[ Avaa Bypassed ]



elspacio@ ~ $
Handling of tree structures given in a special 'dotted' syntax.
This represents trees of nodes with strings as tags,
in a readable and writable and easy to parse syntax.

There are two main functions, unparse_sexpr and parse_string.
When parsing, the result is by default given in 'sexpr' format:
each node is a tuple of the form

    (tag, ) or (tag, node) or (tag, node, node) ...

The following invariant is intended to hold for every node x,

    parse_string(unparse_sexpr(x)) == x

Currently the following invariant has been tested for some strings:

    unparse_sexpr(parse_string(s)).strip() == s.strip()

[It only holds on stripped results but may be fixed sometime.]


class Node(object):
    __slots__ = 'tag', 'children', 'index',

    def __init__(self, tag, children, index):
        self.tag = tag
        self.children = children
        self.index = index

    def as_sexpr(self):
        return (self.tag,) + tuple([c.as_sexpr() for c in self.children])

    def __repr__(self):
        return '%s(%r, %r, %r)' % (

class _GLUECLAMP_:

    _imports_ = (

    # The name of attributes that are configurable in instances.
    _chgable_ = 'node', 'dotchar'

    # The character that begins the 'dotted' indentation.
    dotchar = '.'

    # The character that quotes lines beginning with dots and itself.
    quotechar = '\\'

    # Construct a new node.
    # @return
    # This variant returns a tuple in s-expression form.
    # @param tag a string
    # @param children a sequence of nodes
    # @param lineindex line index of tag, not used in s-expressions

    def node_sexpr(self, tag, children, lineindex):
        return (tag,) + tuple(children)

    # Construct a new node.
    # @return
    # This variant returns a Node object.
    # @param tag a string
    # @param children a sequence of nodes
    # @param lineindex line index of beginning tag, first line = 0

    def node_node(self, tag, children, lineindex):
        return Node(tag, tuple(children), lineindex)

    node = node_node

    def parse_file(self, file, src=None):
        return self.parse_string(self.IO.read_file(file), src)

    # Parse a dotted tree text given as a sequence of lines.
    # @param pos
    # @param tag     list with first line of tag, if any
    # @param lineindex line index of tag
    # @param it      iterator yielding remaining lines
    # @return a triple (index, nextvar, node) where
    # index is the index of line 'nextvar',
    # nextvar is the first line of next node to parse, and
    # node is the resulting node of this parse.

    def parse_iter(self, pos, tag, lineindex, it, src=None):
        dotchar = self.dotchar
        quotechar = self.quotechar
        children = []
        firstline = lineindex

        while 1:
                lineindex, nextvar = next(it)
            except StopIteration:
                nextvar = None
            if not nextvar.startswith(dotchar):
        for (i, t) in enumerate(tag):
            if (t.startswith(quotechar+dotchar) or
                tag[i] = t[len(quotechar):]
        if tag == ['']:
            tag = '\n'
            tag = '\n'.join(tag)
        while 1:
            if (nextvar is None or len(nextvar) <= pos
                or nextvar[pos] != dotchar or
                    not nextvar.startswith(dotchar*(pos+1))):
                return lineindex, nextvar, self.node(tag, children, firstline)
            if len(nextvar) > pos+1 and nextvar[pos+1] == dotchar:
                if src is None:
                    raise SyntaxError('Level must increase with 1 max')
                    src.error('Level must increase with 1 max', lineindex)
            lineindex, nextvar, child = self.parse_iter(pos+1, [nextvar[pos+1:]],
                                                        lineindex, it, src)

    def parse_lines(self, lines, src=None):
        it = enumerate(lines)
        lineindex, nextvar, node = self.parse_iter(0, [], 0, it, src)
        assert nextvar is None
        return node

    def parse_string(self, string, src=None):
        if string:
            lines = string.split('\n')
            lines = []
        return self.parse_lines(lines, src)

    # Unparse a tree given on Node form

    def unparse_node(self, node):
        return self.unparse_sexpr(node.as_sexpr())

