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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright © Cloud Linux GmbH & Cloud Linux Software, Inc 2010-2019 All Rights Reserved
# http://cloudlinux.com/docs/LICENSE.TXT

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division
import os
import base64
import re
import configparser

from builtins import map
from future.utils import iteritems

from .cluserextselect import ClUserExtSelect
from .clselectexcept import ClSelectExcept
from clcommon import clcaptain
from . import utils
from xml.sax.saxutils import unescape
from clcommon.utils import ExternalProgramFailed
from clcommon.php_conf_reader import PhpConfReader, PhpConfBaseException,\
    PhpConfReadError, PhpConfLoadException, PhpConfNoSuchAlternativeException

class ClUserOptSelect(ClUserExtSelect):
    Class for processing user options
    OPTIONS_PATH = '/etc/cl.selector.conf.d/php.conf' if utils.in_cagefs() else '/etc/cl.selector/php.conf'

    def __init__(self, item='php', exclude_pid_list=None):
        ClUserExtSelect.__init__(self, item, exclude_pid_list)
        self._whitelist = {}
        self._user_excludes = set()
        self._html_escape_table = {" ": " ", '"': """, "'": "'",
                                   ">": "&gt;", "<": "&lt;", "&": "&amp;"}
        self._html_unescape_table = {v: k for k, v in iteritems(self._html_escape_table)}

    def insert_options(self, user, version,
                       optset, decoder, append=False, quiet=True, create=True):
        Inserts supplied options into current ones
        @param optset: string
        @param decoder: string
        options = {}
        if optset != '':
            options = self._process_option_string(
                optset=optset, decoder=decoder, expect_separator=True)
            options = self._remove_forbidden_options(options, version, quiet)

        return utils.apply_for_at_least_one_user(
            version, options, append, create

    def insert_json_options(self, user, version, options, append=False, create=True):
        Inserts supplied options into current ones
        @param user: string
        @param version: string
        @param options: object
        user_ini_path = self._compose_user_ini_path(user, version)
        (contents, extensions,
            extensions_data) = self._load_ini_contents(user_ini_path)
        contents = self._prepare_options_data(contents)
        if append:
            contents = options
        options_set = self._compose_options_set(contents)
        if options_set:
            options_set = self._wrap_options(options_set)
        data = self._compose_output_data(
            options_set, extensions, extensions_data)
        # Convert 'no value' values of directives
        for idx in range(0, len(data)):
            line = data[idx]
            line_parts = line.split('=')
            if len(line_parts) != 2:
            if line_parts[1] == 'no value':
                # put empty string instead 'no value' to directive value
                data[idx] = line_parts[0] + '='
            user, '\n'.join(data).rstrip()+'\n', user_ini_path, create)
        self._backup_settings(user, version, options_set, create)

    def bulk_insert_options(self, user, version, options, append=False, create=True):
        Handles multiple users with same uids
        return utils.apply_for_at_least_one_user(
            version, options, append, create

    def delete_options(self, user, version,
                       optset, decoder, quiet=True):
        Deletes supplied options from current ones
        return utils.apply_for_at_least_one_user(
            optset, decoder, version

    def _delete_user(self, user, optset, decoder, version):
        options = self._process_option_string(
            optset=optset, decoder=decoder, expect_separator=False)


        user_ini_path = self._compose_user_ini_path(user, version)
        (contents, extensions,
            extensions_data) = self._load_ini_contents(user_ini_path)

        contents = self._prepare_options_data(contents)

        for opt in options.keys():
            contents.pop(opt, None)

        options_set = self._compose_options_set(contents)
        options_set = self._wrap_options(options_set)

        data = self._compose_output_data(
            options_set, extensions, extensions_data)

            user, '\n'.join(data).rstrip()+'\n', user_ini_path)

        self._backup_settings(user, version, options_set)

