[ Avaa Bypassed ]



elspacio@ ~ $
# Specification entity object
# Collects information about a particular system entity or aspect.
# The entity is of a general kind
# It is defined by the particular aspects defined for it
# The aspects must be 'compatible', which can be relatively checked.
# The specobject is used for:
# * generating tests
# * generating docs
# * generating help
#   * by creating docstrings
#   * by providing interactive help
# For test generation, it will delegate to test implementators.
# For doc generation, it will delegate to doc implementators.
# The functionality needed here is therefore limited.
#  name
#  aspects
# There is one predefine root
# - should we call it Universe?
# The name can be full, a dotted name, or the short, last part.
# The name is treated as an aspect.
# Each aspect definition has a primary kind

# Aspect kinds

from guppy.gsl.Exceptions import *

class SpecObject:
    def __init__(self, mod):
        self.mod = mod

# Specification environment
# Collects specifications from several files
# Maps names to specification objects

class SpecEnv:
    def __init__(self, mod):
        self.mod = mod
        self.unknown_nodes = []
        self.files = []

    def visit_default(self, node):
        print('add_unknown', node.tag)

    def visit_file(self, node):
        file = FileEnv(self, node)

    def get_predefined_subjects(self, env):
        return (GuppyWorld(env),)

class FileEnv:
    def __init__(self, env, node):
        mod = env.mod
        self.mod = mod
        self.name = self.filename = node.arg
        self.subjects = {}
        for s in env.get_predefined_subjects(self):
            self.subjects[s.name] = s

        file = Subject(self, node, self.name)


    def visit_aspects_of(self, node):
        name = node.arg
        subject = self.find_subject(node, name)

    def def_subject(self, node, name, subject):
        if name in self.subjects:
            self.error_node(node, 'Redefinition of %r.' % name)
                            'Previous definition of %r.' % name)
            self.subjects[name] = subject

    def error_node(self, node, msg, exception=None):
        index = node.index
        lineno = index + 1
        print('%s:%s:' % (self.filename, lineno))
        print('    %r' % self.get_line(index))
        print('    %s' % msg)

    def find_subject(self, node, name):
        subject = self.subjects.get(name)
        if subject is None:
            self.error_node(node, 'No such subject: %r.' % name)
        return subject

    def get_line(self, index):
            with open(self.filename) as f:
                text = list(f.readlines())[index].rstrip()
        except Exception:
            text = None
        return text

    def get_subject(self, name):
        subject = self.subjects.get(name)
        if subject is None:
            subject = self.subjects[name] = Subject(self, name)
        return subject

    def get_aspect_subject(self, env, node):
        name = env.name+'::'+node.tag
        return self.get_subject(name)

class Subject:
    def __init__(self, file, node, name):
        self.file = file
        self.node = node
        self.name = name
        self.aspects = []

    def visit_default(self, node):
        of = node.tag.endswith('_of')
        name = node.arg
        define = name.startswith(':')
        if define:
            if of:

                self.file.error_node(node, "Both 'of' and '::'.")
            name = name[1:].strip()
        if of:
            ofsubject = self.file.find_subject(node, name)
            subject = self.new_subject_of(node, ofsubject)
            subject = Subject(self.file, node, name)
            if define:
                self.file.def_subject(node, name, subject)

    def new_subject_of(self, node, of):
        tag = node.tag
        if tag == 'aspects_of':
            return AspectsOf(self.file, node, of)
            return SubjectOf(self.file, node, of)

class AspectsOf(Subject):
    def __init__(self, file, node, of):
        self.node = node
        self.of = of
        self.aspects = []

    def visit_default(self, node):

class SubjectOf(Subject):
    def __init__(self, file, node, of):
        self.node = node
        self.of = of
        self.aspects = []

class GuppyWorld(Subject):
    def __init__(self, env):
        self.file = env
        self.name = "Guppy World"
        self.node = None
        self.aspects = []

