[ Avaa Bypassed ]



elspacio@ ~ $
'''Define SearchDialogBase used by Search, Replace, and Grep dialogs.'''

from Tkinter import (Toplevel, Frame, Entry, Label, Button,
                     Checkbutton, Radiobutton)

class SearchDialogBase:
    '''Create most of a 3 or 4 row, 3 column search dialog.

    The left and wide middle column contain:
    1 or 2 labeled text entry lines (make_entry, create_entries);
    a row of standard Checkbuttons (make_frame, create_option_buttons),
    each of which corresponds to a search engine Variable;
    a row of dialog-specific Check/Radiobuttons (create_other_buttons).

    The narrow right column contains command buttons
    (make_button, create_command_buttons).
    These are bound to functions that execute the command.

    Except for command buttons, this base class is not limited to items
    common to all three subclasses.  Rather, it is the Find dialog minus
    the "Find Next" command, its execution function, and the
    default_command attribute needed in create_widgets. The other
    dialogs override attributes and methods, the latter to replace and
    add widgets.

    title = "Search Dialog"  # replace in subclasses
    icon = "Search"
    needwrapbutton = 1  # not in Find in Files

    def __init__(self, root, engine):
        '''Initialize root, engine, and top attributes.

        top (level widget): set in create_widgets() called from open().
        text (Text searched): set in open(), only used in subclasses().
        ent (ry): created in make_entry() called from create_entry().
        row (of grid): 0 in create_widgets(), +1 in make_entry/frame().
        default_command: set in subclasses, used in create_widgers().

        title (of dialog): class attribute, override in subclasses.
        icon (of dialog): ditto, use unclear if cannot minimize dialog.
        self.root = root
        self.engine = engine
        self.top = None

    def open(self, text, searchphrase=None):
        "Make dialog visible on top of others and ready to use."
        self.text = text
        if not self.top:
        if searchphrase:
        self.ent.selection_range(0, "end")

    def close(self, event=None):
        "Put dialog away for later use."
        if self.top:

    def create_widgets(self):
        '''Create basic 3 row x 3 col search (find) dialog.

        Other dialogs override subsidiary create_x methods as needed.
        Replace and Find-in-Files add another entry row.
        top = Toplevel(self.root)
        top.bind("<Return>", self.default_command)
        top.bind("<Escape>", self.close)
        top.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.close)
        self.top = top

        self.row = 0
        self.top.grid_columnconfigure(0, pad=2, weight=0)
        self.top.grid_columnconfigure(1, pad=2, minsize=100, weight=100)

        self.create_entries()  # row 0 (and maybe 1), cols 0, 1
        self.create_option_buttons()  # next row, cols 0, 1
        self.create_other_buttons()  # next row, cols 0, 1
        self.create_command_buttons()  # col 2, all rows

    def make_entry(self, label_text, var):
        '''Return (entry, label), .

        entry - gridded labeled Entry for text entry.
        label - Label widget, returned for testing.
        label = Label(self.top, text=label_text)
        label.grid(row=self.row, column=0, sticky="nw")
        entry = Entry(self.top, textvariable=var, exportselection=0)
        entry.grid(row=self.row, column=1, sticky="nwe")
        self.row = self.row + 1
        return entry, label

    def create_entries(self):
        "Create one or more entry lines with make_entry."
        self.ent = self.make_entry("Find:", self.engine.patvar)[0]

    def make_frame(self,labeltext=None):
        '''Return (frame, label).

        frame - gridded labeled Frame for option or other buttons.
        label - Label widget, returned for testing.
        if labeltext:
            label = Label(self.top, text=labeltext)
            label.grid(row=self.row, column=0, sticky="nw")
            label = ''
        frame = Frame(self.top)
        frame.grid(row=self.row, column=1, columnspan=1, sticky="nwe")
        self.row = self.row + 1
        return frame, label

    def create_option_buttons(self):
        '''Return (filled frame, options) for testing.

        Options is a list of SearchEngine booleanvar, label pairs.
        A gridded frame from make_frame is filled with a Checkbutton
        for each pair, bound to the var, with the corresponding label.
        frame = self.make_frame("Options")[0]
        engine = self.engine
        options = [(engine.revar, "Regular expression"),
                   (engine.casevar, "Match case"),
                   (engine.wordvar, "Whole word")]
        if self.needwrapbutton:
            options.append((engine.wrapvar, "Wrap around"))
        for var, label in options:
            btn = Checkbutton(frame, anchor="w", variable=var, text=label)
            btn.pack(side="left", fill="both")
            if var.get():
        return frame, options

    def create_other_buttons(self):
        '''Return (frame, others) for testing.