    def get_options(self, user, version=None):
        Returns options summary for a user
        @param user: string
        @param version: string
        return: dict
        if not version:
            version = self.get_version(user)[0]
        if version == 'native':
            raise ClSelectExcept.UnableToGetExtensions(version)
        self._get_user_ini(user, version)
        return self._get_whitelist(version)

    def reset_options(self, users=None, versions=None):
        Deletes all custom options settings
        @param users: list
        @param versions: list
        all_users = self.list_all_users()
        alternatives = self.get_all_alternatives_data()
        for version in alternatives.keys():
            if versions and version not in versions:
            for user in all_users:
                if users and user not in users:
                    self.insert_options(user=user, version=version,
                       optset='', decoder='plain', append=False, quiet=True,
                except ClSelectExcept.NotCageFSUser:

    def _prepare_options_data(self, contents):
        options = {}
        for item in contents:
            if item.strip() == "":
            if item.startswith(';>===') or item.startswith(';<==='):
            key, value = list(map((lambda x:x.strip()), item.split('=', 1)))
            if value == '':
                value = 'no value'
            options.update({key: value})
        return options

    def _get_whitelist(self, version):
        Returns whitelist data
        if not self._whitelist:
        return self._whitelist

    def _load_whitelist(self, version):
        Parses php config file (not php.ini!) and updates structure
        # Get short_php_version_to_full map
        alternatives = self.get_all_alternatives_data()
        self._check_alternative(version, alternatives)
        if '.' not in version:
            raise ClSelectExcept.UnableToGetExtensions(version)
        # Short to full PHP version map. Example: {'4.4', '4.4.9'}
        php_versions = dict()
        for short_ver, ver_data in iteritems(alternatives):
            php_versions[short_ver] = ver_data['version']
            # Read config
            conf_reader = PhpConfReader(self.OPTIONS_PATH)
            php_conf_dict = conf_reader.get_config_for_selectorctl(version, php_versions)
        except PhpConfNoSuchAlternativeException as e:
            raise ClSelectExcept.UnableToGetExtensions(e.php_version)
        except (PhpConfReadError, PhpConfLoadException, PhpConfBaseException) as e:
            raise ClSelectExcept.UnableToLoadData(self.OPTIONS_PATH, str(e))

    def _handle_option_item(option_item, expect_separator=True):
        Splits options data into key-value pair and returns it
        @param option_item: string
        @param expect_separator: bool
        @return: dict
        if ':' in option_item:
            option_name, option_value = option_item.split(':', 1)
            if not expect_separator:
                option_name, option_value = option_item, ''
                raise ClSelectExcept.WrongData(
                    "Colon as a separator expected (%s)!" % (option_item,))
        return {option_name: option_value}
    _handle_option_item = staticmethod(_handle_option_item)

    def _decoder(data, decoder='plain'):
        Decodes option item
        @param data: string
        @param decoder: string
        @return: string
        dispatcher = {
            'plain': (lambda x: x),
            'base64': (lambda x: base64.b64decode(x).decode())}
            return dispatcher[decoder](data)
        except KeyError:
            return dispatcher['plain'](data)
    _decoder = staticmethod(_decoder)

    def _process_option_string(cls, optset, decoder='plain', expect_separator=True):
        Wrapper around options parsing routines
        @param optset: string
        @param decoder: callback name
        @expect_separator: bool
        @return: dict
        options = {}
        if optset:
            for option_item in optset.split(','):
                option_item = cls._decoder(option_item, decoder)
                        option_item, expect_separator))
        return options
    _process_option_string = classmethod(_process_option_string)

    def _remove_forbidden_options(self, options, version, quiet=True):
        Check if all options to process are present in white list
        and removes forbidden ones or raise an exception
        @param options: dict
        @param quiet: bool
        @return: dict
        whitelist = self._get_whitelist(version)
        if not set(options.keys()).issubset(set(whitelist.keys())):
            white_list_options = {}
            for opt_name, opt_value in iteritems(options):
                if opt_name not in whitelist:
                    if quiet:
                        raise ClSelectExcept.UnableToProcessOption(opt_name)
                white_list_options[opt_name] = opt_value
            options = white_list_options
        return options