# A node represented with argument splitted in components of the form:
# .tag: arg
# text
# ..child
# ...
# ..child
# ...
# @param tag the text of the first line before the colon
# @param arg the text of the first line after the colon (stripped)
# @param text the text after the the first line before the first children
# @param children the child nodes
# @param index line index
# @param src describes the source

class SpecNode(object):
    __slots__ = 'tag', 'arg', 'children', 'index', 'src'

    def __init__(self, tag, arg, children=(), index=0, src=None):
        self.tag = tag
        self.arg = arg
        self.children = tuple(children)
        self.index = index
        self.src = src

    def __repr__(self):
        return '%s(%r,%r,%r)' % (
            self.__class__.__name__, self.tag, self.arg, self.children)

    def __str__(self):
        return '%s(%r,%r,%s)' % (
            self.__class__.__name__, self.tag, self.arg,
            '(%s)' % (','.join([str(c) for c in self.children])))

    def arg_accept(self, visitor, prefix='visit_'):
        if self.arg:
            node = SpecNode('text', self.arg, (), self.index)
            node.accept(visitor, prefix)
        self.children_accept(visitor, prefix)

    def copy(self, tag=None, arg=None, children=None, index=None, src=None):
        if tag is None:
            tag = self.tag
        if arg is None:
            arg = self.arg
        if children is None:
            children = self.children
        if index is None:
            index = self.index
        if src is None:
            src = self.src
        return self.__class__(tag, arg, children, index, src)

    def children_accept(self, visitor, prefix='visit_'):
        for c in self.children:
            c.accept(visitor, prefix)

    def accept(self, visitor, prefix='visit_'):
        m = getattr(visitor, (prefix+self.tag), None)
        if m is None:
            m = getattr(visitor, (prefix+'default'), None)
            if m is None:
                msg = 'accept: unknown: %r, %r  in %r' % (
                    prefix, self.tag, visitor)
                raise ValueError(msg)

    def error(self, msg, node=None):
        if node is None:
            node = self
        node.src.error(msg, node)

    def get_text(self):
        " Get the total text of all text children, joined with and ended with '\n' "
        text = []
        for c in self.children:
            if c.tag == 'text':
                if not c.arg.endswith('\n'):
        return ''.join(text)

    def get_arg(self):
        arg = self.arg.strip()
        if arg.startswith(':'):
            arg = arg[1:].strip()
        return arg

    def get_arglist(self):
        arg = self.arg
        if arg.startswith(':'):
            arg = arg[1:]
        names = [x.strip() for x in arg.split(',')]
        if names == ['']:
            names = []
        return names

    def get_arg_children(self):
        if self.arg:
            children = [SpecNode('text', self.arg, (), self.index, self.src)]
            children = self.children
        return children

    def get_arg_rest(self, nostrip=0):
        arg = self.arg
        if not nostrip:
            arg = arg.strip()
        return arg, self.children

    def get_arg_norest(self):
        ''' Get the arg as by self.arg,
            but make sure there are no more children.
        if self.children:
            raise SyntaxError('No children nodes expected in node: %s' % self)
        return self.arg.strip()

    def get_namearg(self):
        ''' Get the argument in the form of a name
            It is the argument stripped.
            And not allowed to contain : or , or new line.
        name = self.arg.strip()
        if '\n' in name or ':' in name or ',' in name:
            raise SyntaxError('Invalid name: %r' % name)
        return name

    def split_attrs(self, tag=None, attrdict=False):
        if tag is None:
            tag = self.tag
        if attrdict:
            attrs = {}

            def addattr(tag, attr, node):
                if tag in attrs:
                    node.error('Duplicate attribute: %s' % attr)
                    attrs[tag] = attr
            attrs = []

            def addattr(tag, attr, node):
                attrs.append((tag, attr))
        children = []
        for ch in self.children:
            if ch.tag == "with":
                for opt in ch.children:
                    if opt.arg:
                        arg = opt.arg
                        self.error('Bad attribute, no argument.', opt)
                    if opt.children:
                            'Expected no children to attribute.', opt.children[0])
                    if opt.arg:
                        addattr(opt.tag, arg, opt)
            elif ch.tag[-1:] == '=':
                addattr(ch.tag[:-1], ch.arg, ch)
        if len(children) == len(self.children):
            node = self
            node = self.__class__(
                tag, self.arg, children, self.index, self.src)
        return node, attrs

