[ Avaa Bypassed ]



elspacio@ ~ $
import functools

from guppy.etc.RE_Rect import chooserects
from guppy.etc.IterPermute import iterpermute

class InfiniteError(Exception):

class WordsMemo:
    def __init__(self, re, ch):
        self.re = re
        self.ch = ch
        self.xs = {}
        self.N = 0

    def get_words_of_length(self, N):
        # Return a list of words of length up to N
        if N not in self.xs:
            self.xs[N] = self.re.get_words_of_length_memoized(N, self)
        return self.xs[N]

    def get_words_of_length_upto(self, N):
        # Return all words of length up to N, in the form
        # [(0, <list of words of length 0>),
        #  (1, <list of words of length 0>),
        #  ...]
        xsu = []
        for i in range(N+1):
            xs = self.get_words_of_length(i)
            if xs:
                xsu.append((i, xs))
        return xsu

REBASE = tuple

class RE(REBASE):
    # Regular expression nodes
    # The operators are choosen to be compatible with Pythonic standards:
    #   o sets               : using | for union
    #   o strings, sequences : using + for concatenation.
    # This differs from mathematical presentations of regular
    # expressions where + is the union, but it seemed more important
    # to not confuse the Python usage.

    # There are also operators for closure x*, x+ that can not be
    # represented directly in Python expressions and these were choosen
    # to use a function call syntax.
    # The following table summarizes the operators.

    #   RE node expr    re lib          mathematical    name

    #   x + y           x y             x y             Concatenation
    #   x | y           x | y           x + y           Union
    #   x('*')          x*              x*              Kleene closure
    #   x('+')          x+              x+              Positive closure
    #   x('?')          x?

    _re_special = r'.^$*+?{}\[]|()'

    def __add__(a, b):
        if isinstance(b, RE):
            return concat(a, b)
            return Concatenation(a, Single(b))

    def __call__(a, *args, **kwds):
        if not kwds:
            if args == ('*',):
                return KleeneClosure(a)
            elif args == ('+',):
                return PositiveClosure(a)
            elif args == ('?',):
                return EpsilonOrOne(a)
        raise ValueError(
            "Argument to regular expression must be '*' or '+' or '?'")

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash((self._name, tuple(self)))

    def __eq__(a, b):
        return (a._name == b._name and
                tuple(a) == tuple(b))

    def __lt__(a, b):
        if a._name == b._name:
            return tuple(a) < tuple(b)
            return a._name < b._name

    def __or__(a, b):
        return Union(a, b)

    def get_num_closures(self):
        ns = 0
        for ch in self:
            ns += ch.get_num_closures()
        return ns

    def get_num_syms(self):
        ns = 0
        for ch in self:
            ns += ch.get_num_syms()
        return ns

    def get_sum_sym_lengths(self):
        ns = 0
        for ch in self:
            ns += ch.get_sum_sym_lengths()
        return ns

    def get_words_memo(self):
        ch = [x.get_words_memo() for x in self]
        return WordsMemo(self, ch)

    def get_words_of_length(self, N):
        xs = self.get_words_memo()
        return xs.get_words_of_length(N)

    def mapchildren(self, f):
        return self.__class__(*[f(x) for x in self])

    def regexpform(self):
        return self.mappedrepr(regexpname)

    def reversed(self):
        return self.mapchildren(lambda x: x.reversed())

    def rempretup(self):
        def f(x):
            if isinstance(x, Seq):
                if x is not Epsilon and isinstance(x[0], tuple):
                    ws = x[1:]
                    return Seq(*ws)
                    return x
            return x.mapchildren(f)

        return f(self)

    def seqatoms(self):
        sa = []
        return sa

    def sequni(self):
        d = {}
        us = []

        def ap(x):
            if x not in d:
                d[x] = 1
        return Union(*us)

    def shform(self, conc=' '):
        r = self.mappedrepr(regexpname)
        if conc != ' ':
            r = conc.join(r.split(' '))
        return r

    def simplified(self, *a, **k):
        return self

    def simulform(self):
        def f(x):
            if x == '':
                return '()'
            return str(x)
        return self.mappedrepr(f)

def regexpname(s):
    if s == '':
        return '()'
    special = RE._re_special
    ren = []
    for c in str(s):
        if c in special+"', ":
            #c = r'\%s'%c
            c = ''
    return ''.join(ren)

