[ Avaa Bypassed ]



elspacio@ ~ $
import unittest

import sys
from unittest.test.support import LoggingResult, TestEquality

### Support code for Test_TestSuite

class Test(object):
    class Foo(unittest.TestCase):
        def test_1(self): pass
        def test_2(self): pass
        def test_3(self): pass
        def runTest(self): pass

def _mk_TestSuite(*names):
    return unittest.TestSuite(Test.Foo(n) for n in names)


class Test_TestSuite(unittest.TestCase, TestEquality):

    ### Set up attributes needed by inherited tests

    # Used by TestEquality.test_eq
    eq_pairs = [(unittest.TestSuite(), unittest.TestSuite()),
                (unittest.TestSuite(), unittest.TestSuite([])),
               (_mk_TestSuite('test_1'), _mk_TestSuite('test_1'))]

    # Used by TestEquality.test_ne
    ne_pairs = [(unittest.TestSuite(), _mk_TestSuite('test_1')),
                (unittest.TestSuite([]), _mk_TestSuite('test_1')),
                (_mk_TestSuite('test_1', 'test_2'), _mk_TestSuite('test_1', 'test_3')),
                (_mk_TestSuite('test_1'), _mk_TestSuite('test_2'))]

    ### /Set up attributes needed by inherited tests

    ### Tests for TestSuite.__init__

    # "class TestSuite([tests])"
    # The tests iterable should be optional
    def test_init__tests_optional(self):
        suite = unittest.TestSuite()

        self.assertEqual(suite.countTestCases(), 0)

    # "class TestSuite([tests])"
    # ...
    # "If tests is given, it must be an iterable of individual test cases
    # or other test suites that will be used to build the suite initially"
    # TestSuite should deal with empty tests iterables by allowing the
    # creation of an empty suite
    def test_init__empty_tests(self):
        suite = unittest.TestSuite([])

        self.assertEqual(suite.countTestCases(), 0)

    # "class TestSuite([tests])"
    # ...
    # "If tests is given, it must be an iterable of individual test cases
    # or other test suites that will be used to build the suite initially"
    # TestSuite should allow any iterable to provide tests
    def test_init__tests_from_any_iterable(self):
        def tests():
            yield unittest.FunctionTestCase(lambda: None)
            yield unittest.FunctionTestCase(lambda: None)

        suite_1 = unittest.TestSuite(tests())
        self.assertEqual(suite_1.countTestCases(), 2)

        suite_2 = unittest.TestSuite(suite_1)
        self.assertEqual(suite_2.countTestCases(), 2)

        suite_3 = unittest.TestSuite(set(suite_1))
        self.assertEqual(suite_3.countTestCases(), 2)

    # "class TestSuite([tests])"
    # ...
    # "If tests is given, it must be an iterable of individual test cases
    # or other test suites that will be used to build the suite initially"
    # Does TestSuite() also allow other TestSuite() instances to be present
    # in the tests iterable?
    def test_init__TestSuite_instances_in_tests(self):
        def tests():
            ftc = unittest.FunctionTestCase(lambda: None)
            yield unittest.TestSuite([ftc])
            yield unittest.FunctionTestCase(lambda: None)

        suite = unittest.TestSuite(tests())
        self.assertEqual(suite.countTestCases(), 2)

    ### /Tests for TestSuite.__init__

    # Container types should support the iter protocol
    def test_iter(self):
        test1 = unittest.FunctionTestCase(lambda: None)
        test2 = unittest.FunctionTestCase(lambda: None)
        suite = unittest.TestSuite((test1, test2))

        self.assertEqual(list(suite), [test1, test2])

    # "Return the number of tests represented by the this test object.
    # ...this method is also implemented by the TestSuite class, which can
    # return larger [greater than 1] values"
    # Presumably an empty TestSuite returns 0?
    def test_countTestCases_zero_simple(self):
        suite = unittest.TestSuite()

        self.assertEqual(suite.countTestCases(), 0)