class Source:
    def __init__(self, name, lines=None, string=None, nostrip=0, debug=0, max_errors=10):
        self.filename = name
        self.lines = lines
        self.string = string
        self.nostrip = nostrip
        self.debug = debug
        self.error_reports = []
        self.max_errors = max_errors
        self.num_warnings = 0
        self.num_errors = 0

    def errmsg_context(self, context):
        linetext = ''
        filename = '<unknown file>'
        if context is not None:
            if hasattr(context, 'index'):
                index = context.index
                src = context.src
                index = context
                src = self
            if src is not None:
                filename = src.filename
                linetext = src.get_line(index=index)
            print('%s:%s:' % (filename, index+1))
            if linetext:
                print('    %s' % linetext)

    def error(self, message, context=None, exception=None, more=(), harmless=0):
            (message, context, exception, more, harmless))
        if harmless:
            self.num_warnings += 1
            self.num_errors += 1

        if harmless:
            print('*   %s' % message)
            print('*** %s' % message)

        for msg, ctx in more:
            print('    %s' % msg)

        if self.debug:
            import pdb
            if self.num_errors >= self.max_errors:
                raise TooManyErrors('Too many errors, giving up')
            if exception is not None:
                raise exception

    def get_line(self, index):
        if self.lines is None:
            if self.string is None:
                if self.filename:
                        with open(self.filename) as f:
                            self.string = f.read()
                    except Exception:
                        return ''
                    return ''
            self.lines = self.string.split('\n')
        return self.lines[index]

class _GLUECLAMP_:

    _chgable_ = 'nodemap', 'SpecNode'

    _imports_ = (

    node_aliases_defs = (
        ('attr', 'attribute'),
        ('c', 'comment'),
        ('cond', 'condition'),
        ('d', 'description'),
        ('dwh', 'description_with_header'),
        ('eg', 'example'),
        ('fop', 'function_operator'),
        ('iop', 'inplace_operator'),
        ('ka', 'key_arg'),
        ('op', 'operator'),
        ('rop', 'reverse_operator'),
        ('t', 'text'),

    def _get_node_aliases(self):
        return dict(self.node_aliases_defs)

    def _get_reverse_node_aliases(self):
        # Used to make names shorter
        return dict([(v, k) for k, v in self.node_aliases_defs])

    def _get_is_not_ascii(self):
        return self.re.compile(eval(r'u"[\u0080-\uffff]"')).search

    # @return A tuple of predefined subjects.

    def get_predefined_subjects(self):
        return (GuppyWorld(self),)

    # Parses a file and makes a tree of nodes
    # @param file name of file containing a dotted tree
    # @return a SpecNode object
    # @more
    # First tag is special.
    # We don't interpret the first line of the file,
    # but uses a special file tag.

    def node_of_file(self, file, nostrip=0):
        src = Source(name=file, nostrip=nostrip)
        dtree = self.DottedTree.parse_file(file, src)
        tag = 'file'
        arg = file
        text = dtree.tag.strip()
        children = self.nodes_of_dforest(dtree.children, src)
        index = dtree.index
        return self.node_of_tatci(tag, arg, text, children, index, src)

    def node_of_string(self, string, name='<string>', nostrip=0):
        dtree = self.DottedTree.parse_string(string)
        tag = 'string'
        arg = name
        src = Source(name=name, string=string, nostrip=nostrip)
        text = dtree.tag.strip()
        index = dtree.index
        children = self.nodes_of_dforest(dtree.children, src)
        return self.node_of_tatci(tag, arg, text, children, index, src)

    def node_of_dtree(self, dtree, src):
        tag = dtree.tag
        textpos = tag.find('\n')
        if textpos == -1:
            textpos = len(tag)