class Seq(RE):
    _priority = 0
    _name = 'Seq'

    def __new__(clas, *symbols):
        if not symbols:
            return Epsilon
        return REBASE.__new__(clas, symbols)

    def __repr__(self):
        return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(['%r' % (x,) for x in self]))

    def apseq(self, ap):

    def apseqatoms(self, ap):
        for x in self:

    def get_num_closures(self):
        return 0

    def get_num_syms(self):
        return len(self)

    def get_sum_sym_lengths(self):
        s = 0
        for x in self:
            s += len(str(x))
        return s

    def get_words_memo(self):
        return WordsMemo(self, ())

    def get_words_of_length_memoized(self, N, memo):
        if N == len(self):
            return [self]
            return []

    def limited(self, N):
        return self

    def mappedrepr(self, f):
        if not self:
            return f('')
        return ' '.join(['%s' % (f(x),) for x in self])

    def reversed(self):
        r = list(self)
        return self.__class__(*r)

    def unionsplitted(self):
        return [self]

def Single(symbol):
    return REBASE.__new__(Seq, (symbol,))

Epsilon = REBASE.__new__(Seq, ())

def concat(*args):
    args = [x for x in args if x is not Epsilon]
    if len(args) < 2:
        if not args:
            return Epsilon
        return args[0]
    return REBASE.__new__(Concatenation, args)

class Concatenation(RE):
    _priority = 2
    _name = 'Concat'

    def __new__(clas, *args):
        if len(args) < 2:
            if not args:
                return Epsilon
            return args[0]
        return REBASE.__new__(clas, args)

    def __repr__(self):
        rs = []
        for ch in self:
            r = '%r' % (ch,)
            if ch._priority > self._priority:
                r = '(%s)' % (r,)
        return ' + '.join(rs)

    def apseq(self, ap):
        uns = [x.sequni() for x in self]
        ixs = [0]*len(uns)
        while 1:
            xs = []
            for (i, us) in enumerate(uns):
                for x in us[ixs[i]]:
                    if x is not Epsilon:
            j = 0
            for j, ix in enumerate(ixs):
                ix += 1
                if ix >= len(uns[j]):
                    ix = 0
                ixs[j] = ix
                if ix != 0:

    def apseqatoms(self, ap):
        for x in self:

    def get_words_of_length_memoized(self, N, memo):
        chxs = []
        for ch in memo.ch:
        xs = []
        seen = {}

        def ads(xx, i, n):
            if i == len(chxs):
                if n == N:
                    for toconc in iterpermute(*xx):
                        conc = simple_Concatenation(toconc)
                        if conc not in seen:
                            seen[conc] = 1
                for m, x in chxs[i]:
                    if n + m <= N:
                        ads(xx + [x], i + 1, n + m)

        ads([], 0, 0)
        return xs

    def limited(self, N):
        return Concatenation(*[x.limited(N) for x in self])

    def mappedrepr(self, f):
        rs = []
        for ch in self:
            r = ch.mappedrepr(f)
            if ch._priority > self._priority:
                r = '(%s)' % (r,)
        return ' '.join(rs)

    def reversed(self):
        r = [x.reversed() for x in self]
        return self.__class__(*r)

    def simplified(self, *a, **k):
        conc = [x.simplified(*a, **k) for x in self]
        sa = []
        for c in conc:
            for a in c.seqatoms():
        return simple_Concatenation(sa)

    def unionsplitted(self):
        runs = []
        uns = []
        for (i, x) in enumerate(self):
            us = x.unionsplitted()
            if len(us) > 1:
                uns.append((i, us))
        if not uns:
            return [self]
        ixs = [0]*len(uns)
        ch = list(self)
        while 1:
            xs = []
            i0 = 0
            for j, (i, us) in enumerate(uns):
                ix = ixs[j]
                i0 = i + 1

            j = 0
            for j, ix in enumerate(ixs):
                ix += 1
                if ix >= len(uns[j][1]):
                    ix = 0
                ixs[j] = ix
                if ix != 0:
                return runs

class SimplifiedConcatenation(Concatenation):
    def simplified(self, *a, **k):
        return self

def conclosure(conc):
    # Simplification noted Mar 5 2005
    # Simplify ... b b* ... or ... b* b ... to ... b+ ...
    # conc is a sequence of regular expressions