        Others is a list of value, label pairs.
        A gridded frame from make_frame is filled with radio buttons.
        frame = self.make_frame("Direction")[0]
        var = self.engine.backvar
        others = [(1, 'Up'), (0, 'Down')]
        for val, label in others:
            btn = Radiobutton(frame, anchor="w",
                              variable=var, value=val, text=label)
            btn.pack(side="left", fill="both")
            if var.get() == val:
        return frame, others

    def make_button(self, label, command, isdef=0):
        "Return command button gridded in command frame."
        b = Button(self.buttonframe,
                   text=label, command=command,
                   default=isdef and "active" or "normal")
        return b

    def create_command_buttons(self):
        "Place buttons in vertical command frame gridded on right."
        f = self.buttonframe = Frame(self.top)

        b = self.make_button("close", self.close)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import unittest
        'idlelib.idle_test.test_searchdialogbase', verbosity=2)


Name Type Size Permission Actions
Icons Folder 0755
idle_test Folder 0755
AutoComplete.py File 8.75 KB 0644
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AutoComplete.pyo File 7.99 KB 0644
AutoCompleteWindow.py File 16.91 KB 0644
AutoCompleteWindow.pyc File 12.42 KB 0644
AutoCompleteWindow.pyo File 12.36 KB 0644
AutoExpand.py File 3.32 KB 0644
AutoExpand.pyc File 3.5 KB 0644
AutoExpand.pyo File 3.5 KB 0644
Bindings.py File 2.91 KB 0644
Bindings.pyc File 4.6 KB 0644
Bindings.pyo File 4.6 KB 0644
CREDITS.txt File 1.82 KB 0644
CallTipWindow.py File 5.92 KB 0644
CallTipWindow.pyc File 6.14 KB 0644
CallTipWindow.pyo File 6.14 KB 0644
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CallTips.pyc File 8.16 KB 0644
CallTips.pyo File 8.16 KB 0644
ChangeLog File 55.07 KB 0644
ClassBrowser.py File 6.83 KB 0644
ClassBrowser.pyc File 9.66 KB 0644
ClassBrowser.pyo File 9.66 KB 0644
CodeContext.py File 8.15 KB 0644
CodeContext.pyc File 6.63 KB 0644
CodeContext.pyo File 6.59 KB 0644
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ColorDelegator.pyo File 8.91 KB 0644
Debugger.py File 17.81 KB 0644
Debugger.pyc File 17.72 KB 0644
Debugger.pyo File 17.72 KB 0644
Delegator.py File 665 B 0644
Delegator.pyc File 1.31 KB 0644
Delegator.pyo File 1.31 KB 0644
EditorWindow.py File 63.96 KB 0644
EditorWindow.pyc File 57.15 KB 0644
EditorWindow.pyo File 57.05 KB 0644
FileList.py File 3.63 KB 0644
FileList.pyc File 4.07 KB 0644
FileList.pyo File 4.04 KB 0644
FormatParagraph.py File 7.12 KB 0644
FormatParagraph.pyc File 7.14 KB 0644
FormatParagraph.pyo File 7.14 KB 0644
GrepDialog.py File 5.02 KB 0644
GrepDialog.pyc File 6.45 KB 0644
GrepDialog.pyo File 6.45 KB 0644
HISTORY.txt File 10.08 KB 0644
HyperParser.py File 10.25 KB 0644
HyperParser.pyc File 6.64 KB 0644
HyperParser.pyo File 6.64 KB 0644
IOBinding.py File 21.4 KB 0644
IOBinding.pyc File 18.62 KB 0644
IOBinding.pyo File 18.62 KB 0644
IdleHistory.py File 3.96 KB 0644
IdleHistory.pyc File 4.05 KB 0644
IdleHistory.pyo File 4.05 KB 0644
MultiCall.py File 17.29 KB 0644
MultiCall.pyc File 16.4 KB 0644
MultiCall.pyo File 16.33 KB 0644
MultiStatusBar.py File 1.32 KB 0644
MultiStatusBar.pyc File 2.3 KB 0644
MultiStatusBar.pyo File 2.3 KB 0644
NEWS.txt File 46.14 KB 0644
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ObjectBrowser.pyo File 7.26 KB 0644
OutputWindow.py File 4.47 KB 0644
OutputWindow.pyc File 5.3 KB 0644
OutputWindow.pyo File 5.3 KB 0644
ParenMatch.py File 6.56 KB 0644
ParenMatch.pyc File 7.18 KB 0644
ParenMatch.pyo File 7.18 KB 0644
PathBrowser.py File 2.94 KB 0644
PathBrowser.pyc File 4.57 KB 0644
PathBrowser.pyo File 4.57 KB 0644
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Percolator.pyo File 4.51 KB 0644
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PyParse.pyc File 9.99 KB 0644
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RemoteDebugger.pyo File 16.58 KB 0644
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RemoteObjectBrowser.pyc File 2.23 KB 0644
RemoteObjectBrowser.pyo File 2.23 KB 0644
ReplaceDialog.py File 6.48 KB 0644
ReplaceDialog.pyc File 7.83 KB 0644
ReplaceDialog.pyo File 7.83 KB 0644
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RstripExtension.pyc File 1.63 KB 0644
RstripExtension.pyo File 1.63 KB 0644
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ScriptBinding.pyo File 8.17 KB 0644
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