[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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# Licensed under the LGPL: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.en.html
# For details: https://github.com/PyCQA/astroid/blob/main/LICENSE
# Copyright (c) https://github.com/PyCQA/astroid/blob/main/CONTRIBUTORS.txt

"""Classes representing different types of constraints on inference values."""
from __future__ import annotations

import sys
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from collections.abc import Iterator
from typing import Union

from astroid import bases, nodes, util
from astroid.typing import InferenceResult

if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
    from typing import Self
    from typing_extensions import Self

_NameNodes = Union[nodes.AssignAttr, nodes.Attribute, nodes.AssignName, nodes.Name]

class Constraint(ABC):
    """Represents a single constraint on a variable."""

    def __init__(self, node: nodes.NodeNG, negate: bool) -> None:
        self.node = node
        """The node that this constraint applies to."""
        self.negate = negate
        """True if this constraint is negated. E.g., "is not" instead of "is"."""

    def match(
        cls: type[Self], node: _NameNodes, expr: nodes.NodeNG, negate: bool = False
    ) -> Self | None:
        """Return a new constraint for node matched from expr, if expr matches
        the constraint pattern.

        If negate is True, negate the constraint.

    def satisfied_by(self, inferred: InferenceResult) -> bool:
        """Return True if this constraint is satisfied by the given inferred value."""

class NoneConstraint(Constraint):
    """Represents an "is None" or "is not None" constraint."""

    CONST_NONE: nodes.Const = nodes.Const(None)

    def match(
        cls: type[Self], node: _NameNodes, expr: nodes.NodeNG, negate: bool = False
    ) -> Self | None:
        """Return a new constraint for node matched from expr, if expr matches
        the constraint pattern.

        Negate the constraint based on the value of negate.
        if isinstance(expr, nodes.Compare) and len(expr.ops) == 1:
            left = expr.left
            op, right = expr.ops[0]
            if op in {"is", "is not"} and (
                _matches(left, node) and _matches(right, cls.CONST_NONE)
                negate = (op == "is" and negate) or (op == "is not" and not negate)
                return cls(node=node, negate=negate)

        return None

    def satisfied_by(self, inferred: InferenceResult) -> bool:
        """Return True if this constraint is satisfied by the given inferred value."""
        # Assume true if uninferable
        if isinstance(inferred, util.UninferableBase):
            return True

        # Return the XOR of self.negate and matches(inferred, self.CONST_NONE)
        return self.negate ^ _matches(inferred, self.CONST_NONE)

def get_constraints(
    expr: _NameNodes, frame: nodes.LocalsDictNodeNG
) -> dict[nodes.If, set[Constraint]]:
    """Returns the constraints for the given expression.

    The returned dictionary maps the node where the constraint was generated to the
    corresponding constraint(s).

    Constraints are computed statically by analysing the code surrounding expr.
    Currently this only supports constraints generated from if conditions.
    current_node: nodes.NodeNG | None = expr
    constraints_mapping: dict[nodes.If, set[Constraint]] = {}
    while current_node is not None and current_node is not frame:
        parent = current_node.parent
        if isinstance(parent, nodes.If):
            branch, _ = parent.locate_child(current_node)
            constraints: set[Constraint] | None = None
            if branch == "body":
                constraints = set(_match_constraint(expr, parent.test))
            elif branch == "orelse":
                constraints = set(_match_constraint(expr, parent.test, invert=True))

            if constraints:
                constraints_mapping[parent] = constraints
        current_node = parent

    return constraints_mapping

ALL_CONSTRAINT_CLASSES = frozenset((NoneConstraint,))
"""All supported constraint types."""

def _matches(node1: nodes.NodeNG | bases.Proxy, node2: nodes.NodeNG) -> bool:
    """Returns True if the two nodes match."""
    if isinstance(node1, nodes.Name) and isinstance(node2, nodes.Name):
        return node1.name == node2.name
    if isinstance(node1, nodes.Attribute) and isinstance(node2, nodes.Attribute):
        return node1.attrname == node2.attrname and _matches(node1.expr, node2.expr)
    if isinstance(node1, nodes.Const) and isinstance(node2, nodes.Const):
        return node1.value == node2.value

    return False

def _match_constraint(
    node: _NameNodes, expr: nodes.NodeNG, invert: bool = False
) -> Iterator[Constraint]:
    """Yields all constraint patterns for node that match."""
    for constraint_cls in ALL_CONSTRAINT_CLASSES:
        constraint = constraint_cls.match(node, expr, invert)
        if constraint:
            yield constraint


Name Type Size Permission Actions
__pycache__ Folder 0755
brain Folder 0755
interpreter Folder 0755
nodes Folder 0755
__init__.py File 4.98 KB 0644
__pkginfo__.py File 274 B 0644
_ast.py File 4.05 KB 0644
_backport_stdlib_names.py File 6.85 KB 0644
_cache.py File 786 B 0644
arguments.py File 12.65 KB 0644
astroid_manager.py File 572 B 0644
bases.py File 24.99 KB 0644
builder.py File 18.35 KB 0644
const.py File 1.07 KB 0644
constraint.py File 4.92 KB 0644
context.py File 5.85 KB 0644
decorators.py File 9.85 KB 0644
exceptions.py File 12.78 KB 0644
filter_statements.py File 9.42 KB 0644
helpers.py File 11.07 KB 0644
inference.py File 44.06 KB 0644
inference_tip.py File 2.82 KB 0644
manager.py File 17.54 KB 0644
mixins.py File 1.15 KB 0644
modutils.py File 22.96 KB 0644
node_classes.py File 1.8 KB 0644
objects.py File 12.46 KB 0644
protocols.py File 32.2 KB 0644
raw_building.py File 22.34 KB 0644
rebuilder.py File 77.86 KB 0644
scoped_nodes.py File 958 B 0644
test_utils.py File 2.38 KB 0644
transforms.py File 3.19 KB 0644
typing.py File 1.94 KB 0644
util.py File 4.62 KB 0644