    def _compose_options_set(options):
        Construct option item from key and value pair
        @param options: dict
        return: list
        options_set = []
        for opt_name, opt_value in iteritems(options):
            options_set.append("%s=%s" % (opt_name, opt_value))
        return options_set
    _compose_options_set = staticmethod(_compose_options_set)

    def _wrap_options(self, contents):
        Adds identifying string before and after dataset
        @param contents: list
        data = [';>=== Start of PHP Selector Custom Options ===']
        data.append(';<=== End of PHP Selector Custom Options =====')
        return data

    def _compose_output_data(contents, extensions, extensions_data):
        Construct output
        @param contents: list
        @param extensions: list
        @param extensions_data: dict
        return: list
        data = []
        for item in extensions:
            # Add two spacelines between each extension
            data.extend(["", ""])

        return data
    _compose_output_data = staticmethod(_compose_output_data)

    def _check_version(self, test, version):
        Compares version in use and version required by PHP feature
        and return true if PHP feature satisfies
        alternatives = self.get_all_alternatives_data()
        self._check_alternative(version, alternatives)
        if '.' not in version:
            raise ClSelectExcept.UnableToGetExtensions(version)
        v_array = list(map((lambda x: int(x)), alternatives[version]['version'].split('.')))
        # if test has 2 section, add third
        if len(test.split('.')) == 2:
            test += '.0'
        patt = re.compile(r'([<>=]{1,2})?(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\.?')
        m = patt.match(test)
        if not m:
            raise ClSelectExcept.NoSuchAlternativeVersion(test)
        action = m.group(1)
        test = list(map((lambda x: int(x)), m.group(2).split('.')))
        version_int = v_array[0] << 11 | v_array[1] << 7 | v_array[2]
        test_int = test[0] << 11 | test[1] << 7 | test[2]
        if action == r'<' and version_int < test_int:
            return True
        if action == r'<=' and version_int <= test_int:
            return True
        if action == r'>' and version_int > test_int:
            return True
        if action == r'>=' and version_int >= test_int:
            return True
        if not action or action == r'=':
            version_int = v_array[0] << 11 | v_array[1] << 7
            test_int = test[0] << 11 | test[1] << 7
            if version_int == test_int:
                return True
        return False

    def _get_php_error_tbl(self, php_ver):
        # http://php.net/manual/en/errorfunc.constants.php
        php_error_table = {
            1:     'E_ERROR',
            2:     'E_WARNING',
            4:     'E_PARSE',
            8:     'E_NOTICE',
            16:    'E_CORE_ERROR',
            32:    'E_CORE_WARNING',
            64:    'E_COMPILE_ERROR',
            128:   'E_COMPILE_WARNING',
            256:   'E_USER_ERROR',
            512:   'E_USER_WARNING',
            1024:  'E_USER_NOTICE',
            2048:  'E_STRICT'  # E_STRICT since PHP 5 but not included in E_ALL until PHP 5.4.0
        if self._check_version('<5.2.0', php_ver):
            php_error_table[2047] = 'E_ALL'
        if self._check_version('>=5.2.0', php_ver):
            php_error_table[4096] = 'E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR'  # E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR since PHP 5.2.0
            if self._check_version('<5.3.0', php_ver):
                php_error_table[6143] = 'E_ALL'  # E_ALL 6143 in PHP 5.2.x
        if self._check_version('>=5.3.0', php_ver):
            php_error_table[8192] = 'E_DEPRECATED'        # E_DEPRECATED since PHP 5.3.0
            php_error_table[16384] = 'E_USER_DEPRECATED'  # E_USER_DEPRECATED since PHP 5.3.0
            if self._check_version('<5.4.0', php_ver):
                php_error_table[30719] = 'E_ALL'  # E_ALL 30719 in PHP 5.3.x
        if self._check_version('>=5.4.0', php_ver):
            php_error_table[32767] = 'E_ALL'  # E_ALL 32767 in PHP >= 5.4.x
        return php_error_table