    seen = {}
    nconc = []
    w0 = None
    for w in conc:
        if w0 is not None:
            if (w._name == '*' and      # Not isinstance(KleeneClosure), would catch PositiveClosure
                    w[0] == w0):
                w = PositiveClosure(w0)
            elif (w0._name == '*' and
                  w0[0] == w):
                w = PositiveClosure(w)
                if w0 is not None:
        w0 = w
    if w0 is not None:
    return nconc

def simple_Concatenation(conc):
    if len(conc) > 1:
        conc0 = conc
        conc = conclosure(conc)
    nconc = []
    i = 0
    j = 0
    while i < len(conc):
        e = conc[i]
        if not isinstance(e, Seq):
            i += 1
        j = i
        while j < len(conc):
            if not isinstance(conc[j], Seq):
            j += 1
        if j == i + 1:
            syms = []
            for k in range(i, j):
                e = conc[k]
        i = j
    if len(nconc) > 1:
        return Concatenation(*nconc)
    elif nconc:
        return nconc[0]
        return Epsilon

gauges = [
    lambda x:x.get_num_syms(),
    lambda x:x.get_num_closures(),
    lambda x:x.get_sum_sym_lengths()

def simpleunion(lines):
    choosen = chooserects(lines, gauges)
    have_epsilon = 0
    while 1:
        if len(choosen) == 1 and (choosen[0].width == 0 or len(choosen[0].lines) == 1):
            us = []
            for line in choosen[0].lines:
                if line:
                    have_epsilon = 1
        us = []
        for r in choosen:
            conc = r.get_common_part()
            olines = r.get_uncommons()
            u = simpleunion(olines)
            if u is not Epsilon:
                if r.dir == -1:
                    conc = [u]+conc
                    conc = conc + [u]
            if conc:
                have_epsilon = 1
            assert not isinstance(us[-1], str)

        choosen = chooserects(us, gauges)

    if len(us) > 1:
        nus = [simple_Concatenation(line) for line in us]
        u = SimplifiedUnion(*nus)
    elif us:
        u = simple_Concatenation(us[0])
        u = None
    if have_epsilon:
        if u is not None:
            u = simple_EpsilonOrOne(u)
            u = Epsilon

    return u

class Union(RE):
    _priority = 3
    _name = 'Union'

    def __new__(clas, *args):
        return REBASE.__new__(clas, args)

    def __repr__(self):
        rs = []
        for ch in self:
            r = '%r' % (ch,)
            if ch._priority > self._priority:
                r = '(%s)' % r
        return ' | '.join(rs)

    def apseq(self, ap):
        for c in self:

    def apseqatoms(self, ap):
        for x in self:

    def get_words_of_length_memoized(self, N, memo):
        xs = []
        seen = {}
        for ch in memo.ch:
            for x in ch.get_words_of_length(N):
                if x not in seen:
                    seen[x] = 1
        return xs

    def limited(self, N):
        uni = [x.limited(N) for x in self]
        for i, x in enumerate(uni):
            if x is not self[i]:
                return self.__class__(*uni)
        return self

    def mappedrepr(self, f):
        rs = []
        for ch in self:
            r = '%s' % (ch.mappedrepr(f),)
            if ch._priority > self._priority:
                r = '(%s)' % r
        return ' | '.join(rs)

    def simplified(self, args=None, *a, **k):
        if args is None:
            args = [x.simplified() for x in self.unionsplitted()]
            #args = [x for x in self.unionsplitted()]

        # Create a simplfied union
        # Assuming args are simplified, non-unions

        ch = [a.seqatoms() for a in args]
        return simpleunion(ch)

    def unionsplitted(self):
        us = []
        for x in self:
        return us

class SimplifiedUnion(Union):
    def simplified(self, *a, **k):
        return self

class Called(RE):
    _priority = 1

    def __new__(clas, arg):
        return REBASE.__new__(clas, (arg,))

    def __repr__(self):
        ch = self[0]
        r = '%r' % (ch,)
        if ch._priority > self._priority:
            r = '(%s)' % r
        return "%s(%r)" % (r, self._name)

    def apseqatoms(self, ap):

    def get_num_closures(self):
        return 1 + self[0].get_num_closures()

