[ Avaa Bypassed ]



elspacio@ ~ $
"Test searchbase, coverage 98%."
# The only thing not covered is inconsequential --
# testing skipping of suite when self.needwrapbutton is false.

import unittest
from test.support import requires
from tkinter import Tk, Frame  ##, BooleanVar, StringVar
from idlelib import searchengine as se
from idlelib import searchbase as sdb
from idlelib.idle_test.mock_idle import Func
## from idlelib.idle_test.mock_tk import Var

# The ## imports above & following could help make some tests gui-free.
# However, they currently make radiobutton tests fail.
##def setUpModule():
##    # Replace tk objects used to initialize se.SearchEngine.
##    se.BooleanVar = Var
##    se.StringVar = Var
##def tearDownModule():
##    se.BooleanVar = BooleanVar
##    se.StringVar = StringVar

class SearchDialogBaseTest(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUpClass(cls):
        cls.root = Tk()

    def tearDownClass(cls):
        del cls.root

    def setUp(self):
        self.engine = se.SearchEngine(self.root)  # None also seems to work
        self.dialog = sdb.SearchDialogBase(root=self.root, engine=self.engine)

    def tearDown(self):

    def test_open_and_close(self):
        # open calls create_widgets, which needs default_command
        self.dialog.default_command = None

        # Since text parameter of .open is not used in base class,
        # pass dummy 'text' instead of tk.Text().
        self.assertEqual(self.dialog.top.state(), 'normal')
        self.assertEqual(self.dialog.top.state(), 'withdrawn')

        self.dialog.open('text', searchphrase="hello")
        self.assertEqual(self.dialog.ent.get(), 'hello')

    def test_create_widgets(self):
        self.dialog.create_entries = Func()
        self.dialog.create_option_buttons = Func()
        self.dialog.create_other_buttons = Func()
        self.dialog.create_command_buttons = Func()

        self.dialog.default_command = None


    def test_make_entry(self):
        equal = self.assertEqual
        self.dialog.row = 0
        self.dialog.top = self.root
        entry, label = self.dialog.make_entry("Test:", 'hello')
        equal(label['text'], 'Test:')

        self.assertIn(entry.get(), 'hello')
        egi = entry.grid_info()
        equal(int(egi['row']), 0)
        equal(int(egi['column']), 1)
        equal(int(egi['rowspan']), 1)
        equal(int(egi['columnspan']), 1)
        equal(self.dialog.row, 1)

    def test_create_entries(self):
        self.dialog.top = self.root
        self.dialog.row = 0
        self.assertIn(self.dialog.ent.get(), 'hello')

    def test_make_frame(self):
        self.dialog.row = 0
        self.dialog.top = self.root
        frame, label = self.dialog.make_frame()
        self.assertEqual(label, '')
        self.assertIsInstance(frame, Frame)

        frame, label = self.dialog.make_frame('testlabel')
        self.assertEqual(label['text'], 'testlabel')
        self.assertIsInstance(frame, Frame)

    def btn_test_setup(self, meth):
        self.dialog.top = self.root
        self.dialog.row = 0
        return meth()

    def test_create_option_buttons(self):
        e = self.engine
        for state in (0, 1):
            for var in (e.revar, e.casevar, e.wordvar, e.wrapvar):
            frame, options = self.btn_test_setup(
            for spec, button in zip (options, frame.pack_slaves()):
                var, label = spec
                self.assertEqual(button['text'], label)
                self.assertEqual(var.get(), state)

    def test_create_other_buttons(self):
        for state in (False, True):
            var = self.engine.backvar
            frame, others = self.btn_test_setup(
            buttons = frame.pack_slaves()
            for spec, button in zip(others, buttons):
                val, label = spec
                self.assertEqual(button['text'], label)
                if val == state:
                    # hit other button, then this one
                    # indexes depend on button order
                    self.assertEqual(var.get(), state)

    def test_make_button(self):
        self.dialog.top = self.root
        self.dialog.buttonframe = Frame(self.dialog.top)
        btn = self.dialog.make_button('Test', self.dialog.close)
        self.assertEqual(btn['text'], 'Test')

    def test_create_command_buttons(self):
        self.dialog.top = self.root
        # Look for close button command in buttonframe
        closebuttoncommand = ''
        for child in self.dialog.buttonframe.winfo_children():
            if child['text'] == 'close':
                closebuttoncommand = child['command']
        self.assertIn('close', closebuttoncommand)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    unittest.main(verbosity=2, exit=2)


Name Type Size Permission Actions
__pycache__ Folder 0755
README.txt File 8.52 KB 0644
__init__.py File 712 B 0644
htest.py File 13.67 KB 0644
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mock_tk.py File 11.35 KB 0644
template.py File 642 B 0644
test_autocomplete.py File 4.99 KB 0644
test_autocomplete_w.py File 709 B 0644
test_autoexpand.py File 4.53 KB 0644
test_browser.py File 7.8 KB 0644
test_calltip.py File 7.6 KB 0644
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test_colorizer.py File 1.03 KB 0644
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test_config_key.py File 3.61 KB 0644
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test_history.py File 5.39 KB 0644
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test_mainmenu.py File 594 B 0644
test_multicall.py File 1.02 KB 0644
test_outwin.py File 5.42 KB 0644
test_paragraph.py File 14.02 KB 0644
test_parenmatch.py File 3.43 KB 0644
test_pathbrowser.py File 2.37 KB 0644
test_percolator.py File 3.97 KB 0644
test_pyparse.py File 18.15 KB 0644
test_pyshell.py File 1.28 KB 0644
test_query.py File 11.49 KB 0644
test_redirector.py File 4.08 KB 0644
test_replace.py File 8.11 KB 0644
test_rpc.py File 805 B 0644
test_rstrip.py File 1.57 KB 0644
test_run.py File 9.19 KB 0644
test_runscript.py File 777 B 0644
test_scrolledlist.py File 496 B 0644
test_search.py File 2.4 KB 0644
test_searchbase.py File 5.35 KB 0644
test_searchengine.py File 11.27 KB 0644
test_squeezer.py File 21.35 KB 0644
test_stackviewer.py File 1.18 KB 0644
test_statusbar.py File 1.11 KB 0644
test_text.py File 6.81 KB 0644
test_textview.py File 5.5 KB 0644
test_tooltip.py File 5.01 KB 0644
test_tree.py File 792 B 0644
test_undo.py File 4.13 KB 0644
test_warning.py File 2.68 KB 0644
test_window.py File 1.05 KB 0644
test_zoomheight.py File 999 B 0644