[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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L��M��u�1�H��[]A\A]�1����H��H���memory was exhausted while profilingcalled code object or built-in function namehow many times this is called recursivelyinline time (not in further subcalls)code object or built-in function namehow many times this was calledhow many times called recursivelyinline time in this entry (not in subcalls)((Olldd))|Odii:Profiler__builtin__<%s.%s><%s><built-in method %s>((OllddO))|ii:enableFast profiler_lsprofsubcallsbuiltinstimertimeunitgetstatsdisableclear_lsprof.profiler_subentry_lsprof.profiler_entrycodehow many times this is calledreccallcounttotaltimetotal time spent in this callinlinetimetotal time in this entrydetails of the calls_lsprof.Profiler��������������������������ư>�=�A;�0��p�`� ��<��T �p@��P��������L���p�����0� 0���l������������������,����@zRx�$H�@FJw�?:*3$"D`�0\8�`A�^x|�HT���;E�u���HK ���E�G0�
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���o4�< ���� 0@P`p�������� 0@P`p�������Profiler(timer=None, timeunit=None, subcalls=True, builtins=True)

    Builds a profiler object using the specified timer function.
    The default timer is a fast built-in one based on real time.
    For custom timer functions returning integers, timeunit can
    be a float specifying a scale (i.e. how long each integer unit
    is, in seconds).

Clear all profiling information collected so far.

Stop collecting profiling information.
enable(subcalls=True, builtins=True)

Start collecting profiling information.
If 'subcalls' is True, also records for each function
statistics separated according to its current caller.
If 'builtins' is True, records the time spent in
built-in functions separately from their caller.
getstats() -> list of profiler_entry objects

Return all information collected by the profiler.
Each profiler_entry is a tuple-like object with the
following attributes:

    code          code object
    callcount     how many times this was called
    reccallcount  how many times called recursively
    totaltime     total time in this entry
    inlinetime    inline time in this entry (not in subcalls)
    calls         details of the calls

The calls attribute is either None or a list of
profiler_subentry objects:

    code          called code object
    callcount     how many times this is called
    reccallcount  how many times this is called recursively
    totaltime     total time spent in this call
    inlinetime    inline time (not in further subcalls)
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