__PYX_EXTERN_C struct LxmlElementTree *elementTreeFactory(struct LxmlElement *);
__PYX_EXTERN_C struct LxmlElementTree *newElementTree(struct LxmlElement *, PyObject *);
__PYX_EXTERN_C struct LxmlElementTree *adoptExternalDocument(xmlDoc *, PyObject *, int);
__PYX_EXTERN_C struct LxmlElement *elementFactory(struct LxmlDocument *, xmlNode *);
__PYX_EXTERN_C struct LxmlElement *makeElement(PyObject *, struct LxmlDocument *, PyObject *, PyObject *, PyObject *, PyObject *, PyObject *);
__PYX_EXTERN_C struct LxmlElement *makeSubElement(struct LxmlElement *, PyObject *, PyObject *, PyObject *, PyObject *, PyObject *);
__PYX_EXTERN_C void setElementClassLookupFunction(_element_class_lookup_function, PyObject *);
__PYX_EXTERN_C PyObject *lookupDefaultElementClass(PyObject *, PyObject *, xmlNode *);
__PYX_EXTERN_C PyObject *lookupNamespaceElementClass(PyObject *, PyObject *, xmlNode *);
__PYX_EXTERN_C PyObject *callLookupFallback(struct LxmlFallbackElementClassLookup *, struct LxmlDocument *, xmlNode *);
__PYX_EXTERN_C int tagMatches(xmlNode *, const xmlChar *, const xmlChar *);
__PYX_EXTERN_C struct LxmlDocument *documentOrRaise(PyObject *);
__PYX_EXTERN_C struct LxmlElement *rootNodeOrRaise(PyObject *);
__PYX_EXTERN_C int hasText(xmlNode *);
__PYX_EXTERN_C int hasTail(xmlNode *);
__PYX_EXTERN_C PyObject *textOf(xmlNode *);
__PYX_EXTERN_C PyObject *tailOf(xmlNode *);
__PYX_EXTERN_C int setNodeText(xmlNode *, PyObject *);
__PYX_EXTERN_C int setTailText(xmlNode *, PyObject *);
__PYX_EXTERN_C PyObject *attributeValue(xmlNode *, xmlAttr *);
__PYX_EXTERN_C PyObject *attributeValueFromNsName(xmlNode *, const xmlChar *, const xmlChar *);
__PYX_EXTERN_C PyObject *getAttributeValue(struct LxmlElement *, PyObject *, PyObject *);
__PYX_EXTERN_C PyObject *iterattributes(struct LxmlElement *, int);
__PYX_EXTERN_C PyObject *collectAttributes(xmlNode *, int);
__PYX_EXTERN_C int setAttributeValue(struct LxmlElement *, PyObject *, PyObject *);
__PYX_EXTERN_C int delAttribute(struct LxmlElement *, PyObject *);
__PYX_EXTERN_C int delAttributeFromNsName(xmlNode *, const xmlChar *, const xmlChar *);
__PYX_EXTERN_C int hasChild(xmlNode *);
__PYX_EXTERN_C xmlNode *findChild(xmlNode *, Py_ssize_t);
__PYX_EXTERN_C xmlNode *findChildForwards(xmlNode *, Py_ssize_t);
__PYX_EXTERN_C xmlNode *findChildBackwards(xmlNode *, Py_ssize_t);
__PYX_EXTERN_C xmlNode *nextElement(xmlNode *);
__PYX_EXTERN_C xmlNode *previousElement(xmlNode *);
__PYX_EXTERN_C void appendChild(struct LxmlElement *, struct LxmlElement *);
__PYX_EXTERN_C int appendChildToElement(struct LxmlElement *, struct LxmlElement *);
__PYX_EXTERN_C PyObject *pyunicode(const xmlChar *);
__PYX_EXTERN_C PyObject *utf8(PyObject *);
__PYX_EXTERN_C PyObject *getNsTag(PyObject *);
__PYX_EXTERN_C PyObject *getNsTagWithEmptyNs(PyObject *);
__PYX_EXTERN_C PyObject *namespacedName(xmlNode *);
__PYX_EXTERN_C PyObject *namespacedNameFromNsName(const xmlChar *, const xmlChar *);
__PYX_EXTERN_C void iteratorStoreNext(struct LxmlElementIterator *, struct LxmlElement *);
__PYX_EXTERN_C void initTagMatch(struct LxmlElementTagMatcher *, PyObject *);
__PYX_EXTERN_C xmlNs *findOrBuildNodeNsPrefix(struct LxmlDocument *, xmlNode *, const xmlChar *, const xmlChar *);

#endif /* !__PYX_HAVE_API__lxml__etree */

/* WARNING: the interface of the module init function changed in CPython 3.5. */
/* It now returns a PyModuleDef instance instead of a PyModule instance. */

PyMODINIT_FUNC initetree(void);
PyMODINIT_FUNC PyInit_etree(void);

#endif /* !__PYX_HAVE__lxml__etree */


Name Type Size Permission Actions
__pycache__ Folder 0755
html Folder 0755
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ElementInclude.py File 8.36 KB 0644
__init__.py File 575 B 0644
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apihelpers.pxi File 62.94 KB 0644
builder.cpython-311-x86_64-linux-gnu.so File 120.73 KB 0755
builder.py File 7.96 KB 0644
classlookup.pxi File 21.94 KB 0644
cleanup.pxi File 8.26 KB 0644
cssselect.py File 3.29 KB 0644
debug.pxi File 3.21 KB 0644
docloader.pxi File 5.65 KB 0644
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dtd.pxi File 14.86 KB 0644
etree.cpython-311-x86_64-linux-gnu.so File 5.53 MB 0755
etree.h File 8.37 KB 0644
etree.pyx File 129.31 KB 0644
etree_api.h File 17.06 KB 0644
extensions.pxi File 32.46 KB 0644
iterparse.pxi File 16.22 KB 0644
lxml.etree.h File 8.37 KB 0644
lxml.etree_api.h File 17.06 KB 0644
nsclasses.pxi File 8.93 KB 0644
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objectpath.pxi File 11.21 KB 0644
parser.pxi File 76.41 KB 0644
parsertarget.pxi File 6.7 KB 0644
proxy.pxi File 23.01 KB 0644
public-api.pxi File 6.5 KB 0644
pyclasslookup.py File 92 B 0644
readonlytree.pxi File 18.6 KB 0644
relaxng.pxi File 5.94 KB 0644
sax.cpython-311-x86_64-linux-gnu.so File 196.95 KB 0755
sax.py File 9.18 KB 0644
saxparser.pxi File 31.78 KB 0644
schematron.pxi File 5.65 KB 0644
serializer.pxi File 66.41 KB 0644
usedoctest.py File 230 B 0644
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