    def _php_string2error(self, str_, php_ver):
        Convert php error level 'error-reporting' from string to code
        #>>> ClUserOptSelect(item='php')._php_string2error('E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE', '5.4')
        #>>> ClUserOptSelect(item='php')._php_string2error('E_USER_ERROR | E_NOTICE', '5.4')
        #>>> ClUserOptSelect(item='php')._php_string2error('E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE | E_COMPILE_ERROR', '5.4')
        #>>> ClUserOptSelect(item='php')._php_string2error('E_ERROR | INCORRECT', '5.4')  # incorrect variable 'INCORRECT'
        #>>> ClUserOptSelect(item='php')._php_string2error('E_ERROR + E_WARNING', '5.4')   # incorrect operator '+'
        :param str: error_reporting variable
        :return None|int: error_reporting error code; return None if can't convert
        VALID_SYMBOLS = '0123456789|&~!^ '  # http://php.net/manual/en/errorfunc.constants.php
        php_error_table = self._get_php_error_tbl(php_ver)
        # replacing all constants to the numbers
        for code, name in iteritems(php_error_table):
            str_ = str_.replace(name, str(code))

        # check if str_ has only valid symbols
        if set(str_).difference(set(VALID_SYMBOLS)):
            return None

            error_code = int(eval(str_))
        except (SyntaxError, ValueError, TypeError):
            return None
        return error_code

    def _get_error_desc(self, value, version, range_):
        if not re.match(r'^-?\d{1,5}$', value):  # error-reporting code must be from 32767 to -32767
            return ''
        desc = []
        value = int(value)
        for error_string in range_:
            if self._php_string2error(error_string, php_ver=version) == value:
                return error_string

        php_error_table = self._get_php_error_tbl(php_ver=version)
        for error in php_error_table:
            if (error & value) == error:
        return r' | '.join(desc)

    def _get_ini_defaults(self, version):
        Gets PHP defaults (calls php -i)
        @param version: string
        alternatives = self.get_all_alternatives_data()
        self._check_alternative(version, alternatives)
        whitelist = self._get_whitelist(version)
        if not os.path.isfile(alternatives[version]['data'][self._item]):
            raise ClSelectExcept.NoSuchAlternativeVersion(version)
        env_data = os.environ
        if ('SCRIPT_FILENAME' in env_data):
            script_path = '/usr/share/l.v.e-manager/utils/clinfo.php'
            if os.path.exists(script_path):
                env_data['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] = script_path
            cmd = [alternatives[version]['data'][self._item]]
            cmd = [alternatives[version]['data'][self._item], '-qi']
            env_data.pop('SERVER_SOFTWARE', None)
        env_data['PHP_FCGI_MAX_REQUESTS'] = '1'
        env_data['PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN'] = '0'
        env_data['ACCEPT_ENCODING'] = ''
        env_data['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'] = ''
        tag_pattern = re.compile(
        strip_pattern = re.compile(r'<[^>]*?>')
        cmd[1:1] = ['-d', 'opcache.enable_cli=0',
                    '-d', 'zlib.output_compression=Off',
                    '-d', 'auto_append_file=none',
                    '-d', 'extension=mbstring.so',
                    '-d', 'auto_prepend_file=none',
                    '-d', 'disable_functions=none']
        output = utils.run_command(cmd, env_data)
        lines = tag_pattern.findall(output)
        # Directives which values are rewritten while execute CMD
        rewritten_directives = ['opcache.enable_cli',