    # "Return the number of tests represented by the this test object.
    # ...this method is also implemented by the TestSuite class, which can
    # return larger [greater than 1] values"
    # Presumably an empty TestSuite (even if it contains other empty
    # TestSuite instances) returns 0?
    def test_countTestCases_zero_nested(self):
        class Test1(unittest.TestCase):
            def test(self):

        suite = unittest.TestSuite([unittest.TestSuite()])

        self.assertEqual(suite.countTestCases(), 0)

    # "Return the number of tests represented by the this test object.
    # ...this method is also implemented by the TestSuite class, which can
    # return larger [greater than 1] values"
    def test_countTestCases_simple(self):
        test1 = unittest.FunctionTestCase(lambda: None)
        test2 = unittest.FunctionTestCase(lambda: None)
        suite = unittest.TestSuite((test1, test2))

        self.assertEqual(suite.countTestCases(), 2)

    # "Return the number of tests represented by the this test object.
    # ...this method is also implemented by the TestSuite class, which can
    # return larger [greater than 1] values"
    # Make sure this holds for nested TestSuite instances, too
    def test_countTestCases_nested(self):
        class Test1(unittest.TestCase):
            def test1(self): pass
            def test2(self): pass

        test2 = unittest.FunctionTestCase(lambda: None)
        test3 = unittest.FunctionTestCase(lambda: None)
        child = unittest.TestSuite((Test1('test2'), test2))
        parent = unittest.TestSuite((test3, child, Test1('test1')))

        self.assertEqual(parent.countTestCases(), 4)

    # "Run the tests associated with this suite, collecting the result into
    # the test result object passed as result."
    # And if there are no tests? What then?
    def test_run__empty_suite(self):
        events = []
        result = LoggingResult(events)

        suite = unittest.TestSuite()


        self.assertEqual(events, [])

    # "Note that unlike TestCase.run(), TestSuite.run() requires the
    # "result object to be passed in."
    def test_run__requires_result(self):
        suite = unittest.TestSuite()

        except TypeError:
            self.fail("Failed to raise TypeError")

    # "Run the tests associated with this suite, collecting the result into
    # the test result object passed as result."
    def test_run(self):
        events = []
        result = LoggingResult(events)

        class LoggingCase(unittest.TestCase):
            def run(self, result):
                events.append('run %s' % self._testMethodName)

            def test1(self): pass
            def test2(self): pass

        tests = [LoggingCase('test1'), LoggingCase('test2')]


        self.assertEqual(events, ['run test1', 'run test2'])

    # "Add a TestCase ... to the suite"
    def test_addTest__TestCase(self):
        class Foo(unittest.TestCase):
            def test(self): pass

        test = Foo('test')
        suite = unittest.TestSuite()


        self.assertEqual(suite.countTestCases(), 1)
        self.assertEqual(list(suite), [test])

    # "Add a ... TestSuite to the suite"
    def test_addTest__TestSuite(self):
        class Foo(unittest.TestCase):
            def test(self): pass

        suite_2 = unittest.TestSuite([Foo('test')])

        suite = unittest.TestSuite()

        self.assertEqual(suite.countTestCases(), 1)
        self.assertEqual(list(suite), [suite_2])

    # "Add all the tests from an iterable of TestCase and TestSuite
    # instances to this test suite."
    # "This is equivalent to iterating over tests, calling addTest() for
    # each element"
    def test_addTests(self):
        class Foo(unittest.TestCase):
            def test_1(self): pass
            def test_2(self): pass

        test_1 = Foo('test_1')
        test_2 = Foo('test_2')
        inner_suite = unittest.TestSuite([test_2])

        def gen():
            yield test_1
            yield test_2
            yield inner_suite

        suite_1 = unittest.TestSuite()

        self.assertEqual(list(suite_1), list(gen()))

        # "This is equivalent to iterating over tests, calling addTest() for
        # each element"
        suite_2 = unittest.TestSuite()
        for t in gen():

        self.assertEqual(suite_1, suite_2)

