[ Avaa Bypassed ]



elspacio@ ~ $
# Copyright (C) 2010, 2011 Sebastian Thiel (byronimo@gmail.com) and contributors
# This module is part of GitDB and is released under
# the New BSD License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php
"""Contains implementations of database retrieveing objects"""
from gitdb.util import (

from gitdb.utils.encoding import force_text
from gitdb.exc import (

from itertools import chain
from functools import reduce

__all__ = ('ObjectDBR', 'ObjectDBW', 'FileDBBase', 'CompoundDB', 'CachingDB')

class ObjectDBR:

    """Defines an interface for object database lookup.
    Objects are identified either by their 20 byte bin sha"""

    def __contains__(self, sha):
        return self.has_obj

    #{ Query Interface
    def has_object(self, sha):
        Whether the object identified by the given 20 bytes
            binary sha is contained in the database

        :return: True if the object identified by the given 20 bytes
            binary sha is contained in the database"""
        raise NotImplementedError("To be implemented in subclass")

    def info(self, sha):
        """ :return: OInfo instance
        :param sha: bytes binary sha
        :raise BadObject:"""
        raise NotImplementedError("To be implemented in subclass")

    def stream(self, sha):
        """:return: OStream instance
        :param sha: 20 bytes binary sha
        :raise BadObject:"""
        raise NotImplementedError("To be implemented in subclass")

    def size(self):
        """:return: amount of objects in this database"""
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def sha_iter(self):
        """Return iterator yielding 20 byte shas for all objects in this data base"""
        raise NotImplementedError()

    #} END query interface

class ObjectDBW:

    """Defines an interface to create objects in the database"""

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self._ostream = None

    #{ Edit Interface
    def set_ostream(self, stream):
        Adjusts the stream to which all data should be sent when storing new objects

        :param stream: if not None, the stream to use, if None the default stream
            will be used.
        :return: previously installed stream, or None if there was no override
        :raise TypeError: if the stream doesn't have the supported functionality"""
        cstream = self._ostream
        self._ostream = stream
        return cstream

    def ostream(self):
        Return the output stream

        :return: overridden output stream this instance will write to, or None
            if it will write to the default stream"""
        return self._ostream

    def store(self, istream):
        Create a new object in the database
        :return: the input istream object with its sha set to its corresponding value

        :param istream: IStream compatible instance. If its sha is already set
            to a value, the object will just be stored in the our database format,
            in which case the input stream is expected to be in object format ( header + contents ).
        :raise IOError: if data could not be written"""
        raise NotImplementedError("To be implemented in subclass")

    #} END edit interface

class FileDBBase:

    """Provides basic facilities to retrieve files of interest, including
    caching facilities to help mapping hexsha's to objects"""

    def __init__(self, root_path):
        """Initialize this instance to look for its files at the given root path
        All subsequent operations will be relative to this path
        :raise InvalidDBRoot:
        **Note:** The base will not perform any accessablity checking as the base
            might not yet be accessible, but become accessible before the first
        self._root_path = root_path

    #{ Interface
    def root_path(self):
        """:return: path at which this db operates"""
        return self._root_path

    def db_path(self, rela_path):
        :return: the given relative path relative to our database root, allowing
            to pontentially access datafiles"""
        return join(self._root_path, force_text(rela_path))
    #} END interface

class CachingDB:

    """A database which uses caches to speed-up access"""

    #{ Interface
    def update_cache(self, force=False):
        Call this method if the underlying data changed to trigger an update
        of the internal caching structures.

        :param force: if True, the update must be performed. Otherwise the implementation
            may decide not to perform an update if it thinks nothing has changed.
        :return: True if an update was performed as something change indeed"""

    # END interface

def _databases_recursive(database, output):
    """Fill output list with database from db, in order. Deals with Loose, Packed
    and compound databases."""
    if isinstance(database, CompoundDB):
        dbs = database.databases()
        output.extend(db for db in dbs if not isinstance(db, CompoundDB))
        for cdb in (db for db in dbs if isinstance(db, CompoundDB)):
            _databases_recursive(cdb, output)
    # END handle database type

class CompoundDB(ObjectDBR, LazyMixin, CachingDB):

    """A database which delegates calls to sub-databases.

    Databases are stored in the lazy-loaded _dbs attribute.
    Define _set_cache_ to update it with your databases"""

    def _set_cache_(self, attr):
        if attr == '_dbs':
            self._dbs = list()
        elif attr == '_db_cache':
            self._db_cache = dict()

    def _db_query(self, sha):
        """:return: database containing the given 20 byte sha
        :raise BadObject:"""
        # most databases use binary representations, prevent converting
        # it every time a database is being queried
            return self._db_cache[sha]
        except KeyError:
        # END first level cache

        for db in self._dbs:
            if db.has_object(sha):
                self._db_cache[sha] = db
                return db
        # END for each database
        raise BadObject(sha)

    #{ ObjectDBR interface

    def has_object(self, sha):
            return True
        except BadObject:
            return False
        # END handle exceptions

    def info(self, sha):
        return self._db_query(sha).info(sha)

    def stream(self, sha):
        return self._db_query(sha).stream(sha)

    def size(self):
        """:return: total size of all contained databases"""
        return reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, (db.size() for db in self._dbs), 0)

    def sha_iter(self):
        return chain(*(db.sha_iter() for db in self._dbs))

    #} END object DBR Interface

    #{ Interface

    def databases(self):
        """:return: tuple of database instances we use for lookups"""
        return tuple(self._dbs)

    def update_cache(self, force=False):
        # something might have changed, clear everything
        stat = False
        for db in self._dbs:
            if isinstance(db, CachingDB):
                stat |= db.update_cache(force)
            # END if is caching db
        # END for each database to update
        return stat

    def partial_to_complete_sha_hex(self, partial_hexsha):
        :return: 20 byte binary sha1 from the given less-than-40 byte hexsha (bytes or str)
        :param partial_hexsha: hexsha with less than 40 byte
        :raise AmbiguousObjectName: """
        databases = list()
        _databases_recursive(self, databases)
        partial_hexsha = force_text(partial_hexsha)
        len_partial_hexsha = len(partial_hexsha)
        if len_partial_hexsha % 2 != 0:
            partial_binsha = hex_to_bin(partial_hexsha + "0")
            partial_binsha = hex_to_bin(partial_hexsha)
        # END assure successful binary conversion

        candidate = None
        for db in databases:
            full_bin_sha = None
                if hasattr(db, 'partial_to_complete_sha_hex'):
                    full_bin_sha = db.partial_to_complete_sha_hex(partial_hexsha)
                    full_bin_sha = db.partial_to_complete_sha(partial_binsha, len_partial_hexsha)
                # END handle database type
            except BadObject:
            # END ignore bad objects
            if full_bin_sha:
                if candidate and candidate != full_bin_sha:
                    raise AmbiguousObjectName(partial_hexsha)
                candidate = full_bin_sha
            # END handle candidate
        # END for each db
        if not candidate:
            raise BadObject(partial_binsha)
        return candidate

    #} END interface


Name Type Size Permission Actions
__pycache__ Folder 0755
__init__.py File 377 B 0644
base.py File 8.85 KB 0644
git.py File 2.61 KB 0644
loose.py File 7.89 KB 0644
mem.py File 3.27 KB 0644
pack.py File 7.12 KB 0644
ref.py File 2.54 KB 0644