        configuration_file = None
        for l in lines:
            directive = re.sub(strip_pattern, '', l[0])
            if 'Loaded Configuration File' in directive:
                s = re.sub(strip_pattern, '', (l[2] or l[1]))
                configuration_file = unescape(s, self._html_unescape_table).strip()
            if directive in whitelist:
                # convert html entries to string
                s = re.sub(strip_pattern, '', (l[2] or l[1]))
                value = unescape(s, self._html_unescape_table)
                if value == 'no value':
                    if ('default' in whitelist[directive] and
                            whitelist[directive]['default'] != ""):
                        whitelist[directive]['default'] = ""
                    if directive == 'error_reporting':
                        error_range = whitelist[directive]['range'].split(',')
                        value = self._get_error_desc(value, version, error_range)
                    whitelist[directive]['default'] = value
                # Because we rewrite directives from list above when execute cmd
                # we need to use default value from php.ini
                if directive in rewritten_directives and configuration_file:
                        whitelist[directive]['default'] = self._get_value_from_ini_file(configuration_file, directive)

    def _get_user_ini(self, user, version):
        Parses user ini file and updates
        values of existing data
        @param user: string
        user_ini_path = self._compose_user_ini_path(user, version)
        (contents, extensions,
            extensions_data) = self._load_ini_contents(user_ini_path)
        contents = self._prepare_options_data(contents)
        for key in contents:
                self._whitelist[key]['value'] = contents[key]
            except KeyError:

    def _backup_settings(self, user, version, data, create=True):
        On saving user settings keep backup on user homedir
        @param user: string
        @param version: string
        @param data: list
        user_backup_path = os.path.join(
            self._clpwd.get_homedir(user), '.cl.selector')
        if not os.path.isdir(user_backup_path):
            except (OSError, ExternalProgramFailed) as e:
                raise ClSelectExcept.UnableToSaveData(user_backup_path, e)
        user_backup_file = os.path.join(
            user_backup_path, "alt_php%s.cfg" % version.replace('.', ''))
        # replace 'no value' in directive value to empty
        for idx in range(0, len(data)):
            line = data[idx]
            line_parts = line.split('=')
            if len(line_parts) == 2 and line_parts[1] == 'no value':
                data[idx] = line_parts[0] + '='
            user, '\n'.join(data), user_backup_file, create)

    def backup_php_options(self, user):
        rewrite php backup file with php options
        @param  user: string
        alternatives = self.get_all_alternatives_data()
        for version in alternatives.keys():
            user_ini_path = self._compose_user_ini_path(user, version)
            (contents, extensions,
                extensions_data) = self._load_ini_contents(user_ini_path)
            contents = self._prepare_options_data(contents)
            options_set = self._compose_options_set(contents)
            if options_set:
                options_set = self._wrap_options(options_set)
                self._backup_settings(user, version, options_set)

    def _get_value_from_ini_file(self, configuration_file, directive):
        get value from ini file
        Now used for getting default value for some php options,
        which we cannot get garanted
        :param configuration_file: ini file for reading
        :param directive: key name
        :return: value of key or ''
        config = configparser.ConfigParser(interpolation=None, strict=False)
            return config['PHP'].get(directive)
        except (KeyError, PermissionError):
            raise ClSelectExcept.FileProcessError(configuration_file)


Name Type Size Permission Actions
__pycache__ Folder 0755
baseclselect Folder 0755
clselectnodejs Folder 0755
clselectnodejsuser Folder 0755
clselectphp Folder 0755
clselectphpuser Folder 0755
clselectpython Folder 0755
clselectpythonuser Folder 0755
clselectruby Folder 0755
__init__.py File 536 B 0644
clextselect.py File 19.71 KB 0644
clpassenger.py File 26.53 KB 0644
clselect.py File 21.77 KB 0644
clselectctl.py File 9.15 KB 0644
clselectctlnodejsuser.py File 20.71 KB 0644
clselectctlphp.py File 43.37 KB 0644
clselectctlpython.py File 43.87 KB 0644
clselectctlruby.py File 18.59 KB 0644
clselectexcept.py File 10.22 KB 0644
clselectprint.py File 5.39 KB 0644
clselectstatistics.py File 6.51 KB 0644
cluserextselect.py File 15.17 KB 0644
cluseroptselect.py File 23.62 KB 0644
cluserselect.py File 27 KB 0644
locked_extensions.ini File 1.2 KB 0644
utils.py File 16 KB 0644