    def mappedrepr(self, f):
        ch = self[0]
        r = ch.mappedrepr(f)
        if (ch._priority > self._priority
                or isinstance(ch, Seq) and len(ch) > 1):
            r = '(%s)' % r
        return "%s%s" % (r, self._name)

    def simplified(self, *a, **k):
        return self.__class__(self[0].simplified(*a, **k))

class Closure(Called):
    def get_words_of_length_memoized(self, N, memo):
        if N == 0:
            return [Epsilon]
        if N == 1:
            return memo.ch[0].get_words_of_length(1)
        xs = []
        seen = {}
        for i in range(1, N):
            a = memo.get_words_of_length(i)
            b = memo.get_words_of_length(N-i)
            for ai in a:
                for bi in b:
                    aibi = simple_Concatenation((ai, bi))
                    if aibi not in seen:
                        seen[aibi] = 1
        for x in memo.ch[0].get_words_of_length(N):
            if x not in seen:
                seen[x] = 1
        return xs

    def unionsplitted(self):
        return [self]

class KleeneClosure(Closure):
    _name = '*'

    def apseq(self, ap):
        raise InfiniteError(
            'apseq: Regular expression is infinite: contains a Kleene Closure')

    def limited(self, N):
        if N == 0:
            return Epsilon
        cl = self[0].limited(N)
        uni = []
        for i in range(N+1):
            toconc = [cl]*i
        return Union(*uni)

    def simplified(self, *a, **k):
        return simple_KleeneClosure(self[0].simplified(*a, **k))

def simple_KleeneClosure(x):
    # (b+)* -> b*
    if x._name == '+':
        return simple_KleeneClosure(x[0])
    return KleeneClosure(x)

class PositiveClosure(Closure):
    _name = '+'

    def apseq(self, ap):
        raise InfiniteError(
            'apseq: Regular expression is infinite: contains a Positive Closure')

    def apseqatoms(self, ap):

    def get_words_of_length_memoized(self, N, memo):
        if N <= 1:
            return memo.ch[0].get_words_of_length(N)
        return Closure.get_words_of_length_memoized(self, N, memo)

    def limited(self, N):
        a = self[0].limited(N)
        b = KleeneClosure(self[0]).limited(N)
        return Concatenation(a, b)

class EpsilonOrOne(Called):
    _name = '?'

    def apseq(self, ap):

    def get_words_of_length_memoized(self, N, memo):
        if N == 0:
            return [Epsilon]
        return memo.ch[0].get_words_of_length(N)

    def limited(self, N):
        x = self[0].limited(N)
        if x is not self[0]:
            self = self.__class__(x)
        return self

    def simplified(self, *a, **k):
        return simple_EpsilonOrOne(self[0].simplified(*a, **k))

    def unionsplitted(self):
        return [Epsilon] + list(self[0].unionsplitted())

def simple_EpsilonOrOne(x):
    # (a+)? -> a*

    if x._name == '+':
        return simple_KleeneClosure(x)

    # (a*)? -> a*
    if x._name == '*':
        return x

    return EpsilonOrOne(x)

class RegularSystem:

    def __init__(self, table, Start, final_states):
        self.table = table
        self.Start = Start
        self.Final = '358f0eca5c34bacdfbf6a8ac0ccf84bc'
        self.final_states = final_states

    def pp(self):

        def statename(state):
                name = self.names[state]
            except KeyError:
                name = str(state)
            return name

        def transname(trans):
            name = trans.simulform()
            if trans._priority > 1:
                name = '(%s)' % (name,)
            return name


        X = self.X

        xs = [self.Start]+self.order
        for Xk in xs:
            if Xk not in X:
            print('%3s = ' % (statename(Xk),), end=' ')
            Tk = X[Xk]
            es = []
            for Xj in xs:
                if Xj in Tk:
                    es.append('%s %s' % (transname(Tk[Xj]), statename(Xj)))
            if es:
                print(' | '.join(es))

    def setup_equations(self):
        table = self.table
        final_states = self.final_states
        Final = self.Final
        self.X = X = {Final: {}}
        for Xi, transitions in list(table.items()):
            X[Xi] = Ti = {}
            for (symbol, Xj) in list(transitions.items()):
                Ti.setdefault(Xj, []).append(Single(symbol))
            for Xj, Aij in list(Ti.items()):
                if len(Aij) > 1:
                    Aij = Union(*Aij)
                    Aij = Aij[0]
                Ti[Xj] = Aij
            if Xi in final_states:
                Ti[Final] = Epsilon

