[ Avaa Bypassed ]



elspacio@ ~ $
"""Test help_about, coverage 100%.
help_about.build_bits branches on sys.platform='darwin'.
'100% combines coverage on Mac and others.

from idlelib import help_about
import unittest
from test.support import requires, findfile
from tkinter import Tk, TclError
from idlelib.idle_test.mock_idle import Func
from idlelib.idle_test.mock_tk import Mbox_func
from idlelib import textview
import os.path
from platform import python_version

About = help_about.AboutDialog

class LiveDialogTest(unittest.TestCase):
    """Simulate user clicking buttons other than [Close].

    Test that invoked textview has text from source.
    def setUpClass(cls):
        cls.root = Tk()
        cls.dialog = About(cls.root, 'About IDLE', _utest=True)

    def tearDownClass(cls):
        del cls.dialog
        del cls.root

    def test_build_bits(self):
        self.assertIn(help_about.build_bits(), ('32', '64'))

    def test_dialog_title(self):
        """Test about dialog title"""
        self.assertEqual(self.dialog.title(), 'About IDLE')

    def test_dialog_logo(self):
        """Test about dialog logo."""
        path, file = os.path.split(self.dialog.icon_image['file'])
        fn, ext = os.path.splitext(file)
        self.assertEqual(fn, 'idle_48')

    def test_printer_buttons(self):
        """Test buttons whose commands use printer function."""
        dialog = self.dialog
        button_sources = [(dialog.py_license, license, 'license'),
                          (dialog.py_copyright, copyright, 'copyright'),
                          (dialog.py_credits, credits, 'credits')]

        for button, printer, name in button_sources:
            with self.subTest(name=name):
                get = dialog._current_textview.viewframe.textframe.text.get
                lines = printer._Printer__lines
                self.assertEqual(lines[0], get('1.0', '1.end'))
                self.assertEqual(lines[1], get('2.0', '2.end'))

    def test_file_buttons(self):
        """Test buttons that display files."""
        dialog = self.dialog
        button_sources = [(self.dialog.readme, 'README.txt', 'readme'),
                          (self.dialog.idle_news, 'NEWS.txt', 'news'),
                          (self.dialog.idle_credits, 'CREDITS.txt', 'credits')]

        for button, filename, name in button_sources:
            with  self.subTest(name=name):
                fn = findfile(filename, subdir='idlelib')
                get = dialog._current_textview.viewframe.textframe.text.get
                with open(fn, encoding='utf-8') as f:
                    self.assertEqual(f.readline().strip(), get('1.0', '1.end'))
                    self.assertEqual(f.readline().strip(), get('3.0', '3.end'))

class DefaultTitleTest(unittest.TestCase):
    "Test default title."

    def setUpClass(cls):
        cls.root = Tk()
        cls.dialog = About(cls.root, _utest=True)

    def tearDownClass(cls):
        del cls.dialog
        del cls.root

    def test_dialog_title(self):
        """Test about dialog title"""
                         f'About IDLE {python_version()}'
                         f' ({help_about.build_bits()} bit)')

class CloseTest(unittest.TestCase):
    """Simulate user clicking [Close] button"""

    def setUpClass(cls):
        cls.root = Tk()
        cls.dialog = About(cls.root, 'About IDLE', _utest=True)

    def tearDownClass(cls):
        del cls.dialog
        del cls.root

    def test_close(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.dialog.winfo_class(), 'Toplevel')
        with self.assertRaises(TclError):

class Dummy_about_dialog():
    # Dummy class for testing file display functions.
    idle_credits = About.show_idle_credits
    idle_readme = About.show_readme
    idle_news = About.show_idle_news
    # Called by the above
    display_file_text = About.display_file_text
    _utest = True

class DisplayFileTest(unittest.TestCase):
    """Test functions that display files.

    While somewhat redundant with gui-based test_file_dialog,
    these unit tests run on all buildbots, not just a few.
    dialog = Dummy_about_dialog()

    def setUpClass(cls):
        cls.orig_error = textview.showerror
        cls.orig_view = textview.view_text
        cls.error = Mbox_func()
        cls.view = Func()
        textview.showerror = cls.error
        textview.view_text = cls.view

    def tearDownClass(cls):
        textview.showerror = cls.orig_error
        textview.view_text = cls.orig_view

    def test_file_display(self):
        for handler in (self.dialog.idle_credits,
            self.error.message = ''
            self.view.called = False
            with self.subTest(handler=handler):
                self.assertEqual(self.error.message, '')
                self.assertEqual(self.view.called, True)

if __name__ == '__main__':


Name Type Size Permission Actions
__pycache__ Folder 0755
README.txt File 8.52 KB 0644
__init__.py File 712 B 0644
htest.py File 13.67 KB 0644
mock_idle.py File 1.83 KB 0644
mock_tk.py File 11.35 KB 0644
template.py File 642 B 0644
test_autocomplete.py File 4.99 KB 0644
test_autocomplete_w.py File 709 B 0644
test_autoexpand.py File 4.53 KB 0644
test_browser.py File 7.8 KB 0644
test_calltip.py File 7.6 KB 0644
test_calltip_w.py File 686 B 0644
test_codecontext.py File 14.15 KB 0644
test_colorizer.py File 1.03 KB 0644
test_config.py File 32.04 KB 0644
test_config_key.py File 3.61 KB 0644
test_configdialog.py File 48.6 KB 0644
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test_editor.py File 1.11 KB 0644
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test_grep.py File 2.6 KB 0644
test_help.py File 849 B 0644
test_help_about.py File 5.68 KB 0644
test_history.py File 5.39 KB 0644
test_hyperparser.py File 8.87 KB 0644
test_iomenu.py File 870 B 0644
test_macosx.py File 3.23 KB 0644
test_mainmenu.py File 594 B 0644
test_multicall.py File 1.02 KB 0644
test_outwin.py File 5.42 KB 0644
test_paragraph.py File 14.02 KB 0644
test_parenmatch.py File 3.43 KB 0644
test_pathbrowser.py File 2.37 KB 0644
test_percolator.py File 3.97 KB 0644
test_pyparse.py File 18.15 KB 0644
test_pyshell.py File 1.28 KB 0644
test_query.py File 11.49 KB 0644
test_redirector.py File 4.08 KB 0644
test_replace.py File 8.11 KB 0644
test_rpc.py File 805 B 0644
test_rstrip.py File 1.57 KB 0644
test_run.py File 9.19 KB 0644
test_runscript.py File 777 B 0644
test_scrolledlist.py File 496 B 0644
test_search.py File 2.4 KB 0644
test_searchbase.py File 5.35 KB 0644
test_searchengine.py File 11.27 KB 0644
test_squeezer.py File 21.35 KB 0644
test_stackviewer.py File 1.18 KB 0644
test_statusbar.py File 1.11 KB 0644
test_text.py File 6.81 KB 0644
test_textview.py File 5.5 KB 0644
test_tooltip.py File 5.01 KB 0644
test_tree.py File 792 B 0644
test_undo.py File 4.13 KB 0644
test_warning.py File 2.68 KB 0644
test_window.py File 1.05 KB 0644
test_zoomheight.py File 999 B 0644