� �܋f�) � �j � d Z ddlZddlmZ ddlmZ dej fd�Z G d� d� � Zd eddfd �Z dS )z=Contains the logic for all of the default options for Flake8.� N)�defaults)� OptionManager�returnc � � t j d�� � } | � ddddd�� � | � d d d�� � | � d dg d�� � | � dd d�� � | � dddd�� � | � dd�� � | � dd�� � | S )z�Register the preliminary options on our OptionManager. The preliminary options include: - ``-v``/``--verbose`` - ``--output-file`` - ``--append-config`` - ``--config`` - ``--isolated`` - ``--enable-extensions`` F)�add_helpz-vz --verboser �countz�Print more information about what is happening in flake8. This option is repeatable and will increase verbosity each time it is repeated.��default�action�helpz --output-fileNzRedirect report to a file.�r r z--append-config�appendz�Provide extra config files to parse in addition to the files found by Flake8 by default. These files are the last ones read and so they take the highest precedence when multiple files provide the same option.)r r r z--configz�Path to the config file that will be the authoritative config source. This will cause Flake8 to ignore all other configuration files.z --isolated� store_truezIgnore all configuration files.z--enable-extensionszDEnable plugins and extensions that are otherwise disabled by default)r z--require-pluginsz7Require specific plugins to be installed before running)�argparse�ArgumentParser�add_argument)�parsers �d/builddir/build/BUILD/cloudlinux-venv-1.0.6/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/flake8/main/options.py�stage1_arg_parserr sA � � � $�e� 4� 4� 4�F� �������� � � � � �����,H� � � � � ������#� � � � � ������ � � � � ������ .� � � � � ����� � � � � ���� F� � � � � �M� c �: � e Zd ZdZdeddfd�Zdefd�Zdefd�ZdS )�JobsArgumentz&Type callback for the --jobs argument.�argr Nc � � d| _ d| _ |dk r d| _ dS |� � � rt |� � | _ dS t j |�d�� � �)ztParse and validate the --jobs argument. :param arg: The argument passed by argparse for validation F����autoTz must be 'auto' or an integer.N)�is_auto�n_jobs�isdigit�intr �ArgumentTypeError)�selfr s r �__init__zJobsArgument.__init__R sh � � �������&�=�=��D�L�L�L� �[�[�]�]� ��c�(�(�D�K�K�K��,��8�8�8�� � r c �P � t | � � j � dt | � � �d�S )zRepresentation for debugging.�(�))�type�__name__�str�r"