    # "Add all the tests from an iterable of TestCase and TestSuite
    # instances to this test suite."
    # What happens if it doesn't get an iterable?
    def test_addTest__noniterable(self):
        suite = unittest.TestSuite()

        except TypeError:
            self.fail("Failed to raise TypeError")

    def test_addTest__noncallable(self):
        suite = unittest.TestSuite()
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, suite.addTest, 5)

    def test_addTest__casesuiteclass(self):
        suite = unittest.TestSuite()
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, suite.addTest, Test_TestSuite)
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, suite.addTest, unittest.TestSuite)

    def test_addTests__string(self):
        suite = unittest.TestSuite()
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, suite.addTests, "foo")

    def test_function_in_suite(self):
        def f(_):
        suite = unittest.TestSuite()

        # when the bug is fixed this line will not crash

    def test_basetestsuite(self):
        class Test(unittest.TestCase):
            wasSetUp = False
            wasTornDown = False
            def setUpClass(cls):
                cls.wasSetUp = True
            def tearDownClass(cls):
                cls.wasTornDown = True
            def testPass(self):
            def testFail(self):
        class Module(object):
            wasSetUp = False
            wasTornDown = False
            def setUpModule():
                Module.wasSetUp = True
            def tearDownModule():
                Module.wasTornDown = True

        Test.__module__ = 'Module'
        sys.modules['Module'] = Module
        self.addCleanup(sys.modules.pop, 'Module')

        suite = unittest.BaseTestSuite()
        suite.addTests([Test('testPass'), Test('testFail')])
        self.assertEqual(suite.countTestCases(), 2)

        result = unittest.TestResult()
        self.assertEqual(len(result.errors), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(result.failures), 0)
        self.assertEqual(result.testsRun, 2)

    def test_overriding_call(self):
        class MySuite(unittest.TestSuite):
            called = False
            def __call__(self, *args, **kw):
                self.called = True
                unittest.TestSuite.__call__(self, *args, **kw)

        suite = MySuite()
        result = unittest.TestResult()
        wrapper = unittest.TestSuite()

        # reusing results should be permitted even if abominable

if __name__ == '__main__':


Name Type Size Permission Actions
__init__.py File 514 B 0644
__init__.pyc File 932 B 0644
__init__.pyo File 932 B 0644
dummy.py File 50 B 0644
dummy.pyc File 143 B 0644
dummy.pyo File 143 B 0644
support.py File 3.39 KB 0644
support.pyc File 6.19 KB 0644
support.pyo File 6.19 KB 0644
test_assertions.py File 11.68 KB 0644
test_assertions.pyc File 13.64 KB 0644
test_assertions.pyo File 13.64 KB 0644
test_break.py File 9.42 KB 0644
test_break.pyc File 10.27 KB 0644
test_break.pyo File 10.27 KB 0644
test_case.py File 44.65 KB 0644
test_case.pyc File 48 KB 0644
test_case.pyo File 48 KB 0644
test_discovery.py File 13.98 KB 0644
test_discovery.pyc File 18.01 KB 0644
test_discovery.pyo File 18.01 KB 0644
test_functiontestcase.py File 5.42 KB 0644
test_functiontestcase.pyc File 6.27 KB 0644
test_functiontestcase.pyo File 6.27 KB 0644
test_loader.py File 48.7 KB 0644
test_loader.pyc File 51.31 KB 0644
test_loader.pyo File 51.31 KB 0644
test_program.py File 7.4 KB 0644
test_program.pyc File 10.68 KB 0644
test_program.pyo File 10.63 KB 0644
test_result.py File 18.61 KB 0644
test_result.pyc File 21.89 KB 0644
test_result.pyo File 21.89 KB 0644
test_runner.py File 8.41 KB 0644
test_runner.pyc File 14.56 KB 0644
test_runner.pyo File 14.56 KB 0644
test_setups.py File 16.07 KB 0644
test_setups.pyc File 30.22 KB 0644
test_setups.pyo File 30.22 KB 0644
test_skipping.py File 5.61 KB 0644
test_skipping.pyc File 9.87 KB 0644
test_skipping.pyo File 9.87 KB 0644
test_suite.py File 11.8 KB 0644
test_suite.pyc File 16.05 KB 0644
test_suite.pyo File 16.05 KB 0644