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elspacio@ ~ $
# Author: Mike McKerns (mmckerns @caltech and @uqfoundation)
# Copyright (c) 2008-2016 California Institute of Technology.
# Copyright (c) 2016-2023 The Uncertainty Quantification Foundation.
# License: 3-clause BSD.  The full license text is available at:
#  - https://github.com/uqfoundation/dill/blob/master/LICENSE
build profile graph for the given instance

  $ get_gprof <args> <instance>

  gprof2dot -f pstats <args> <type>.prof | dot -Tpng -o <type>.call.png

  <args> are arguments for gprof2dot, such as "-n 5 -e 5"
  <instance> is code to create the instance to profile
  <type> is the class of the instance (i.e. type(instance))

For example:
  $ get_gprof -n 5 -e 1 "import numpy; numpy.array([1,2])"

will create 'ndarray.call.png' with the profile graph for numpy.array([1,2]),
where '-n 5' eliminates nodes below 5% threshold, similarly '-e 1' eliminates
edges below 1% threshold

import sys
# grab args for gprof2dot
args = sys.argv[1:-1]
args = ' '.join(args)
# last arg builds the object
obj = sys.argv[-1]
obj = obj.split(';')
# multi-line prep for generating an instance
for line in obj[:-1]:
# one-line generation of an instance
obj = eval(obj[-1])

# get object 'name'
objtype = type(obj)
name = getattr(objtype, '__name__', getattr(objtype, '__class__', objtype))

# profile dumping an object
import dill
import os
import cProfile
#name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(__file__))[0]
cProfile.run("dill.dumps(obj)", filename="%s.prof" % name)
msg = "gprof2dot -f pstats %s %s.prof | dot -Tpng -o %s.call.png" % (args, name, name)

# get stats
f_prof = "%s.prof" % name
import pstats
stats = pstats.Stats(f_prof, stream=sys.stdout)
stats.print_stats(20) #XXX: save to file instead of print top 20?


Name Type Size Permission Actions
Activate.ps1 File 8.82 KB 0644
activate File 1.65 KB 0644
activate.csh File 913 B 0644
activate.fish File 2.14 KB 0644
alembic File 229 B 0755
chardetect File 237 B 0755
cl_sysctl File 4.51 KB 0755
clcpapi File 3.64 KB 0755
coverage File 231 B 0755
coverage-3.11 File 231 B 0755
coverage3 File 231 B 0755
cpanel-dbmapping File 3.83 KB 0755
da_suid_caller.py File 686 B 0644
detect-requirements File 238 B 0755
dodgy File 224 B 0755
epylint File 235 B 0755
f2py File 232 B 0755
f2py3 File 232 B 0755
f2py3.11 File 232 B 0755
flake8 File 230 B 0755
futurize File 231 B 0755
get_gprof File 1.84 KB 0755
get_objgraph File 1.63 KB 0755
isort File 225 B 0755
isort-identify-imports File 259 B 0755
jsonschema File 229 B 0755
lvestats_config_reader.py File 1.12 KB 0644
mako-render File 229 B 0755
normalizer File 260 B 0755
pasteurize File 233 B 0755
pip File 237 B 0755
pip3 File 237 B 0755
pip3.11 File 237 B 0755
plesk_suid_caller.py File 905 B 0644
prospector File 229 B 0755
py.test File 237 B 0755
pycodestyle File 228 B 0755
pydocstyle File 229 B 0755
pyflakes File 227 B 0755
pylint File 233 B 0755
pylint-config File 249 B 0755
pyreverse File 239 B 0755
pysemver File 225 B 0755
pytest File 237 B 0755
python File 15.59 KB 0755
python3 File 15.59 KB 0755
python3.11 File 15.59 KB 0755
raven File 235 B 0755
symilar File 235 B 0755
tap File 223 B 0755
tappy File 223 B 0755
undill File 603 B 0755
virtualenv File 254 B 0755