    def setup_order(self):
        def dists(X, start):
            i = 0
            S = {start: i}
            news = [start]
            while news:
                oldnews = news
                news = []
                i += 1
                for s in oldnews:
                    if s not in X:
                    for t in X[s]:
                        if t not in S:
                            S[t] = i
            return S

        def start_distance(x):
            return start_dists[x]

        def sumt(f):
            memo = {}

            def g(x):
                if x in memo:
                    return memo[x]
                s = 0.0
                for y in X[x]:
                    s += f(y)
                memo[x] = s
                return s
            return g

        def cmp3(x, y):
            # Comparison for the sorting of equation solving order
            # First in list = solved last

            if x is y:
                return 0

            # Equations with more terms are resolved later
            c = len(X[y]) - len(X[x])
            if c:
                return c

            # The equations with terms more distant from start node will be resolved earlier
            i = 0
            while i < 10:  # 4 was enough with tests so far at Feb 24 2005
                    f = sumdists[i]
                except IndexError:
                    f = sumt(sumdists[i-1])
                c = f(x) - f(y)
                if c:
                    return c
                i += 1

            return (x > y) - (x < y)

        sumdists = [start_distance]
        X = self.X
        Start = self.Start
        Final = self.Final
        start_dists = dists(X, Start)
        order = [x for x in start_dists if x is not Start and x is not Final]
        self.order = order

    def setup_names(self):
        except AttributeError:
        self.names = {}
        self.names[self.Start] = 'X0'

        for i, s in enumerate(self.order):
            self.names[s] = 'X%d' % (i+1)
        self.names[self.Final] = 'Final'

    def solve(self):
        # Set up equation system


        X = self.X
        Start = self.Start
        Final = self.Final
        todo = list(self.order)

        # Solve equation system

        while todo:
            Xk = todo.pop()
            Tk = X[Xk]

            if Xk in Tk:
                # Recursive equation
                # Eliminate Akk Xk, using Adler's theorem
                # Given:
                # Xk = Ak0 X0 | ... Akk Xk |.. Akn Xkn
                # we get:
                # Xk = Akk* (Ak0 X0 | ... <no Xk> ... | Akn Xn)
                # which we evaluate to:
                # Xk = Bk0 X0 | ... Bkn Xn
                # where coefficients get the new values
                # Bki := Akk* Aki

                Akk = Tk[Xk]
                del Tk[Xk]

                AkkStar = Akk('*')
                for Xi, Aki in list(Tk.items()):
                    Bki = AkkStar + Aki
                    Tk[Xi] = Bki

            # Substitute Xk in each other equation in X
            # containing Xk, except eqv. Xk itself, which will not be used any more..

            del X[Xk]

            for Xj, Tj in list(X.items()):
                Bjk = Tj.get(Xk)
                if Bjk is None:
                del Tj[Xk]
                for Xji, Tk_Xji in list(Tk.items()):
                    Cji = (Bjk + Tk_Xji)
                    Bji = Tj.get(Xji)
                    if Bji is not None:
                        Cji = Bji | Cji
                    Tj[Xji] = Cji

        # The equation system is now solved
        # The result is in Final term of Start equation

        return X[Start][Final]

Nothing = Union()

def SolveFSA(fsa):
    RS = RegularSystem(fsa.table, fsa.start_state, fsa.final_states)
    return RS.solve()


Name Type Size Permission Actions
__pycache__ Folder 0755
Cat.py File 3.99 KB 0644
Code.py File 1.03 KB 0644
Descriptor.py File 903 B 0644
FSA.py File 7.2 KB 0644
Glue.py File 13.68 KB 0644
Help.py File 6.71 KB 0644
IterPermute.py File 2.22 KB 0644
KanExtension.py File 20.71 KB 0644
KnuthBendix.py File 8.81 KB 0644
RE.py File 23.59 KB 0644
RE_Rect.py File 10.39 KB 0644
__init__.py File 87 B 0644
cmd.py File 14.72 KB 0644
etc.py File 1.66 KB 0644
textView.py File 3.07 KB 0644
tkcursors.py File 2.13 KB 0644
xterm.py File 2.31 KB 0644