[ Avaa Bypassed ]



elspacio@ ~ $
# actions.py

from .exceptions import ParseException
from .util import col

class OnlyOnce:
    Wrapper for parse actions, to ensure they are only called once.

    def __init__(self, method_call):
        from .core import _trim_arity

        self.callable = _trim_arity(method_call)
        self.called = False

    def __call__(self, s, l, t):
        if not self.called:
            results = self.callable(s, l, t)
            self.called = True
            return results
        raise ParseException(s, l, "OnlyOnce obj called multiple times w/out reset")

    def reset(self):
        Allow the associated parse action to be called once more.

        self.called = False

def match_only_at_col(n):
    Helper method for defining parse actions that require matching at
    a specific column in the input text.

    def verify_col(strg, locn, toks):
        if col(locn, strg) != n:
            raise ParseException(strg, locn, "matched token not at column {}".format(n))

    return verify_col

def replace_with(repl_str):
    Helper method for common parse actions that simply return
    a literal value.  Especially useful when used with
    :class:`transform_string<ParserElement.transform_string>` ().


        num = Word(nums).set_parse_action(lambda toks: int(toks[0]))
        na = one_of("N/A NA").set_parse_action(replace_with(math.nan))
        term = na | num

        term[1, ...].parse_string("324 234 N/A 234") # -> [324, 234, nan, 234]
    return lambda s, l, t: [repl_str]

def remove_quotes(s, l, t):
    Helper parse action for removing quotation marks from parsed
    quoted strings.


        # by default, quotation marks are included in parsed results
        quoted_string.parse_string("'Now is the Winter of our Discontent'") # -> ["'Now is the Winter of our Discontent'"]

        # use remove_quotes to strip quotation marks from parsed results
        quoted_string.parse_string("'Now is the Winter of our Discontent'") # -> ["Now is the Winter of our Discontent"]
    return t[0][1:-1]

def with_attribute(*args, **attr_dict):
    Helper to create a validating parse action to be used with start
    tags created with :class:`make_xml_tags` or
    :class:`make_html_tags`. Use ``with_attribute`` to qualify
    a starting tag with a required attribute value, to avoid false
    matches on common tags such as ``<TD>`` or ``<DIV>``.

    Call ``with_attribute`` with a series of attribute names and
    values. Specify the list of filter attributes names and values as:

    - keyword arguments, as in ``(align="right")``, or
    - as an explicit dict with ``**`` operator, when an attribute
      name is also a Python reserved word, as in ``**{"class":"Customer", "align":"right"}``
    - a list of name-value tuples, as in ``(("ns1:class", "Customer"), ("ns2:align", "right"))``

    For attribute names with a namespace prefix, you must use the second
    form.  Attribute names are matched insensitive to upper/lower case.

    If just testing for ``class`` (with or without a namespace), use

    To verify that the attribute exists, but without specifying a value,
    pass ``with_attribute.ANY_VALUE`` as the value.


        html = '''
            Some text
            <div type="grid">1 4 0 1 0</div>
            <div type="graph">1,3 2,3 1,1</div>
            <div>this has no type</div>

        div,div_end = make_html_tags("div")

        # only match div tag having a type attribute with value "grid"
        div_grid = div().set_parse_action(with_attribute(type="grid"))
        grid_expr = div_grid + SkipTo(div | div_end)("body")
        for grid_header in grid_expr.search_string(html):

        # construct a match with any div tag having a type attribute, regardless of the value
        div_any_type = div().set_parse_action(with_attribute(type=with_attribute.ANY_VALUE))
        div_expr = div_any_type + SkipTo(div | div_end)("body")
        for div_header in div_expr.search_string(html):


        1 4 0 1 0

        1 4 0 1 0
        1,3 2,3 1,1
    if args:
        attrs = args[:]
        attrs = attr_dict.items()
    attrs = [(k, v) for k, v in attrs]

    def pa(s, l, tokens):
        for attrName, attrValue in attrs:
            if attrName not in tokens:
                raise ParseException(s, l, "no matching attribute " + attrName)
            if attrValue != with_attribute.ANY_VALUE and tokens[attrName] != attrValue:
                raise ParseException(
                    "attribute {!r} has value {!r}, must be {!r}".format(
                        attrName, tokens[attrName], attrValue

    return pa

with_attribute.ANY_VALUE = object()

def with_class(classname, namespace=""):
    Simplified version of :class:`with_attribute` when
    matching on a div class - made difficult because ``class`` is
    a reserved word in Python.


        html = '''
            Some text
            <div class="grid">1 4 0 1 0</div>
            <div class="graph">1,3 2,3 1,1</div>
            <div>this &lt;div&gt; has no class</div>

        div,div_end = make_html_tags("div")
        div_grid = div().set_parse_action(with_class("grid"))

        grid_expr = div_grid + SkipTo(div | div_end)("body")
        for grid_header in grid_expr.search_string(html):

        div_any_type = div().set_parse_action(with_class(withAttribute.ANY_VALUE))
        div_expr = div_any_type + SkipTo(div | div_end)("body")
        for div_header in div_expr.search_string(html):


        1 4 0 1 0

        1 4 0 1 0
        1,3 2,3 1,1
    classattr = "{}:class".format(namespace) if namespace else "class"
    return with_attribute(**{classattr: classname})

# pre-PEP8 compatibility symbols
replaceWith = replace_with
removeQuotes = remove_quotes
withAttribute = with_attribute
withClass = with_class
matchOnlyAtCol = match_only_at_col


Name Type Size Permission Actions
__pycache__ Folder 0755
diagram Folder 0755
__init__.py File 8.94 KB 0644
actions.py File 6.28 KB 0644
common.py File 12.63 KB 0644
core.py File 208.31 KB 0644
exceptions.py File 8.81 KB 0644
helpers.py File 38.21 KB 0644
results.py File 24.75 KB 0644
testing.py File 13.09 KB 0644
unicode.py File 10.53 KB 0644
util.py File 6.65 KB 0644