    # Unparse a tree given on sexpr form
    # @return a string in dotted-tree form
    def unparse_sexpr(self, sexpr):
        li = []

        def unparse(depth, sexpr):
            li.append(self.unparse_tag(depth, sexpr[0]))
            for x in sexpr[1:]:
                unparse(depth+1, x)

        unparse(0, sexpr)
        return '\n'.join(li)

    def unparse_tag(self, depth, tag):
        dotchar, quotechar = self.dotchar, self.quotechar
        tag = tag.split('\n')
        for (i, t) in enumerate(tag):
            if (t.startswith(dotchar) or
                    t.startswith(quotechar + dotchar)):
                tag[i] = quotechar + t
        tag = '\n'.join(tag)
        tag = dotchar*depth+tag
        return tag

def test_1():
    # Test parsing to sexpr's and back
    # for a variety of cases
    from guppy import Root
    dt = Root().guppy.gsl.DottedTree
    dt.node = dt.node_sexpr
    parse = dt.parse_string
    unparse = dt.unparse_sexpr

    for x, y in [
        ['', ('',)],
        ['a', ('a',)],
        ['.a', ('', ('a',))],
        ['a\n.b', ('a', ('b',))],
        ['a\nb\n.c', ('a\nb', ('c',))],
        ["""\n.a\n..a""", ('\n', ('a', ('a',)))],
            ('hello', ('a',), ('b', ('ba\nx',), ('bb',)))],
        # Quoting dots
        [r'\.', ('.',)],
        [r'.\.', ('', ('.',))],
        # Preserving quote
        ['\\', ('\\',)],
        ['.\n\\', ('', ('\n\\',))],
        # Quoting quote-dots
        [r'\\.', (r'\.',)],
        # Preserving whitespace starting a tag
        # Or should it be stripped? I think better not, it would complicate transparency.
        [r'. tag', ('', (' tag', ))],

        # Preserving initial whitespace
        [' ', (' ',)],
        # Preserving initial newline
        ['\n', ('\n',)],
        ['\na', ('\na',)],

        # A n intended usage example
.aspect for guppy.hsp
...type A
.aspect for guppy.gsl
..contains DottedTree

          ('aspect for guppy.hsp',
            ('type A',),
             ('aspect for guppy.gsl',
              ('contains DottedTree\n',)))]

        z = parse(x)
        if y is not None:
            assert z == y
        assert unparse(z).strip() == x.strip()

    # Unparsing x and then parsing should give back x transparently
    # for any tree x, involving any combination of dots, quotes and other characters.

    # List of special chars and one normal
    chars = [dt.quotechar, dt.dotchar, '\n', ' ', 'a']

    import random

    # Generate a random node with random number of children.
    # Shuffles the chars list to make the tag string.
    # @param maxchild maximum number of children
    def randnode(maxchild):
        numchild = random.randint(0, maxchild)
        tag = ''.join(chars)
        children = [randnode(maxchild-1) for i in range(numchild)]
        return dt.node(tag, children, 0)

    for i in range(10):
        y = randnode(3)
        x = unparse(y)
        z = parse(x)
        assert z == y

def test_2():
    # Test parsing to Node
    # that the line lineindex are correct
    # They start from 0, since enumerate() generates them,
    # It seemed inconsistent to change them to start from 1.
    # Which will be made in error prints.

    from guppy import Root
    dt = Root().guppy.gsl.DottedTree
    parse = dt.parse_string
    unparse = dt.unparse_node

    node = parse("""\
line 0
.line 1
..line 2
line 3
.line 4

    exp = Node('line 0', (
        Node('line 1',
             (Node('line 2\nline 3', (), 2),), 1),
        Node('line 4\n', (), 4)), 0)
    assert repr(node) == repr(exp)

def test_main():


Name Type Size Permission Actions
__pycache__ Folder 0755
Document.py File 57.55 KB 0644
DottedTree.py File 8.58 KB 0644
Exceptions.py File 402 B 0644
FileIO.py File 2.6 KB 0644
Filer.py File 3.83 KB 0644
Gsml.py File 2.69 KB 0644
Help.py File 1018 B 0644
Html.py File 17.46 KB 0644
Latex.py File 25.16 KB 0644
Main.py File 66.91 KB 0644
SpecNodes.py File 18.48 KB 0644
Tester.py File 23.99 KB 0644
Text.py File 31.13 KB 0644
XHTML.py File 18.38 KB 0644
__init__.py File 53 B 0644