        equpos = tag.find('=', 0, textpos)
        colonpos = tag.find(':', 0, textpos)
        if equpos != -1 and (colonpos == -1 or equpos < colonpos):
            tag, arg = (tag[:equpos].strip()+'=',
            if colonpos == -1:
                if not ' ' in tag[:textpos] or textpos >= len(tag.rstrip()):
                    colonpos = textpos
                    raise SyntaxError(
                        'No colon in spaced tag in node %s' % dtree)
            tag, arg = (tag[:colonpos].strip(),
        if tag in self.node_aliases:
            tag = self.node_aliases[tag]
        tag = tag.replace(' ', '_')
        if tag != 'text' and not src.nostrip:
            arg = arg.strip()

        children = self.nodes_of_dforest(dtree.children, src)
        return self.node_of_taci(tag, arg, children, dtree.index, src)

    def nodes_of_dforest(self, dforest, src):
        onodes = [self.node_of_dtree(c, src) for c in dforest]
        nodes = []
        for node in onodes:
            if node.tag != 'include':
            filename = node.arg.strip()
            filename = self.os.path.join(self.os.path.dirname(src.filename),
            node = self.node_of_file(filename, nostrip=src.nostrip)
        return tuple(nodes)

    def _get_node_of_taci(self):
        return SpecNode

    def node_of_tatci(self, tag, arg, text, children=(), index=0, src=None):
        if text:
            if tag == 'text':
                if arg:
                    arg = arg + '\n' + text
                    arg = text
                children = (self.node_of_taci(
                    'text', text, (), index, src),) + children
        return self.node_of_taci(tag, arg, children, index, src)

    def node_of_text(self, text):
        # Returns a node that is either
        # - a 'text' node, if text was all ascii
        # - a 'char' node, if text was a single non-ascii
        # - a 'block' with children being a sequence of char and text nodes,
        #       if text contained ascii and non-ascii characters
        nodes = self.nodes_of_text(text)
        if len(nodes) == 1:
            return nodes[0]
            return self.node_of_taci('block', '', nodes)

    def nodes_of_text(self, text):
        # Returns a sequence of nodes, encoding text.
        nodes = []
        if self.is_not_ascii(text):
            chars = []
            for char in text:
                no = ord(char)
                if no < 128:
                    if chars:
                        nodes.append(self.node_of_taci('text', ''.join(chars)))
                        chars = []
                    nodes.append(self.node_of_taci('char', str(no)))
            if chars:
                nodes.append(self.node_of_taci('text', ''.join(chars)))
            nodes.append(self.node_of_taci('text', text))
        return nodes

    def main(self):
        root = self._root

        specdir = root.os.path.join(
        main_dt_name = root.os.path.join(specdir, "docexample.gsl")
        if not root.os.path.exists(main_dt_name):
            print('%s does not exist, skipping test' % main_dt_name)

        env = self.SpecEnv(self)

        node = self.node_of_file(main_dt_name)

    def print_doc(self, dt):

    def unparse_head(self, level, tag, arg, text):
        head = tag
        if arg:
            head = head + ': ' + arg
        if text:
            head = head + '\n' + text
        tag = self.DottedTree.unparse_tag(level, head)
        return tag

def test_main():
    from guppy import Root
    root = Root()



Name Type Size Permission Actions
__pycache__ Folder 0755
Document.py File 57.55 KB 0644
DottedTree.py File 8.58 KB 0644
Exceptions.py File 402 B 0644
FileIO.py File 2.6 KB 0644
Filer.py File 3.83 KB 0644
Gsml.py File 2.69 KB 0644
Help.py File 1018 B 0644
Html.py File 17.46 KB 0644
Latex.py File 25.16 KB 0644
Main.py File 66.91 KB 0644
SpecNodes.py File 18.48 KB 0644
Tester.py File 23.99 KB 0644
Text.py File 31.13 KB 0644
XHTML.py File 18.38 KB 0644
__init__.py File 53 B 0644